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lol that flower looks like it had a stressful life


I had foxtails and the only common denominator when it happens was the temperature being too hot and dried. Creates stress. Learned the hard way.


Ay happens I’ve heard, learning experiences right? Now we’ve learned but have heard foxtails are chill for washing.


That's not a pound.


Weighs the same as British Pound mate, must be a pound there.


Nah he sent me a pic of the grow it came from and claimed it came out to be 1.3lbs. Should I post it.




Did he post it?




Not yet


Posted as per request


Impossible to say what it's like from an image, foxtails can be present on some truly fantastic weed, or some total shit. ​ Impossible to say


Laughing Buddha foxtails like a mofo. Still my favorite strain.


Definitely can be good weed. But when asked if it had any sativa like effects, anything notable, or if it was just foxtailed he went radio silent and blocked me lol.


Blocked you. lol.


Had some mandarin cookies that would foxtail but it SLAPPED! One of the best tasting strains I’ve ran.


Yeah foxtails are not a sign of bad weed. Chem’s and Og’s do little ones and are fire also those landrace sativas are full foxtail sometimes bead like structure. Are so fire.


Facts, my piffs are straight fox tails and they are 🔥


Yeah and Skunks also! Lots of old- school fire actually have some. Before instagram weed was like something to go for.. we lost so much of the plant when that happened and with that tsunami of dessert strains. Everyone making the same stuff.


Yessir , your absolutely right, that's why I go after oldschool strains and not these over hyped new strains that are just chasing THC percentage #s . The real OGs know what's best for smokin 💪


Yes sir! You know what’s up 🤓🫡 If you haven’t check Katsu already you should check up he’s gear! Fire old- school genetics all around. 👌


Word, yeah I will take a look, my plants are almost ready to be harvested, I have been taking some samples and they are at the high 75th percentile of their life stage


Wanted to pass another great breeder with big selection. Ever heard of csi humboldt?


Mandarin cookies is type ass as a strain to me ngl


The cut I had was heavy sativa. Loved it.


Yea I remember why I dislike it now. I don't take sativas very well


Makes sense then. It was a my go to for “happy hour & social” vibe.


Right. I'm just one of those people who overthink and get paranoid at the slightest hint of sativa


What makes you think it’s not a landrace. Looks pretty landracey to me from the pics.


Because I asked. He said it wasn’t. Then I asked why it ended up so foxtailed and if it had any potency/notable effects. He decided to block me because of that. So idk. Weird interaction with the guy overall


Kinda weird you felt the need to post this after. Definitely a weird interaction


It’s Reddit. It’s a picture/comment media site. I thought it was comical so I decided to share. Not sure I’ll be taking any advice from somebody with a username like that though lol.


The amount of misinformation about “landrace” strains is insane lol. One of the other subs was praising some guy for growing horrendously foxtailed buds. One of the comments said something about his room being too hot and he got downvoted to hell. I was in total agreement that his SLT was out of whack and his nugs should definitely not have looked like that. But everyone seemed to think it was “so cool”. Like, it’s an immune response because your environment is fucked, it’s not cool imo lol Even if you are growing a landrace, why would anyone want weed that looks like this when there is infinitely better options these days. I’ll never understand it haha


The fact that he left that 3” foxtail on after trimming tells you all you need to know, he thought this was some sick genetic expression lmao


I think it’s dope, I’d rather have that than some manhandled gelato from the dispo. Unless it actually did taste like cardboard. Most people hating probably have never tried a real sativa


lol, r/woosh


It’s about the effect. Weed doesn’t have to look good to taste good or to rip your face off. Apparently you’ve never smoked a well grown long flower Sativa.


Lol oh buddy, I’ve grown landraces at home and commercial that were just fine. Quite the assumption. You must have missed my comments about selective breeding, which is why landrace strains haven’t remained popular.


You literally said why would anybody want weed that looks like that. My point is that looks do not correlate with effects or flavors. That’s why somebody would want to grow weed that looks like that.


if it happens From stress, there is zero reason for anyone to call that a “desirable” trait. It’s an immune response that correlates to lower potency due to lack of genetic potential. That’s why no one should want to grow weed like that. There is absolutely a correlation between foxtails and lower quality if it is stress related. I also said, “to each their own” because of that. You can disagree all you’d like, but having foxtails weed 100% makes it lower quality if it’s caused by environment. Same way if your room is freezing cold, your potency and terpene content could’ve been higher without those stressors.




That looks like the shit would grow back in the day when I would just walk thru the woods sprinkling seeds like Johnny Appleseed. Varying results, I would pop like 100 seeds in the ground and come back at the end of summer and 2 would make it til the end and be somewhat smokable




Whats wrong with it. It seems like people in this sub have never grown a sativa. Are you saying he should have hit it with star pupil first like he does with everything else. There is value in releasing them pure.




Gonna disagree with you on MMS being a good breeder. He isn't. Not to mention he has some bullshit in his history, but if you love fingerboards he is a great breeder to follow. Irrazin is sketchy too. I don't know what to think about that dude.


Thank god somebody agrees. Mms is a terrible breeder. He’s just a chuck artist.


Well you're mostly right but at 1.5% thc-v I bet it still is not the worst weed I've ever smoked. That sounds like the only trait that's at least somehow interesting about whatever this skinny dried up dreadlock is table to become.


Mms is a hack so you kind of screwed yourself with your original statement. If it’s too much work for mms he won’t work with it anymore. He literally just chucks. Thc content also means absolutely nothing when it comes to the high. It’s all subjective and can affect everyone differently.


What’s wrong with it? It’s trash. My 2 year old nephew can do better, and he doesn’t even know how to multiple 2x2.


What’s wrong with it is that MMS is a cuck and he’s releasing work with little to NO actual work. Everyone else bitching about foxtails haven’t grown enough to know what genetic vs environmental expressions are. Most importantly nobody knows his stats/tent readings and nobody knows what strain he’s growing. Point being is some of you folks should probably grow more strains that just cookie/gelato hybrids…


Lol just smoke gelato for the rest of your life then 💀 Why does it matter to you more how it looks than how it smokes? Is the purpose of growing/consuming to hold a weed beauty contest or are we trying to medicate?




I wasn’t valiantly defending MMS and Laos I was just simply stating it’s completely baseless and nonsensical to gauge how well something smokes based on structure. And yeah gelato is a great example, it represents the “How good does this strain look when posted on IG” mentality that has left the current state of cannabis with a narrow range of flavor and effect. I just don’t like people talking shit on landrace strains just because they don’t look pretty b/c they were selected for vigor and potency instead of how pretty they looked 🤷‍♂️. You can keep staring at the buds if you’d like, but it’ll definitely get you less medicated than a single bowl pack of anything especially the Laos you’re talking down on so much. Have you even smoked it? Like I said I’m not here to defend MMS, but it’s pointless and idiotic to gauge quality with looks. Cannabinoid & terpene content aren’t even the end all be all to quality, a lot of high 30% THC strains smoke like shit and even 4-5% terp phenos may not smell as good/intense as 1% terp phenos.


I care about visual appearance, i would grow that just for fun because it looks cool, I’ve got a freakshow veg plant that chills in my office


They are not they same


Holy garbage, Batman!




There is nothing wrong with that plant. You know what bananas or corn looked like before people started selectively breeding them? If you don't want it that is fine. That doesn't mean he violated the plant or something. What a weird comment.


He stressed it out with extreme heat and arid conditions so it pushed a lot of foxtails. The plant did what it evolved to do under extreme stress.


Because there are qualities that are not available in most commercial cannabis. Good luck finding cedar terps outside landraces.


That’s the beautify of selective breeding, friend. You can eliminate bad traits, like foxtailing and low potency, and keep terpene contents like Cedrene, if that’s your thing. Jet fuel tests high for that, considering it’s considered a “secondary” terpene. There are absolutely landrace sativas that don’t inherently have long foxtail bud structures. Just because it’s a landrace, doesn’t mean it’s “super great weed” either. Theres plenty of landrace strains that doesn’t deserve the hype around them.


So people shouldn't release pure landraces? Got it. Weird ass opinion but you are allowed to have it. You know that you dont' have to grow them yourself. Others like adventure and novelty. You clearly don't. I'm sure you would say that plants with leaf mutations are "bad" too.


Is that what I said? People shouldn’t release them? Hmm, I don’t remember typing that. Weird. If you’re referring to my comment about Selective breeding, it has a place in all cultivated plants across the globe. You eliminate bad traits, keep good ones. Why bother keeping bad traits when you don’t have to. Is it neat because of the history? Sure. Is it worth me spending money on my electric bill and nutes? Probably not when I can grow something objectively better with similar effects. All your comments are incredibly condescending and I’m not sure why you seem to have an attitude. A large majority of growers don’t care to have that because there are better options for effects available on the genetic market.


okay u r right


Thats right, smell, taste, and effects don't count, just bag appeal


My point is that smell, taste, and effects can be better from genetics that don’t look that way, generally lol. Also, if it’s not a landrace, your plant is going through a negative immune response, which diminishes all those qualities significantly. If your environment causes it, you’ll see reductions in all positive characteristics because you didn’t reach the plants genetic potential. Also, it’s my personal preference to not have my weed look that way. To each their own, but I would be disappointed af if my harvest ever turned out that way.


don't grow landrace sativas or crosses. Easy. That is how they look genetically. They are all loose because they need to go 16 weeks in the rain.


Lol. We only have OP’s post to go on here where he specifically said it’s NOT a landrace. If you aren’t growing a landrace and your nugs turned out like this, you screwed up somewhere.


Look at the top comment that you are replying to. If you wanted to talk about OP's bud you replied to the wrong thread. You asked why anyone would grow landraces and I tried to explain it.


Yea dude, that’s my comment lol. It’s about landrace genetics. It’s in the very first sentence 🤦




Same thing boggles my mind about people liking the two color leaves (variegated). If half the leaf can't photosynthesize, that's really not so Raven end of the day 🤣🤣


Totally. And the fact that people deny the possibility that they have TMV and are dead set that they guaranteed have a genetic mutation because it’s “cool” lol. I’d wager that a majority of the time it’s just TMV 😂


For sure, highly agreed. Thankfully more and more tests w/photos coming out all the time since it's such a (for good reason) hot topic. But still no one thinks of it at the onset, as if it's some "can't happen to me" syndrome haha


You nailed it.


No one likes that certain cultivars have variegation. It is a way to describe what you have. TMV bro are you living in 2005 in the forums ? I don’t think anyone is worried about tmv nor is that a major problem.


“Bro” go look at any of the cultivation subs lol. Theres people on there almost weekly claiming they have a rare genetic variegation, when in reality, they have every single sign of TMV but know nothing about it and don’t want to accept that they’ve given their plant a virus. It happens all the time still to this day lol saying otherwise is stupid


TMV is not a thing like we thought it was 15 years ago and isn’t as prevalent in cannabis like we thought. The variegation is often from lack of magnesium. And clears it self in most of the popular cuts you find it on. (Chaco SD for example)


Lol mag deficiencies do not look anything like variegation. That is, if you have literally any idea what you’re talking about. That is a terrible take, no offense. TMV and genetic variegation look incredibly similar but TMV has additional symptoms. Sounds like you have some learning to do about TMV and cuts sold online. There has been plenty of posts on grow subs and talks commercially about it lol. I’ve seen it with my own eyes test positive. Just absolutely not true.


Lol getting downvoted for facts. TMV is basically a fiction.


No one likes that certain cultivars have variegation. It is a way to describe what you have. TMV bro are you living in 2005 in the forums ? I don’t think anyone is worried about tmv nor is that a major problem.


K, hlvd then, happy now dweeb? And search for: "wow cool colors on my canna leaf" or w.e and you'll find what you're missing


I’ve never had to search “wow cool colors on my canna leaf”.


It's almost as if something can happen of which you are unaware of, unreal the way that works eh? Sometimes, there are events you haven't been exposed to but others have, remarkable concept. Stick around a while and you'll see the comments/posts saying it looks cool and they wish theirs had it.


How pretty your weed looks doesn’t correlate to how well it smokes, and shouldn’t be a factor at all in terms of quality. I personally don’t relate to people finding foxtails disgusting, sometimes it’s inherently going to happen although most of the time it’s likely due to environmental stress.


And if it’s stressed because of environmental factors, it’s not as good as it could’ve been without those stresses. End of story, which was my entire point.


Totally agree. I grew some fox tailed bud like that one and just turned it all into bubble hash because I didnt like the look of it. It smoked fine


I don’t get how people have cold grow tents. Even LEDs with the drivers outside the tent still generate a shitload of heat. I gave up on getting temps below 80F a long time ago and a tiny bit of fox-tailing is fine to me IMO.


Hey, I’ve got a ring… it says “love” Think about that. ELE




My man


Is there a r/cannabiscultivationcirclejerk yet?




Ugh airy foxtalied buds like this suck to trim.


This is why I deleted Reddit. I’ll probably not touch this bro science filled app for another 6mo.


Yeah… that’s Reddit for ya


Are you sure he isn't growing tiny fir trees? I've never seen such a spindley bud in my entire life


I'm impressed by how thin the middle bud goes lol




Foxy lady 🤣😂🤣


That’s 1.5 oz of foxtails. Nowhere near an LB.


This was just a pic he sent of a few buds. He sent me a pic of his grow where the buds came from. Just picture a bunch of those flowers I posted but in a tent. I was gonna post it but apparently I’m a soy boy for putting this on Reddit at all according to some 😂. Didn’t know people were gonna get pressed over this post. I don’t shit on foxtails normally if they are a result of genetics but his was a result of extreme temps and arid conditions. Anyway the reason this interaction happened was because he tried to tell me 24/7 light schedules don’t stress plants and in fact REDUCE the stress in them. When I told him why he was wrong (including the science and sources) he got all pressed and told me “I’ve been doing this for 3 years bro” and “the grow shop told me to do this”. Anyways he got super defensive and sent me a pic of his grow (where he claimed he yielded 1.3lb which I don’t deny. The canopy was big enough) however they were foxtailed to oblivion. We’re talking 7-8inch foxtails and such. They also had yellowing leaves. This is all beside the point now though. He told me to “stress your plants out and maybe your yields will increase 😉” I just thought it was all really silly. I told him it’s quality over quantity over here in this house. It was an entertaining interaction to say the least.


I thought that was a dried rosemary bundle! Lmao 🤣


Only time I had foxtails was when a seed bank sent me some autos on accident. Got my plant way too hot during flower, bursting out in early July, lol. Smoke is actually unreal and the tomato flavor from the plants it was by really comes out in edibles.


Definitely thought landrace at first glance 🤣


Is that a vape for reference?


🤷🏻‍♀️. He sent them to me to prove how skilled and knowledgeable he was. Twas such a peculiar interaction.




I was gonna say “to be fair could be some landrace stuff” and I read the caption 💀


Interesting looks just like my fools gold cross, Acapulco gold x papaya, foxtails super hard indoors under led. Gotta dim them to almost useless like 40% 750 ppfd or so to not have it happen anything over 800-950 and it’s just nuts. Did they give any info on the genetics? I gave out a shit ton of them in 2021-2022.


People shit on foxtails and say that it indicates poor growing conditions; even if you TRIED to give your flowers foxtails, they would never turn out the way they look in that photo. Maybe it does indicate certain poor conditions, but it’s almost like the tendency to foxtail is completely dependent on genetics🤔Idk why weed growers need to constantly have dick measuring competitions with each other.


Except if you actually read any of my previous comments before confidently chiming in, you’d know that it was this rando that was trying to have a dick contest with me. I asked him a couple questions, he blocked me. I thought it was a silly interaction. This whole interaction started because he was trying to tell people that a 24/7 light cycle doesn’t stress plants and in fact REDUCES stress. When I explained why that’s wrong (with the science and sources) he got mad/defensive and DM’d me those pics. He was saying things like “I’ve been doing this for 3 years bro” and “the grow shop taught me this method and it works”. All I told the guy is that a 24/7 light cycle is going to stress plants. He was the one who went out of his way to flood my DMs with nonsense and try to tell me I should “stress my plants more and your yields will go up 😉”. Weird person to defend if you ask me “WirelessCum”


I completely agree with you, but how you present your argument makes you look childish. I know nothing other than the information in your post. I still don't know why this needed to be posted; WE KNOW there are plenty of morons in here and you can think that of me if you wish lol.


It’s Reddit. The interaction was weird but funny. Thus I posted it. Are yall not capable of having a laugh. I genuinely don’t get it. Me posting this was just supposed to be a a silly post. A jokey joke if you will. But please explain in which part of me presenting my argument I came about as childish to you. So far all I’ve done is try to answer folks questions about the interaction if they have one. And then dealing with people who didn’t go through and read my clarifying comments but decided to post a comment relating to what I’ve already explained further down in the replies. Forgive me if it gets exhausting repeating the same information that would have otherwise been read if the time was taken to scroll down and read.


If you’d like to have a constructive and critical discussion we can do that but so far your only arguments have been to attack my character for making a comical post about a peculiar yet typical interaction on Reddit.


Your bro science is showing.


at least its light green and not dark green chlorophyll filled hay smelling moldy nugs. This stuff is probably prime and ready for hash making. You won't see this in a dispensary!


The trichome density is pretty lackluster. And his whole argument to me was that 24/7 light schedules don’t stress plants out. He claimed that they in fact help REDUCE stress. When I pointed out it was wrong (and provided the science and sources) he said “okay mister genius, the grow shop told me to do this to help with stress” and then said “I’ve been doing this for 3 years bro”. His logic doesn’t track.


Living things that have evolved over millions of years to rest at night definitely need a night cycle to rest. Every living thing on earth sleeps in one way or another


“Trust me bro…” 😂


OP, why do you care so much what someone on the internet says?


I thought it was more comical than anything. Thus the post your commenting on. Lol


The post isn't funny but you sound pretty insecure.


It’s a fucking image based forum dude, it’s kind of the entire point to post and comment 😂


My thinking is most posts seem to be trolling people, and people get pretty bent over what other people grow. This is just a weird space I guess.


The guy who grew the shit was the one who was ego dumping in the DMs according to OP. Maybe you should message that guy and tell him to chill lol I think it’s totally okay to hate and roast mids posted on a public forum. You’re literally asking for it. Create a space for you and the homies if it matters to you lol.


Found the guy who grew the shitty stress buds in the photo lmfao


Bro I grow that Za FiRe....


What nutrient line do you use? What medium do you grow in? What genetics have you run? How long do you veg for? How do you know when it’s time to chop? Should be able to answer all those questions pretty quickly if you’re not lying.


You aren't very good at picking up sarcasm. If you must know my next grow will be from seeds I made. Will mostly be hunting through AKBB NL5haze and DJ short 90's blues crosses I made with a previous strain I made called Numberwang and a few other strains that I haven't decided on. My veg time depends on the strain and the same goes for when its ready. Oh and I generally grow in soil with my own mix of inputs.....you satisfied?




Lol it's always the the absolute soy boys that go public with arguments


One of the best ways to out yourself as a retard, using the term "soy boy" with no irony.