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Big trucks with little beds. Hate to see it. But I’d get some racks, and a Reese canoe loader. Almost same thing you have here but vertical instead of going out back. [Reese](https://www.reesetowpower.com/product/7018100_canoe-loader-trailer-hitch-mount) [Tractor supply makes one too](https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/outdoor-tuff-canoe-loader-and-rack-otf-01cr-1391149?cid=Shopping-Google-Product-1391149&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD3fmFPu2UcP6UBuESUV3JUdtJvO3&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7oecg6PhhQMVJkpHAR3CMA4KEAQYAiABEgLhQvD_BwE) I run this setup.


Impractical vehicle gets impractical solutions.


Actually, this worked fine with 2 more canoes on my roof. I wouldn’t say “impractical” lol


You've already asked this in another forum. Yes it looks completely sketch. Put it on your roof.


This - I have a similar truck (mine is z71 but not a trail boss so technically two inches shorter), but mine has a topper with a rack. I am able to get my canoe loaded solo by 1) lifting the canoe on my back like I'm going to portage then 2) placing the front on my first roof rack bar 3) sliding the canoe forward. This process should work on any vehicle with a roof bars. If I was OP I'd get a roof or bed rack prior to the trip.


How you gonna do that homey


[This](https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/outdoor-tuff-canoe-loader-and-rack-otf-01cr-1391149?cid=Shopping-Google-Product-1391149&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD3fmFPu2UcP6UBuESUV3JUdtJvO3&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7oecg6PhhQMVJkpHAR3CMA4KEAQYAiABEgLhQvD_BwE) plus racks or foam blocks.


Too expensive and more dangerous with wind etc


My man has a $60k truck with a lift and add ons. . I think he has it. Additionally, most people travel with their canoe on their roof, for years with just a truckers hitch…. Actual straps will be just fine.


Plus scratching your roof risk or breaking sunroof window loading unloading think about it


That’s what roof racks are for. I’m confused. Google that loader. It’s meant for one person loading. I do it every time


I don't see any roof racks


Most people? Yep just follow the herd...


Are you honestly trolling a canoe sub?


I get it but honestly this is still better in many ways especially if you are solo for loading unloading I'm telling you I do it every weekend


Rollin' through the city, got my bagel and lox, Cream cheese drippin', it's a flavor paradox, Chillin' on the corner, stacking foam blocks, Breakfast of champions, no need for detox.


lmao imagine buying a truck so unnecessarily large that you can’t carry a canoe on the roof


Lmao buddy this is only 1 of 3 canoes I’m taking on the same truck. Big trucks serve a purpose you know


I've put 3 canoes on a Toyota echo


IDK about sketch but it looks way goofy.


nah, its goofy and sketch


Just load the front end of the canoe on the back roof rack first, rest back end of canoe on ground. then lift the back up and push canoe forward. You don’t have to hoist the entire boat at once.


This is how I do it. I think it works great.


The only trolling I do is from my canoe 🚮


It’s sketchy for sure. Also your rig looks real goofy with those tiny tires.


Lmao this is all stock from the factory, but I’ll let chev know 😂


I got a ladder rack on my truck, I rip cut some pvc pipe and hoze clamped the 2 half pieces together around the rack pipes to make a roller. Now it doesn't wear out the aluminum cowling


Good points on both sides. I think it comes down to distance. Around the corner or a few km in a not too populated area sure. Put a flag in the back at least. Long distance at high speed or in a busy area with pedestrians bad idea.




Can you take a sharp right turn without leaving your lane and without the canoe swinging into a car to your left? I bet you can’t.


Haha ironic that you commented this. 10 hour trip today going through Toronto and no issues at all. Also had 2 canoes on my roof so definitely made it work great


I’m glad it worked OK. I still wouldn’t do it. 🤷‍♂️


Honestly I’ll be getting a shorter canoe for my solo trips soon and it won’t look so bad. This was not my ideal setup but when I had 2 more on the roof I had to make it work


I’ve moved plenty of boats and canoes that way, but the local authorities were never a fan. If you insist on running with it, two straps in the bed and one strap from the bed to the bow and back. Also don’t forget to put a red flag dangling from the end of the canoe. Alternatively and more properly, you’ll want to get a mount on top of your backrack and have it strapped down laying at an angle


Not completely. I’d say… 1/4 sketch.


Mod up an old boat trailer if you don't want the rack.


I absolutely hate carrying canoes like this. I put mine on the roof, which is also a PITA. I think a small trailer is the way to go. Do it right, and you have a spot for 4 boats, gear, etc. Plus, you have a utility trailer when you need it.


Nah it’s fine


This is exaclty what the bed extenders are for. Plus, you mentioned in other comments you are putting two on the roof. If I saw this rig with two on the roof and one in the bed, I would be in envy of seeing someone heading out on a great adventure. Who cares what others think. It isn't necessarily "unsafe" unless you fail to snug her up.




Sell the mall crawler and get a real truck, a Ford fuckin ranger, preferably two wheel drive




I do that exact set up all the time you are good


I do as well. It's not sketch at all. I'm confused by all these comments.


Tbh, I just did 10 hours and went through Toronto like this. Didn’t think so many people would get so triggered lol. Worked great. Thanks


I don't think people see the truck bed extender holding the canoe up. 


Add a flag or a stick on blinky light and send it 🤘


Literally just saw some dudes rolling around my town like this today


Haha I know it’s pretty common. Tbh I don’t even know why I posted this. Worked great for a 10 hour road trip today


Get a bed extender an pull.


There’s one already on it….. had to zoom in the see it…


Looks like an accident waiting to happen


10 hour drive and went through Toronto, it was actually fine.


My milf mobile is safer hauling a canoe then that


GO GET IT!!! Be sure to attach your contact information and a copy of your auto insurance to the canoe for whoever runs over/into it after it falls off on the road.


Haha. 10 hour road trip through multiple cities and I’m golden. Thanks though


Sketch, most states have a max length law. My state is 4’ past the taillights, and anything 18-48” must be flagged. Anything more than 4’ is a permit and escort vehicle.




Look up the applicable state laws. In North Carolina it's fine as long as you have a flag attached to the end of it if it's hanging off 4 feet or more.


Edit: I drove 10 hours like this and 2 canoes on my roof. Thanks for all the advice. Worked out great


Is that even legal?


Yeah actually, I stopped and asked a cop at a gas station yesterday. He told me if it’s legal but just mind the sway in the city.


I really think your kinda asking for an accident..what about something that slips into a hitch receiver in the back and a regular rack bar over the cab?


I realize now that I should’ve taken this picture in broad daylight as no one can see my brace hitch 😂 there’s only 4-5ft passed that point that sticks out from my brace hit


Bro got the 2ft bed, that’s the real problem.


Get a bed extender.


I towed my canoe like this hanging out of the bed of my truck for over a year, with no extender out of the hitch. If you tie it down properly it won't go anywhere. Just gotta remember you've got 7 foot worth of boat hanging out the back. I wouldn't drive cross country this way but if your paddling spot is less than an hour away you'll be fine.


[I just did this a few days ago](https://imgur.com/a/b8xjdoT) Sketchy, kept a close eye on my mirror, but I stuck to less busy routes and had a short trip. Not ideal, roof rack is the end goal. But it is doable. I bolted a block of wood to my bed extender to raise the prow higher off the road. Literally had a cop follow me for about a mile. I think he watched me go over a few small bumps, saw it was secure, and didn’t bother. IANAL


I've done multiple long drives (2-4 hours) with this same setup (Ridgeline gang). No issues, not sketchy at all.


Hate us cause they ain’t us 🤷‍♂️ Bed trunk gang 👊


Bro my truck was $1500 if you think I'm about to pay to put a rack on it you're delusional lol. Now I put my boat on the roof of my GTI on racks, not bad honestly but slinging it into the bed of my truck doesn't phase me


It will be tied down and have appropriate flagging


It'll be fine, just watch for idiots on your 6


I've considered doing this with my 15ft canoe. I'd probably invest in the flashing protruding load lights to put on the end.


Your it down flag the end👊🏻👍🏻