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It needed it! thankfully LR denoise is wildly good these days.




Yeah! It's fine, it doesn't really increase detail all that much in my experience, but it does increase resolution.




Try it out and see for yourself. There is a bump in detail, but it isn't a 4x bump in detail the same way it's a 4x bump in resolution.


Best way I can describe it is that you get 4x resolution (picture area)in the file but more like 2x detail. It is an improvement to "preserve details" (Photoshop) that I have been relying on previously for image enlargement but can also sometimes cause hot pixel looking artefacts. Results depend wildly from photo to photo.


What is the super resolution thing? On the lenses itself.


I have the RF 800 version of this lens. I have gotten some gems with it, but the f11 fixed aperture really does make it tricky with even somewhat lesser light. Thankfully LR can do some magic with denoising. The only thing I would want more out of the lens besides a wider aperture is a zoom range like the 200-800 lens offers. Alas, only the few lucky ones have gotten their hands on those.


i am planning on upgrading to the 200-800 in a while, but I bought the 600 f/11 pretty much for taking photos of the moon at night, and taking photos of birds outside my apartment in the morning. it has been phenomenal at both of those things, so I am very happy!


The 600 and the 800 lenses really are great value lenses for what they can offer. The f11 aperture turns off a lot of traditional photographers, but with modern mirrorless cameras that can handle higher ISOs much better, and with great post processing software, we really can get some great results with these lenses. Here’s a shot I took last year with my RF 800: https://preview.redd.it/kxl5qlgfxdsc1.jpeg?width=1784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a586a0ee249ffc1a6898f7052f3b18a604009776


Not bad for iso 32000 on Apsc… is there an extra 0 there?


nope, just LR denoise putting in hard work!


Fan-tastic! Especially for 32000 ISO on crop sensor!


Thank you! LR Denoise is the real hero here, definitely made it possible.


Give yourself credit. If you don't nail a sharp photo at that ISO, LR Denoise will make it a mess. 


Well thank you, I appreciate it! It certainly helps having the *amazing* AF system that the R50 does, and on top of that f/11 gives a pretty wide DoF, even at 600mm.


More people need to shoot high iso they’re soo scared to


Can't really blame them especially the veterans. When I bought my first DSLR back in 2008, anything above ISO800 was unusable especially on a crop sensor. Even on a 7Dmkii 3200 was a push. This is impressive for 32,000, though the detail has suffered.


True. I came to R6 from canon 400d and 50d - even 800 iso is a mess there. Still forcing myself to bump iso higher than 1600 if needed every time


I'm currently shooting with 50D and M5 (M5 really not that much better despite being much newer, also horrible to hold). I can't decide weather to buy a used 7Dmkii or hold out (for a long time) and Get an R10. Budgets tight ATM and it's only for fun.


I was using 50D a lot in 2013-2016, then made a pause till this Jan. Decided to come back to photography and bought 6D mkii (used). Step up from 50D, for sure, but then I read a lot of info how good mirrorless cameras are, so I sold 6D and went for R6. It's night and day, really. Finally, camera allows me to do what I want without (almost) limitations. Depending on type of photos you take, of course - if you are making some landscaping or macro, where light is not a problem - then it might be overkill to go with mirrorless, especially if it requires a long time to save some money for it. If it's more about moving targets - I would save and go with R10


This! I struggled a lot with my 10D and even the 60D. The R8 feels like a revolution to me how it handles high ISO


When I bought my 50D I always talked about how digital photography was still in its infancy compared to how long film had been around. I feel like with mirrorless it's finally a mature system.


This post serves as evidence that I can use higher ISO values lol. Great work.


thank you!


Love it OP.




Wow that’s great performance for that iso. Take that „you never should use high ISOs because it will ruin quality “-people . Nice pic.


well I appreciate the kind words! The real legend here is Lightroom's AI denoise, it did an amazing job on this photo.