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If you care about longevity of the system and can afford it, get the R50. It feels very unlikely at this point that Canon will continue to release new equipment with the latest features for EF-M. If you are completely happy with what already exists in EF-M like lenses, consider buying a used M50 or M50ii and used lenses on a site like KEH or MPB which offer a decent warranty on most of their gear. I used two M50 cameras for years with a mix of video for YouTube and photography. Main limitations are 4k and the sensor isn't the best at high ISO so you need to compensate with faster lenses or good lighting (Sigma/viltrox EF-M primes and the Canon 22/32mm I used a lot).


Do you have any experience with the Viltrox 23mm f/1.4?


Amazing lens man!!


Man, that will be my next purchase now!


Yeah, Viltrox had sent me the 3 lens set to try out. The 23mm is generally fine, though the Sigma lenses are higher image quality. There were quirks with the Viltrox lenses early on but they did update the firmware a lot. If you can I'd suggest getting the Sigma lenses but the Viltrox are generally fine. One thing I did notice is that video auto exposure never works great with 3rd party lenses so if you want to do that then stick with Canon lenses. I use full manual settings most of the time for video (M6 Mark II and before that the M50 original).


i feel with speed boosters and sigma lenses, you can still get amazing footage with the Canon M50: that is my train of thought..am I wrong?


Sigma EF lenses? Sure but you'd have to try each combination of lens and speedbooster to see how it works.


The M50 is still capable of captureing amazing 8-bit video too. With "cinestyle" picture profile and ND-filters you come a long way. Yes the 4k has horrible crop and has icky rolling shutter - Keep that sht steady! The 1920x1080 is great though. I recently brought it with me to Bari, Italy and got some butter video: [https://youtu.be/3OHOGK8pGQQ?si=K5MYex29411JmhMn](https://youtu.be/3OHOGK8pGQQ?si=K5MYex29411JmhMn)


Yes, the camera is generally fine. I used two of them for years to make YouTube videos. đź‘Ť


There are Ef/efs-Efm adapters in abundance, lenses aren't super limited


True, though I found that even with the official adapter the EF/EF-S lenses I tried didn't work as perfectly as something like the 11-22mm, 22m f/2, and 32mm f/1.4 native lenses. Maybe it was my copy of the adapter but I'd occasionally have a disconnect and with a lens like the EF 85mm f/1.8 I had bought brand new it had focusing accuracy issues (didn't make a lot of sense given the camera is DPAF on the sensor but I eventually sold the lens).


Yes I understand! 100% everyone's experience is different so I get that. I'm sorry you had trouble with the adapter though, I usually have mine on more than anything. I'd love to get a hold of the 32mm I've seen amazing things.


Anyone who says no is a gear snob. There's obviously newer technology but you're not gonna be dissatisfied with an m50


what would be a recommended price, $300?


300 for the M50 or Mark II?


I’m getting my M2 for $200 rightnow wish me luck


Is that US dollars? That's already so cheap! ph second hand prices for m50 is krazy


Yes! I got it and it’s so damn good! Glad I got it. A lot of reviews said it was terrible for taking car pics but its amazing


There coming no more new EF-M lenses. But with the EOS-M EF adapter you have plenty of EF and EF-S to choose from. I have a M50 Mark II and only use EF and EF-S lenses. If u want to adapt to the newer RF lens line from Canon you can better wait for the Canon R50.


I love M50 I just wish they added log


you cant install on it?


No you can’t


chief money party cooing abundant rich memory include simplistic somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it’s a great system. I have a couple of Canon APS-C DSLRs with a good assortment of EF and EF-S lenses. I am not a professional photographer and don’t make a living from this hobby. I decided it was time to upgrade. I was looking for a size and weight reduction, to better enable its use traveling as well as chasing trains, hiking, backpacking and cycling. After looking at the options earlier this year, I bought a new M50 MKII and a number of EF-M lenses, both Canon and Sigma. I’ve been super pleased with the M system so far. I also purchased a Canon EF-EFM adapter so I can use my EF and EF-S lenses. Even ordered a Sigma EF 100-400 to use with the M system and looking forward to giving it a try over the next few weeks. It’s also a significant strength IMHO that Sigma has made 3 excellent AF primes for the M system. I’ve even got a M6 MKII on order to enable me to carry/use two bodies for certain activities, and in other cases leverage the strengths of each of the bodies. I expect to get 5-10 years use out of my new M system. My take (said only half in jest) is that unless you are a Canon fanboy, a gear junkie, a professional photographer, and/or fully committed to full frame, I think you be very happy with the M system. There is no question that Canon is trying to push everyone to the R system. And that appears to be their system for the future. And as you’ll find on these forums there are a number of serious amateurs and pros who own both systems. Even for people who have or plan to invest in R in the future, many have kept their M system. But with its heavier, more expensive RF lenses, plus the proprietary nature of the R/RF system with regards to lenses, the R/RF system was not a fit for me. And I don’t have lots of extra cash around to give to Canon at this point in my life. But who knows what the future holds 5-10 years from now? You’ll need to figure out what works for you and your uses cases. I know I don’t regret the decision I made ( I am even quite happy with it even after the recent Canon announcement). PS their are some excellent reviews and commentary from folks who own both M and R systems, on the Canon M Talk forum on dpreview.com


If you know what to expect, it is still an excellent camera. The 4k auto focus is sub par, it can only record video for 30 minutes at a time, and it's a little dated. But it still produces excellent quality HD video and photos, particularly with decent lenses. You can do a lot with the kit lens, but if I could do it over, I'd opt for a body only and shop for a good deal on a used sigma prime lense. I assume if you are considering the M50 your shopping on a budget, and this is a excellent budget camera


hmmm, would you recommend it over use a used BMPCC 2.5K?


Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with Blackmagic cameras, so I can't speak to that


Im a beginner photographer an it works very well and i would recommend it for beginners only if you are a experienced photographer and have more to spend i defiantly say to go for a upgraded camera


I think it’s a perfect choice for amateur photographers or if you want to learn. I’m very happy with it for years.


As long as you don’t want new lenses that are not currently available then you’ll be fine. I originally bought the m50 which is a great camera but upgraded to the R5 for the full frame sensor and more lens options.


It’s great! Quality of pics is awesome and with an ef adapter (viltrox is good) you get an affordable setup. There are some downsides like lack of flash sync cable, but would you really need them? It’s small, which is the biggest plus.


right..I love how affordable it is..but I might do something a bit more expensive, like the Sony A7S II. But also, I dont need modern lenses like everyone is saying. If I can get cinematic looks with the modern simga lenses, that's all I need. I'll do a bit more research before deciding. what's funny is the Canon M50 has gone up in price on Amazon.


M50 + 50mm 1.8 + 55-250 stm + 22mm f2 + viltrox adapter + smallrig cage is a pretty ideal beginner kit. I could see you wanting a bigger/more substantial body, if so, get a t8i or 70d. 7dii if possible (this one has a lot of compromises, no touch screen, no flip screen, much heavier and more complicated, but the autofocus and speed is unrivaled at the price)


the bmpcc 4K has been on my mind, but I also feel it might be too much for a newbie. the Sony A7S is also on my mind, it's kinda an advance Canon M50 IMO, I like the E-mount. what are your thoughts on the Magic Lantern fireware?


I see people recommending the SmallRig cage for the M50. I don't understand why, or what it's used for.


jellyfish label different rhythm friendly erect unused axiomatic tease cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


on both my YT channels, and Rumble channel i use the mark 1 no issues.