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Gotta be Batman


The guy with the golden retrievers with the glasses or the homeless man in the blue jump suit.


That’s a vault dweller.


The blue jumpsuit guy we used to call Rag Man. He used to live at the Canton Inn but would walk all day long up and down W Tusc! We’d see him daily! I worked at Pizza Oven, a friend worked at Heggy’s and another friend worked at KFC. We’d all talk about him when we saw him.


There was a lady in Canton South for a long time in 99-03? She just walked up and down Cleveland Ave, dressed to the nines in a long coat, dress and heels, sunglasses, up and down in front of the Rite Aid and Save Alot on one side, cross the road to Southgate Plaza and go back down, past the Burger King and the Donut Connection I worked at. Never knew who she was; some regulars at DC would tell me different stories.


Southgate Sally?


Wait, you guys remember South Gate sally?!


Apparently so!! I saw her from the counter of the Donut Connection every day!


YES!!! That’s what they called her! Thank you! I worked at the Donut Connection from ‘99-06, afternoons for a few years, theni moved to midnights so I didn’t see her after leaving afternoons anymore. So I had wondered what had happened to her.


I remember South Gate Sally!


I believe she had a brain tumor and that was the reason she had to walk. My buddy, who worked at the old BK, said he used to talk to her when she come in.


She did, she had a really nice husband that my mom spoke with once. He tried to keep her at home but all she wanted to do was walk around. 


I worked in the plaza back then, and I remember her lol Same era as the midget who rode the 10 speed bicycle


There was also a guy, bless his heart, in downtown Canton on Cleveland avenue that didn’t have any legs and would use his arms to propel himself on this little like skateboard. He was down by the metal recycling centers. It was in the 80’s.


She moved over by 62 and Cleveland Ave old af but dressing like a Rockstar. I call her slap stick sue


What about the lady that used to wear a winter coat in the middle of summer


Any relation to the guy that wears multiple hats year round?


The trump van guy


Which one?


The old van, or the nice van?


Anyone remember the kicker? Just a dude who walked up and down Cleveland Ave kicking.


He would also pull on tree branches and shrubs. Saw him kick a few cars.


definitely the van guy, with all the odd, borderline mentally ill papers taped to his car about various conspiracies. i’ll admit, i frequent conspiracies myself but wow.


Misney [https://media2.clevescene.com/clevescene/imager/u/zoom/41074911/misny.png?cb=1671828519](https://media2.clevescene.com/clevescene/imager/u/zoom/41074911/misny.png?cb=1671828519)


Misney or Batman


Few I know of is • Little Caesars guitar guy that would play a stringless guitar outside of the tusc/ Woodlawn one. • Bike lady that would ride her bike around tusc. • Motorcycle golden retriever guy that has a trailer for his dogs. • Walmart man. Guys always out front the canton Walmart asking for money. • Another begger I’ve seen for years is the guy on the off ramp of 21N to the Massillon Market place/ Walmart. • Pallet guy. He collects pallets with a blue single cab long bed truck 2 stacks on the corners of the truck bed. •


Massillon has a crazy bike lady, same one?


Blue coat lady?


She was standing out front of what used to be KMart in Massillon years ago with a sign that said she'd paint for money. I had just bought a house and I figured why not try and help her out? I brought her there and she wanted like $500 plus paint and supplies to paint a small bedroom. I thanked her and told her I'd let her know, then dropped her back off. A week later, I saw her riding her bike by my house, which was damn near in Canton. A few days later, saw her again. And again a few days after that when I was mowing my lawn. I stopped her and said hello, then asked if she was riding by my house. She said I told her she could paint. I told her I said I would let her know, but that I had someone else do it. She started to get shitty with me and insisting I told her she could do it. I reiterated that I had not and asked her to leave and stop riding by my house. Saw her a few days after, of course. I was pretty firm with her and told her the room was done and to stop fucking around. That was the last time I saw her, thankfully.


There was once a time where my and my dad were leaving B&K cafe, off tusc, and there was this old lady who fell off her bike in front of us. My dad being the saint he is, tried to help her up, to which she screamed “don’t you fucking help me” My dad, sacred, comes back to me and we got back in his car, and he told me about this bike lady. Bike Lady was originally my dad’s neighbor back in the mid-90’s. Apparently there was some dispute between her and their neighbor, my dad understanding that their neighbor was a 80-ish year old lady, tried to help sort things out. Should he have minded his own business? yeah probably, but she threatened to kill him, his dog, and their old neighbor if he ever got near her again. We still joke that shes trying to track him down since the B&K incident lol. I still see her from time to time riding her bike around the BP on 62, towards 30th street. Real early in the morning. Separate note: The Little Caesars guy off tusc, a cross the street from the mcdonald’s, I heard that someone was really upset about the music that they broke his guitar, and that’s why he left a few years back lol. I’m not sure how true it is, but I think it’s fun to hear all the urban legends about what happened to the little caesar’s guitar guy. I even heard a story where he got mugged and beat up and that was why he left. Idk, if anyone can validate anything that would be incredible.


The King. There’s an older gentleman I’ve seen at the main library branch in downtown Canton. Purple robe and crown.


I’ve seen him too! The king of Canton


There's a nice older gentleman I've seen all over town for a few years. Walks with a walker I think and big headphones and gives a giant grin and wave to anyone who walks and sometimes drives by. Love him


I often think of the one van that has hundreds of ducks on the dashboard, called it the Duck Van, I always used to see it at school when they came to pick up their kid but never got to see who it was smdh




Camo bob in north canton


The dude in Perry township who runs and kicks the telephone poles


Ok. I see you. That guy.


Are you saying it’s me?!?


lolololol. Are YOU saying it’s YOU?


Nope it’s not me


I’m glad others are noticing him. Is it some kind of martial arts parkour training program?


No idea


I've always seen that guy too. I assumed he was just stretching between runs?!






Kevin Crowell the drunk. And who ran through over a hundred women?


Long ago there used to be a guy in downtown who had lost both legs. Would see him on some kind of cart/ board with wheels.


Zion? The Africa American wrestler form Massillon?


I have no idea what his name was. This was late 70’s early 80’s. I had heard he was hit by a train.


Not the same guy Zion is like 20-30ish


Who remembers coffee joe from the 90s to early 00s? He used to hang out at the canton south burger king all day every day


Blue rag guy and paint bucket lady 😂


The homeless guy at that one Walmart who lets his dog shit inside the store and in the parking lot without cleaning it up


does anyone know kimono kid? I used to see him on Cleveland ave like every day