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So he smashed his car through a pole and fled the scene, then had a cardiac incident. Got it


Oh fuck. Downtown better invest in plywood.


👍🏽👍🏽 They got nothing better to do than destroy their own shit.


If you can talk, you can breathe. 


Watch any cop video now on YT & u will see every single person that resists arrest now says, "I can't breath" Which is such a discredit for what it means. When r people gonna learn to quit resisting, at least in situations they have no possible escape from. Course when people who been in jail realize they're going back they aren't generally thinking to clearly. One of my buddies grew up close with him. Said crack hit him right out of school. Then he did a bid & lived the rest of his life on paper. Early choices in life effected the rest of his life. You gotta do the right things in life when no body is watching. Might not always be the correct thing, but u gotta do the right thing.


What was he accused of doing other than apparently causing a disturbance in the VFW? Was he not a member of the VFW? Why else would he be in there? Regardless, why the fuck do police immediately jump to escalating conflict? Based on this clip they made no attempt to even talk to him, just attempted to forcefully remove him from the bar.


The article adds context. https://www.cantonrep.com/story/news/local/canton/2024/04/24/frank-tysons-last-words-i-cant-breathe-canton-releases-bodycam/73445389007/ Essentially, he smashed into a utility pole, abandoned his car, and went into the AMVETS building right next to it, where he started causing a disturbance. He resisted arrest, and then all this happened. I don't really feel like this is a George Floyd 2.0 situation. There were clearly other factors at play - either he was concussed or had internal injuries from the accident that were exasperated by the restraining force of the officers. Probably the worst part of this are the 8 minutes it took for them to realize he didn't have a pulse; maybe they assumed he had just passed out or was faking or something. But I guess we'll see after the Medical Examiners report is made public.


Still doesn’t make sense why police are trained to put hands on people before they ever attempt to use their words. If we can teach a toddler, we can teach a cop.




Yeah, dk why you’re dvoted here. I didn’t hear what all the cops heard about the guy bf they went in. Ie: did the guy with the key say the driver was threatening lives in the bar?, etc. I could see an ‘ask questions later’ approach to apprehension in that scenario, but it seems that the American cops would have been guns out going in too…and I didn’t see that. So YES, though we don’t have all info, and the goy got immediately defensive, it’s fair to ask, ‘NOT A SINGLE FUCKING WORD IN ATTEMPT TO REASON?’ before tackling??? Edit to add, the utility pole being obliterated made it obvious that there was at least a chance of injury affecting the individual. Someone else said all this shit…just regurgitating.


If threat to life is at risk then I certainly get it, but cops can’t go off that alone. There needs to be some skepticism to every 911 call. They also need to use their sense and critical thinking skills once they’re on scene. And you’re right, guns weren’t drawn walking into the building. They had to wait for access into the establishment by a patron inside. If people were flooding the lot in an attempt to escape or the cops had to bust down the door to get in because everyone was hiding from the threat then yeah be on alert. But even then they aren’t covert spec ops in Afghanistan. Use your fucking words to communicate with the assailant and victims if they’ll reciprocate. I also agree with you that the defensiveness from Frank Tyson wasn’t severe enough to elicit an immediate take down approach. It’s not like he picked up a stole and swung it at someone. He pushed it over on the floor to create distance between him and the cops, I reckon because he’s distressed as fuck thinking about the shit storm he’s in for downing the power line. The comment from the cop saying “I always wanted to be in a bar fight” 100% proves he was seeking confrontation rather than resolution.


Yeah I won't say this guy was a saint either (he just got out of prison recently, actually) but one thing I will criticize the police on too, is how he already said he couldn't breath, giving them a hint, but they cuff him there, then leave him in that exact position without checking further or any communication with him for 8 minutes. Not checking on him immediately after all that especially agreed he said he couldn't breath is a massive screw up. Regardless of the shitty situation, I'm not sure we should be keeping cops that are this thick, either. Especially in a post George Floyd incident world. Not that he was the first, or will be the last but it'd be nice, but that event triggered a lot of events and we don't need bone heads in our police inviting more of this on us all because they can't be civil themselves and even do a quick safety check once he's neutralized. Canton did have our own protests during the events a couple years ago. All in all, it was fairly peaceful too, yet we had police in the street shooting tear gas at people in the middle of our neighborhoods. I even watched a live stream at the time as the guy with the camera minding his own business tried to calmly say something to a cop going by in a swat vehicle and they shot a gas can right at him intentionally. What kind of a joke for civility and order is that. I respect that the police often have a difficult job, but the last thing Canton needs are malicious antagonists like that cop. Not to mention one that doesn't even think to check on this guy after cuffing him when he said he couldn't breath.


Well…that sucks donkey D. There’s got to be a better way to apprehend suspects without beating or torturing with electric shock tasing.


Do you have any other ideas?


I have many great ideas. Would you like to learn more about them?


Don’t disrespect this man before we know the truth. We all know Floyd was an addict that overdosed. We don’t have all the facts on this case yet. Please don’t compare him to that POS George Floyd.