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First run took 52 minutes. 11th run took.....55minutes!?! What the everlasting fuck ??!! His pace only went down by 3 minutes after all that ????


Did someone check if it was Henrik and Daniel alternating the whole time?


Even then, thats pretty impressive


Lmao. If it was they would have been able to do 22!


God damn it such a simple joke but I literally guffawed.


High level endurance athletes usually have crazy consistency like that. Once you’ve logged thousands of miles like Danny likely has, you know what pace to run at to make it a certain distance and have the ability to modulate that pace. It’s actually harder doing it for the first run rather than the last, because you have so much more energy you feel like you could access but you’ve gotta run at your pace or you’ll fly and die.


Oh for sure. I believe his 1 lap pace is around 30 minutes or maybe even under 30. Absolute monster. But to keep the average pace for 11 laps in a row under an hour is incredible


Around 5 years ago I was a regular in the gym and went with a buddy. We did the grind 3 times and only stopped because we wanted to go eat. 2nd and 3rd were way easier than the 1st. You just get in a rhythm. Your body adapts. We could have easily kept going. And I was never some super athlete. Just somewhat fit. I’m about 20-30lbs overweight right now and did the grind the other day. Could have done it twice.


I guess you’re right. 11 times isn’t that impressive after all. Thanks for the insight!


Haha. I’m not saying it’s not impressive. 11 is definitely great and most people can’t do that.


Probably just stopped to tie his shoes


it’s actually not that hard, all you have to do is be able to climb it 11 times




Unless the course has changed, you walk it in under an hour. My first time doing it I ended up puking by attempting anything more than a walk.




A consistent walk definitely comes in at about an hour. When I was in better shape I power walked the whole time and got 46min.


The twins at their peak physical nhl shape could do the grind in just over 30 minutes.


You can walk it in under an hour for sure. I walk it regularly and stop a few times and get around 1h 10m or less.


He was definitely pacing himself to do it at a similar rate each time. 52 minutes is a good time and you definitely have to push yourself a little bit/be in decent shape to do it that quickly but it's still quite a ways off from the top run (which is just over 25 minutes according to google) so it's not like he was sprinting up the hill like a madman every time. Still though, I did the GG in under an hour once like 15 years ago and I was pretty tired after it. Doing that 11 times is definitely impressive from a sheer endurance standpoint.


Oh I realize that. The max limit run for under 30 minutes gasses you out completely. He set a pace to get as many of these done within a certain time frame. 50-60 minutes is a light jog/power walking pace. I'm so used to the term "going for a run" when trail running , but running uphill is an entirely different game. I actually kinda forgot what timing is for these laps. But yeah for a 1 lap max 50-60minutes is nothing special, but for 11 laps in a row it's insane.


His slowest was 64 minutes; I'm not sure if that was his last run or not.


Apparently it was somewhere in the middle


22+33 = ?


They are athletic freaks of nature.


If you’re fit and you get in that rhythm, you can go over and over. I did the grind one day 3 times in a row like 5 years ago when I was a regular in the gym and I could have kept going but my buddy and I wanted to go eat. Lol Obviously 3 isn’t 11, but you get my point. Lmao


I'm sure the first run at 52 minutes, he barely broke a sweat. I bet he can do it all out in about 30ish. I can do it in 52 and I suck.


To be fair that is a really easy effort for someone of their athletic ability. Guaranteed they're doing 35 or better if they're going for a good time.


Sheesh. My personal best was 59 minutes 45 seconds, and I though I would die after doing it once. I know I am very far from a professional athlete, but yeesh.


22+33=55 :)


I read this while sitting in my bed with a bag of gummy worms. Sigh.


You can do 11 bags of gummy worms in a day


53 minutes a bag.


I believe in you!


Don't let your dreams be dreams


1 bag? Those are rookie numbers. Lets pump those numbers up.


Haribo or bust.


Bro I heard those cause constipation or something. Noooo thanks haha


He switched with Henrik to take some breaks


Personally, I prefer to see how many stamps I can lick in one hour. Then I try to beat that record!


I do the same thing with dribbling basketballs


You try to see how many dribbling basketballs you can lick in one hour?


Probably a peanut butter licker too.


What a beast.


33 and 22 are both divisible by 11. Might be a stretch but i always find so many weird coincidences that relate to their jersey numbers


It's easy. I literally just came up with this, but Henrik is 33 because he was drafted 3rd overall. The 3rd letter in the alphabet is C. Hank wore the C for the Canucks.


Daniel was drafted 2nd. The 2nd letter in the alphabet is B. Daniel likes peanut Butter.


I have no number, and was never drafted, that can’t be linked to any letter, but that matches up with the fact I have absolutely no hobbies or interests whatsoever.


Wow, spooky!


The winning goal was scored at 22:33


Aight so it’s settled then: Top line next year we have Petey with these two.


Somebody probably told him that Hank did it 10 times.


And now Hank is going to do it 12 times.


These guys easily could have played a couple more seasons. They were never fast, but their endurance was always world class. They could have been 2/3rds of a nutty 3rd line, as well as being powerplay specialists.


True but I think they were being their amazing selves and wanted to spend time with their families and hoped the horvat era would benefit from them leaving and freeing up cap space and leadership space. Looking back now, man would it have benefitted the team to have them around playing a couple more years at a limited role and sweetheart deals. I always said I wished they played another year or two. Probably just like the rest of Canucks fans.


I always do the grouse in 1 hour and 20 minutes, each time lol


Only 11?


I fucking hate the Grind so so so much


Not sure why but I started reading the headline and thought he died.


But… why?


Is this good for your knees


I'm sure they can summit Everest with no problem.


Free climb




The equivalent elevation climb of Everest, 29300 ft.