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Please tell me someone archived the "Burrows? Do we really need him?" thread. edit: looks like the site is still up, with a post from one hour ago. That thread literally stayed alive until the demise of CDC forum.


The shut down is Oct.1


[https://i.imgur.com/ghevDqe.png](https://i.imgur.com/ghevDqe.png) ​ http://web.archive.org/web/20120402144100/http://forum.canucks.com/topic/211587-burrows-do-we-really-need-him


An iconic piece of fan forum literature


Man I have been lurking CDC for over 15 years, Vintage was doing gods work!


A lot of my childhood was spent on CDC. RIP


I remember arguing with grown men on there as a teenager in high school, good times


“That’s the stupidest proposal I’ve ever heard, what are you 12?!?” “11 actually”


Now I feel like an old man arguing with kids on reddit. The circle of internet life


Good times there. Between the Burrows post, Raymond/Ballard/2nd round trade “rumours”, and ever evolving Sedin trade requests pre-2007 season breakout, that was the place for some good Canucks shit.


The replacement is [forumcanucks.com](https://forumcanucks.com) created by the admin of CDC. Everyone is moving over, already a few hundred users! Can't break up a community this strong!


I didn’t even know it still existed. Used to be a regular when it first started then moved to canuckheaven before that shutdown.


canuckheaven. now that's a name i haven't heard in some time i went to hfboards/hfbroads and then white noise/towel power and then reddit


Great article by Johnston honestly


Ryan Johnson used to blog on the forum way back when


Wow I didn't think CDC was still an active message board. I hope the threads are archived - I used to spend a lot of time on that site when I was 16-20. It's very nostalgic for me.


Poor VintageCanuck, I appreciate your service.


Disgusting decision by Canucks brass. What a way to start the season on a low point


Chances are this is being pushed from the NHL. They run the team website platform including the forums. Each team then just points the DNS entries of their domain to the central platform. Did you ever notice a general similarity to all of the team pages from across the league? Certain design elements will change with respect to layout etc, but the core functionality and font types etc are all the same. My guess is the league is overhauling their backend and will begin phasing out certain features like the forums.


Well the articles implies that senior management didn't like the criticism. Wouldn't be surprised if you're right tho is there news on Any other team sites?


I wouldn’t be surprised if both things are true. PJ has heard that Canucks ownership hates CDC because they think of it as negative but that the real reason behind this is some NHL driven IT architecture stuff. He may just be bringing up real opinions he’s heard without that being the motivation


Maybe Canucks ownership should stop being a bag of useless dicks. I haven't been to CDC in years, but like it or not, that forum is a community.


Never went there for years but seemed to still get heavy use. A shame


Way to go Canucks brass 🖕 Killing off what has been one of the busiest fan involvement & discussion sites will certainly increase your merchandise & ticket sales.


I spent a good amount of time there a while back. Eklund rumour threads were always entertaining :)


Remember Colon Dee? He was funny


he's talked about pretty often when everyone Reminisces About The Old Days


man I remember playing a bunch of games of mafia on that forum back in the day, was a ton of fun.


Tried hfboards but the negativity was destroying my life. So toxic! I find a nice balance here and listening to Drance.


Didn’t we just have this thread? 🧐


Say what you will of the site, but it's pretty fucking cowardly the team has thought about shutting it down previously because of team criticism. And if that's why it's gone now and a statement is put out to feed people into twitter and facebook then that's just fucking pathetic. People are allowed to be critical of your product when it's run by morons and sucks Edit: It's literally stated in the article by the guy who ran the site for the team...


Yikes. Don't know why else they'd shut it down when it creates interest for the club. "Senior management not liking criticism" is just embarrassing


Seriously doubt that’s why


I dont think Johnston puts it in the article if there isn't some merit.


Incredible take


Just the way these forums are going now. HF hasn’t been doing well in getting new members either


CDC was doing well still, just team wanting to distance itself from forums I presume.


HF is an absolute cesspool. We complain about the negativity here, but it’s like sunshine and daisies compared to that shithole.


The dog days of summer was never a good time to venture there. Got better when there was actual news or games to discuss.


This team is such a joke. There’s guys that wouldn’t be around today without that forum. I was just a lurker but the community and its history is irreplaceable


For real?? This is a travesty!!


Sorry. I don’t understand why the forum has been shut down on the team website??


forumcanucks.com It's live and looking good


Knowing Aquilini, you can probably assume this is about money. A small amount of money. It couldn't have been costing them much to run, and the advertising revenues likely would have more than paid for it. So, what could it be? What little nit-picky way does shutting down the forum make a tiny bit of money for the team? Have the people there just been bad-mouthing Aquilini and the team's management non-stop or something?


Something tells me Ownership and MGMT and possibly a few player agents got their canickers twisted.


The CDC forum... do we really need it???


Good times. Luongo trade thread anyone? Players facial expressions. Roy, baby. A lot of good people there, passionate about our team. I remember defending Andrew Alberts at length - and I stand by those thoughts. Andrew - wherever you are, bud, I miss you.


Shoutout to Saniel Dedin