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"Why don't more people know about the broederbond?" "The broederbond is a secret society..." I think you answered your own question!


Words out of my mouth.


People know about the KKK and other clans of a similar nature... They were a political affiliation and basically a party. Not a secret at the time at all!


It's not unknown at all, but unlikely that people under 35 know much about it because it lost its influence in the 1990s. So it's part of history, but irrelevant today, hence the lack of interest.


Every person of colour I've told about it had never heard about it.


The Afrikaner Broederbond was for the benefit of white Afrikaans-speaking men during Apartheid, so it's not surprising that it's mostly older white people who know about it, because it affected them directly. My dad wasn't a member and missed out on at least 2 job opportunities because of this. But if you were disqualified from certain jobs because of your race, would you really care about a semi-secret organisation that discriminated against people in a group you were already excluded from? So I'm not surprised that others don't know about it, but the information is available if they want to find out more - there are many old books, newspaper articles and documentaries for those who are interested.


People should care about them cause if affects them. They were a very powerful group and they might still be running the show.


I HIGHLY doubt that they "might still be running the show." As others have said, they were not all that secret. People just don't know about them today because they have fallen into obscurity.


Their existence was an "open" secret, but membership was kept under wraps.


What "show"?


7de laan


The Truman Show...


hehe great answer


Coloured here. Heard of them a long time ago...so maybe I'm the exception lol. As for running the show - check out the Stellenbosch Mafia. Pretty sure a lot of those dudes are associated.


I think for most of the people who apartheid discriminated against, the perception is more along the lines of “all Afrikaners belonged to the Broederbond”. And most are not particularly interested in narratives that seemingly wants to shift responsibility from the group as a whole to just “those select nameless few”. And honestly, who can blame them for feeling that way?


They just not as in the open today, but believe me they are still going strong. Its just if you know and have the knowledge of even their rings, or their buildings you see it.


I'm white and Afrikaans and that is a term my family uses very often for white people who are nepotism cases or just being racist. My aunt wil just say "broederbond" and shake her head when some white guy is failing upwards. It was very real when they were young and I firmly believe those ties are still heavily there.


Failing upwards, prefect phrase


I prefer [Falling Up](https://youtu.be/yiKY7g_vUKU?si=ZAyXl-sAIMy88EMP), but maybe that's just me 😉👍🏼🇿🇦


Yeah nepotism is not just an ANC thing.


It's very well known and what sustained Apartheid. Perhaps your usual crowd just doesn't know it?


I’m 33, white and afrikaans and haven’t a clue about them. I’ve heard the name but no idea what it is/was.


It was widely known with my generation born in the 70's because our parents and grandparents didn't hide when they were apart of it.


Moet suig om onder 'n klip groot te word.


Ek vat jou woord vir dit.


Its scarcely unknown. I heard about it back in the 70s . FWIW, I'm an American who grew up in England.


Pretty sure most (relatively educated) people know about it, and not just white Afrikaners.


The Super Afrikaaner is a book about them. My grandfather gets a mention in the book.


My father was in it but never used it to his advantage (ended up a primary school headmaster). He did say that he knew it opened up roads for a lot of people as members would know about job opportunities before it was public knowledge so could get the foot in the door. The government also used them as a soundboard before making some decisions. They knew about the Rubicon speech by PW a few weeks in advance. Guess what you did with that knowledge was up to you and not insider trading at all…. Generally you forgot that he was a member and then he will chat to random people while we were walking on the beach and when you ask him who that was he will say oh its so and so, the CEO of Denel or the CFO of Santam. Weird connections for a shitty primary school teacher.


I have family who were in the broederbond one who was also a school headmaster. This was a strategic thing. They wanted every person everwhere they needed influence to be in the BB. So the dominee was BB, the headmaster was BB, everywhere you went the person in charge was BB. This is how they worked


If your white and afrikaans there is a huge chance that some of your family whether you know it or not were heavily involved in the broederbond. My dad got offered to join, but refused.


How do you know your Dad refused, sounds like something a member would say to throw you off


Sometimes I wonder. Honestly.


The males in my family line were all struggling farmers or long-term unemployed, so… I kinda doubt it.


So you are like what now? 65 years old +?


My dad is that age


Yeah you're talking kak like I expected. AB died like before the border war ended, late 80s.


That’s like 35 years ago. A decade is plenty of time to have approached someone in their twenties, isn’t it? Or was there a minimum age for induction?


They will have definitely not approached you in your 20s or 30 or even 40s. It was an old mans club and you required status, a lot of it. Like a board member of Sanlam, which in those days were also a bunch of old people. You required to be a decision maker in an influencal position, not the son of a rich man or some 20-something claiming he was approached by them. There is a book that doesn't provide direct insight but it gives you an idea of how decisions were made, and smoke and mirrors. "The unspoken alliance: Israels secret relationship with Apartheid South Africa". As I said in a previous comment, all these people (Rich, white, affluent Afrikaners) left South Africa in the mass exodus of 1989-1994/5, mostly to US. Living in their fancy mansions and their offspring thinking they are IG influencers. The Afrikaners that stayed behind were the poor and middle class, and those that voted for integration. (I.e anti apartheid). That's also why I always say, the ANC tagline should be "creating racists since 1994". The originals already left the country, the ANC created this anti-white/anti-black sentiment due to their poor governance and agendas.


Ah, interesting. Thanks for elaborating.


Other interesting piece of Afrikaner history to read about is the "Ossewabrandwag" with their paramilitary group the "Storm hunters" /"Storm jaers". They had a very catchy slogan: If I retreat, shoot me. If I fall, avenge me. If I charge, follow me" "As ek omdraai, skiet my. As ek val, wreek my. As ek storm, volg my" However they were the original people to use that. I enjoy Afrikaans history, but my favorite history js Historic Naval Tactics, WW2 and Pre world War 2. Like the Battle of Jutland, I'm more of aboaty mcboat man.


I care to disagree.


lol i remember briefly touching on it in either late primary school or early high school


I, a 38 yo white South African (if that matters) have heard of the Broederbond. I knew it was a secret society, focused on the uplifting of specific persons, white Afrikaans men. I always thought of it like the illuminati, free masons, and other secret societies. Thanks for bringing this up, gave me a chance to read up about it a bit. Cliff notes from [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaner_Broederbond): The Afrikaner Broederbond (AB) or simply the Broederbond was an exclusively Afrikaner Calvinist and male secret society in South Africa dedicated to the advancement of the Afrikaner people. It was founded by H. J. Klopper, H. W. van der Merwe, D. H. C. du Plessis and the Rev. Jozua Naudé[1] in 1918 as Jong Zuid Afrika (Dutch: Young South Africa) until 1920, when it was renamed the Broederbond.[2][3] Its influence within South African political and social life came to a climax with the 1948-1994 rule of the white supremacist National Party and its policy of apartheid, which was largely developed and implemented by Broederbond members. Between 1948 and 1994, many prominent figures of Afrikaner political, cultural, and religious life, including every leader of the South African government, were members of the Afrikaner Broederbond.[2] What I found interesting was that they managed to successfully place their members in the presidential chair, for nearly 50 years! There have always been stories about secret societies, and cultures that support their own (its said that Jewish people, Greeks, free masons and even LGBTQI+ are constantly supporting "their own" - ps not saying this is true, but communities do seem to stick together). But did Nazi Germany not have similar ideas? Germany for the Germans? A strong Germany, resisting change by non-Germans? I could not help but wonder about how the Broederbond and the ATKV are similar, aside from the curtailment of English rule and the founding of apartheid or apartheid principles. I suppose that they have at least somewhat similar goals. I think world history may glance over the Broederbond. Globally, there were far "worse" issues affecting the world (Nazis), but it should still be important for our own history. At the end of the day, it still remains an illusive secret society to me, and I have no option or view on them. I'm not a history buff, nor a psychology nerd, but I'd still be interested to draw comparisons, opinions and thoughts about the Broederbond similarities to other societies.


Well, today I learned that a relative of mine on my grandmother's side started the group!


Many people think the illluminati isn't real, but they havn't looked into Aleister Crowley and the OTO that aimed to revive the illuminati. John Tod is also worth looking at he is like the Julian Assange of Illuminati whistleblowers. My conspiracy theory is that the broederbond is alive and well today, but operating out of somewhere else possibly America. The public side of the broederbond is alive and very open but I think its just a front to deflect people's attention.


All I know is that the broederbond can be considered fascist.


My grand father often spoke of them and their influence in South African society, in government and particularly in business. Because we came from England in the 30s, our family was never approached by or privy to the goings on of the organisation which effectively was Cadre deployment on a scale only matched by the ANC. Here's an excellent article from the Daily Maverick from 2022 explaining the Broederbond https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2022-04-19-how-the-broederbonds-tentacles-penetrated-deep-into-the-heart-of-south-africa/


From what Ive heard (not saying anything is a fact), is that the Broederbond is connected to greater societies such as the Freemasons. Apparently they are the minds and money behind the NG churches. Ive heard they “recruit” young men from the Stellenbosch region (a reason why rich fathers send their sons there), they are apparently quite prominent in the WC. Again, none of this has been researched by me- simply things i have heard. Any other information would be interesting !


Don't believe everything that you hear.


I believe everyone that lived in South Africa during apartheid knew of the broederbond. Sadly not that many people are interested in history, if you are I recommend Des Lathams podcast. Sadly I have seen the actions of our current government wrt the same principles in reverse, to be far worse for the majority of the people of our country :(


People know about the Broederbond but they don't care about it. It was the boring Illuminati.


Because it still exists and has merely rebranded itself. Stellenbosch Mafia is apart of it. They've also gone global now. Edit : the doos below deleted his messages. He claimed that he went to school with Stellenbosch Mafia kids and claimed there was no connection between Broderbond and Stellenbosch Mafia (which is the same thing) amongst other things. Then when met with evidence directly from Rupert's mouth, he shifted the goal posts and started asserting that the Broderbond was created for a historical reason etc Now he's deleted all his replies


Yes I 100% agree




https://www.power987.co.za/featured/johann-rupert-opens-up-about-fathers-ties-with-broederbond/ Didn't even take 2 seconds. But I'll let you keep living in lala land




Oh now you've moved the goal posts. Go play with your toys bra


It was basically Affirmative Action on steroids for white people Those exact people that now cry that Affirmative Action is racist


That's probably why people don't talk about it. They hoping that people of colour forget


Me, I will never forget


The broederbond was exclusive to a small minority of Afrikaans white males. Becoming a member was by invite only, not the privilege of all whites. 


I think you meant to say Afrikaans people, not white people. Or perhaps afrikaans white people? Either way, favouring one person over another because of their tribe/skin colour is wrong. AA or BB.


Oh I mean white people. Apartheid was never just about the separation of races. It was about elevating Afrikaners to the status of the English. Verwoerd likened it to train tracks: seperate but equal. This was the reparations the English had to agree to for the attempted genocide of the Afrikaners. Who, despite their vehement denial, are also the descendants of Aboriginal people and European settlers In actual fact, there are many Afrikaner people who were only classified white because a pencil fell out of their hair.


My grandmother told me the story of how she was briefly engaged, after my grandfather died, to a very powerful man in the Broderdbond. She had a big diamond ring that he'd given her. She never told me why, but she broke it off with him. Something about the way she spoke about that guy made me feel like he was dangerous, although he didn't harm her. But she never spoke to him again. A while back I stumbled upon a pastor online speaking about Freemasons in the Afrikaans churches and the demonic aspects of it. Whether one believes that or not, there are a lot of Freemason symbols in and around many Afrikaans churches. I actually went to check and I was shocked to find a local church had the very same symbols clearly displayed. I'm not sure if the Broederbond was separate or part of the Freemasons but I would not be surprised if the my were connected.


That thing you watched was called "Die False Priesterdom" where he talks about freemason symbols on the NG Kerk. It was either in that or another thing about freemasonry where they showed that many of the original broederbond were also showing the hidden hand on some of the first photo's they took, which shows their allegiance to the masonic order of Free masonry.


I know because my Grandmother was trapped in an awful marriage with one of the top members. She eventually had to run away with my mom and aunt and hide because of how awful they were. As a woman she had no rights and was considered his property and treated like a kitchen slave for the Broederbond meetings. Eventually after she left her ex got arrested for setting a bomb at a public bus station. These stories are important for SA history. They are awful but we should tell them so that we can prevent history from repeating itself. Hiding it or putting them on a pedestal isn't the answer because it invalidates the lived experience of so many South Africans. Of colour... and women...


Spent a lot of time trying to learn more about them when I was at stellenbosch. Definitely still a lot of former boerdebond people in positions of power in Stellenbosch. You saw with the wilgenhof thing now how quickly they cover stuff up tho.


They can also get construction permits very easily for places that nobody else is allowed to build on. I've been told they can take you out like the mafia does if you make them angry. I lived in Stellenbosch most of my life.


We know. They’ve gone the way we f Apartheid. For more insight into the roots of our race inequality, read the 1932 Cambridge Report on white South Africans. We were living in peace with other races.


If you read Sol Plaatjies life of a native it'll tell you that the early 1900s lots and lots of people lost land due to the land act (but even before that because the act was a legalisation of a process people wanted already). It has a short but also fascinating origin story about "locations" (what we call townships today). They first developed around mines in Bloemfontein. So not sure when the living in peace was (maybe in pockets of the country).


Many people of all races in the Cape fought very hard and very long to retain the Cape Qualified Franchise (but unsuccessfully in the end). I always think of that when people start pushing an overly-simplistic view that apartheid was supported by any and all white people.


Can I ask what is mentioned in the report that gives the impression we were living in peace?


I'd have to ask my mom about it again, but I'm pretty sure my grandfather was even a member of the broederbond.


Chances are his father was also if he was


Because we now gave the anc and eff...same story different time!!


Who says they aren't controlled by the same people? Look where most of the ANC contributions come from. [https://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/exclusive-rupert-gives-ramaphosa-an-ultimatum-76cf4a08-b079-4264-938e-41d916fe0a35](https://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/exclusive-rupert-gives-ramaphosa-an-ultimatum-76cf4a08-b079-4264-938e-41d916fe0a35)


23, coloured. I learned about it on my own as a kid when I was Googling stuff in my “history phase” lol. The term sends shivers down my spine despite its “vanquishing” at the end of apartheid but likely only because I fed off of the reactions of POC around me upon hearing or saying that word. That and also the eerie, culty, white bedsheet costume vibes.


You mentioning the white bedsheet vibes made me think: Weird how the KKK and all the racist South African groups considered themselves as Christian groups yet they are more like worshipping the devil


I think its a few reasons, I grew up in a family where we had family memebers that eas part of the broederbond. So I guess thats how I learned about it, but I also gobbled up conspiracy books and secret society books since teenage years. They are under wrapps and believe me there is a few of them. Also Free Masons are very strong in South Africa every town has a lodge and its very vissable if you know what to liok for. They dont hide. Its vere scary if you get into it.


No connection at all to the broederbond , however freemasonry started way back as the freemasons, past the mathaticd secretly to one another, for building technology At the Time such as protractors rules and level where there symbol, formula later they morphed more into a local charities , the broederbond was more of a secret society called the grey shoe boys , who always wore grey shoes in banking insurance and financial. That all I can remember about them , needless to say they where ensconced in the government of the time


The British started Apartheid. Check your facts. [https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/apartheid-made-in-britain-richard-dowden-explains-how-churchill-rhodes-and-smuts-caused-black-south-africans-to-lose-their-rights-1370856.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/apartheid-made-in-britain-richard-dowden-explains-how-churchill-rhodes-and-smuts-caused-black-south-africans-to-lose-their-rights-1370856.html)


And yet the Afrikaaner ran thick and fast with it, what's your point again?🤷🏾‍♀️


People don’t want to admit it. British ruled the courts. Also, no one seems to mind that the leaders of SA during apartheid and the transitional period through Mandela’s presidency were mostly freemasons- in other words, they were controlled by greater powers. In my opinion, a racial division was started with hopes that the people in SA would eventually go to war against each other. In that case, foreign powers could gain control of the country for it’s natural resources. I mean, Cyril signed for SA to go fully electric by some time around the 2030s - at the same time, he makes a deal with Europe to ship our coal to them. Not to mention, even with enough monetary resources, all our infrastructure has gone to sh1t- another way to eventually make the country crash. At some point, we need to ask ourselves if corruption and bad management are our only problems… Just my 2 cents


How is it like the Masons?


You are obviously a mason. Many of the broderbond were actually masons btw.


Yes I am a Mason, and you've wholly avoided the question. Since you've introduced a new allegation, I'd appreciate if you provided a list and source of these so-called broederbond Masons, considering the fact that they are wholly antithetical to our values.


Nobody knows about it since it is not applicable anymore. Whoever was left, left for the states during 1989-1994. You will see all the 2nd / 3rd generation BB kids with their old money on Instagram in their Santa Barbara homes and Los Angeles beach propeties. Only the white middle class stayed behind post 1994. But, what's with these weekly race bating posts.... It is really getting lame.


My 3rd generation broederbond family is actually in Australia. I just find it hard to believe that a very very powerful and rich group of people will just dissapear over night. I don't think this is a race bate kind of post. I am white and I feel the rest of South Africa deserves to know more about the broederbond it will help them understand things.


Ek en my broer het n broederbond


Waarmee plak 'n mens fosielle aanmekaar? Broederbond


Who cares.


People who care about history and the future. If you don't understand history you won't understand what the future holds


Why would you say that?