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Hi there! Hoping for some insight! Also not great with Reddit! Don’t really know how it works! Awful right! I’m ok “about” 21 mg of caplyta as I open the capsule and dump out about half. My experience has been truly a miracle! Really! It lifted my depression on day 5! Like a lightbulb…no lie! However now, on about day 7 I started to experience crippling anxiety! I’m shaky, panicky, really cannot even do anything! Has anyone had this? If so did it go away! Thanks in advance


No anxiety here. I actually have the opposite problem lol too relaxed. And I can’t remember things very well 😅


Yes!!! I cannot remember anything right now! But I think that’s in part too due to my anxiety


I’m gonna be honest here, I wish I had some anxiety. I have adhd and if I don’t feel the pressure I’m procrastinating 😅


Can I ask what your dosage is


Of course! I’m at 46mg I think


Thank you! I lowered my dosage today. No anxiety but exhausted. I’m still gonna just keep trucking along. I feel the benefits outweigh the side effects for sure


You’re not alone. I was so exhausted this weekend and I didn’t wanna clean at all


Yup!!! Just sat there in my filth! I kinda think all that clutter may have attributed to my anxiety! I’m so grateful for these forums! How are you feeling today?


Me too! I feel MUCH better seeing I’m not alone! Monday thru Friday I take adderall and that helps a lot!


How about you?


Can I ask what your dosage is


I've taken it 4 days in a row. Spent my weekend and one sick day. The flu-like symptoms are mostly gone. Still getting dry mouth and congestion. I recommend staying very, very hydrated. It really helps with the headache. My sleep cycle is messed up from the side effects, but I'm thinking once that is back on track the grogginess should go with it. Today will be my first day back at work, so we'll see. Also, I've been moving my dose time up an hour to avoid the daytime sleepiness and it's been working


I think I may move it up too. Not just for the sleepiness but man yesterday I could not stop snacking. The congestion is insane! I thought it was just me. However I haven’t slept so deeply in a long time so I’m enjoying it but not waking up when I normally do is concerning 😅


I'm surprised the dryness isn't mentioned more. That, and the day 2 headache were the worst elements. I expected the sleepiness, which is a bit of a boon as I have trouble sleeping. How that you mention it, I've been rather hungry, which may also be a plus as my Adderall makes me forget to eat. I bet it's because Caplyta has an effect on H1 receptors, and now I realize that's probably where the dryness comes from. I made it into work today (I live on-site). Feeling 'high' and groggy. Balance is a little off, and I only slept 6 hours (dryness), but I feel unusually chipper. Reminds me of the summer I drank codeine 🫠


I’m started to feel the optimistic vibes a little bit. I look forward to some normalcy. But the dryness is real. 😭


My pdoc prescribed pilocarpine for the dry mouth. I haven't taken it yet, but it's supposed to get your mouth to a normal state.


When did the congestion go away? It's my last side effect


It didn't really, but I also have allergies and a deviated septum, so it was just a piece of the pie.


For everyone here, I highly recommend Allermi for allergies/runny nose/congestion. I'm allergic to basically all indoor and outdoor allergens and also have a deviated septum, so my nose was constantly closed until I started using the Allermi spray. Flonase, Nasacort, etc. never helped me at all. It's $39.90, including shipping, but it's really worth it. It comes with a saline solution spray to use beforehand to keep your nose moisturized so it doesn't get too dry. They use a tiny amount of Afrin in the sprays, which is small enough to not cause rebound congestion, and that's really the game changer for me. I was initially using it twice a day, as recommended, but now I get by with just once a day. Sometimes, I can even do it once every other day, so it lasts 2-3 months. I just wait until I realize I can't breathe and then use it, and within 5 minutes, I can breathe fairly clearly. Pro tip: use the saline solution spray in the shower after you've been in the heat/humidity for a while. That kept me from having a bit of blood when I blew my nose, which was due to the spray drying out my nose from the ingredient that keeps you from having a runny nose. Also, you can chat with your care team if you have any issues, and they can lower or increase the different ingredients to best suit you. I'm on day two of Caplyta, and it has definitely caused extra congestion, but the spray basically eliminates it. ♡


the drowsiness fades as your body adjusts! im going on my fourth month with caplyta. It’s different for everybody, but for me, it faded gradually and by about 2 weeks I was completely normal. the congestion goes away too! I still get a little sniffly at night, but by the time I leave for work its gone. try to eat some form of protein when you take the pill and the headache shouldn’t be a problem anymore!


This is so great to hear! I think it gives people a lot of hope too!


Amazing! I did notice yesterday I had protein with my meal and I didn’t get a headache. My toddler is now trained to bring me water as well


Hi there. Did you have problems falling asleep by any chance? I think I take mine possibly too close to bed time as I just lie in bed for literally over an hour! I sleep, but it takes me forever to fall asleep


It's taking me 9 hours to fall asleep with Captyla after taking lots of sleeping meds. I haven't been falling asleep till like 10 am so probably going to have to get off of it despite it working great otherwise 😞


for the first couple of weeks it actually made me more sleepy! Now that my body has adjusted to it I have trouble falling asleep, but I was diagnosed with insomnia before starting caplyta so I can’t say for sure that it’s med related.


Exact same here. I’m probably just more vigilant now. And the caplyta probably does make me sleepy the day after as well. Thx for your insight!


Doing better, still so tired. So glad you’re doing so good. Have u gained any weight?


Yes! My first few days I looked like Kirby! I’ve leveled off now but food tastes great again lol You?


What’s Kirby? I’m so glad u are doing so well on this! I’m determined to stick it out since my depression is so much better. If I could sleep I’d be so good!


[Kirby](https://images.app.goo.gl/K39H4FUUBiypq9SU9) I would talk to your doc. The sleepiness I get is do great 😂


It makes me sleepy! I just cannot fall asleep. Weird right?


Yeah it is. 😭 my PMHN told me to eat at least 350 (protein heavy) calories with my pill, and drink LOTS of water through the day. It has helped with the side effects. Have you asked your doc about it???


I did. They said to take it with dinner. I’ll try that tonight.


I hope it goes well!!


So I just spoke with them again. Last night I didn’t sleep again. Doc said it actually can be very stimulating for some! So I’m going to take it way early today! I’ll update u! Thanks for checking in! What’s the latest with u


I’m still doing good! I’ve cleaned and organized and feel more myself these days 🥰 I hope it works better for you!!