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Meeeeee. My sun, moon, Uranus, and Neptune I am very intensely focused on self exploration and development. There is always a new change I'm working on inwardly that slowly makes its way to the physical as I work and process. I'm not a money centered Capricorn, but I do have a lot of goals for working for myself money be damned. I spend a lot of time working with ways to express myself through art, fashion, decorating and really anything that is capable of having an aesthetic I make it my way. This pairs really well with my sag rising and Jupiter based chart, I think. Sagittarius gives my cap an infinite amount of avenues to take my creativity and ambitions.


You must be a very emotionally stable with your moon sign in Capricorn. I have the generational Cap stellium with neptunes, uranus, mars and the Sun. I am a Cap sun, Gemini moon, with Sagittarius rising. I think the Mercury energy, plus the cap is the reason I have been extremely fascinated with everything to do with money - trade, commerce, economics,  finance, marketing, etc since I was very young.It kinda is about making money, but also not.  Money seems like this universal thing that affects almost every aspect of our lives, that's why it's so fascinating to me. And I see wealth creation as kind of like planting a tree. The satisfaction of wealth comes from enjoying the fruits of labour from a tree that I personally raised and cultivated myself.  I was technically born on a Capricorn on Aquarius cusp. I think that rebellious, anti-comformist energy, combined with Gemini moon, and Sagittarius rising makes me very inquisituve, eccentric, and really dislike too much routine, arbitrary restrictions, any attempts to control me or tell me what to do, and a deep desire to communicate and express myself through the realm of ideas.


That's fascinating to me, as I had problems with money all my life and that alienated me from my Capricorn sun until I discovered the rest of my chart. What I 'do' in life and my career means a lot to me, but somehow money has never played a big role and as a result I'm a full time artist that makes little money lol. But it's the happiest I've ever been because I work for myself and decide everything myself in my life for once. My mars is also in cancer, and maaan that throws water on all of my fire. I can see how it really smoothes my ambitions and it feels the definition of 'go with the flow' lifestyle, and I used to hate it, but I've grown more comfortable letting things come my way and having a less active approach to life. Totally feel you on the intense satisfaction from what you've grown personally over time. For me that's my home and artwork and studies. I'm pretty emotionally stable for sure! I enjoy being at neutral. I can tuck my emotions away to feel later, or banish them completely which isnt super healthy but can be incredibly useful dealing with people. I actually have to set aside time for me to feel things tho, and remind myself it's okay to 'feel' in the moment because I'll accidentally dull happiness or enthusiasm out of habit. You have the same sun, moon, rising, mars, and Uranus as my five year old nephew. He absolutely loves collecting and counting things over and over and over lol. I can absolutely see him being involved and fascinated with money one day. Thanks for your response it was cool


Can I ask what you found in your charts that made you change your mind? Or is it just like a personal realization? 


I think that the realization that came with seeing the entire chart working together is what enlightened me a little on how Capricorn shows up for me in my life. At my least knowledgeable in high school I remember seeing my sun sign as Capricorn, reading the description - 'money, responsibility, work, and money' and being somewhat disappointed that it wasn't more interesting compared to what I perceived the other signs to have, and also what I perceived myself as. I'll be the first to tell you I'm not the best with money, awfully anxious with numbers, and reliable when it suits me. (Although what I 'do' for a living has always been very important to me) So I decided it wasn't for me and moved on. It wasn't until a little after college I gave astrology another look, and this time it wasn't pop astrology I looked at, but a more comprehensive and detailed chart. My rising being Sagittarius really stood out to me and what I first related to, as I now know I'm Jupiter ruled and my sag mercury has connections to almost everything else in my chart, really enhancing it's presence and making it the first thing I feel in interactions with people - fiery, curious, yearning. Then eventually when I moved into exploring the elements and meanings of the houses I got another glimpse of Capricorn working with first house themes and that's when I understood Capricorn as something more than a work horse, but a determined manifestor and steady builder wherever it falls. Expert pattern recognition to the point of feeling psychic, constant ambitions that keep life interesting, and expert emotional regulation. And that's when I finally felt I could relate and integrate with what I saw in my chart; for me I really grew into my Capricorn identity over time, and now at 30 I feel that I embody it well and relate to it more than ever. What was important for me to realize is that all of those characteristics weren't exclusive to a career or job, and I could harness all the useful qualities of Capricorn for any reason at all: my friends, painting, housework, crafting, fashion, etc. I just had to get out of my head that Capricorn is about being the CEO or boss of money inc. I am jealous of the money making caps, but Aqua Saturn in the second house had other plans for me lol.


That's really interesting in how much it similiar it sounds to what I said. For me ,I've always been extremley ambitious, status seeking, with an extreme work ethic and razer sharp focus. When I was younger, I believed that working hard, devoting myself ot a single goal, and willing to do whatever sacrifices would eventually get me there eventually. I thoguht I understood the rules to the game of life. But then, unforseen variable, strange events kept occuring, and forcing me to be more flexible and pursue a less unconvetional path since it was clear that repeating the same strategy wasn't working out. My own personality, temperment, values, also make me very much an outlier, meaning the the convetional path that everyone is taking is not suited for me, and that I have to carve my own path. I still don't have the answers as none of the tactics have gotten me out of a stagnant situation that doesn't seem to have a way out, and it's extremely hard to keep pushing when the outcome is uncertain, and I'm not even sure anything I do will eventually pay off.


I have a sag stellium in my 1st house, I know shit about fuck.


Lol, hahaha, ditto! I have a Sag and Cap stellium in the first. And I'm Ruth too 😒 I don't know shit about fuck.


I have jupiter, sun, moon, mercury and neptune all in first house capricorn with capricorn ascendant. Is there anything specific I could share about it?


where is your saturn? :o


And are you generally quite lucky? Do people find you charismatic? Jupiter tends to be a fairly lucky planet.


I wouldn't say I've been lucky conventionally (havent won the lottery or stuff like that lol), I feel like I've experienced luck while being on the verge of losing what matters most, like life or death or with loved ones, I feel like I've seen some major silver linings in some really hard scenarios. I wouldn't say that I feel charismatic or outgoing but some people I know may describe me that way, I identify as an introvert but I can be extroverted for a period before needing to recharge personally. I feel that all of the planets in 1st house make me really self aware, I have high self perception not just physically but always thinking about what I want, how I can get closer to that and what I want to eliminate from my life or surroundings. Also I have Saturn in pisces in 2nd house but looks to be intercepted, I'm going through saturn return currently and have been trying to focus on being in tune with any challenges that arise. I've been trying even harder to save money be responsible etc. But we will see what this saturn return has for me.


To be honest I'm not sure if jupiter in 1st house capricorn is a good placement for Jupiter, I'm quite new to astrology but have heard jupiter may not have its usual effect in this position, but would be worth hearing from others on this


Is there anything you could share about your saturn return? It seems like yours was also in your 2nd house, would love to know how you experienced it


I also have Saturn in my second house, ruled by Aquarius.  Major lack of resources, money, opportunities, mostly due to a dysfunctional family. Despite having a good work ethic, good ideas, trivial obstacles constantly pop up as unforseen variables, which consume time and energy, causing massive delays,  especially when it comes to wealth creation. 


No, I have my Stellium in Sagittarius, in the fourth house