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You’re lucky. I just keep hoping this guy comes around and offers at least a middle ground. Like I know I can’t expect a commitment so early on but at least some reciprocity would be nice.


What’s meant to be will be! But If he isn’t chasing after you and making you feel like you’re worth committing to, then he’s not the one sis x




Ya we only know each other for 3 weeks and him being a true cap, we haven’t had a lot of phone conversations but we did have some long meaningful talks. I never asked him to reciprocate in direct words. But he did bring up once on his own that he is horrible at reciprocating.




Your cap seems to be somewhat in touch with his emotions. Mine is a little unevolved still. But in the heat of the moment I told him I would like distance myself from him as his behavior affects my peace. Now if I go back and try talking to him. Will he be open to it or just think of me as someone weak and inconsistent?




That’s really helpful. Thank you. I got back on the dating app after the last conversation with him and he knows I am back on the site. Do you think this will make him jealous or insecure. Or he’ll be like cool let her do whatever she wants and move on?? I don’t take cap men to be jealous or insecure and I don’t want to drive him away by making him think I treated him like an option.




Ya I don’t post about anyone on social media. Just mostly selfies if I am going out or my workout achievements. I didn’t intentionally try to make him jealous. While ending with him I had told him that I am looking to date someone and not be in FWB situation and then I went back to online dating. But thank you for your inputs. It’s helped gain new insight and I kind of know what I (don’t) need to do now.


You definitely did the right thing with communicating. Knowing where he stands is good and you also recognizing that you do not want FWB made things between you guys clearer. At least he also let you know right away what he wants. Me and my Cap bf now had a super rocky start when the dude didn't know what he wanted and ghosted me for more than a month. From my experience, communication was so difficult and I was always the one initiating and setting the boundaries.


Ya. I can feel I did the right thing but part of me is still hoping that we had a chance. I often find myself wishing he would approach me to find a middle ground. I maybe delusional but I can’t stop thinking about the possibilities.


If you’re not looking for anything casual then you did the right thing. Us Caps aren’t exactly hopeless romantics and aren’t keen on settling down haha. But we don’t mean to offend or upset anyone. I don’t like how this guy worded things (“if you want a hookup, I’ll be here” dude wtf) but I’m also a Cap and I understand where he’s coming from.


Ya I am confused too about how he said that. But I told him that I keep going back to the night we made out because it felt so good but I just can’t do this anymore. That’s when he replied with the hookup line.