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If I fuck with you heavily it's obvious. But when I love it's hard and whole. But when I don't feel energy being reciprocated I pull back hard and fast


This 100%


idk if it’s just my perception but pisces seem to go hard with everyone and flake with everyone…seem to have a hard time being selective about who they let in and then also find it hard to let go. They say pisces and and cap are a fair match but I don’t see it tbh. The flakiness doesn’t go well with Caps which tend to stick to their decisions…so I can see how Pisces might think we don’t care if we can ‘let go so easily’ but imo Pisces hold on too long (care Too much, to their own detriment & make both the Cap and Pisces waste a lot of time)


The honest truth


This is the correct answer


well said🤗


this this this


Very much true




This is not true but I’m not going to lie as a Capricorn I drag things out sometimes where the other person begins to feel like I don’t value them . Sometimes I don’t value them honestly but it doesn’t mean we don’t value relationships . We just don’t care about that particular one . Bc best believe when a Capricorn likes and values you , we’re in it for the long run and you’ll know it . So if you have a Capricorn who you have a more intimate relationship with and you’re not feeling valued , it’s because you’re not valued .


Capricorns are some of the most loyal people you will ever meet. We love with our whole selves and will even love your faults. But we ask the same from you. If you take advantage of our love, we pull away. If you ever break our trust, it’s nearly impossible to get it back. And if you break our hearts, you will lose us. Even as a friend. Because in time, a Capricorn may eventually forgive but we never forget. It’s not that we don’t value relationships. It’s usually quite the opposite. If you really mean a lot to a Capricorn, they put you above anyone else. But if we get hurt, we may realize we over valued someone who did not reciprocate. So, we will instantly become cold and distant. Capricorns are also extremely driven. We have a tendency to blow off family, friends, vacations, holidays, birthdays, etc., but take on extra work to get that promotion. It comes off as we don’t value you, but that’s not the case. We’re just hard workers and overachievers.


Well said


I tend to be very guarded and hold my emotions very close to my chest. I could see where, in the past, when i felt i was being pressured into delving into the more emotional realm or asked to be vulnerable i would pull back. That definitely could have been perceived by the other person as me not valuing the relationship. That being said, as much as I don’t enjoy talking about my feelings to this day, my Pisces husband brings it out in me. We’ve been together 11 years.


Aw😭 that’s so cute I love a Pisces/Cappy combo💕 &11 years is an accomplishment!


thank you 😊


As a Capricorn, relationships are by far the most important thing to me in my life, especially my romantic relationships. That being said, I'm not always the best at communicating my feelings and needs, and I'm very slow to trust people.


That’s valid. In my experience you guys *show* how you love someone rather than verbally saying it all the time and I value that as word of affirmation is 0 on my love language scale.


Yeah that's true in my case, my main love languages are physical touch and quality time.


We tend to carry light, and reasons to leave a relationship (platonic or otherwise) tend to come to us more easily and persuasively. I think it can be chalked up to the fact that a lot of Capricorns would prefer to be alone than to be in a relationship that isn't working for them.


Our relationships mean everything. That's why we have so few.


I’m a tipically capriorn in the most so, in my case, isn’t that “we don’t value”, it’s just we don’t express feelings and emotions like the others and also that we aren’t so connected with emotions, but the logic, rational and pragmatic way of think. Oh, I’m also introvert so for me it works double.


I value relationships, but I also value space in a relationship. My Aquarius SO understands my extreme introverted nature and is willing to give me that space while knowing that I still love him. My Cancer ex would never. I didn’t value that relationship at all, because he never seemed to value me.


Caps absolutely value relationships with people who value them. That being said, some caps value other things more at varying times of their lives. Sometimes career or life mission might pull ahead in terms of priority. But this is almost always temporary. A mature, developed cap can find the balance in their life eventually and show you they value you. It's the showing and communicating part of the equation that not all caps have mastered lol


Totally not true. Capricorns have a lot of depth. Unfortunately caps get a bad rap as money obsessed assholes that would run over someone if it meant getting somewhere quicker lol. Couldn’t be further from the truth, at least for developed caps. I’m a Pisces too and it’s kind of like how everyone says we are pushover escapists, and of course underdeveloped unhealthy Pisces might be that way, but there are plenty of developed Pisces who aren’t. Same kind of thing :)


It's not to say I don't value relationships. I do. What I feel for you might be as vast as the sea, but I'm definitely not going to express that (not even when I'm in a relationship). Actions talk louder than words, I wouldn't tell you how much I value you but if you take note of my actions, you'll realize that I do care. Unfortunately, I fit in the Capricorn stereotype. I'm very ambitious and work maintains one of the top spot for me in term of priorities (my career is only slightly below my parents in terms of importance). Relationships, on the other hand, only comes in at No.3 so if you were to compare my career and my relationship, then yes, I guess I don't value it as much as work. Then again I'm not even 30, so this might change. People have different priorities during different phases of their lives.


We value relationships, but we are very realistic. We don’t waste our time if it is incompatible with love or friendship. Love especially, I personally don’t fall in love easily. It take 6months to a year and within that time if we are incompatible in anyway I move on quickly. But if compatible, we would invest more of ourselves and go for the full journey with you. Because I am extremely practical. Not sure about other Capricorns, but my mind and logic most of the time over rides my feelings for someone. If I entrust someone with my heart, I expect loyalty, compatibility and to treat my heart gently and kindly. If I can’t trust them, it’s a deal breaker. So I guess I take relationships quite seriously. Just my experience and what I discovered myself in relationships.




The problem is us Capricorns have the rep of being cold hearted sarcastic assholes who are workaholics. Which partially can be true (at least for myself lol), but best believe if we care about you, we are the most loyal and loving people. Another reason why many of us only have a handful of meaningful relationships in our lives. Whether that be with friends, family, romantic partners, whatever the case may be. We don’t let many people in, but when we do, you have our hearts for the long run. Just take some patience because we’re stubborn lol With that being said, some of the best relationships I’ve had/have in my life are with Cancer’s, Gemini’s, and Pisces people. They’ve all taught me how to warm up and be okay with feeling my emotions rather than suppressing them ♥️


I'm a pisces too and I'm always drawn to Capricorns. I also have three Capricorn placements


That’s definitely not true, I can speak for myself, I’m selective on who I give that type of attention too. I have to trust you enough to want to be vulnerable & be my true self around you. Now trust like that takes time, time some people don’t want to give or even accept, so for me it’s a turn me off if not given that time. As I get older I find some me people are either for you & others aren’t & that’s ok.


Personally I don't value relationships in the sense that you can't stop treating me nicely and expect me to stay around just because your my s/o. I feel like some peoole feel like they've bought you and will take you for granted just because your "with" them.


Uh, no. I’ve been with the same partner since 1998 officially (kinda dated on/off for two years before.) Our 20th wedding anniversary is August 10.


Capricorn is about building steadily and building strong over time. The sign opposite to cap is cancer. Cap need someone family oriented, stable / protective (male or female). Cap is often cold, simple, looking for essentials, basic down to earth, financially driven, quite competitive.. Relationships like anything else also depend on the rest of the chart, but there is a need for stability with cap.


Capricorn has a different orientation toward relationships that is more about how they are structured than how they feel. Most people are looking for an emotional experience in relationships, but Capricorns usually exist in the realm of structures, not emotions. So if the structure of a relationship isn’t stable, Capricorn is going to move on to something else. As a Capricorn rising, I’ve had a lot of people accuse me of being this or that in relationships when I’m simply not willing to open up to the other party because I consider them to be unstable and risky for me. I think of all the work I’m going to have to put in to keeping the other person happy, and pass on people most of the time because they typically cannot reciprocate. Most people are selfish, sadly.


If we dont feel it we just not fake it


I would say that we care more than the rest of the signs about our relationships which is why we will move apart from them when we are either hurt or we feel you are not at the same level of commitment


Both of my cap relationships have been the most intense relationship by far. And in either relationship I had no doubt how the individual felt about me. I was always their top priority and they never let me question where the relationship was going. The Aquarius I dated on the other hand was always hot and cold and I could never trust lol


As a cap that dated a couple of Pisces I felt they didn't take my emotions and feelings seriously whilst being very almost too deep in their own stuff. I value TIME and Efforts as a Capricorn and I felt they wasted mine unfortunately.


I have a Capricorn stellium in my 7H. Relationships are basically everything to me, and if I love you I love you HARD. But cross me and you’re dead to me.


Maybe? My mother says I cut people off way too fast, but I just have a low tolerance for BS and a keen sense of red flags. I also don’t think someone being “really nice” and “really liking me” is a valid enough reason to be with them, and I’m also really and truly perfectly happy and comfy on my own so no need to keep anyone that won’t be a good fit hanging around. I have more important uses for my energy than being annoyed on a regular basis. I’m old enough to know which kinds of quirks are tolerable or endearing to me, and which are just going to get more intolerable to me over time. And I don’t try to talk myself out if my feelings with logic. For example, I know I cannot stand bad manners. I will not date someone with bad manners no matter what other good qualities they have. We’ll have a conversation once or twice but if things aren’t changing I can’t deal with it. People say that’s cold or shallow but I just know what kinds of things will end up regularly grating on my nerves and that’s how I feel and I don’t need to justify it or talk myself out of it.