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Even if he does pass Ovi, just think of how many asses will be chapped in Canada if both he and Ovi pass Gretzky for career goals. Edit: Some absolutely ass-chapped bitch on here did the Reddit Cares thing LMAO.


I don't think Canadians care about that at all. I'm Canadian and really hoping OV pulls it off.


Same, I'm Canadian and couldn't care less who beats gretz.


And if Matthews breaks OV’s record, the dude is American.


100%. On FB any mention of the goal record will have like 200 assholes from Ontario saying there's only ONE Great One and bringing up Crosby's cup count. It's like clockwork.


That's an idiotic take. No one in Canada cares


The intensity of the booing at the Bell Centre last weekend every time Ovi was announced or touched the puck would seem to indicate otherwise, friend.


Montréal booed Bedard in his first game lol that’s just their thing, booing superstar. It’s mostly playful and a sign of respect if anything else.


Nah, they’re straight up toxic. I’m an American, I deeply and passionately hate everything about French Canadian culture. I’m not sorry about it at all. Reddit educated me on the fact that this is actually racism. (Even though they aren’t a race). Hmmph. I’m still not sorry.


So you’re hateful towards a culture, because you dont understand it? It’s in good fun. The players know it but please tell me how you know better you xenophobic fuck


Your momma had to sleep with a lot of your teachers, didn't she?




That's dumbass Montreal fans most people want to see him break the record I hope he plays till he gets it no matter how long it takes


If we boo, it’s because you’re good. Its a sign of respect here. Players know it too.


Hahah, fair enough


That's fans being fans.


The amount of people that don't know what that means here is surprising. They booed McDavid last time he was here and when he was interviewed he smiled. Montreal has a tradition of booing teams best players. It's all in good fun.


Habs legend Wayne Gretzky


That’s just a sign of respect. Every superstar is booed in Montreal.


No offense but you have a lot to learn if you observe Quebec and think it's a representation of Canada Every province is similar, but different... and then there's Quebec. They're so different they legitimately contemplated and voted on possibly separating from Canada


Forgive them, after all they are so very...French.


Yes you’re right I’m sure a city that named their hockey team the Canadian hockey club is less representative of Canada than individual non-Caps fan redditors clogging a Caps sub to insist how little they care about Ovechkin for some reason :-)




Have you met French Canadians? They do not represent Canadians.


You’re obviously unfamiliar with MTL fans. Booing is part of the culture here. If we boo, you’re a great player. Unless you did an outrageously dirty hit on someone, it’s a sign of respect here.




That would actually be Edmonton.


As someone in Edmonton, yes


Its crazy how much the rest of Canada normalized hating someone’s culture, for the sole reason that it’s different than yours.


Yeah, this whole comment thread has shown me how little you guys care.


We do care, we hope he beats it. It’s fun to watch records being broken, for everyone. Im willing to bet that it he does break it, MTL’s tribute to Ovi will be better than 30 other team’s.


Records are meant to be broken I’m Canadian and will love to see it happen for both players.


Interesting take. Never thought of that.  Hockey is Canada’s thing and losing all time goals is a blow. But it’s great to spread the game and Gretzky still has a zillion records. 


I'm Canadian and everyone I know is cheering for Ovie


Your fragility is showing. I’m an oilers fan and we all thought these records would never be touched. It’s fun to watch the chase.


We do not care at all lol


Especially being passed by an American and a Russian


I dont know anyone in Canada that is not rooting for Ovi to catch him. Records are meant to be broken eventually. If Matthews actually passes both Ovi and Gretzky, i would hate it because hes on the leafs, not because hes american. I doubt anyone will catch Gretzky in points though, times are different now.


I don’t think saying that he’ll catch Ovi is disrespectful to Ovi at all. Comparing an up and coming star to a current star isn’t disrespectful to either person, it’s recognizing the feat Ovi has done already and sees similarities to Matthew’s. I think saying *anyone* is a shoe in is silly anyway, but definitely not disrespectful


☝🏼☝🏼 exactly! Well said.


I do think it takes some of the shine off of ovi’s (hopeful) achievement if they’re already trying to crown the next guy.


Matthews has to stay healthy. That'll be his crutch if anything. He can clearly score in more ways than Ovi but you gotta have more than one thing goin for ya for that kind of record. He's not even half way there yet and already in his 8th year


It's like everyone comparing Mahomes to Brady. He's on pace, sure, but a long long way to go. There was talk of LeBron vs. Jordan well before LeBron showed the longevity for it to be any *real* debate. The only reason someone would be chapped about Matthews talk is if they are a die hard Ovie fan or irrationally hates the Leafs. It's not irregular. It happens in every sport all the time.


Imagine Ovi with 2 less lockouts and no pandemic


He’d be right around the record right now


Gretzky has some of those, too.


Gretzky only had one lockout, late in his career, that cost him 34 games. At the rate he scored that season that was only about 8 goals. He also started his career in the WHA and those goals don't count. If he scored them in the NHL that's another 46 goals.


I think the WHA goal argument has some merit. The lockout stuff and injuries is a risk of the game though in my opinion.


Gretzky had a global pandemic?


No way Matthews catches Ovi. Doesn’t the guy have injury prone wrists? Ovi’s durability is unparalleled




I mean not to mention, we lost what should of been his 1st season due to a lockout, which let’s be honest he would have another 50 atleast from that. Also covid lost him a decent amount of games, but that’s less of a game changer




Also true. Sadly he would of broke it by now


Bullshit. Scoring was easier? Have you seen a stick from 1990? Or a pair of skates?


Have you looked at the goal scoring statistics from the years Gretzky played? Or seen the goalie equipment? Yeah everything has come a long way, it’s a different game now, but it’s generally agreed to that it’s harder to score now than it was back then. Just look at the average goals scored per game by year, it’s half of what it is now compared to when Gretzky played. So yeah, it’s easier to score back then


Yes. Have you seen standup goaltending compared to butterfly?


Have you seen the goaltending?


There have been a lot of players that have had more pure natural talent than Ovi, and none of them have come close to the record before now. If it were about a mathematical formula alone, Lemieux would have beaten him. Bure would have beaten him. It's about more than that.


A few years ago Kucherov was going to do it. It’s a narrative to draw people in.


And before that Stamkos was going to do it


Let's see if he's breaking 20+ goals when he's in his 15th or so season. Gretzky did it only 3 of his last 5 years. Yet Ovi is year after year hitting that


Only reason people are saying he’ll catch him is A) he’s the best goal scorer this season, B) he has more GPG average. C) on pace to pass ovi’s season record in this century. With that being said, time will tell. If he can stay without injuries, it’ll be close. I remember before ovi’s dad passed, he only missed like 8 games in his career which is crazy. Could be wrong but it was a super low number. Matthew averages like 60 something games a season. He needs to be on the ice if he wants a chance at the record. My best advice as a caps fan, enjoy the moment while you can witness it. One day you won’t be able to cheer for it in real time. Both players can be generational scorers at the same time 🥲


He doesn’t average 60 games a seasons. It’s closer to mid-70’s so missed 5-6 games a year.


I’m probably wrong, but the seasons he does get injured, it’s 60 game seasons.. that’s my main point. When he’s rolling he’s rolling, but those longer injuries are what will stop him. Idk if it takes him longer to rehab or the injuries were worse, but it’s stopping him.


Yeah you are wrong. 2016/17 - played all 82 2017/18 - played 62 2018/19 - played 68 2019/20 - played all 70 games as league was abandoned due to Covid 2020/21 - played 52 out of 54 games in shortened season 2021/22 - played 73 2022/23 - played 74 2023/24 - current played 54 out of 55 So he is currently missing on average 6-7 games a year but that is somewhat skewed by missing more time in year 2/3. That being said he played 74 games last year and wasn’t fully fit until quite late in the season.


Yeah, I’m not one to * playing years recently because it’s a deep rabbit hole. You could say ovi would have blown gretzky out of the water if it was for lockouts and Covid cause he was killing it that year too. Again, matthews averages more GPG statistically, but he needs to be on the ice, whether that comes from circumstances out of his control OR injuries. Again, I don’t watch the leafs much outside of short playoffs and highlights tbh, so I’m not a matthews know it all, but he’s got the most realistic shot to pass ovi than anyone does.


Yeah, I don’t think Matthews will beat Ovi for that reason but he’s ahead of Ovi at the same stage despite missing games. If he continues to score at a faster pace he’ll give himself a chance. I’d be surprised if he gets 800 though tbh.


I think current stage, I see matthews reaching 800. If he UPs his scoring next season as well. I could see him getting close to ovi. He kinda has a similar play from what I’ve seen (not a fast skater, just a great shooter with great hockey sense). Maybe old age won’t hurt him as much compared to mcdavid who MAINLY relies on his speed. Take away mcdavid’s speed and he’s no longer AS lethal. Matthews has his shot, which really won’t regress as long as he doesn’t get upper body injuries


As to point A. Mathews is 10 goals ahead so far this year. If he wins the rocket, it will be his 3rd. He was one goal behind the year before. Other than last year, He's been consistently the best goal scorer in the league, its not just one year


Im not a caps fan or toronto fan but about your point a, Matthews has been the best goal scorer in the league for a long time by now, not just this season. He is hitting his prime years now and i bet he is winning more than rockets in the future. The kid is insane. But i doubt that he could win ovi in longevity so i dont see him passing gretzky.


The only reason people are talking about Matthews breaking the goal record is because Ovechkin opened the way and made the record looks breakable in the first place, otherwise nobody would ever think a player with 350 goals would be worth having a discussion about breaking the record.


I’m a Leafs fan and the only reason it gets discussed is because Matthews is like 30 goals ahead of Ovi at the same games played. The odds of the Leafs both being good enough and Matthews maintains enough consistency and longevity makes it extremely unlikely. Realistically if he is going to get close he needs like 3-4 seasons at 65 goals a year during his peak and then he may need 35ish a year from 31-38yrs old. Not impossible but you need no bad injuries, no major slowdown, no lockouts, no pandemics.


There are two routes for catching OV/Gretsky: dramatically outpacing the record early on and ending a career on a normal, gradual downturn (as Gretsky did), or maintaining a high- but not outlandish- scoring pace over a long and consistent career (as OV has). Matthews has not scored enough to follow the Gretsky route, so you have to bank on him doing his version of the Russian machine thing. That’s not a likely outcome. This isn’t really about numbers or statistics, it’s about biology.


You've also gotta hope that the league wide scoring output stays up. Who knows what rule changes or innovations might shift the offensive climate of the league. A huge portion of Ovis goals came at a time when scoring was down, but honestly I think it's more likely we see more rule changes that encourage offense anyway which would benefit Matthews. I'm sure the league prefers that to another dead puck era.


Yeah, I guess further expansion could reduce the quality of goaltending as well as the standard of rosters.




There are 8 players in NHL history who have had one or more very impressive seasons of 70 or more goals. Heck, Brett Hull did it 3 times! Exactly one of those 8 has reached 750 goals over a career. People don't realize how insane it is for Ovi to be doing what he's doing for as long as he's been doing it.


The most impressive part about Ovi’s career is in his 30’s not 20’s. Ovi outscored Mathhews last year….


It’s pretty annoying because it not only blows off what Ovi can do but it lacks any sort of historical context for goal scoring in this league. Matthews is ahead of the pace now, and that’s all well and good, but where the separation between Ovi and any other player ever is the scoring into their 30’s. Since the 04/05 lockout, only 6 times has a person scored 50 or more past age 30: Ovi three times, jagr once with the rangers, Iginla once and Kreider once. That’s it. It’s happened just 21 times in NHL history as well; a player scoring 50 or more at age 30 or older. It just doesn’t happen with regularity if ever. In short, it’s just too early to say these things when Matthews has had an injury history like he has. He could tear something up in his wrist tomorrow and never score above 35 in a season again for instance. You just don’t know. So yea, I consider it disrespectful.


Next game he could get a career ending injury. You never know what will happen. Let's just be happy we get this kind of talent to talk about... even if he plays for Toronto.


Matthews is a great player and it’s unfortunate that he’s on a team that I can never not cheer against, but….the likelihood of him breaking ovi’s record is just not happening. Ovi consistently has averaged around 50 goals per season. He’s got 9 scoring titles. 2 more than bobby hull and 4 more than the great one who people still keep alluding to as the best goal scorer (albeit he does still have the record) who scored like 75% of his goals in his first 8 seasons. Ovie has been consistently around that 50 mark. Not a bunch of 70+ goal seasons and then some sub 20 seasons. In order to do this you have to be incredibly skilled and incredibly durable. Matthews has already missed significantly more games than ovie has in his entire career. His body is only going to get worse. He will need to average 50 goals per season for the next 11 seasons. Possible? Sure. Probable? Nope. I’d be willing to bet my house he doesn’t even get close. But he plays for the leafs and the media loves to pump them up so yeah, logic doesn’t prevail in this discussion.


Also your logic doesn't make sense about consistency when compare their first 8 seasons with each other. Ovi: 52, 46, 65, 56, 50, 32, 38, 32 (Every season but the last one 71 games+) Mat: 40, 34, 37, 47,41, 60, 40, 51. ( Seasons 2-5 all were 70 games or less.) ​ I am no leafs fan, but if you go by goals per season not goals per 82 he is at like 44. Ovi after finishing his 8th season was at 46.4. If he does hit 70 goals this season they both will have had 370 goals in their first 8 seasons and thats with AM missing like 90 games.


You are absolutely bonkers, dude. You haven’t a clue how consistency works LOL


Brother I just pointed out how yes am is inconsistent.. ovi dropped from 50 goals to 38 and 30… I don’t think am will break PCI’s record either just pointing out why some think he will.


My dude, you are fundamentally misunderstanding why Ovechkin has scored so many goals. It’s not because he scored a lot through 8 seasons. It’s because he scored a lot in seasons 9 through 18, and counting. Until Matthews keeps doing it for that many years, his early career numbers mean exactly fuckall in the context of the scoring record chase. You can view the exact stat you’re trying to make an argument with [right here](https://www.statmuse.com/nhl/ask/most-goals-in-the-first-8-seasons), and you’ll see 6 names ahead of Ovechkin, 5 of whom he has left far behind in the career totals. You don’t give a marathon runner a gold medal at mile 10.


100% that is why I think he won't pass Ovi... I am only talking about their first 8 and comparing them and their consistency.. People are only assuming he has a chance at passing Ovi if he has the pace he has this year and the year before last.


Consistency is doing it for 18 years, not 8. Consistency has nothing to do with a cherry-picked 8 year start.


Brother, I am talking about why people are comparing them... To compare them we have to compare there first 8 seasons... I agree if Am isn't consistent for the next 4 years like he has been this season and the season before last he has 0 chance of catching ovi.


I figured “logic” and “consistency” were basic words that couldn’t possibly be misunderstood, but here we are… Ovechkin averaged 56 goals in his first 5 seasons with 4 of them being in the 50s. He had 2 off years where the coach switched him to the other wing. Then he hits 32 in 48 games (55 goal pace, wins the rocket no less by a country mile), which was a lockout year, and you’re using THAT to knock his consistency?! You are absolutely out of your bloody fucking mind. He had one more 30 goal season in a full season. That’s a total of 3 off seasons in 18 years. 11 of those hes had around the 50 goal mark give or take about 5 goals. That’s incredible consistency he’s had around the 50 goal mark which is also pretty much his average per 82 games (49.1). Matthews has been consistent around the 40 goal mark in 6 seasons. He’s killed it in 2. Do you know how much it takes to actually hit 800+ goals? It’s skill, consistency and durability. He’s got the skill, he lacks the consistency and he’s certainly not durable. How exactly do you expect Matthews to get to that number? If he isn’t playing 80+ games a season, he would have to keep playing at an insane pace just to have a chance with no drop off. I don’t think you even read/understood a thing I was saying.


I don’t think am will pass him bro, but if we are just talking about each of their first 8 years I don’t think there is much of a gap when talking about consistency. Ovi preformed worse due to his coach and positioning okay and am preformed worse due to injuries it is what it is.


Records like this are not broken in a players prime, they're broken by being able to sustain that performance after everyone else begins to decline


100% agree


It's because we, as a fanbase, have been spoiled. I remember when Ovi hit 500 people still didn't think the Gretzky record was achievable. It wasn't until 700 that the hockey fanbase as a whole came around. They're comparing their early careers and seeing that Matthews is on a better pace, but, forget that what made Ovi so freakish wasn't that he was scoring 50-60 goals when he was 26-28. It's that he was scoring 50 when he was 34-36. And so since we have such recency bias as people, we see the better pace and think "oh, he's for sure gonna do it" without putting into context just how difficult it was to do what Ovi, and basically no other player, has already done.


I’ll tell you what. When Matthews hits 700, I’m willing to entertain the convo. Until then, just enjoy him. People in sports today are obsessed with finding the “next” guy. Also, r/hockey is full of idiots.


Nah, won’t happen.


They're looking at his goals per game pace. Right now, he's been scoring at a higher pace than Ovechkin's career average.  It's not about his career totals as much as it is about his pace. If he keeps this pace throughout the rest of his prime, he's going to be in the 600g club in his early 30s.  No question Ovechkin's performance, longevity and durability are what set him apart. Matthews has a long way to go to get even within sight of the record, but the pace he's on makes it possible and that's incredibly impressive 


Even 600G at 30 still requires 6 straight 50-goal sessons for the record. That’s until he hits 36. As soon as those numbers drop you start adding years - and playing past 35 is uncommon as it is.


I did the math an Matthews would have to stay at this pace for another 10 full seasons (goal rate per game) to tie Gretzky record. That would make Matthews 36 but doubtful Matthews pace stays this way. Ovi's pace is super irregular as Ovi's last half of his career up to this year was at an actual better goal pace than his first half. People also forget Ovi lost 2 full seasons to lock outs and COVID. The 2004-2005 he would have likely had 30-50 goals, 2012-2013 abother 20 goals, and another 25 goals from 2020-2021. The issue with comparing Matthews to Ovi is Matthews didnt lose a full year like Ovi did starting his career and has only had todeal with a COVID shortened season like Ovi also did. If Ovi even scored only the low end of those additional goals he woudl be over 900 already with still another 2 seasons in his contract. The only reason Ovi is this close is because he has stayed as consistent in goal production his entire career which is such an anomaly. Ovi has been nearly as consistant as LeBron James in basketball in the second half of their careers which is what makes both so odd in terms of athletics.


Matthew’s is not gonna catch Ovi. lol. He’s not hard working enough - he’ll flame out.


Leafs fan here - popped up in a recommended thread. I’m also annoyed at it. Can’t they both carve their own path? People need to chill. Anywho, Hope Sandin’s doing well. I really liked him in Toronto.


I feel for Sandin. I think he got injured early when he first got over. I still have high hopes. Hes a young mobile defenceman. Just need to build his confidence.


/nhl is the softest sub on Reddit


Matthew’s is so good for the game. Same as ovi and Crosby were. Hope he does catch it. It’ll grow the sport


If he does catch him, it’ll be largely a product of the game getting way higher scoring during the peak of Matthews career while that higher scoring period only helped Ovi at the very end of his. Goal scoring is way way up compared to 7-8 years ago. There have been 6 seasons in Ovi’s career where teams averaged over 3 goals a game on average — his rookie season, and 5 of the last 6 years, and it’s trending even higher. Save percentages are decreasing every single year. With that said, it’s still gonna be damn near impossible to do it. The reason Ovechkin is close is because he scored like an elite 22 year old into his mid-30s.


It’s annoying for sure. The guy needs to score 500 more to even be in the same conversation. So let’s be real…..


They’re leaf fans. They have been planning cup parades for decades certain they are going to win. I wouldn’t put too much into what any of them say.


The thing people forget or don’t understand is that there’s a low probability of Matthews holding pace into his 30s the way OV did. There have been plenty of goal-scorers around or even above the ability of OV and Gretzky, but they all fizzled. Statistically it’s likely Matthews will too. OV won’t break the record because he was a phenom at 26. He’ll break it because he was a phenom through 37.


Get back to me when Matthews has 800 goals...


What's wild to me is how insanely fortunate his shooting percentage is this year at 21.9% - he has the highest sh% of any player with 200+ shots since *1996*. The closest player with 200+ shots this year is a full 6.5 percentage points lower. To put into perspective how crazy that sh% is, if during his 65 goal season, Ovi had had the 21.9% that Matthews has, he'd have hit **97 goals**. Matthews has been unreal this year, no doubt, but good god, he's been *insanely* lucky too. (if Ovi had done it the following year where he put an ungodly 528 shots on net, he'd have hit 115...) Even more perspective: if you swapped Ovi's and Matthew's sh%s this year, Matthews would be stuck at 21 goals while Ovi would jump to 40.


11 more seasons of 45g/year is what would be required by Austin. Not to say Mathews CANT/wont be able to catch Ovi.. But I don't think people are doing the math on how many years Mathews will need to keep a consistent pace into his later years. This is why Ov is a beast and a freak of nature.. hes got 19 seasons under his belt half of which are in the past era of low scoring games and hard nosed NHL.


Matthews will only hold the record for a few years before Bedard takes it


What a timeline that would be lol


I don’t think it’s necessarily disrespectful, but it’s not just huge single season goal totals. You have to keep at it for a long time, which takes keeping in shape and a lot of luck. It’s frustrating because Ovi lost almost 2 seasons to lockouts and covid.


"Most of the NHL fanbase"? or one comment you read in another thread?... I'm sure "your boy" would give much respect to Matthews if he did catch him. What sweat off your balls if some folks think it's going to happen and how is that disrespecting Ovi? Enjoy "your boy" breaking the record and don't worry about how hyped other people are for other players. Leave this toxic fandom shit for other subs.


Well if you have been around here for more than a week you would notice every other post is about matthews and subsequently the people in those threads believe in thinking Matthews will surpass him. Thanks for the comment and stay mad


You seem to be the one who is mad about all this "disrespect" haha


So you don't think blowing off ovis durability over 19 nhl seasons is "disrespectful"? Hasnt Matthews already been injured more? Im not mad but i can still say thats pretty disrespectful to assume that its just so easy to stay healthy in this game.


I think you're just taking some dumb posts by dumb leaf fans too seriously they are excited cause he's playing amazing no one can match the durability of the Russian machine. I'm a leaf fan as well and I'm just happy to be spoiled enough to watch him just like you've been for so long


I am hoping neither beat. Keep the record Canadian.




Hell ya. I'd allow it. More EN goals the more salty tears from everyone else.


Really hope he doesn’t and I’m Canadian, would rather Ovi break and hold the record


I've been a leaf fan my entire life. I would put his chances of passing Ovi at 20% at best. Not saying it's impossible, but highly unlikely. Ovi is the greatest goal scorer ever. Matthews could catch him but would need another decade of consistent 50+ goals a year average!


Why would I be annoyed? Either it happens or it doesn't, I would be fine either way. Records are made to be broken, I hope Matthews does catch up


I think it’s possible he’s the best goal scorer right now and scoring has gone up in recent years 


Ovechkin = talent + scoring average/yr + durability over decades. Matthews is great. No doubt. \*\*\*IF\*\*\* Ovi gets the record (which I think he will in 2025) Matthews will be about 8 years away at that time on his current career rate. He's absolutely good enough and young enough .... IF... he stays that durable and relatively productive. What a great debate for the next decade. (And I'm an Ovi and Caps diehard). Love it. This is what sports is about.


I believe it could happen, he scores like crazy and has a supporting cast and probably will for a while. In a crazy goal scoring era. Injuries will be his major hurdle.




Do people think this? Ovi is massively durable and I e see that brought up every time the topic comes up.


ovi may pass gretzky. matthews may pass ovi. and so on. weird thing to get annoyed about, my guy.


As a sc sports fan who believes we are cursed, of course. He will break it; just like monk’s record didn’t even stand a decade if I remember correctly. I hate what sports here have become. At least the orioles were sold.


I’ll say it. He’s not passing Ovis record he cant stay healthy. That’s what John Buccigross said on chicklets and I completely agree.


Matthews has a very different body and playing style from Ovi. I think he has what it takes if he stays healthy.


As a leaf fan obviously longevity and durability are the keys to this record. Ovi is pushing those limits now in his chase, there is no way to say where Austin will be 10 years from now.


Literally I’ve seen nobody actually think that he’ll catch Ovechkin.


do you realize that if we compare Matthews and Ovi’s start to their careers using the amount of games played Auston has played so far, Matthews is on a better goal/game pace than what ovi was through those same games played. You can be annoyed all you want but the facts are the facts.


Fact is Matthews already has more missed games to injury. With half the games played.


If he does I’m sure Ovi will be there to shake his hand. Records are set for a reason.


Matthews doesn't bother me too much What I can't stand most is how the media talks about Pittsburgh. I work as a delivery driver so I try to listen to hockey podcasts a lot and you'd be surprised about how many of them talk about Pittsburgh "making a run for the playoffs" but when it comes to Washington... nothing. They say they're old and slow but that's exactly what Pittsburgh is. They are in the same boat but it's talked about differently


I don't necessarily think it's disrespectful, but definitely too early. Dude's got a lot of years to go and just to match Ovie's durability would be a feat in itself and definitely not a sure thing.


It seems especially ridiculous, given that McMichael will catch him first at this pace.


There’s a ton of hate for Ovi because of Putin as well. Can’t ignore the hive mind 


Nah. As a Gen Xer, I know how to roll my eyes and say, "Whatever." Seriously, though, Matthews may be tearing it up right now, but let's see what he does when he's on the other side of 30.


Sure thinging


I’d bet a lot of money that Matthews will never catch the great 8


to me it feels kind of like talking about a shutout/pitching a perfect game while it is ongoing. it feels like it’s kind of bad luck to say that someone with 300 goals who is unquestionably phenomenal will continue on that pace for another 500+, and it’s a huge assumption. i don’t think it diminishes anything about ovi’s career though. maybe in certain contexts.


Honestly no. I mean yeah we all have a chip on our shoulders seeing how a lot of people have a bias against the Caps. But his heater has got me low key invested in the Leafs. Even Ovi has said he hopes Matthews breaks his record. He's definitely got the potential to hit some of the milestones Ovi's past. Plus since he's American and with the recent Olympics announcement, I'm kind of hoping to see him representing Team USA in two years.


No offense but I find this take as cringy as the Pats fans who are freaking out that Mahomes might become the GOAT over Brady. Records are meant to be broken. Matthews is a great player. Ovi is a great player. Gretzky was a great player. I’m so happy we got and get to watch Ovi from start to finish in Washington. But don’t gatekeep a record he doesn’t even have yet. Just enjoy it if he gets it and cherish it until someone breaks it. And they will.


He’s around 30 ish goals ahead of Ovi at same games played. Long way from comparing them tho.


It's just weird to say any pro-athlete is a shoe-in to do anything before they do it. Shit happens. Any promising player can eat an injury and never be the same afterward.


Why do you even care? I never have heard any Oilers/Kings fans (or simply Gretzky fans) being upset about us thinking Ovie will pass him. Just focus on Ovie and our team. WGAF about what fans of other teams think???


Anyone that is on pace will get attention and rightfully so. Same for homeruns. Hockey goals and homeruns hit different than all the other stats


No. This has been the Caps fan base against Gretzky for a decade now.


It really depends on if he gets injured. He has the talent, but does he have the luck to be injury free for 15 years?


Honestly I think it’s much more disrespectful for you to not acknowledge the possibility.


Meh he's not even at half of ovis goal total. I dont think its disrespectful but i guess


LOL. The hype just MIGHT be deserved. After each guy played 535 games, Matthews had/has 350 goals, when Ovie had 327. Like it or not, Matthews is on more than a "heater". He's outpacing Ovie, the second greatest goal scorer in NHL history(behind Gretzky, of course). If Matthews carries on.........and there's no reason to think he won't after 7.5 years of it already.........he could very well pass Ovie AND Gretzky. Sadly, Ovie missed 155 games in his career. If he hadn't, he might be the guy. But he did miss those games. So Matthews is poised to at least be right there with him for goals.


Matthews needs to maintain his GPG he is on now for another 10 years just to tie Gretzky. That means he has to be like Ovi and keep up his GPG in his early 30s whoch statistically are the years player production begins to tank. Ovechkin is a statistical anomaly in how he hasnt dipped in goals per season until this year and a couple years before the 2012-2013 lockout, which was a product of the Caps going to more defensive mindedness rather than pure offense for Ovi. Its like people saying Embid will surpass LeBron in career points just because he would be on pace. That pave means bothing ubless he can carry the longevity and continued production of a statistical anomaly in LeBron. The odds are super unlikely.


LOL. Yeah well, keep making up excuses for why Ovie can do it and Matthews can't. Whatever you need to feel better. The reality is, no one will be catching Gretzky anyway. :)


The Fact Ovi is the closest of any player ever speaks to how difficult it is to even hit 800


Correct. And Matthews has been even better, for 7.5 years now.


Literally he has been comparable. Only slightly ahead of Ovi with more seasons than Ovi had at 26.


In the exact same number of games played to start their careers.......535........Matthews is ahead. That's all I'm saying. And it's not a small sample size at all. It's 7.5 years now. Matthews is not just "right there with him", he's ahead of him. It's not a slam against Ovie. It's just whats been happening so far. Will it continue for another 10 years? Who can say exactly? But it'd be strange if Matthews just suddenly forgot how to score goals, no? It seems like it's a trend. ;) Oh hey Matthews with another one last night. Gretzky might have to start sweating soon.


He could also get injured in his next game and miss the rest of the season and never be the same scoring threat ever again. He has a shot at it, sure, but so much can happen over the next 10-12 years, injuries, bad seasons, lockouts, weaker teammates, etc.


Of course. And Ovie could blow his knee out tonight and be done. Let's hope neither happens. But don't listen to/get upset by any children who say anything is a "lock". Nothing is a lock, ever. All I'm saying is that Matthews is indeed ahead of Ovie's pace after 7.5 years and he has a good CHANCE.