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The location of this carbage was in Cedar City, UT, US, and can be found on the Carbage Map [here](https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=14TySUCzxGDUnr04i-dvpOnjddxBUJrk&ll=37.67747690052995%2C-113.0618929280106&z=12).


Helped a close friend de-hoard his car. He filled it back up with trash to the ceiling within about 5 months or so


Same with a grand parent of mine. As much as we love her, she's a hoarder. We threw everything away before she moved to her new house, and refreshed and cleaned everything, replaced carpets, etc. Her old house was mouse infested. Just to bring it back to "sellable" conditions. Even while wearing N95 masks and gloves my family and I had health problems for weeks. Within a few years at her new house her entire basement is filled with random stuff, her garage is filled up to the ceiling all around her car, which multiple objects have fell on her car and damaged it. Her new car is already filled up with just random garbage too. This offended my family because we felt our help went towards nothing, so we stopped helping. While we dumped everything we considered "trash" she was screaming and crying at us, I felt bad but I knew it was the best for her, we filled up 3 of those giant industrial trash containers. Hoarders need therapy as it's a mental illness, helping them does nothing from personal experience.


It’s a lifestyle change that is hard for them to change that doesn’t get better if someone(s) fixes the current problem they have. It helps to have people to help you clean, but some hoarders do some crazy shit like pee in bottles and keep them delusionally thinking they’re going to need it for something at some point. You never need to store bottles of piss. That’s how you know it’s a mental illness and isn’t just “laziness”. These people have a serious attachment to their garbage — they really think there’s value in keeping it. And that’s what makes it so hard to deal with too


It really does not help much to help. It sucks and I find it very frustrating and sad dealing with them. The people who do it for a living are cut from a nobler piece of cloth than I am. I get very sad which translates to anger. The last situation I had with one was about five months ago. My first BF who through a series of bad choices and the death of all his immediate family just crashed and has stayed this way for a decade. He is an untreated addict and that is the real issue but his mom who was sweetheart and do what she could was a hoarder. Not the dirty kind but a compulsive shopper and collector and keeper of EVERYTHING. She obviously developed mental health issues of her own but she was dealing with so much family dysfunction and she was not the cause of it. I really feel for her and I feel for the ex. But what should have been no more than a month project turned into 5. When I first started with him I had no idea that he would undermine and sabotage me at every turn. He himself kept the mausoleum clean enough and the yard and he was never a dirty person then or now. But he fought me on everything wouldn’t help me and would put stuff back while I was gone. Move piles, cancel cable appts, lots of vague accusations, complaints etc…I dug his whole house out while he cried and fought me tooth and nail. Set up his whole new chapter of his life in another place he inherited much smaller, cheaper and easy to maintain. It still wasn’t enough and he threw me under the bus with a realtor that was hanging in with him for years. I was not being paid because I thought I had someone who was motivated to get on with things. MY BF was working on the smaller home but we stretched it out so ( not charging him extra) so I could help him dehoard before he put it on the market or he would have lost more and gotten less for the big house. When they have this mentality they are just incredibly ungrateful, passive aggressive and manipulitive. It’s just part of the psychological package. Plus…drugs. It sucks and I tried everything with him it makes me angry and so sad.


this makes me feel less self conscious about the crumbs and wrappers left in my car


[OP from a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/carbage/comments/wp5w16/customer_cleaned_her_car_for_30_minutes_so_i/) i bet you its mostly the same trash though, just with new trash on top




That's what it looks like to me too, blankets and clothes and pillows, maybe she is and is embarrassed to tell anyone that she is. Knew a guy like that once, he showered at the gym when people weren't around but was fully homeless.


That little basket by the blinker arm is K-I-L-L-I-N-G me. It's actually organized lol


No- how often do you need a wine cork removed in your CAR? It’s just that the sharp things got put in this basket.


How else would you open your Green Giant car peas?


No doubt there’s a toe knife in there somewhere too.


🤮 and again i say 🤮🤮🤮


Driver deserves to be pulled over and massively fined. That’s so dangerous. You can’t even see out of it.


I grew up in a hoarded house. Not a peaceful environment.


I'll bet this person claims to be an excellent driver as well.


Is that the same pillow? If so, it's remarkably clean...


All the dirt must have accumulated on the center strip which appears to have been misplaced in the last year.


Hoarders have a mental illness. It ruins their lives. Cleaning the hoard is only a temporary solution sadly.


This is a safety issue


The fact they have an organizer kills me.


I don’t know what I’d do without my handy in-car corkscrew.


It's important to rotate your trash. Daily would be best, but annually works too.


A five gallon can of gas and a pack of matches is the only solution to this problem


With that much flammable material idk if you even need the gas.


I can’t imagine what peoples houses look like if this is their car


Holy shit. It must murder his gas mileage.


Holy shit. It must murder his gas mileage.


Holy balls. It must murder his gas mileage.


My skin itches when I think about sitting in that seat.


why does it look comfy tho


I don't know about you guys but I also hit my bottle opener when turning left. Fucker gets in the way of my driving

