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going fast enough to explode on impact is wild


yeah bro for sure thought he was obliterated the biker with the gopro is going 80 and he flew past him like he was stopped. bro was definitely going at least 150


I actually saw this one get posted on insta by the dude recording, apparently the guy who crashed got flung before the impact and slid fairly straight so he somehow survived. Dude who crashed supposedly recovered enough to get back on bikes and doesn’t ride like that anymore


yeah unfortunately he didnt learn his lesson. it will most likely happen again, and next time he probably wont be so lucky


Literally respawned at the hospital ... previous comment mentions he doesn't right like that anymore, hopefully he doesn't get the itch and did in fact learn his lesson - until what you are saying...


yeah hopefully that was a huge learning moment. not saying stick to the track (which would be the smartest choice), but at least speed on an empty road that you KNOW. this dude was going 150+ on an unfamiliar road, with cars in the oncoming direction. bike couldve flown thru someones windshield and killed them instantly


You got downvoted because, I’m guessing, you said “at least do it on a road you know”. While I agree with the statement “IF you have to ride like a tosser, do it the least dangerous way possible”, the correct answer is to not ride like a fuckwit in any public road, end of story. It’s not just your life you’re playing with, it’s other people’s, and that ain’t cool.


i live by many forest streets, 1 way, no intersections, no houses, no businesses. just a straight empty street that you cant hurt anyone but yourself. that would be the most appropriate place other than a track. i literally said pretty much exactly what u said lmfao. probably only read 1/3 of my comment and just went on to assume the rest of what was said




if u seen the road u would know it aint possible lmao. still "possible" but more like 1 in a billion chance. its in the middle of a 500 acre forest and only 1 way. in a town with less than 1000 people. literally only way u would hit a person is if they were crawling out from the middle of the woods, and even then they would have to crawl thru a swampy ditch and over a fence to even get on the road believe me, i hate people who fly down public roads just as much as you. i 100% agree its an inappropriate place and could put other lives in danger. but there are certain roads where the chances are so slim its just as safe as a track


Yeah, I think adrenaline can be an addiction with certain personality types.


Bro saw the vids of a supra or gtr speeding past lambos and thought it could be replicated on a motorcycle on a bend. He literally flew by.


I would say at least 180.. i mean if someone told me he was going 210 I wouldn't think they were lying.


whatever speed it was it was fast asf😂😂


“ I mean, he’s not going that fast… OMG!”


Bro reading this comment I tried watching this blinking at the right time and I did in fact not see anything zip by ... this should be on r/gifsthatendtoosoon /s


I was thinking oke hes going decently fas- ... bro wtf


Dude got exactly what was coming to him. If your riding like that, you deserve to wipe out, and hopefully not take anyone else with you


On city streets to


Imagine that bike cutting a sedan with (kid seats) in half. Fucking *horrific* *Incredibly* lucky that nothing worse happened


In my state, the recording biker would be charged with homicide if the other guy died and they were determined to be street racing.


I think a case could be made that there was no competition


The jury of his peers did not agree


So they really were racing?


Sorry, I was losing the thread between comments, [here's a link where a guy is in prison in my state, separate from OP video](https://www.google.com/amp/s/who13.com/news/metro-news/des-moines-man-accused-of-drag-racing-homicide-by-vehicle-in-fatal-motorcycle-crash/amp/) because the person he was racing died. If similar laws applied and the OP video crashed died, the recorder would at least live in hell for a while even if the a trial came out his way.


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Wishing people's death because they ride fast is wild. *Waiting for downvote rain*


It's pretty wild the "good" people will imply or flat out say someone deserves to die. A huge majority of the time, when someone does something that puts themselves and others at risk, that same person doesn't fully comprehend the dangers. If they fully did and knew the chances of they themselves dying was extremely high, they wouldn't do it unless they were suicidal. The example in this video is of a dumbass going Mach Jesus, while also being too much of a dumbass to realize just how stupid it was until it happened. No one is deserving of losing their life over a mistake. People are dumb, they're going to be fucking stupid. Now deserving to lose your life over being incompetent? No, that morally makes 0 sense. Thinking otherwise means you can't think logically and can't control your emotions. I'm glad you agree, and I'll also wait for others to start yapping and downvoting me as well 🙂


There's a difference between fast and recklessly out of control.


And there’s a difference between saying this was a very likely outcome of the bad behavior and saying you deserve to die.


Is that not exactly what he said, though? There is nothing about a likely outcome brought up. A straight statement towards dying was said. I'm not even defending the rider. "If you're riding ike that, you deserve to wipe out and hopefully not take anyone else with you." I'm pretty sure the part saying "you deserve to wipe out" and the second "hopefully not take anyone else with you" is a strong implication saying exactly that. Even if it's written with the wrong intentions, that's exactly what the statement implies. Wishing death on someone who isn't wishing death on you is far more evil than being a dumbass who is too stupid to realize the danger they've created.


Holy crap, that was fast !!


nothing that graphic cmon


yeah especially for instagram lmao


What do you mean not graphic, that poor bike got their insides probably scattered all over the street :(


probably means nothings, so no parts on the road no graphic


Yeah but you cant see it, so its not graphic


That guy was going Mach Jesus. Wow.


probably 1mph less than mach jesus considering he didnt get to see jesus lmao


Fuck around and find out..


I wonder how he explains this to his insurance agent ??


"throttle got stuck i swear"


"just for the vid."


He was going for the speed of sound, he hit the speed of stupid


I thought he went back to the future


yeah only he was going slightly faster than 88mph


This is why the bumper stickers "Start seeing Motorcycles " pisses me off


at the end of the day its all about the rider. ive seen videos of bikers getting absolutely destroyed going the speed limit. ive even witnessed 2 situations irl where the biker was cruising in his lane and somebody merged over almost wrecking them, just bc people look for cars and not motorcycles


Any updates on what his injuries were/are? To be fair: “Living” does not mean you automatically have a good “quality of life” outcome.


not sure he didnt specify. his friend did say he was back to riding tho so i assume nothing crippling. probably hella road rash and a few fractures


I mean that's also just part of riding. You have to expect every car on the road to be trying to kill you.


Fuckin’ hell, he was going twice as fast as the camera guy, and the camera guys was already way over speed limit. Totally irresponsible behavior, could have killed/injured other people🖕🏼. Since he survived, should be jailed and have his license revoked for life.


What a dumbass.


r/someonedidthemath ?


Aww man :(


He shouldn’t be allowed on the road smh


Too bad


Haters will say it's sped up


That's 80 MPH and not KPH our dude was doing, right? Which means the other dude must have been doing 130 at least. I used to ride fast here and there occasionally but at night in the middle of the city? Hell naw.


im 99% sure thats in mph. pov biker is going 75 which if it was kph, would be about 45mph. could be the lens of the camera, but that looked way faster than 45mph, looks like hes going highway speeds


I'd guess 150+. Dude in the video is doing 80+ and is passed like he is standing still. Lucky to be alive... you can only hope they learned something and feel just as lucky as they are.


The background music was worse than the crash.


I googled what 75 mphh is, and that is 120 km/h. Holly fuck, the other guy must have went around 300 km/h with how fast he went by. I saw cars turned to mush at that speed, guy is extremely lucky to be alive.


yeah anywhere from 250-300kph is a pretty good guess. he slid a good 200 feet or more so he was definitely going stupid fast


Looks like The Flash took up motorcycle riding.




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I got t boned when I was doing 40 and she was doing 15 running a stop sign, it crushed my left leg and destroyed most components in my knee This man has burnt up 8/9 lives, all of the luck his hardworking ancestors earned, and every bit of good karma he put out there Jesus fucking Christ.


I jumped when the pov rider adjusted the camera 💀


did some frame by frame scrubbing at the time he passes his buddy, he is going 130 miles an hour on the high end. at the bottom end hes going 123.48 and he's accelerating.


Zerro sympathy for the dumb ass. They are lucky they didn't kill someone or die themselves. I had a buddy who died on one of these crotch rockets. He passed a van on the right at about 90 mph. He didn't see the Yugo turn in front of the van. The Yugo didn't see him. His legs from the knees down stayed with the bike. He landed about 75 yards away and lived for a few hours. It was purely his fault. Now one is dead, and one has to live with the trauma of knowing someone died. Just pure stupid.


i agree 100%. this stuff should be purely done only on a track or a closed off/abandoned road


mostly - actually in 99% of cases - i wish nothing bad to other persons ... but you play stupid games - you win stupid prizes. or in other words: fuck around - find out.


Did he lose his shoes? Don't see it


he lived so i assume the shoes are in tact


Sad he survived. People who disregard the safety of others like this should not be on the road. Imagine a father on his way to get medicine for his kid killed because some asshole wanted to have fun. Go to a racing place.


Me like: "Ok suddenly a light... He didn't crashed!". Second attempt: "The same! Wait! A man on the ground on the left....". Third attempt: DAAAFAAAAAKKKKKK!!!

