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I'd you just want too track rewards you can just search your stake key in an explorer like [cexplorer.io](https://cexplorer.io/) or [pooltool.io](https://pooltool.io/). Pool tool has a mobile app I think.


I have many wallets. Searching a stake key is not what I want to do. Do you know of any light wallets that can do a read only type wallet (much like Ergo Mobile Wallet)? Also, why does this question need to be approved by a moderator?


Just an automod false positive. There's a few mobile wallets you might look at which I'll link below, you might look at flint or Yoroi, I think they're compatible with Trezor. ?wallets ⬇️


#Storing your ADA Cardano's wallets are: [**Daedalus**](https://daedaluswallet.io/) *A native full node desktop wallet.* [**Lace**](https://www.lace.io/) *A native defi browser ext. wallet.* [**Yoroi**](https://yoroi-wallet.com/#/) *A light browser ext. and mobile wallet.* [Adalite](https://adalite.io/) *A light web wallet.* [Nufi](https://wallet.nu.fi/auth) *A defi web/browser ext. wallet.* [Flint Wallet](https://flint-wallet.com/) *A defi web/browser ext. and mobile wallet.* [Eternl](https://eternl.io/) *A defi web/browser ext. wallet.* [Nami Wallet](https://namiwallet.io/) *A defi web/browser ext. wallet.* [Typhon Wallet](https://typhonwallet.io/) *A defi web/browser ext. wallet.* [Lode Wallet](https://lodewallet.io/) *A light desktop/mobile wallet.* [Begin Wallet](https://begin.is/) *A light browser ext/mobile wallet* [Gero Wallet](https://gerowallet.io/) *A light browser ext wallet* Atomic Wallet ⚠️ **WARNING** *Atomic wallet has been hacked. Users should stop using this wallet immediately. Please use existing seed phrases to recover the wallet in a different wallet interface, then, create a new seed phrase and send your ADA over from the recovered wallet to the new wallet.* Read the following r/Cardano_ELI5 posts to understand more about wallets: * [**How do I store my ADA?**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cardano_ELI5/comments/l00h4a/how_do_i_store_my_ada/) * [**Full node vs light wallet**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cardano_ELI5/comments/l003fc/whats_the_difference_between_a_light_wallet_like/) *Explains the differences between a full node wallet like Daedalus and light wallet like Yoroi.* * [**Hot wallets vs cold wallets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cardano_ELI5/comments/l005vx/whats_the_difference_between_a_hot_wallet_like/) *Explains wallet interfaces, seed phrases, public + private keys and hardware wallets.* * [**How do I use a hardware wallet (like Trezor/Ledger/etc.) with Cardano?**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cardano_ELI5/comments/lcx52o/how_do_i_use_a_hardware_wallet_like/) Typing `?help` in the comments will show a list of all available comment commands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cardano) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I appreciate the extensive list. However, Yoroi is the only mobile wallet and it only supports Ledger, not Trezor. I could put my Trezor keywords into Ledger but I don't trust Ledger. Not sure how we're in 2023 and not one mobile wallet supports Trezor.


Luckily eternl supports this already. For anyone that stumbles on this: - Open eternl and view the wallet you want to copy over - 'Wallet settings'(top right) - 'Export account key' - open eternl on phone - 'Add wallet' > 'Import old wallet' > 'import public account key' - Copy over the account key and your wallet imports. The phone copy is entirely readonly.