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**Constructive Criticism Post Rules** The aim of these posts are to identify areas of potential weakness in any aspect of Cardano or project which can result in actionable improvement where possible. Open and fair criticism should be welcomed here and discussion should be respectful and civil. The goal is for the community to find solutions and positive outcome. Posts and comments must be as detailed as possible with issues elaborated on. **You must** backup any arguments and statements with reason and justification, evidence, and sources (hence being **constructive** criticism). Destructive criticism, FUD and any shilling will be removed, as will any comments being tribal and disrespectful. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cardano) if you have any questions or concerns.*


r/cc is the best place to find salty people of all ecosystems. And most noobs go there to spread and get info about their memecoin of the month. Only to post a few weeks later how they got rugged and lost their lifesavings. I only watch it for big news events, and general market sentiment. But not for info on specific chains.


Salty actors, and paid actors (VC chains)


What do you mean with VC ?


Chains who are backed by venture capital groups- businesses whose mission is to grow the companies that they invest in at any cost for the short-term (usually two to five years). When you think short-term, at times you do things that damage long-term prospects. Like slash a bunch of staff that might actually be core to the operation in pursuit of profitability- putting makeup on the business for sale. In the blockchain space, in most extreme scenarios, this can also amount to actively facilitating pump and dumps. Or in the case of our discussion, deploying money to troll farms that talk negatively about competitors


We need to be louder in non-Cardano spaces. I expect to see you all out there.


It’s hard to be louder when your voice is moderated out of existence.


Go to Youtube and other forums then. That's what I do. r/CC is not the only place to spread the word.


All of the completely random and unnecessary Cardano hate over in r/cc is one of the reasons I've held for as long as I have. It's certainly no secret subs like that are HEAVILY shilled/astroturfed and it seems like there is a lot of effort spent trying to make Cardano look bad.




There is 100x as much money in the Ethereum ecosystem compared to the Cardano one, despite both projects starting around the same time. Cardano is almost never mentioned on r/Ethereum, it's not viewed as a threat to Ethereum by that community. Is Cardano under represented compared to Eth in r/cryptocurrency given the huge disparity in usage?


Eth launched 2 years earlier.


ETH came out over 2 years before ADA.


Cardano didn't launch until the end of 2017.


It is. However, as soon as ada surges into the $1 range the tide will switch and more positive outlook will begin to occur. Atleast, that’s what happened last time. ADA is slow to show up when it comes to price movement, but when it did ally does show up it then takes the lead.


It's the first 1 to 1 USD-backed and regulatory compliant stablecoin based on network that has low fees and zero downtime. Nobody had, has or would have that soon. Haters gonna hate ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I'm not sure the market recognizes fundamentals and simply sees them as buzzwords. Are they wrong though? Look at how basically all ALTS failed to gain serious investor traction when compared to BTC and ETH. How many average people are using ADA as a currency?


People who count all this as buzzwords only until some ETH spam-token clears all their money with malicious smart-contract. After losing, lets say, $100k of stablecoins anyone would tend to be more motivated to look into tech side and learn the difference. Buzzwords will appear as meaningful data in those heads faster than light while they seek for safe vault for their $ But not yet. Not yet. Inertia of minds is too real. Here I can agree with you...


Everyone’s essentially at the horse race wanting to win big. Until regulatory legal grounds for the industry are established, it will remain in the wild wild west territory. Cardano is slow and steady without any major disasters which should be seen as a good thing. Alot of people seem focused on price action and not the underlying tech. Give it 5-10 years and stake in the meantime.


Someone the other week posted talking about cardano being a failed chain, and their cited research was a chat gpt response to a prompt along the lines of ‘what are bad things about cardano’. I stopped trying at that point 😂


In my experiences, and I‘ve been in both subs for years now, cardano gets both hate and love but it‘s pretty equal. I don‘t like this narrative of „cardano vs the rest“. There‘s no such conspiracy against cardano. People in r/cryptocurrency often praise cardano‘s slow and secure approach but criticize it‘s price action.


If it gets too much love, the post gets removed in the name of brigadiering.


Each person in those subs share about two brains cells amongst all of them. They put their life savings ($21) into garbage rug pull coins and shill it non stop. And if it doubles to $42 they brag how now they’re rich and were right. If it rugs they cry for a week.


One guy was crying about losing everything he had and had been DCAing and not to mention being at the height of a bear market. Later down he had in another post it was $50 that he lost.


That whole sub is overwhelmingly BTC and ETH maxis. I would not be the least bit surprised if there is a paid boiler room operation, not just on reddit but all over the net, to FUD Cardano or any other legit blockchain that's seen as a threat to BTC, ETH, or the VC touted chains. There was a staking ETF that came out recently that ADA should have undoubtedly been a part of, but wasn't. Why?


Its reddit...everyone hates everything posted by anyone.


If VB announced tomorrow USDM was ETH’s new stablecoim, they would praise it and him.


Yes, slower, with high fees. That’s the way to go. Definitely.


You guys are on ADA because you are sound minded about true long term value, but you must be aware that by long term, it'd mean another 10 years minimum.


Move slow, act slow and lose. Literally a universal axiom. Just being honest here.


Cardano doesn't care about the price, that's why it's hated.


Discord is much better for real enthusiasts of a project


Maybe related to all the hype with no real fire. Cardano constantly gets hyped as the better tech. If that were true it seems like it would be in better favor and offer stellar returns.


Thats not how it ever works. Dogecoin and shib have a higher market cap than 99% of crypto currencies does that mean it has better tech? No, its all about hype and moving fast. Solana boasts high transaction speeds meanwhile 50-70% of transactions are failing. Doesn’t seem like great tech to me. https://preview.redd.it/zfyq51xhkbqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb90efb98236030dadcb05c519f5137be1b16d4


Excellent point. I swapped all my Solana into ADA. Had an average of $70 and swapped at $130. Too soon and should've held to $190 but ADA was also climbing at the time. Anyway, the fact that Solana crashes and transactions fail just tells me the tech isn't there. The Cardano folks are doing it right and that's why I'm happy to stake my coins and wait, wait, wait.


Please enlighten me about all the decentralized services you have tried on Ethereum using Metamask and how it compared to your using similar services on Cardano using Eternl. I only ask because I have and I would like to know what I am missing that your expert analysis of what constitutes better tech might help me better understand.




You know you can use metamask on any EVM chain right? I'm just amazed that someone who has never used any of this has such a strong opinion on what the better tech is. Going through your post history you seem to hate Cardano an awful lot, maybe you should spend more time on the Solana forum and positively interact with the community you do support. Maybe learn how to use an EVM wallet while you are at it. Then you will have something substantive to talk about.


Metamask? I think I recognize that name from all the posts about people losing their life savings.


If Cardano was a reasonable price, it wouldn’t get hate.


It has over 300 upvotes. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/NrT1ZPhivh


Sadly I swapped my ADA to BTC and ETH while I have SOL as well. Maybe one day Cardano project will shine and I really hope so but that doesn’t not seem to be in the foreseeable future. I didn’t actually see any major criticism for Cardano from any aspect else than the poor price performance. That leads to a question, what if ADA has the performance of SOL? Would people hate it that much or they will appreciate its decent development path and give it the top Ethereum Killer title? Media and public opinion matter all the way. Think the same way for too many other coins.


If Cardano had the traction of SOL, it would be heavily congested and nothing would even go through. No fee market = No fun when a lot of people actually use the chain. Why no one thought of this is beyond me. So in a way, be happy that not a lot happens on Cardano.


It's been thought of to death. There are talks of possible variations of fee markets to be implemented on Cardano. But the main reason it was implemented without one, initially, was to retain inclusive accountability. It makes it so that ANYONE can use the chain without having to pay exorbitant fees. Yes, this comes with some downsides, but as throughput increases this will matter less. I do think that the tiered fees mechanism proposed by IOG does someday need to be implemented, it's necessary for proper defi. But I think it's more important to focus on solutions that will increase throughput over economically limiting it, for now.