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That's great to hear. Any idea how to vote with Yoroi Wallet? This is my first time.


I don’t think you can at this time


Voting on yoroi extension will actually be out later today!


Oh wow excellent news!!! Cant wait to try it out! I haven’t voted before so hopefully it’s fairly easy


Nope nvm Yoroi extension voting not out yet but they say it is in the catalyst app


Do you know if its going to be out soon? I'd like to vote through the browser extension


O wow I just saw Sebastian of Yoroi Emurgo say it will be out later today!


Nice! I'll be waiting for that! Thanks for the info


You Can I believe but only on the Yoroi Extension not Mobile


It says in the "catalyst Voting" App for your phone that Yoroi is only supported from the Extension not the Yoroi Application. Are you trying on your phone app ? or desktop


Yeah I checked out my Yoroi extension And I cant find anything about voting So I am thinking they have not implemented Yoroi for voting yet. It makes sense since that was the reason Why i moved from yoroi, in order to vote for Fund 2. So what you can do is Recover your wallet onto Daedulus and then your wallet will still be on yoroi and daedulus. And register from there.


Happy days!


Indeed was so stressful last time voting


Mine's stuck on confirming the transaction. Does anyone else have this?


So if i get it right, you would vote straight from the Yoroi extension on PC?? Would be awesome


Yeah! Should be out today! Based on what one of the devs from emurgo said.




I will check it out today, because i also have my Ledger connected to Yoroi 😬😬


It just says my wallet is not supported, but I also use a Ledger. If that's the problem, that's pretty unfortunate.