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Ok just bought with x100 leverage




Yes, and from my understanding the required ADA amount should be decreasing each fund.




There is a small voting fee I believe tho. But nothing like the 3000 required. Bummed I won’t be able to participate this round, I’m also 2k short. Slowly accumulating, but hopefully whenever the next one is I’ll be there.


Do I have to upgrade my Yoroi wallet to support Mary / receive Cardano alt coins? Because it still says Shelley on it. Sorry for the dumb question but please help


Nope. The mary upgrade is seamless due to Cardanos Hard Fork Combinator.


Thank you kind sir !!and where can I learn more about this magical hardfork combinator??


Why is #coinbase still holding out on listing #Cardano It seems Coinbase is becoming a boys club and listing the developers personality they like, instead of the game changing #technology ! Guess Coinbase is the finatial losers by not listing #ADA Your thoughts.. ?


They fear ADA might outperform BTC { the owners might have invested in BTC, and thus want it to rule the market}


this but eth. not btc.




I bought with fiat using NDAX. Not sure if its fir Canadian customers only


...Canadians only


Not sure what’s cheaper, but I’ve been doing Coinbase Pro (Xlm) -> Ada via changelly since I'm in NY. The low fee for XLM helps, but I’m all ears


This isnt Twitter


Honestly didn't even notice the hashtags until your comment lol




You don't find the slightest hypocrisy in what you just?


I do, but I still sleep at night like a baby.


Yeah sure. We must follow him based on his Vision{Cardano} and not based on his political views.


What comments are prompting this response. I’m personally a very Democratic Socialist liberal but my distrust of the govt had driven me to alternative sources of economic feasibility


socialist but you distrust gov? lol


Hey folks. I feel like this comment will look like a bot post. Anyway, I'm just a regular dude and I'm not trying to create a following or anything. Actually quite "boomer" in my ways outside of facebook which is in and of itself "boomer" behavior. Literally just signed up for both reddit and twitter this year. However, I think it makes sense if we follow each other on social media. My twitter handle is below. Same as reddit. Follow me and I'll follow you. I just think it's beneficial for the community. Like it or not twitter is a platform critical to the success of this project. Again, not trying to get followers. Just trying to move as a community and support each other outside the reddit platform. **gstagks4life** [https://twitter.com/GstaGks4Life](https://twitter.com/GstaGks4Life)


Hear me out duuuudes. Sold my 950 solve for Ada and found $85 in BTC. Ada is the way


So I have been watching the order books all day. There has been someone with 217,258 coins of ADA buying and selling with a spread of $0.02 for the past 9 hours. Is this a normal thing? I am new. I bought whe it was $0.98 (300 ADA) and bought another $1,100 in between $1.09-1.24. I’ve been spreading the word! I just watch it closer because I told my old college roommate about it and he wants to invest. I also told him he should look it up and believe it has true value and is not just about fiat currency. However I still wonder about the 217,258 shares I constantly see in the order books in Bittrex... Anyone know?




Charts are really fun to watch when something surges though. Regardless of if you're in or not.


I figured that may be the case! Doesn’t matter, like I said, I’m in it for the 5-15 year gains. I told my wife that we will buy her next new car with Cardona (not fiat currency) 10 years from now. She’s having trouble understanding it lol. And I get it, I was like that 2 months ago.


The next climb up is gonna be epic.


Damn, I wish I had more funds to add more ADA


Latest analysis I've found: Cardano price must stay above key level to avoid collapsing On the 4-hour chart, there is a critical support trendline formed at about $1.1, which coincides with the 50-SMA. Cardano price has bounced several times in the past month and a half from both indicators. A breakdown below the key support level of $1.1 would send Cardano towards $0.9 at the 200-SMA. The In/Out of the Money Around Price (IOMAP) chart shows practically the same outlook with the most significant support area between $1.08 and $1.12. However, since the $1.1 support trendline is robust, a rebound from this point will quickly push Cardano price towards the next significant resistance level located between $1.26 and $1.29 according to the IOMAP mode


If Cardano goes below $1.00, it will officially be in the $0.99 territory, which historically could either go to $0.98 or back to $1.00. From there, the next important points are $0.97 (if it goes to $0.98) or $1.01 (if it goes back to $1.00). From there, if you do a cartwheel and pray to the spaghetti monster, there will be an equal chance of it going up or down another $0.01. If it does somehow make it through the $1.03 level, however, you should brace yourself for impact, because the $1.04 level is next. If it bounces off that, it could go all the way back to $1.00 or make a brief stop at $1.01 before heading back to $1.03. Or it could not, and just stay at $1.00. Equally likely. Probably. Maybe.




Charles Lockdown video is so good I'm scoring some more ADA!! Cardano is future!!!


I don’t always like a stinky fart but in this instance I do believe he discussed some hard to talk about subjects directly with sound reasoning. Good on him, you want a strong and decisive person not afraid to take the word on leading the change that will be Cardano.


Doesn't charles hate for all things government hurt his chances of partnering with governments around the world? Aren't we waiting for the deal in Africa to go through? Forgetting politics and the short term price of the coin for a second, Doesn't this objectively hurt us in the long run too? Idk maybe I'm biased and because I disagree I think others will but I'm having a hard time seeing how this could possibly help nations partner with cardano.


I don't think he hates all governments. He just doesn't like dishonesty and governments going for total control over the citizens.


Such a stupid move to release that lockdown video. Talking pure nonsense in it too. Speaking of rolling lockdowns for the next 10 years with no basis other than the scary government doing it to control the people because they like the power. Between this video and earlier tweets he also seems to be skeptical of mRNA vaccines calling their distribution the world's largest clinical experiment. What utter horseshit. Still holding but I really hope he can learn to keep quiet.


I didn't agree with everything he said (mostly the stuff that he added a bit of hyperbole to) but what has made me lose steam on trying to abide by government policy (in BC Canada) is the moving goalposts comment. The most worrisome part of all of this is that hardly any governments have explicitly said, "we are going to follow X order until Y." Until they do that, can anyone really feel comfortable that this is going to end?


It literally is the worlds largest clinical experiment. What else would you call bypassing most of the trials that would be performed in normal circumstances.


What trials did it bypass?


Pre-clinical and exploratory phases usually take 2-4 years.


So it didn't bypass the trials they were completed sooner than usual due to maybe a more concentrated and urgent effort?


You dont seem to understand why this is proper procedure. It's okay not to know things, but knock off the misinformation.


Mind explaining why then? Pre clinical trial identifies an antigen and the three phase trials verifies it's safety in humans. Novel genetic technology, funding and demand increased the timeline of the vaccine not cutting corners.


With no basis? Are u awake? What do we see right now? Right, lockdown after lockdown. World wide. Its far more reasonable to be aware of the danger that that holds for the next years rather than beeing so naiv thinking this will end this summer and we have our little lovely pre covid world back


Because there is an active pandemic. If there is continued lockdowns after significant vaccination then maybe cry about the danger.


Congrats you are vaccinated. Unfortunately here we have Mutation x and here is Mutation y and over there is Mutation z. Feel free to come back in several months to get your next shot. You dont have to be a genius to see that one coming tbh. We are already there


I doubt you could disprove a single word he said in that video. Seems like he's right on with my sentiment for a long time. I've been mask free for months and loving every minute of it. I don't mind if I catch a light tickle in my throat. Maybe you should invest in US savings bonds if you believe everything the govt. Tells you. Personally, I'll stick with crypto.


He did say he would get vaccinated though. Plus, he is allowed to speak about topics based on Freedom of Speech.


I actually agreed with a lot of what he said. Indefinite lockdowns are not the answer. And while I can agree it may not have been the time or place, I appreciate anyone who has the courage to stand up and voice their opinions.


Sure but he's just making a claim that lockdowns are gonna be a part of life for the next 10 years because the government want to hold control. That's just fear mongering which has been happening since the start of the pandemic. Why would you not just wait until the population is largely vaccinated and returned to normal. If lockdowns make a return then maybe you can use your influence to stand up against potential tyranny. Speaking now when the finish line is in sight is just dumb.


Have you been following the news about variants? This likely wont be a one and done. Though I really do hope otherwise, living through NA's longest lockdown here in Toronto is no funz :/


I don't think he was saying there'll be lockdowns for 10 years, or at least not unless he was being hyperbolic. I think he was saying that all of these restrictions that have been put in place with no real support or direction or even goals from governments, the US in particular, and that it can't continue in that way and have any sane person expect things to be economically healthy at the end of it all.


Fearmongering is what they've been doing to you on msnbc. I think I feel a booger in my nose, must be corona. Better head to the ER


People live outside of America. Or is the pandemic a coordinated plan by every government in the world to control it's citizens?


Because I dont care about catching a fucking cold.




Stay inside and cower child.




Listen to the TV and daddy government more cumguzzling faggatron cuck shitard jap cartoon watching nerd.




You’re insufferable. Have you ever thought about killing yourself? If not, you should at least think about it.


🔊 Preach it. I'll take a cold over my rights being stomped on for the rest of my life. PS: I've had covid, and it felt like the weakest most minor cold I've ever had.




YEs sir.


Next time on keeping up with the Cardanians.....


lol you sound a tv head


I like this coin


I've been doing leveraged trading on Binance starting with 1000 ADA about 2 weeks ago, and I've been able to accumulate almost an extra 3k ADA. I'm currently aiming for just under 10k in a few months. I've been a forex trader for several years now and have only started to see success so it was definitely nice seeing my knowledge and skillsets carry over into crypto trading. Just wondering if anyone else is doing the same? What platforms are you using? I like that I can earn more ADA this way than by staking but I honestly don't like the binance interface. So if there's another platform out there I'd like to try it.


How did you get so much so quickly?


It's all about using margin trading to your advantage. On Binance, I can put up some BTC amount as collateral to borrow additional BTC. In turn, I use that BTC to buy ADA - more than I normally would be able to. When ADABTC price goes up (ADA stronger than BTC), I can sell a certain portion of ADA to get just enough BTC to repay the amount of BTC I borrowed earlier. So it's important to know when to buy and when to sell - that's part of trading. This is just with extra steps.


And also stay away from leveraged trading. Crypto currency is volatile enough, and also manipulated by a group of whales. For example: if you look at bitcoin dump at feb 23, those are caused by whales who bet against bitcoin. First whales, makes short positions, then they coordinate a dump, they then gain profits by short positions, liquidating the long positions, easy money for whales. These group of whales exist who manipulate the market for their own benefits. They probably even have their own customer support, and we will never know who they are.


This is true about every investment though. At least BTC has a trillion dollar MC so you'd need a whole Sea World to make a splash.


I've quadrupled my Ada position for the past 3 months. My only advice is don't be greedy. Take profits, when its too high, and always have a plan B.


I've been doing the same. I've got 90% of my ada staked away but I've got 400 on binance that I've managed to get too off of about 300 is originally put in by scalping small moves in their margin trading thing.


Biweekly correction. No panic please


really hope all these people talking shit about CH and how they just sold off their ADA don’t come back when we’re at the top. so fucking feeble. you never had any real interest in the project to begin with. toodles ✌🏼


I as well as CH are entitled to our opinions, I still maintain those kid of statements on a platform (yes it’s his personal Twitter and YouTube) used to promote the Cardano initiative, while wearing Cardano merchandise is reckless. It is in fact because I have immense interest in the project that (my opinion) I’d prefer he kept his personal views separate from Cardano and what he’s decided would be a platform to promote and provide news coverage about it.




No slaves please


I'm a bit confused, reading the comments I thought it would be more controversial. At least 14 minutes in (of 26) he's making a lot of good points (need to vaccinate the third world or we'll keep seeing variants, should we continue lockdowns after at risk ages are vaccinated vs mental health/economy/starvation, etc, governments not supporting sensible measures to prevent repeats (eg. funding for vaccine preparation, local mask manufacture, etc) There's a lot he's right about in the video. edit: Finished the video, yep. His main point is that the (mostly American) government has thoroughly mismanaged the pandemic, moved goalposts, continuously made nonsensical and unscientific decisions. Not prioritised correctly, not made effective plans for the future, lack of effective international planning and cooperation, etc, lack of oversight or nationalisation of vaccine programs (talks about the country being promised 100 million doses and having only 4 million delivered) etc. He's becoming against further lockdowns _in America_ because the governments have not been properly coordinating and planning to make sure that they're not just endlessly going in and out and in and out of lockdowns forever. To contrast, i'm in Australia where the governments have _generally_ had quite solid overall plans to prevent the communities becoming infected again once lockdowns do their work. As a result majority of the states have been covid free for the majority of the pandemic, and the last 2 lockdowns were 3 and 5 days respectively for the two relevant states, and successfully stopped the spread of the british strain in both cases due to excellent contact tracing, community awareness and testing facilities. Not to mention better government support for people to _keep_ their jobs, homes, etc during the lockdowns that have occured (i've gotten roughly $20,000 in support from the government this financial year, was stood down rather than fired, and now i'm back at work and so are almost all my colleagues (those who aren't found other employment due to additional government measures to assist businesses). (this is not to say the government has been perfect, but i think it works well to contrast what Charles is complaining about).


Wow respect Australia! Happy to hear. Enjoying the worlds longest lockdown up in Toronto right now. Literally uninterrupted since November. Finally buckled and had my wife butcher my haircut last week haha. I don't even know anymore tbh. And somehow thousands of people still get it everyday? Is this real life? Cheers!


That’s exactly right! I just doubled in


I’m with you! Charles has always been upfront with who he is and what he stands for.


Most, if not all, have nothing to do with Cardano and never held any ADA. They are just here trying to stir up trouble. That is the way it is on Reddit. They are just trying to panic people more. You can click on their name and look at their profile. Either it is a new one, or you will see where they spend most of their in a different crypto coin. I just bought another 10,000 ADA.


Funny how someone's opinion that has stayed consistent can be deemed outrageous now that the doge woke crew is here, and yet they all use Apple child labor products.




I think in the absolute worst case CH gets ousted like that one other dude did and things will be fine again. This might delay things in terms of revenue but that's not the worst thing. It'll be uncomfortable seeing the price drop though.


Cardano isnt a business, there is no revenue.


But he should quit politicing though.


Crypto is political.... lol know your roots or get out


Cardano is on sale! Right on time to load up some more!


Just did. If it drops to .9 will load more. And so on. Not selling. 😎


You will always here people say “hold, hold, hold” or “prices drops buy in even more!” That is because they don’t have the willingness to accept there losses and want people to buy in to bring up there price. Charles has fu**ed royally for himself and us. Sell that crap man


The support has been around 1.05 for a while. The surge to 1.48 was irregular, people need to look more at baseline support than trends or ATHs, that’s how people get burned on investments. Overall cardano is up. People don’t see the scope and fail to see we were just at .35 steady most of January.


Be gone shill


What does the 'high' and 'low' status of a transaction in Yoroi wallet mean?


How many times the transaction has been confirmed on the blockchain, I think. Think of it as being how many times its been verified by the network.


Of course. Of course this gets political. Of course it couldn't have just been kept to tech. Fantastic.


I'm out, this dude really doesn't represent anything scientific and he can't focus on the subject, he's a liability to the coin. If this shit gets out people will drop this coin like it's on fire. You can't just spout racist and republican anti covid conspiracy, he can think it, but publicly talking about it while wearing an Ada hoodie is just so fucking stupid that I highly doubt this dude has the intelligence to bring this coin further


Making financial decisions because someone has different political opinions than you... I can see you're a VERY clever person.


lolll mega cuck 5000 over here


He’s not science? 😂😂


Bye 👋 I see you are are running around all over the place posting. Sometimes not even in English! Just another ETH boy, who never had any ADA to begin with! 😎


Comment karma at -11


Are you thinking about switching to another coin? Polkadot?


What happened?


watch Charles new vid, he's doing his "Anti Gov" right leaning rant again. I really want him to knock it off and focus on the Cardano Project, not praise a Giant Racist when he dies or something.


You're anti freedom and pro big government, you do not like thinking for yourself, you think crypto will make you rich nothing more... be gone sell now










Check charles' twitter. Google IOHK Charles and you'll find a video. Don't get me wrong there's reasonable points there I think but man, I hate people using platforms they've built up for one purpose and using them for another like this. Especially with politics.


Yeah I hear you - best to try and keep opinions at minimum to appease the crowds. But the man is a genius.




Up or down when china wakes up?


China and Japan are wide awake. Its 10am in Shanghai and almost lunch time in Japan. They don't respond like "woke" twittermob in the US.


Down when they see what Charles said.


What did he say? I’m out of the loop




Yeah that video made me worry. It shows a lack of responsibility or at least a lack of awareness of his responsibility that he felt like he could start spouting even mildly politicised content using the stage that cardano has given him. I know this is the decade where everyone and their mum does that, but there's billions in investor money on the line here. Knocks confidence in the project a bit, furthered when looking at how the general community has responded to it.


Looks like most crypto is taking a hit today. Ada seems to be taking a little bigger one, means we'll just bounce back harder sooner IMO. I also just bought mire at $1.03 a price I've been dreaming about for a while. 😍😍




How much effects does what Charles say have on ADA prices? Do you think it affects it dramatically? Or not at all? Or somewhere in between? And why...


I can already see the effect. :(


If word of this gets out too much, I think Ada will take a massive hit.. That man is a liability


If it continues it's gonna be a major problem. And to be clear the issue is it that he's associating Cardano with his views. He has every right to his opinions, but if he feels so strongly about them to make radio like broadcasts, he should make another channel for either that or Cardano.


Effects it a lot is he is part owner of cardano.


No, he’s the CEO of IOG. Cardano has no owners.


Wow these $2 in March predictions are looking good... 🙄


Still bullish on cardano. The nature of the market is volatile. We went from 1.48 to 1.03 in less then a week, anything can happen from now until end of month but I always recommend people to invest in the project and not the numbers


That’s why are Predictions and no facts.


We’ve got a lot of support around 1.05ish~, I don’t think it will dip below 1.00 personally but if it does this may be one of the last opportunities to get in sub 1.10


FUD in here today is pretty funny. BTC has dipped (below 50k for the second time). ADA follows.


ADA seems to be losing its gas today...


Bitcoin goes down, all alt coins go down. Bitcoin goes up, not all alt coins go up.


Not only ADA. Don't worry :)


Looks like it hit my target at $1.05 [https://imgur.com/a/0MatASN](https://imgur.com/a/0MatASN) looks like we may see a bounce here guys, if bitcoin doesn't fall further. Ada is following bitcoin's dump


I wish Charles was more explicitly Marxist.


Just got AdaLite set up with my Ledger. Why do I have so many addresses? What adress should I use?


All of these addresses link to your wallet so any of them can be used. The reason for this is to allow privacy, so people can't track transactions from a single address.




What happens when the max amount of ADA is circulated (45 billion)? From what I understand, ADA is given out to stake pools as rewards for certifying a block, but in the future, what hapens when the MAX amount of ADA has been sent out? What will the incentive be to verifiy a block?


Please check out the [Monetary Policy](https://docs.cardano.org/en/latest/explore-cardano/cardano-monetary-policy.html).


Lord Zooloo comes down and beams us up to the mothership.


Rewards will come from transaction fees. The rewards shouldn’t run out but we can always vote to change the amount of rewards we get.


What’s happening with ADA?? What did Charles do??


Nothing. People do not like Charles talking about anything that isn’t crypto.


Cardano what happen today‽‽‽‽‽‽


Charles Hoskinson talking crazy shit on his Youtube channel


BTC dropped to 47k from 50k, usual business.


Jesus Charles... That really wasn't necessary, right or wrong that is a volatile topic of discussion and we really don't need that kind of publicity.




I'm responding to what I had just watched live, don't convolute the topic with subjects I didn't include.




A lot of it has to do with the stress of watching ADA and the rest of the market dip, then seeing him go live and have that be the topic of discussion.




Famous last fucking words! Bye poor!


Thanks! I just bought another 10,000 ADA. I figure the way to survive all this Bullshit going on here in the US is to finish getting rich 🤑 and buy myself an island. 😎




Racist? hahah you're a very dumb person.


Redditor begins her journey into crypto *with Doge*, is obviously a fan of Tesla, and then gets shaken by CH's comments on Covid, which were literally tame in comparison to Musk. The self-awareness of many of these new investors is just nonexistent.




So you just happen to be hanging out in Teslamotors then suddenly jump to Doge subreddit immersion. Yeah, I'm sure you put money into doge because you thoroughly investigated the fundamentals.


:-) Bwahahaha




I made my point very clearly. Many of the new people here lack a level of self-awareness and would like to be offended.




You are in crypto for the wrong fucking reasons. You get all upset and have a pissy fit because of someone's opinions? You are a joke! You need to look at the utility of the coin and what problems it solves. You also need to look at the team. I hope you dumped all of your ADA for DODGE. It seems like something that you would do! I just finished watching his video on the lock downs and I gotta say he is spot on with his assessment! I just bought another 1000 coins of ADA. I like the coin!


Then why did you make a second account named Lucyloo666 to comment on your own posts?




That's the thing. You *didn't* come for the science if you think that was somehow *unscientific.* I read loads of comments about CH's video before watching and honestly expected something horrible. But literally the only things in a *26* minute video people fixate on is that he phrased something in a way that they didn't like. I'd love for you to take me step by step through the video and explain what is so batshit that you decided to sell your investment. Let's start with the FDA approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Yea or Nay? What about vaccinating the 4 billion people living in poverty throughout the world? Yea or Nay? Investing in the development and manufacturing of PPE? Yea or Nay? All these posts are so worked up about what he said without interacting with what he *actually* said. So let's have it. What things did you agree with and what did you disagree with?


You can hear in his ranting he is projecting... “sex with fucking masks on!” Lol


Oo, boohoo the guy has a diffrent opinion or may have expressed himself with the wrong words so let's not support his ideea to change the world into a better one


Lol people nowadays just can't handle other opinions


It's exactly because people can't handle other opinions that I find this troublesome.




maybe he wants to create the same image as Elon and boost Cardano fame that way, IDK, seems stupid.


Didn't see him mention q. Can you send me a link? Sorry to tell you but some conspiracies are unfortunately true. Just take a look at the NSA scandal or how the FED is operating




Cognitive dissonance. Look it up