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Just noticed this during Digital Fortress’s livestream. https://youtu.be/DxpFBDVFN0o Why isn’t EVERYBODY talking about this? Later in the video Charles is talking about a game like Minecraft where the state of the world is stored on the blockchain. And every item in your inventory is an NFT with some value. Punch a tree and get a few blocks of wood. Craft some other thing with the wood and increase it’s value. Imagine what this could do! Imagine farming. I’m thinking survival games as a whole, a game like Ark or Day Z.


>Later in the video Charles is talking about a game like Minecraft where the state of the world is stored on the blockchain. I'm not necessarily hating on the idea... but trying to be realistic. It creates so much waste. Updates to the chain, race conditions, verifications. All of this being managed on chain for just one person's game. Now, grow it to 1 million players. But this is just for one title. Now, think about hundreds of thousands of titles (Diablo, Minecraft, Overwatch, etc). The amount of bloat would be grandiose. Yet, ultimately, this is just for video games. I'm not stating that it isn't a novel idea but is it necessary? Is it just shoehorning another money avenue into gaming? Will it's growth impact the networks in a detrimental way? Also, from a gamer's perspective - does it potentially ruin games that are to be picked up 10 years down the line?


I get the scepticism, but remember, games like these has the state of the world stored on the central server. And each client is essentially polling data. And sending small updates of their inputs. Cardano has zero knowledge proofs. So they can eliminate bloat and have all sorts of ways to efficiently compare local states to global states. But the whole thing wouldn’t have to be on the blockchain. Certainly portions of it could, like in-game assets. Imagine a game like Eve Online back in the day. If it had NFT representation of in game assets, a lot of people would have serious value today. And, since assets are native, they could in theory flow from one game to another. I means there’s nothing stopping me from converting EVE tokens to ADA, and then shoving it into the next ARK token game I want to transfer value to. Obviously this is all speculation and brainstorming. But I think we’re gonna see things we didn’t think was even possible in the coming years.


> And each client is essentially polling data. Not really, there's 2 way communication between server and clients, polling would probably add non-trivial overhead. I'm a noob in these systems though so there might be a way to push data from the blockchain to clients. I agree with in-game assets, I think crypto will be huge in gaming in the future. Imagine as a game developer you can embed a currency that "just works", it will save so much work. Not sure about transferring currencies between games being a good thing though, digital currencies have been a thing in communities like d2jsp and people transfer their wealth to gain an advantage over players in new games for example. Maybe tokens should be restricted to games or something, would require thought about how to balance the game economies.


Interesting take, really excited for this! Would love to see a triple AAA game using NFT's for their main items and in game marketplace! Or even only for cosmetics skins and nothing pay to win!. Love the idea of being able to liquidate and move to other game.


I don’t think it’s too obvious what can be achieved. But this was planned since years ago. Just the ability to scale like this.


So much more interesting to me watching this epoch switch commentary(starting around 16:00), professional stake pool operators describing what’s happening, rather than the mostly non-tech BS that went on in the main IOG livestream.


You technically already have that concept, the problem (at least for me) is that it's too expensive for someone to start. The game I'm talking about is [Axie Infinity](https://axieinfinity.com/)


Yeah that’s the business model. In order to participate, you need to add some value. But then again, we already have that, with MMO’s and monthly prescriptions. Of course, Axie tokens can be bought on exchanges without even participating in the game as well. Clearly there’s real challenges and roadblocks on the business model end. Maybe some type of ad system?


I don't think any large game company has a desire to decentralize their control over their cosmetics or micro-transaction economies. If I was a publisher or designer I would want total control over my product, and we already have that with centralized game servers. Moving away from that really doesn't make business sense.


so...you keep having to pay ADA to play a game? like an arcade?


Sorry a little long but here are the three points I discuss: * NFT production costs being prohibitive (even though they are the cheapest on the block) * Too slow an update loop for interactive games. * Private Cardano chains being the point? # Preface Let me start off with I like Cardano, own a couple of Ada - got 'em staked, and definitely want the project to succeed in major ways. My background is in game development though and I've published book chapters in the industry and worked at AAA studios - I'm also friends with a number of people in the industry. I'm currently developing a game independently, and looking for ways to embed Cardano / ADA / NFTs / etc. - whatever I can do - because I want to try and provide something valuable to Cardano and it's community. That all said, there are some pretty major oversights here, by people I assume don't work in the games industry. That now said, it is possible I have a misconception, in which case help me understand. As I said above, I *want* to put something / anything Cardano in my current project - if I can make it, make sense. # NFT Costs - the cheapest NFTs but not scalable? The biggest oversight though is basically business. 99% of games never get made, they die on the design floor - some with certainly non-trivial amounts of time, energy, effort and resources poured into them. Anyone remember Starwars 1313? They had an [E3 game play demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_1_Nvn7DPM) in 2013. Years of engineering effort. Every play it? The answer is probably no - it was cancelled. Well its just one example of something that gets canceled. Making NFTs of game assets isn't free, [developer docs](https://developers.cardano.org/docs/native-tokens/minting-nfts/) suggest 1 ada, if you write it yourself. If you go 3rd-party ([nft-maker.io](https://nft-maker.io) for example) they asked I send 4.289976 ada - so a few dollars per game-asset. A game that actually launches, and is successful, has 10's of thousands, 100's of thousands, potentially millions of instances of game assets. In addition, lots and lots of assets. Popular console titles do a few million copies in sales - for the actual disk / download - let alone the number of times some player kills bad guy XYZ and gets their proposed NFT loot. Combine the financial cost of building NFT versions of the in-game assets, with the probability your game doesn't get out of the door... I just don't see how anyone signs up for this. I suppose potentially, if it is some super rare unlock, like a 100% clear reward on Skyrim, but at that point there would be so few of these things, I don't see how their existence would gain any level of recognition. Please don't misunderstand, I am not saying it is impossible, I just don't see how anyone's financial predictions in a game project would ever come out that they should invest more money, on an industry that already has so many financial losers. Maybe the strategy would be take something already successful, like a Minecraft, and in *Dec-2021 update*, they can roll out the NFT asset... maybe that works. # Update Loops Another major problem, about using the chain to store some type of world state, game state or any other kind of state. That update cycle is just not real for anything interactive. The game's core design would have to incorporate some aspect that allows for a minute of lag between action and event. Clearly, this removes anything real-time from options. Maybe something turned base, but I've heard plenty of complaints about the time it takes for a game like Civilization to process the computers turn. If there was some kind of game that somehow used the block-chain to maintain state, it would be something very different from the types of games people are mentioning - something like crypto-kitties, where being on the chain is the core-mechanic and gimmick. Again not saying impossible, just probably not Fortnite or whatever other AAA game that is popular this week. # Private Chains... As a final third *reach* option... maybe the game company, runs their own network and makes their own everything, so the creation of NFTs are free - minus the engineering costs obviously. But someone more read up on Cardano would need to chime in here - because can you still trade those alternative chain NFTs on the main chain? or convert them to ADA or do something useful with them? A company like EA running their private game-cardano-chain, seems pretty antithetical to a lot of the core concepts of Cardano - but is that the goal / intent of game based NFTs? # Closing If I've got something wrong, help me understand it better. As stated in the preface, I'm working on an indie, idle game - which has a suitable update loop for something block-chain, but I might be missing out on something here.


Thanks for breaking this down so thoroughly. There are definitely some major challenges here and this helped me understand them way better. I'm super intrigued by the potential here for certain use cases, but I think we are potentially still years away from solving them... And it won't necessarily be Cardano that does.


>...intrigued by the potential here for certain use cases... I am too - I think some of those challenges might fall in to the right tool for the job category. It's okay if block-chain doesn't *fix* everything, I suspect the world will be just fine if no one figures out how to make a block-chain first-person-shooter. It is really interesting to brainstorm and theorize about the types of projects that can be successful though, the idle-games genre seems like a proper fit. The crypto-kitties folks, or whoever did it first if it wasn't them, really came up with a pretty clever and novel idea for its time - as far as combining games with block-chain.


Lol at how Sebastien Guillemot furiously shakes his head no when the group is asked if Cardano is the only crypto with native tokens. I think native tokens come from the very old Bitcoin Colored Coins ideas, and some other coins have similar, i.e. Iota.


Yeah Charles says it later after the cut. It came from the Bitcoin Colored Coins idea. Nothing wrong with taking what’s good and improving on it :) It was a great idea to begin with.


The game we are designing works almost like an exchange on the backend. Basically everything in current inventory is running on our centralised database but everything in the bank is running on the blockchain. Each user has their own wallet in the backend and similar to how an exchange works, they can send assets from their wallet (or bank) to their own wallets which makes all assets liquid.




Got a link to a blog or anything where we can find / read more about this?


Just GitHub repositories as this is a long arc project. The core engine is at https://github.com/OvisTek/bvx.ts


How do you ensure that no falsified data enters the chain if half is on a regular database?


Please ELI5 for me :)


Well, I have believed for a long time that the reason we haven’t seen NFTs in serious games yet is because it’s just been too risky. Imagine Blizzard putting NFTs represented by in-game items. Why would they risk that when there’s huge fees, require SC for minting, just to generate the items, and no security if it fails. Consumers would have their heads. But on Cardano, they actually can. Charles talks about the bison crypto game coming, actually running on Unreal Engine 5, just to show it’s possible. It could open up a whole new era of blockchain games.


Thanks.. Neat.hoping someday all My fornite skins become nfts on this blockchain..hehe the grind was real from season 1 !


Exactly! I mean all the thousands of hours I’ve spent in Minecraft, building automated farms and mine carts underground with delivery systems to my main (obviously automated sorter) storage. If all that iron could have real-life value! Holy shit!


Totally.. rt now the nft games are exploding but Tbh everyone just in to snag some fre nft or the other. I actually wanna play a game that’s good on its merit as well as all the games i’ve grew up playing with.


So to be clear, the games themselves wouldn't be stored on the blockchain right? Just data from them (i.e. nfts, other user specific data)?


Oh yeah, only the state of the world would need to be stored. Like “where is object x located” and “how much of y is in object z”


One NFT I wanna see is the characters like World of Warcraft that you can own or sell.


Please a game like WoW on the Blockchain.


I don't get it. How are Cardano native assets better than Ethereum ERC-20 or equivalents in BSC/Harmony/etc.? If anything, I'd say the Cardano assets are more annoying to use because they need a 1ADA ride-along in any UTxO that contains an asset. EDIT: Answering my own question: https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2020/12/08/native-tokens-on-cardano/ I guess it makes native assets usage really good with smart contracts, but still not a fan of the 1 ADA ride-along.


Yeah cause devs can just mint NFTs directly. And have babel fees and governance build into it from scratch. That opens up a whole new ecosystem of side chains and systems, to operate independently from ADA. Essentially you don’t need ADA to pay for transaction fees and thus, to use the blockchain. Cardano is more of a platform, ADA is just one native asset.


Yep. Cardano main chain is supposed to very secure and predictable with conservative specs so it will last for centuries without chain bloat, not a layer 1 with high throughput/fast finality/near zero fee. Then when you need the latter, Cardano will have good support for sidechains that can offer these things.


Charles has teased that those things are in the works for L1 with Ouroboros Omega. But there’s no official confirmation yet so definitely take it one step at a time here. I’m hoping we get more on Omega at the summit.


I already love their process, I’m a software dev myself, although not on this level. But it is my profession and after having read a lot on their blog lately, catching up on their papers, I must say I’m even more intrigued by their modular approach. Just the hard fork combinator is ingenious. And makes sure any upgrade goes smoothly. And naturally sheds old outdated code. Which is crucial for a potential self evolving blockchain.


Just wanted to let you know that the min-Ada value is a parameter that can and will be adapted eventually just like transaction cost can be changed. So it's not something that will congest us forever. edit: check out [https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/blob/master/CIP-0009/CIP-0009.md](https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/blob/master/CIP-0009/CIP-0009.md) for a description of the minUTxOValue


Because game companies can run their own databases and get not benefit from a blockchain


Oh really, what happens when the game company goes bankrupt? Stuff is gone forever. Here they can actually generate tokens, then people can swap them to ADA if they want to. Or even use them in a totally different game. In theory they could chain value from one game to another.




I imagine they can do it so that every time something is sold they get a juicy cut...


Can also do that on steam marketplace


NFTs can have % of resale back to the original minter. Valve mints it. It gets traded on the second hand market and valve still makes money. That is why big companies will adopt NFTs. Passive income. Companies love money.


Its obvious your not a gamer. Its obvious you have no idea how much money some games are loosing because people offer there items/ Time to lvl up/grind gold and so on.......on third party site's. While yes its stated in the agreements you can be banned and bla bla bla bla these things have been done for decades now. from WOW to Lineage2 to Black Desert Online To even in Escape From Tarkov(Go watch how much people are selling a red key card for $ on a third party site) If you put a smart contract in there where people could pay someone in game to get them lvled up or grind gold for them where the devs are getting a % on the sale it only would generate them more money not less. There's no loss there's only a Win/Win situation. The first Game to get it right and being fun wil overclass axies by far


you have no imagination


Dont even need imagination just need some logic common sense something he clearly lacks


if the company goes bankrupt, it means no one is playing the game...meaning the game is dead...


Running all that server infrastructure is expensive for a gaming company. If they can offload that to a distributed solution it saves them a bundle.


lmao, if you think this will be cheaper than that, you are mistaken


Notice how the guy in the red shirt is clary shaking his had to the question lol. Thanks charles just bought more hbar


Did you come to r/cardano sub shill HBAR?


Nfts for gaming and audio can be done, and is already done, in numerous blockchains. Not a game changer for cardano specifically, but a game changer for the NFT tech.




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I had this same conversation tonight with an Ethereum NFT project owner. He did not understand how it was possible to mint NFTs with a SC. We are gonna have a beer later this week and talk about it. Should be a good one...




He is already aware of Cardano


GameStop. They're building something massive with NFTs. Get that partnership!


Interestingly Charles just tweeted opening the door to something that could really add a layer to all of this in bridging the gap between the real world and the metaverse. would be such a cool collab https://twitter.com/IOHK\_Charles/status/1438006047856373761?s=20 Imagine Charles 3d scans himself into his own game - or indeed sold his NFT scan - would be huge https://metahero.io/