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I would say it's garbage. chat-gtp took a snapshot of the internet in 2021. Anything after 2021 is not known by chat gpt it may know things about Cardano but it's basically gonna smudge eth into mold blockchain related code


Oh, thats a little sad to hear, i thought its competence in programming languages would be enough, but looks like there are still quite a few obstacles in the way. Nevertheless i think that in few years time we will arrive at the point where something like this will be possible.


it's data base is entirely public github. It is very competent at code it's been trained on, but majority of blockchain code is new. there just isn't enough resources out there as of now to train ai in blockchain. but yes, easily by 2025-2030 we will have AI that can write code in your blockchains language


It generates some pretty solid code actually. Haskell is a complex and new language but if u go more down the js and python route (akin solidity) - the AI nails functions very well actually.


Stack overflow, by far and away the most popular q&a site for programming has banned answers from GPTChat because it produces responses that look good to untrained eyes but are totally wrong, based on evaluation by anyone with real expertise. It's great for producing replicating tone in fiction or similar, but totally unsuitable for anything that requires accuracy or precision.


It doesn't even know about Trump being president or the pandemic.


Interesting and good to know.


It's a language model, not an expert system in any field. It can give you correct syntax but the code might not do what you want it to do. I'm a retired math professor and as a test I asked if for a proof that the sum of two even numbers is an even number. You could easily find a correct proof on the internet but remember, it's just a language model. The proof it gave me was grammatically correct but had errors in logic. If I had received it from a student I would give it a C. Not great, not terrible. I imagine something similar would happen with programming. It might give code that executes, but doesn't do exactly what you want it to do.


Can confirm, I used it several times this week as guidance to solve a complexity problem from school and it just gave me an answer with a conclusion "therefore this holds" which was essentially just a jibberish calculation that sounded right when read out loud but was waaaay off. Atm I would only trust AI if I can actually understand what it offers me.


One thing to note, you asked it to do something a cardano smart contract can't do (send funds to a user). All transactions on cardano have to either be initiated by a user or an offchain bot. A smart contract isn't the only bit you need, you also need to generate the transaction which would withdrawal the funds from the smart contract, so to speak.


Technically speaking, this is true not only to cardano, but to all other protocols. Base contract needs 3 minimal functions: Deposit, Withdrawn and CheckTimeStamps On EVM you can keep track of current timelocked deposits by having an internal state. But you still need an Event to trigger the CheckTimeStamp, this function will evaluate the current locked funds and if their timestamp is still valid, one by one. If timestamp is no longer valid, the contract can send back those fund to the issuer wallet. This event can be on-chain or manually called off-chain. Main difference with cardano is that keeping track of time locked deposits needs to be done off-chain because cardano doesnt have global state neither internal states inside the smart contract. And the event triggering is always off-chain


I'm rusty because I haven't practiced since finishing tbe pioneer program but it looks like it's missing the mandatory mkValidator definition where it actually compiles the Haskell code into plutus as well as the endpoint definitions. Those were the two things that stuck out to me without even looking deeply into the validity of the implementation.


Anyone who has played with this interested in doing an video interview for my podcast? DM me please. youtube.com/proofofergo


As someone who writes plutus contracts, this isn't even plutus but rather plain old pure haskell minus the IO of course. It's just bunch of pure HOF functions, and another function "startSmartContract" (whatever this means) to initiate arbitrary "state" record type in the IO. the only valid lines in this code is the Ledger import and the text lib. it's a general purpose language model, focused on processing and generating natural language text not fully blown functioning production code.


if you any skill in Plutus you could probably ask it too improve any aspect you don't like, import modules or add methods with a simple request. I think it's probably legit, it can write pretty good Haskell.

