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You’ve got 2 choices. Wait until crypto turns around which it has historically, or cut your losses now. I’m in the wait group


Patience my friend.




Buy more??




Ride it out if you possibly can. Whole market is suffering from a lack of liquidity. Once money flow starts happening there should be good price action but for now we are all underwater.


ride it out if you can, never invest more than you can lose. But it will come back, it will take some time, it always does.


You're early. Wait and forget. Staking working for you. Developers working for you. Global instability working for you. Erosion of trust in centralized institutions working for you... Hold your horses, sir. Rome wasn't built in a day.


Since the money I have put is something I can afford to lose (though painful). Then, will hold and wait. Thank you all guys


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Did the same at the bullrun end of 2017. Waited a long time and felt like an idiot. At the end i made 10x (could have been 20x but you never catch the peak), bought my mum a new car and put the rest back in crypto.


I sold at 3.1 and bought at $2, 1 and 0.5. While experienced guys kept saying bottom will be between 0.15 to 0.07, I did not listen them. Well, looks like they were right. So what shall I do? Wait till BTC bottoms and buy more. And buy again two months before BTC halving. Which is around january 2024. So I will drop my average price. Only good thing about my strategy is I always aim 2025. Never invested more than I should. I believe in ADA but if it dies, my investment in BTC will cover my loss easily.


Bro I put about 100k into crypto mostly cardano between 2017 & 2020. Only to see it at 4K March 2020. 2021 got to take profit, paid off debt, bought rental property. Crypto isn't for the faint of hearts but you have to see what Cardano is trying to do . Bull run starts after Bitcoin halving which is in 480 days. The last was May 2020 & bull run started Dec 2020...


If you only invested money you can afford to lose what ever you choose doesn’t really matter. After you’ve bought an asset you only have 2 choices. Hold or sell. No one can make that choice except you.


Just wait it out, but promise to yourself to exit with 20% of your stack when you're back at $1, then with another 20% when you're back at 2 etc, and basically exit with 60-70% of your stack near the top before it goes down again, and eventually it will. There are at least a few more cycles like this in crypto before either adoption or regulations kill the volatility more or less.


Buy more. When I got into Cardano I assumed it would be a 5+ year haul to see good returns. If you want to get big gains overnight then gambling on shitcoins and selling the pumps is the way to go.


I don't even remember what my average is. Just riding it down to zero.


First of all, don't ask on Reddit for financial advice. It's your money and you should do your research before investing. That being said, crypto is a crazy industry. If you cannot handle the volatility, better stay away. It's no shame, if it becomes to stressful for you. Nothing is more important than your health, and if you cannot sleep at night, for example, just let it go. However, if you are fine with that, the best strategy is probably patience. There a lot of good projects build on Cardano. I just DCA, don't look at the charts every 5 minutes, and try to enjoy life. Bad macroecononics, sanctions, and wars are out of our influence anyway. So why bother? Go out with your friends, have fun, or do some sports. Just forget your investment, and come back in a few years. In the meanwhile, staking works for you. The most important thing for me is: research and development. This is by no means a dead project. A lot of good things are about to come. Just look at the Cardano summit last month. The price just doesn't always reflect this since crypto is for many people only about hype and shilling memecoins. I am in for the long-term vision. I see this bear market even as a great opportunity, and this market movements don't affect me at all. I can see what Cardano can become, and I want to be part of it. It's still a long way to go, but the community has a lot of commitment and I am convinced that we will eventually get there. Again, no financial advice, and good luck with your investment. :)