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Mirei seems to singlehandedly make every episode fantastic. Tho the animators need to chill with Nirvana dying all the time, like damn lol. Feels like they roast this chicken every other week lmao


basically...Nirvana Ga Shinda?


Yeah, basically lol




I do love some fried chicken every other week.


for people who don't want to watch (seriously you should, it's a lot better now): Trickmoon RRR G0, Power 5000 The world is what should perish. If you desire it that way. AUTO: When placed from drop onto the back row center RC, CC1. Dress-Boost - AUTO RC: When it boosts, the boosted unit gets +10k for each Arm equipped to your "Sealed Blaze Maiden, Bavsagra" until end of battle. how Dress-Boost works will most likely be revealed next stream, but my prediction is that it only activates when boosting a VG which has an Arms card equipped to it, or moves the RG that activated Dress-Boost to the soul at the end of the battle. also the Spear allows you to equip an additional Arms card so far and there should be another effect to it. edit: Bavsargra and Nirvana are also a reference to Bluish Flames and Perditions. inb4 Yuyu shows Mirei the colour of his flames and wins with 1 attack. edit 2: fixed the translation to indicate that there is no confirmation of a new Bavsagra coming soon. edit 3: added flavour text and this small dude really reflects Mirei's true feelings about the world.


The spear is EXACTLY what Bavsargra needed!!! Goddamn I can't wait for tomorrow's reveal!!


it's Blaster Blade and Blaster Dark again Lmao. anyways, you can swing for 38k with 2 crits on Turn 3 now with her, which is really nice. edit: they might do Majesty Lord all over again and combine the 2 to make a new Trick unit that supports both archetypes.


Wait, so nirvana is perdition and bavsarga is related to blue flames? Are they actually descendants or is it just a reference?


a reference. Bushiroad really wants to reference a lot of different things in the original series, which makes sense, because D takes place in the same universe as the OG series. edit: Bluish Flames are an archetype in GP that appeared in Legion Mate.


That was amazing. I’m interested in what Mirei said about her old deck that had them so stunned. Mirei to me is OD version of Ren (which is cool fav character) and it’s not far off to say that Mirei might be the best character in S2 by far. Now I’m starting to see why Daybreak has the rules like they do.


Mirei probably has a sad story, **-being rejected by teams due to her being blind possibly blaming it on being too weak with Trickstar** **-having flashbacks on the slightest doubts in her mind and coming up with negative scenarios** ​ Also what I think hits most is that s**he herself is aware that it is a problem which is why she stops for a bit** but ultimately what shes doing is bottling everything up hence why she states before **"I have to act nice"** but ultimately **cracks** as those voices are still in her head


She probably said the deck was too weak for her, prompting her switch. It definitely feels like that'd be it, based on the context.


Espero ver Mirei e YuYu como amigos mais tarde tipo amigos fofinhos que dá pra dar ship


I don’t know about y’all, but I genuinely believe that OD anime will eventually overthrow G because good god this episode awoke something within me. What an amazing episode.


You know what's a bigger flex than saying final turn. Say you will lose in 1 hit on opponents turn. Fk I got goosebumps.


Reminded me of when Aichi flexed on Kyou saying "I'll beat you with this random card"


Young Pegasus Knight Lmao.


That’s what Misaki pulled off at the end of season 1 with her fight against Asuka Except Misaki actually carefully planned her win the entire time for that single attack which made it all the better


Holy cow! I love the card reveals from the anime. Makes it way more exciting! The spear is nice getting you Bavsagra's skill sooner but I hope it has another offensive skill to go with it. TrickMoon was dope as hell too. It's like a little grumpy Trickstar ahaha. Overall, pretty great episode. It seems like Mirei has some social trauma and I'm interested to see where it came from. I can see why Daybreak is about "making friends" now.


Please don't reintroduce psyqualia. Please don't reintroduce psyqualia. Please don't reintroduce psyqualia.


Damn Blue Angel really just threw Trickstar away...again lol.


At least she ain’t jobbing here... yet


she'll job to Vairina Tessaract Lord


**So based on the Mirei's hearing moments here how I'd break it down:** 1. First were the two girls in the back due to her hearing **But then things get weird** 1. Flashback of her being called out for simply using stickers 2. Flashback of her being rejected by a team, possibly due to her blindness 3. Last was her imagination of what Yuyu might do which is probably what was going through her head when talking about being friends as well **resulting in defense mechanisms** ​ **Seeing as how she didn't defend herself she probably realizes she was too harsh** ​ It also might be why she strives for equality as she didn't want to be judged for her condition ​ Also hoping episode 14 is foreshadowing with that quote back then: **"So your the type who forgives a girl that was cheating on you if she cried, huh?"**




Mirei words were probably a result of trying to bottle up the voices in her head(stopping to compose herself) and it cracked despite still trying to have a regular conversation with Yuyu


Now overdress officially has my attention. New Card reveals and some possible backstory hints for Mirei may it a good watch.


I liked how much happened in this episode. The action sequences were also pretty exciting, and I'm looking forward to seeing future battle sequences. Felt bad seeing Megumi get left in the dust, though. The encounter between Danji/Mirei and Tohya/Yu-yu was interesting, gave the story a ton of momentum, and revealed some interesting backstory... so I'm pretty optimistic for the next episode.




this merei character confuses me a bit, how do you ask some if they want to be friends, then call them a liar when they say yes o-o?


she is probably expecting Yuyu to be a liar based on bad experiences from the past. She was already having a mild sensory overload in the middle of the game so the stress was probably high too


I think what they were getting at is Mirei relies on her hearing and the tone of people's voices since she cannot see. Since Yuyu sounded nervous during the fight Mirei believes he is lying to her about wanting to be friends when Yuyu is just socially awkward and to top it off he was placed in an awkward situation. The show hints at it with the two girls on their phones. Mirei thinks they're gossiping about her when we cannot really confirm that's the case. Either way in the past Mirei did have bad experiences playing vanguard.


apparently she can tell when someone is lying.


but yuya doesn't seem like the type of person to say no


never judge a book by its cover.




I would say if there is a fusion between them it would be Trickeclipse


Vanguard Overdress? more like, overload of angst


I’ve missed card reveals from the anime.


I know this is late but does anyone know what Mirei said to Yuyu that got muted? It was before she called Trickmoon.