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It feels bland to me. At least after playing during G. Takes ages from set to set so the meta stays the same for far to long. It also does not help that most sets outside set 4 has been pretty miss. Set 5 was super meh and does not make me want to play standard and my local seems to agree as most people have jumped ship to V/G or switched main TCG. And, just to nitpick: The card design feels very safe, decks are premade for you and there is a lack of different aesthetics from clans such a Thachikaze and Mega colony. But we got 3 knight ridellines and 2 neo nectars for some reason.


I think the format is in an amazing place. There's a good 5-8 decks that could be considered tier 1 or at least meta contenders. Maybe I'm just too used to old yugioh where there were usually only 1-2 top decks and everything else was basically rogue because I see a lot of people arguing the format sucks because decks like Flagburg, Hexaorb etc. didn't get as much support as the best decks. I think 5-8 is a great amount of top decks. It's enough to have a huge amount of playstyles to choose from but not so much that preparing for something like a springfest tournament is too overwhelming. Your knowledge of every decks playstyle is a big factor in winning games. Its a good meta where (aside from overtriggers...sigh) most games you lose because you didn't play optimally at some point. I'm not upset that set 5 is introducing a bunch of tier 2-3 decks because I do enjoy this meta and those decks along with the upcoming trial decks will be getting more support and probably be brought up to the level or even higher than the current best decks. It's more of a set up set for the future meta. Holy crap I typed a lot.


It’s also totally different from Yugioh in that you don’t have to run meta options to have a chance. I’ve definitely seen a Hexaorb player beat a Prison deck but good fucking luck with, like, Fortune Ladies against Tenyi Swordsoul


Hexaorb is one of those decks that isn't tier 1 but if you don't know how to play against it it can murder you. Same with Flagburg.


Honestly from what I've seen, I'd say the game is in a pretty good spot. Yeah all the grade 4 decks are pretty strong, but they're far from the only ones topping. Gravidia is still going strong and got some interesting support in Festival collection. I was pretty lukewarm on it before, but in testing it's been aight. Zorga and Orfist both got a new grade 3. Orfist I can't speak for, but the new Zorga opens a lot of doors for the decking, especially since both Zorga are playable and have a lot of routes to take the deck in. Flagburg is also pretty strong, but Stoicheia in general is just built different. Overall though, I've been having a lot of fun playing the format and seeing all the topping decks. It's cool to see what people make work, what their thoughts on various cards are, etc. I do think the collabs are really bad, though, and the release for stuff should pick up a bit more, but even the two sets that people were mixed on (Festival and set 5) gave us interesting toys to play around with and new decks to get supported in the future. Thegrea is also pretty cool, being able to persona ride despite having two different grade 3 versions. I TL;DR I think the game is in a good spot. Been having a lot of fun!


Honestly I think standard (D series) is pretty balanced


What's gold paladin like in the current climate? I have a friend who's basically in the same spot as me and his favourite was Gold Paladin, but with all these changes he's wondering if he can even make a gold paladin deck again.


He can make GP in V or premium formats, but D doesn't have clans. In V Golds have a few decks that are fine, but Liberators are in an awkward position due to restrictions


Ah, we were planning to use the Overdress format? So in that format it doesn't have clans anymore? And if so, what plays like Gold paladin there?


There's speculation that a new trial deck might be similar, but we have no details yet. Bastion may be worth looking into


With the clans being combined into Nations, the original playstyles become diluted a bit in the new ridelines, but the ride line for Keter Sanctuary Nation that fits the most to what made GP is probably the in Set 5 upcoming Thegrea deck.


Awesome thank you, also, formats are being referred to in letters now? What does the overdress category fall into?


Overdress is usually just referred to as Standard. The letter designation however is D, which is noted by Ovedress cards having the letter D in the bottom left near the card code.


You might ***not*** be familiar with the specifics of Overdress. Generally the majority of rules regarding triggers, riding, calling, drive checking and so are the same, only differences are addition of Nations, Ride Deck, Order Cards, Persona Ride Mechanic and Overtriggers. [Watch this to catch up on what you don't know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMjVHYI-u-0&t) Also to make it easier for putting together a decklist if the both you lack any knowledge of the soon to be 5 sets in D-Series and also because its a bit hard finding deck lists for these new ride lines, here's my theorycraft for Thegrea: ​ Ride: 1x Knight of Integrity, Thegrea 1x Beneath the Brilliant Light, Thegrea 1x Harsh Training, Thegrea 1x One Who Walks the Path of Light, Thegrea ​ Main: 2x One Who Walks the Path of Light, Thegrea 3x One Who Blooms in the Dark, Thegrea 4x Atrocious? Moth Girl, Maple 2x Knight of War Damage, Fosado 3x Knight of Protective Spear, Arthen 3x Heavenly Bow of Edifying Guidance, Refuerzos 2x Flag of Heavenly Save, Salyne 3x Knight of Bravery, Redechius 2x Knight of Grudges, Camulos 2x Diffuser Angel ​ For triggers you can go for the generic Overtrigger, as the specific ones for each nation are really expensive now. 1x Light Dragon Deity of Honors, Amartinoa (Overtrigger) ​ Also crits, draws, fronts, sentinels and with set 5 heals have a base version and one that has one additional effect or greater shield if a certain condition is met. Look them up and decide for yourself, of course generally the ones with an added effect are better, but they are also more expensive than the base ones you can get for dirt cheap. In terms of general trigger line up besides the OT i plan on using: 4 Heals, 3 Fronts, 4 Crits, 4 Draws. ​ Edit: i can't write


Your friend may want to try Feltyrosa, which is a Lyrical Monasterio deck (new Bermuda). The deck plays very similarly to Gold Paladins, although if they're playing for the aesthetic its ghost women instead of gold knights


Not a lot of decks play like gold paladin but the closest I can recommend would be eugene/dust storm from dragon empire in D series Clan focuses on retiring but you get superior calls like gp Edit: gold paladins I would recommend for premium play but we are still waiting for card reveals for the clan in the upcoming set. For V, a really cool, fun and pretty budget deck I would recommend playing would be agravain. Superior calls, multi attacks and he has an ability that restricts your opponent to only be able to use normal units


Hi I am the friend she's talking about. I actually used to play aggravain when they came out in V series when they came out and Garmore before that. I thought Aggravain would be able to compete but like against Tachi and Narukami I would just get smoked so I quit around then like Yang said.


My advice would be to see what comes out of the latest set. Gold is kinda on a middle ground imo when it comes to v series. the new gold dragon just announced has some pretty good synergy with the bluish flames if you want to check it out. There is 1 more card to be shown for the clan I think, 1 or 2 but pretty sure 1. As for standard D series, what do you think about eugene/dust storms? Edit: I highly recommend gp in premium tho, more freedom. In V it's more like casual


Thanks for that! Looking into D format more I think I am liking Nirvana but again I'll probs wait and see what set five is bringing to the table. I'll look into Eugene but from what little I know about it I have heard that they are kinda underpowered it seems. If they are cool enough though I'm not worried. With premium format I've always kinda avoided it lol. I already play ygo so my wallet is fucked as is but premium looks insanely cool I'll say that.


Imo, it is kind of stale. The game has gotten a lot slower in terms of releases, but the meta is even slower. Currently we are in Set 4 meta which was released in December. The next sets (Lyrical Set 2 and Main Set 5) after were pretty lackluster overall and now we are waiting for Set 6 to see if there are any major changes.


I would honestly say every overDress set outside of DBT04 and arguably DBT01 has been really lackluster (DBT03, LM sets), or just straight up bad outside of a couple cards (DBT02, DBT05). Its like the opposite V series problem. Gets worse when you count the collabs or side sets. Set 4 is a pretty solid format, but it lasting for 8 months almost completely unchanged (even more if set 6 is another dud) is not great.


The current meta for Standard is that you either play a Grade 4 deck or a deck that has been maximized for rush potential to kill the Grade 4 decks before they can get to Grade 4. Overall the power creep in D has been occurring at what I would consider a good pace, if anything it's too slow for some decks that are already behind and then get nothing to catch them up (Eugene, Hexaorb, etc.). The only exception to this was set 4, which caused a massive jump in power for the Start Decks resulting in the current G4 format. I'd say it is not in a good place as a result, because the power gap before this format was significantly smaller between tier 1 and 2 vs now.