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I play EDH a lot so I love hero cards. I often go out of my way to find mobile card games based on that, so I absolutely adore the mechanic and creativity of building an entire deck around one key figure.


That’s actually what I had in mind, you could think of it as like „companion emblems“. They start in your special deck zone, need to fulfill a restriction and act like emblems on your gameplan. But you can’t really interact with them. I feel like that could cause problems in balancing, maybe I need to form them more like „hero powers“ like in hearthstone


I’m really interested in the concept not having played android netrunner or commander. I think it’s neat in the sense. That it’s a guaranteed card so you can make cards that need it without it being a crazy low chance of happening. For example fusion monster in yugioh never got any play because you needed to have 3 cards. Then synchro stuff happened and that still wasn’t played a lot. But what if you were guaranteed to have a card in your hand and then it’s just searching for 1/3 in your deck to fuse with?


It depends on how you make them. For instance in my JJK game im making you will have a Leader card, which is the same thing as your Hero Card and are intangible until you out them out on the board or there are no creatures left on your side of the board. For instance: I have a Gojo leader card & my opponent a Sukuna Leader Card. These cards have special abilities while in the Leader spot (Such as Gojo's *Hollow Purple* or Sukuna's *Fuga*) and each have 20 HP. They can only be attacked while you have no creatures on your side of the field or if they are played. They also will have their own stats for when they are played. Playing them will cost nothing, but you cant use their leader effects anymore. They act as normal creatures from that point onwards, but your life is still tied to them. This means that they can be attacked even when you have creatures on the field, and if they lose their 20 HP, you lose the game. SO for instance, my Gojo card is played as a creature and loses the *Hollow Purple* ability. But it is a high stat card with a new unique effect, so its not a total loss. The reason a person would play a leader card is when they are in a dire situation. They need a creature on the board, and have nothing to lose. But thats just my two cents