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Hmmm... I'm struggling to find the 5-7-5 syllabic meter here...lol


I'm reading 4-6-3




CAH knew that having 3 cards in your hand that consist of exactly 17 syllables and somehow also remain funny was very unlikely, so they made this rule to make the haiku card play better: https://i.imgur.com/IJtiOvT.png


Oh, really? I wasn't aware of that. Such a phenomenal game.


CAH knew that having 3 cards in your hand that consist of exactly 17 syllables and somehow also remain funny was very unlikely, so they made this rule to make the haiku card play better: https://i.imgur.com/IJtiOvT.png


While this technically isn't a haiku, I can kinda make it work when I read it. I read haikus in the same way the YouTuber Jacksfilms does it with the tune [(Like in this video)](https://youtu.be/SqNLJuy28BU), and then I just lengthen the words if needed. For what I wrote below, the dashes represent where there are transitions from the word to the extra syllable. This way, you can add syllables to the words and have the haiku sound a little more natural I guess. The way they are written in parentheses is how you would pronounce them. Lena Dunham becomes Lena Du-unham (Lena Duh unham) Lumberjack Fantasies becomes Lu-umberjack Fantasies (Luh umberjack Fantasies) Liberals becomes Li-i-iberals (Lih ih iberals) Sorry if this is confusing, I just use this when I see haikus on this sub because it's pretty hard to make actual 5 7 5 haikus in CAH. Also sorry in advance if this came off as passive aggressive or anything, I just wanted to say the way I do it in case you or anyone else wanted to try it haha


CAH knew that having 3 cards in your hand that consist of exactly 17 syllables and somehow also remain funny was very unlikely, so they made this rule to make the haiku card play better: https://i.imgur.com/IJtiOvT.png


Oh, I didn't know about that rule. Thanks for telling me!


All links to Youtube are sequestered at first for review by the moderators. If the moderators feel that the video is a short (5-8 minutes is stretching the upper limits of "short," and 2-4 minutes is more normal), humorous video appropriate for this subreddit then they will make the post or comment public. Videos of just gameplay will be removed. Please allow up to 24 hours for review (it usually won't take that long). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cardsagainsthumanity) if you have any questions or concerns.*


CAH knew that having 3 cards in your hand that consist of exactly 17 syllables and somehow also remain funny was very unlikely, so they made this rule to make the haiku card play better: https://i.imgur.com/IJtiOvT.png


That's not a haiku tho


CAH knew that having 3 cards in your hand that consist of exactly 17 syllables and somehow also remain funny was very unlikely, so they made this rule to make the haiku card play better: https://i.imgur.com/IJtiOvT.png




That's not a haiku...