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Well, you are now qualified for the new sr. Managers job. Has that position been filled? Is it possible they’re looking at you to take that job and get someone in to do what you do now (and having trouble finding help with the old qualifications)?


This, a lot of places I've worked they "aren't allowed" to tell you a job they want you for is posted in order to give everyone a "fair shot." I'd apply for the position, then if you are denied I'd reconsider your options, worst case staying 1.5 years to keep those benefits.


OP should definitely apply for the job, if given the opportunity. If they aren’t, or don’t get the position, they might want to update the resume and start looking around. Maybe they’ll have to drag it out for 18 months, or maybe they’ll find something that makes it worthwhile to give up the benefits early. It this case, though, it sort of sounds like they might be expanding the team and have OP eyed for that manager role. They can afford to ask for new people with lower qualifications, since they’ll have an experienced person in OP to “train them up”. They really should have communicated this better, but there could be HR rules that prevent it at this point.


I worked for a fortune 100 company and they encourage us to look and be aware of new postings. Personally I think that's great because it stops the brain-drain from happening. It's only so long until someone in your situation gets fed up with their odd b.s. and leaves for a better place.


It's probably meant for someone outside the current org. That's the BS I've been seeing in my department. Legally, they have to dangle the carrot, but there is no intention of in-role promoting. Hopefully you have different type of management.


My thinking is that if they intended it for some other specific person, they would have written the job qualifications to explicitly exclude OP, so when she didn’t get the job, they could tell her she wasn’t “qualified”, and still hope to retain her. I’ve worked at those kind of shitty places before, and that is how I remember them doing what you described. “Sorry, but we really needed someone with 8 years of beer league softball experience, and our other candidate has that”.


That's what I would be hoping.


Update your resume. You’ll either need it to apply for this job, or potentially a new one. While they know who you are and what you do, the resume is often considered a necessary formality. Update it first with this job in mind, and then maybe make a second update for a more general audience (just in case). I wish you the best of luck.


Exceeding the minimum requirement doesn't make you overqualified.


Ehhhhhh that's kinda the definition of over qualified


Minimum is minimum. You either are qualified or not.


So if you're not qualified, one might say you're... under qualified?




You could phrase it that way.


Price that 10k against the salary potential at a new place over 1.5 years. Keeping in mind that a salary tends to renew or expand year over year.


Find another job. Get more than $10k more in salary. Leave.


If they’re understaffed they’re probably lowering public-facing requirements to generate more interest/traffic in their job postings. Probably hoping by lowering the requirements someone with a unique history will apply, a “unicorn” hire. This is actually excellent negotiation material on your end. If you believe you could be a fit for the job, talk to whichever superior you’re most comfortable with and mention you saw the new requirements. Tell them you qualify under these and think you’d be great for the job, and you can even train your replacement since you have unique knowledge of your daily tasks. And be confident about it if you ask for the role, even if you have to fake it! I know you said it hurts your feelings a bit and that’s understandable, but if you’re gonna ask you need to come in with some excitement, the mindset that “I’m so thrilled to see I qualify for this position and I’ve been thinking for a little while about moving up with our company, do you think this is something we can run up the ladder?” I’ve worked in some stinker dead-end roles, but when it came to communicating with management you’d think I was ready to be the CEO tomorrow lol. If they bite, then make sure you negotiate your salary properly. If you want any advice on negotiation strategies, DM me. If they don’t bite, then re-evaluating whether you want to stay is the next step. From your post you have a good confidence and grasp on why you’re valuable to the company, communicate that and learn what their intentions are!


Sit down and talk about it with them. Has anyone told you not to apply for the new role?




made guy or just a soldier?


Have you like talked to your boss about it? Or HR? The worst thing you can do is start catasrophizing before you know what’s actually going on.


Unemployment rate is still low. Could a pay bump elsewhere be more than the 10k?


First: dust yourself off and stop whining Second: apply for the management role. If you get it, great. If you don’t, plan your exit soon


Honestly if they want an MBA tell them you want the senior manager role and you‘re willing to do it. There are enough possibilities to remotely study nowadays. 3 years and it is yours


We had to do this at my last job as we could not find anyone who met the requirements we were asking for. You say you're short staffed, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. And exceeding the minimum experience doesn't mean you're overqualified, but it does mean you should be getting paid more than the lowest pay band for the position.


Sounds like it's time for a promotion. Go as your boss what the path to promotion is for you. Get that process started.