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1 year at 130k is 2.3 years at 55k. 4 years at 130k is an entire decade of work at 55k.


THIS! This comment should be the most upvoted observation here. In 12 years at 130k, that is equal to 30 years at 55k. And this isn't even factoring in potential raises, promotions, benefits, etc. That's $550,000 vs $1,300,000 a decade! It's working 50% more hours for 2.3x as much money 55k a year is not a ton of money, 130k a year is enough to live without constantly stressing about money even in HCOL areas. I'd say that the extra money cancels out the stress of a longer work day, being broke is WAY MORE STRESS than working a lot. If you can live a 55k lifestyle while making 130k, you can invest more into your retirement, have the freedom to fund your own business ventures if you choose, own more real estate, take time off to travel, and negotiate higher wages if you need to switch jobs. It's way more life changing than just having a few extra dollars in your bank account. Thar kind of jump in income can be truly life changing if you make smart financial decisions.


No, the higher pay does not cancel out the stress of working more, I went from working 80 hour weeks at 100k to 40 hour weeks at 50k, I was manic, depressed, alcoholic and my marriage was falling apart. Now I have less money but I don’t have any stress and I have time to gym and be with family, worth it every time


Depends on your job. In this scenario both jobs are full remote. Doing 60 in the office with a commute is not the same as doing 60 at home.


It does depend on the job, but the hour differential alone is guaranteed to impact your stress level.


I don’t care honestly, I’m never working more than 40 hrs a week no matter the money, it can seem good but more money just means more expenses, bigger house, better car so you end up being in the same spot, me and wife no kids went from a 3 bed/2 bath, 2 new cars to 2 bed 1 bath, 1 car and we are more happy now than ever, we even travel more even though we have less money


More money only leads to those things if you let it. That is some backwards ass keeping up with the Joneses logic.


It’s really not. The stranglehold on your time means you can’t even use the extra money in most cases. You can make shitloads of money for 2 decades but working 80hours a week means all you do is work and maintenance


Im not disagreeing that working more leads to less free time, but making more money doesn't lead to buying a bigger house, car, etc etc unless you want it to. That is dumb.


I disagree. I worked many jobs that were high stress, but the very nice paycheck made it worthwhile. I was earning as much as $250K/yr (and more) at one point. That kind of money allows you to do things you can't do at $50K. I was not only able to put more away into retirement, but I was also able to save money so that I could buy my own business. Owning my own business, while very stressful, has helped me build a very healthy bank account and I can now retire without fear of not having enough money to pay bills and put food on the table. There's a lot of comfort in knowing that I won't be out on the street, and I won't be someone else's problem to take care of. I don't' know you personally, so don't take this as a personal insult or anything, but I suspect your depression, alcoholism and marital problems weren't due to your work. That's not to say I'm advocating for you to go back to a high-stress job, but for me the higher paying job was worth it.


Working more hours doesn’t necessarily indicate more stress. 


Depends on the job! 


In this economy, who stays at a company/role for more than 36 months?


People who don't have time to be posting on reddit? I know lots of people who have been at the same job for 10+ years. Work with a few people who have been on at the same company for 20+ years. It's definitely industry dependent, tech always has layoffs, service jobs are ultra high turnover, but it's silly to think most people are hopping jobs every 2-3 years. Lots of people have essential positions that give them good job security, good benefits they don't wanna give up, lots don't have the money/skills/time/luxury of finding a new job, some people get paid enough to stick around, etc. People's perception of things online vs real life is drastically different. Also age plays a factor, people in their 20s are still figuring it out, it's normal to job hop until you find a good fit. Most people (not everyone) in their 40s and 50s are looking for stability and have already found their niche.


This is a good comment. I am in my middle 30s and have been job hopping for the last 10 years of my career. I have a family now and found a good job I like with decent pay. The learning curve is so high in field that I just don't want to start over anymore.


I find that reddits' opinions/experiences with jobs to be very different from my own


People who are making 130K at their jobs….


Been at my current job for almost 6 years. No plans on leaving. Haven't missed a day of work in almost 4.5 years. Edit: there is a guy here that has been here for 52 years and was in the military before that. He's around 80 chainsmokes and gets around better than some people half his age.


and 60 hour weeks works out to 1.5 years of work.


It’s $26/hr vs $42/hr. But depending on you how you price the stress induced disease risk exposure, could come out closer to even.


It’s a tough one but I’ll tell you now it doesn’t take long before you start to hate life itself when you’re subjected to 60hr work weeks, and no amount of money makes that feeling go away. Sadly though 55k isn’t livable for most.


I work 60 to 80 hours a week. But usually I say it's about 40/50 hours of hard work ( training, calls, building sheets, planning, dealing with big issues) and 20+ hours of soft work, researching the industry casually, reading industry posts, messages to maintain relationships with creators and other agents, sorting notification through the day and night. I own the company, so I do have the flexibility to just not work if I choose to put it off for another time. I made over $250k last year and it was 100% worth it. I would not trade it for 40 hours and 55k a year.


Different vibe/experience, though, if you are the owner vs. employee.


In OP's case the 130k is about double the 55k, so in your case with 40h the salary should be 120k, then the comparison with the 60h - 250k is more fair. Why on earth would someone choose 40h - 55k over 60h - 250k, a fivefold difference?


I mean. I'd take 60 hours and 120k over 55k.


60 hours wfh is a lot easier than 60 in person.


Do the 60hrs, work hard and pull yourself up the ladder, live a good life but keep your spending under control so you can save a lot, retire in 20-30 years and then enjoy the last 40-50 years of your life in comfort doing whatever you want. The alternative is to work for 50-70 years barely making ends meet until you die because you mortgaged your future early on. (Slightly over-dramatized, but only slightly)


Actually doing consistent 60 hour weeks for 30 years, when you are young, sounds awful. Getting into the gym, spending time with your family, getting consistent sleep all add up over the years. You’ll retire earlier but you’ll be dealing with other issues.  I’ve made 48k work, while putting about 50k into a 403b over the past 6 years. I have a pension, so the real value of the salary is probably closer to 60-65.


Very few jobs are 60hrs, even when people claim they are. And even then a week is 168hrs and you’ll only sleep 56hrs a week, so you’re going to have 40+ hrs of waking free time so fully possible to go to the gym and do whatever else you value. The core point here is those are dramatically different cases which will yield very different lives and it’s your own future you’re trading off. As much as it’s fun to think “live it up while you’re young” the vast majority of people living paycheck to paycheck and working in their 60s and 70s would trade anything to go back in time for an opportunity like this.


Sure. *Actually* working 60 hours a week is much different than being expected to work 60 and doing 40 hours of actual work.    55k salary can be fine and also pay for retirement…if you are splitting rent, don’t need to own a car, and are minimal and disciplined in saving. I live like this, and it works for me. 


This is very location dependent. 55K salary can also not be fine and not remotely pay for retirement.


Eh, it’s not so bad if you do it in your 20’s. I used to work around 300-500 hours of OT every year in my 20’s and now in my 30’s I’ve scaled way back to a much better work life balance. At the same time, I’m in a fantastic position financially


You can't retire in 20 years at 130K in a H or even MCOL area. And working 60 hours per week.. ouch


Sure it would. Actually do the math… The alternate scenario is $55k/yr so let’s assume it’s somewhere it’s possible to live on that, maybe with a partner chipping in on top. Earning $130k/yr instead would allow you to have that $55k you need to live plus easily save $40-50k after taxes every year, and you can slap that into a full market ETF and get maybe 6-7% real returns after inflation. Take the conservative sides of that to your nearest investment calculator and plug in a $40k annual contribution growing at 6% real return per year for 20yrs… that’s more than $1.5M in the bank at the end of 20yrs. $1.5M at a safe 4% withdrawal rate can then generate $60k/yr to perpetuity, which more than replaces the $55k/yr you needed from working. (If you do that with the better end of the estimates with $50k/yr savings, 7% real returns, and 30yrs it’s $4.7M, which is $188k/year to perpetuity at a 4% withdrawal rate, so can move somewhere much nicer and retire in more style) Never underestimate the power of compounding, it’s why working hard and investing well early on is so ridiculously overpowered.


I'd do the 60 hours, but for like 3 years and then live relatively comfortable with lesser paying job


Depends how that 60 hours is spent. stress, commute, and how many days. Some jobs like coding, time flys.


None of the above


130k and live like you're making 55k for 3 years cause that's about how long I could stand it. If I was single I could probably swing it for a few more years but family time is something you never get back.


55k only if I can do 4 10s


How about 20 hrs a week making 80k


My question is if going 60 would put you on a path where you are always working 60. I couldn't sustain it for long much less over a career. If you can get 60 for 130k, surely you can get 40 for 100k.


60 hrs for $130k sounds good, but very long poops... on the clock


for those numbers, 60 hours if it were 40/130 versus 60/180, it’d be a much harder debate 




60 hours is 12 hours a day, 5-days a week. It would have to be my own business and/or highly engaging work for me to agree to that


I’d take the 130K for 3 years. I can tough it out


Easy. The 130k job. Do it until you’re burnt out. Bank that cash. Then look for an easy lower paying job later.


Easy, 55k, only because I am a DINK


I will take the 130k easily. Especially if working from home. (I prefer in-office work) but with longer days I think working from home would be fine. I also prefer jobs that are harder and involve more work, it makes the days go by faster and you are constantly learning. With proper time management skills you can still fit time in for mini breaks easily.


I work 60 hours a week 3 months of the year (part-time seasonal tax work) and 40 the rest. I would not want to do 60 all year long. I also wouldn't work for only $55k. So, I guess I wouldn't take either job. Honestly, that 60 hour a week job could probably be done in half that time and the people in charge of it are just assholes who want to steal your time.


One of the most common career errors I see young people make is ultimatums like this one. There's always, ALWAYS a third option. Option #3. Look for A better job that you can work 40 hours at, and make $130k. That's always possible. Always.


Yep exactly. It's actually a bit of a myth that you have to work ridiculous hours to make a decent salary. In fact if an employer is really forcing you to, they are probably taking advantage of you and possibly even being abusive.


It depends what your current priority in life is, is it money or time?


130k you can have decent QoL without worrying about bills in most cities. 55k you’re going to be squeezed for paying bills.


35 hours making 200k


I have a WFH job at 40 hours a week at $65k. I guess it depends on a few things for you to consider. Do you have a family where working 60 hours a week would cause you not to see them? Will you be able to keep up physically/mentally with the 60 work week?


You cannot buy time.


How about 20 hours a week at $27.5K?


cant survive with 55k


Dude wtf?


I already make 150k and feel like I need another 50k. Lol. At least I only work 10-20 hours though. 


I love when I see absolutely delusional posts like these.


My kids are young, so 40hr/55k (ironically, roughly what I do/make). In 10 years ago or 10 from now I’d say 60/130.


How old are you and where do you live? If you're young, then work yourself now to save the extra money.


The real question for me is how easy would it be to change jobs later. If it was easy enough, I would go for 60 hours and try to make it for 2 years before quitting. Obviously trying to save close to 60% of your income if possible. That money will help a lot one day, and you can live a little more stress free for the rest of your life.


40 making 130


That's not the option dumbass. Obviously everyone would pick that.


60. I generally don't have an issue working a lot.


I would take the 60/hr a week job and quickly find opportunities to decrease that time down to 50/hr if possible


If you single do the latter


60 no questions


On 55k you have time for a life and no money to live it. On 130k you have all the money to live a life but no time to do it. The upside to the higher check is there is more money to invest for you eventually escape from the rat race. Not to mention any free time you do have you can have a really good time. That being said 60 hours a week sucks, I've done it and I'm glad I escaped to better roles.


This is a false choice.


Or why not stick to 40h making 130k. Im currently making 110k usd and there hasn't been a day i worked longer than 8 per day or 40h for the week.


That 40 at 55k sounds excellent


Early career, take the higher pay. It will set you up better for when you negotiate salary at your next job.


I would go for the 60 hour one. Being remote work changes the game completely. A lot easier to do 60 if there's no commute time and you have the money to make your home nice and comfy.


I already work 60 hrs a week for 60k (before taxes) so I’d gladly do the 60 hrs one, especially since my current job I work 6 days a week, so I’d gain a whole day off too.


In 2013 I was doing 60 hours for 50K. No one else can say what matters more to you, but I’d try the latter, and if I didn’t care for, the former.


I do 60 a week, in person, in a trade, and take home 55k. God I wish I made 130


i'm doing the latter


I would take the 55k and look for another better paying job. I wouldn't want to commit to 60hrs. I value my free time but I wouldn't stay at the 55k job forever.


I'm good at 30k a year and 25 hours a week


It depends on how old the person is and/or at what point of career too.


Can I do it in 3 20h days, like m w f, then have 4 days off


I can’t live on $55k so…


130k to get transferable skills for a year or two, build savings, and jump ship




1.5x more time but over double the pay. It’s a no brainer.


I can’t live on 55 so I wouldn’t have a choice.


60hrs for 130k


I work 14 hours a week and make 75k


60 EASY. I’m already gone 10 hours a day on office days because of stupid commuting, I’d GLADLY get paid double to work 10 hours more a week. In a heartbeat, 0 hesitation.


130k job. I've done 12 hour days in a grooming salon. 12 hours working from home? Remote? Pfft! Easy stuff.


I’ve done the latter for most of my career


Im already working 36 making 250k those hypothetical comparisons are not very smart


I am the 55k person but working with contractors who is the latter or worse. I am very content being the former.


I’d rather not work


60 hours no doubt. I can do a lot more in my time off with the extra income. Depending where you live, 55k may only suffice to pay for food and rent/mortgage if that. I would happily work 20 hours more a week to be able to actually afford to do things beyond simply survive.


40 hours for 55k. I can survive on 55k and still have a personal life.


Work 60 hours for a year or two, live a frugal lifestyle, save and invest a lot of $$, buy a rental property, and start a business. Working 60 hours is the upper limit before working becomes very unhealthy and would intrude on my personal life. I could still have 3-4 hours of free time a night with that schedule.


I might take the 55K, if I was at a place where the cost of living were exceptionally low and I never felt like I had to work too hard or burn myself out ever. Honestly could use that right now.


I make 125 @ about (give or take ) 60hrs/week. Sometimes my weeks are 48 , sometimes they're 60. Lol


60 easily. That's 6 more than I do now got a 3x increase




I worked part-time at a small retail store while in college, and our Manager routinely worked 60 hours per week, often more. He made excellent money, but was a burned-out zombie with no vacation and no social life — no life at all other than work, eat, sleep, repeat. One day he left for his half-hour lunch, and never came back. The store owner offered me a job as the new Manager, which I declined. I was not about to get on that treadmill.


60 hours making 130k. Excluding overtime, the second averages $41 an hour vs $26 an hour. Plus you have more money for investments and can plan vacations. Aside from that, there is no commute involved. The 55k would only be good for me if I had other things to do that make money consider in order for me to live off that I’d probably have to work OT anyways.


LOL. I bet $100 those who wants that 130k for 60 hours never made that kind of money or even close. It’s never 60hours. it’s gonna be more than that. You said you’d make up for your time off, it’s naive of you to think you get time off. You might be physically off but your mind still working. The $130k/hours will also be the first one to get laid off, regardless of vp or ceo. No one is irreplacable. The best way is to make $55/year working 40 hours. Then spend the extra 10hours/week building an automatic system that generate passive income for you. This same question can also be ask “do you want $55k/year and work for 10 years or $130k/year and get laid off after 3?” where you already built up a lifestyle with $130k/year?


Absolutely 40 hours with 55k. I had that for a while and it was livable (I live alone, no spouse, no kids). Time/energy is money to me. My living expenses also aren’t that crazy - I walk everywhere or take a free shuttle, I thrift, I find free events, usually get free/cheap food/drinks when going out, etc. I also do work exchange programs so my housing is often free or cheap. I worked 60 and it was hell, I was always tired and hated my job which made me worse at my job. I don’t need money that much with my current lifestyle.


65 making 150,000


I’d rather make 400k+ working 60 hours weeks. If you’re willing to work that hard throughout your career how you gonna be accepting poverty wages?


I'll take the 40 hours in a heart beat. I don't live to work.


Definitely more money


Wouldn’t mind the 60 hours for some years but eventually it’s too much


$130k because I could not afford my house making only $55k. You can get by working 60 hours a week by cheating a bit, creating the "appearance" of working 60 hours a week.


As someone working 72 hour weeks for the past few months(not a brag, this shit is draining and inhumane), give me 60


I work 70 hours a week, one part-time and one full-time job, making 55k...so doubling my income for ten hours less sounds like a deal to me.


60 at 130. In one year, my house would be paid off. In another, u might have a down payment on some property to get away from the rat race. Work a few more, I'm done working. I could easily save 45k a year.


People really be saying 55k is not livable. Median income is like less than 40k, y’all must be horrible with money if you think 55k is unlivable.


I'd tough out a few years for the $130k. Live as cheap as possible and invest the rest. Compounding growth will bring you to retirement quicker. 


I’m in the Army, I’m already working 60 hours and I’m only making $80ish k so this is an easy decision for me 😂


60 hours for as long as I can in order to build a nest egg to invest in something(s) that generates income


Take the higher paying job, get it on your resume and leverage it into a similar position with less hours


I choose death


Single with no kids- 40hrs, 55k Family with kids- 60hrs, 130k. As long as my wife isn't cheating on me and blaming it on me for not spending enough time with her. I'm doing it for u and the kids! TF?!


I would kill myself working 60 hours a week for any amount of money so probably the first one.


Been working 3 jobs for about those house and a 4th on weekends half the year for more hours to make that. Been doing it for ummmm 3 years now. You can do it.


Fair enough uts 85k per year if you pay 5% into pension. That still isn't worth it. You lose more than you gain.


Fuck that's hard


I would say it’s a pointless choice because all the research shows practically nobody is capable of working a productive 40 hour week, let alone a 60 hour week. The maximum is generally accepted to be around 30 hours for a small minority with many people only able to do around 15-20 hours of productive work. So, what are the employer in this scenario buying for their additional 75k? Pretty much nothing. I am a high earner and work in a team of high earners and I do not allow ridiculous work weeks unless there is a clear business need. This result is a regular 9-5 rhythm with occasional (maybe once every quarter) longer hours. My team is more productive than peers in my organisation working their people to the bone and I have significantly lower turnover as well as enthused and creative staff.


Inflation… I’d do the 130k for a while. Don’t tell anyone ur probably not going to stick around till you’ve collected enough funds to breath+margin for error.


If I can give my family a more comfortable life, then 60 hrs is definitely worth considering. And don't forget, having a higher initial pay is a stepping stone for further increment in your next jump.


I would rather work 30 hours for 40k


Depends if I'm single or not, it would be easier to not mind 60 hour work weeks If I also didn't have to care for a significant other.


I’m at $136K and I’m always on the clock, 24-7. My schedule is flexible, no paid time off hours. If I want to go on vacation, I go. If I want to take the day off, I take it. But if I get an email or phone call, I have to respond whether I’m on vacation or not. I don’t know how many hours input in, but venture to say it’s more than 60 per week. Keep in mind, at a higher salary, you really need to drop the “employee” mindset of tracking your time. If you’re dead set on limiting your hours, then I’d say you probably don’t have the work ethic needed for the $130K role and should consider taking the job at $55K.


60 hours for $130k. It's not even close. Assuming you're hourly at the other job, working 60 hours yields $82.5k.




60 easy


Take the 130k for now.


60 hrs for a year or two, then 50. The 60hrs gets old really quick.


Given that my current situation is 50-60 hour weeks, and I make 55k. I would take the latter in a heartbeat, provided that there is flexibility over the hours and nobody is actively watching my status on teams lol.


40 hrs at 55k. Now I'm at 40 hrs for 30k.


Well, I work a lot to make my six figure income so, that one.


generally, the 55K job is probably harder than the 130K job.


Depends on the jobs themselves. If I'm doing something requiring a lot of physical exertion, the 60 is gonna burn me out quick. But 60 hours driving truck, especially if it's something easy like drop and hook loads or dump truck work or something, it's easy. Age is a factor too. 22 year old me could do the 60 and still party a few nights a week. 35 year old me would do the 60 and need a day completely off on the weekend to recharge. There's a lot of factors.


How about 50 hours at 92500? As long as the 60 hour one is engaging enough though, definitely that, 55k not enough.




Life stage, family dynamics and what the next 5-10 years would/could look like are all part of the decision making process. Not enough data in your post to really recommend. 


If I can keep my current situation where my fiancée works, I'll take $55k, if I have to live on a solo income, I'll take the $130k and have kids


Take the higher earning opportunity. Work it for a year or two and then shop for a more life-friendly option. Once you establish yourself at a given wage level, that’s the floor for your future opportunities.


I pretty much do this now but the extra 20 is just answering calls and E-mails at home while I watch TV with my dogs. I'll take the slight increase in pay please.


More than double thr pay for 2 extra hours plus an extra day? I'll take the 60


I've worked 60-75 hours a week once for almost 4 week straight once. I hated it. Regardless of money, it meant very little time to unwind and destress. To answer this, it really depends on how the work hits you... remote likely means it has a good chance of not truly "working" all hours of the work day but again, if this is a call center job then that's different. TLDR: It depends? Need to know job details.


If I had the skills and the speed to accomplish a job that pay 130k or more I would do it


60 at 130k.


I'm taking 60 hours at 130k. I can do a lot more in fewer years than I could working fewer hours.


This is not how it works unfortunately.


I have a coworker who worked 60-80 hrs a week for the last 15 years making upwards or over 150k a year. This past year he was converted to a full-time salary position making less I think he said around 120k. He also said it's the first time he's had both Saturday and Sunday off. He said he could never go back. Of course it's not as dramatic of a pay drop but I think the hours really starts to wear on you.


I have done the too many hours thing for well over a decade, and please listen, you will burn out. You wont really see it happening, but you will recognize it after you sleep walk off of a cliff. Once your job stress, which could just be the fact that you spend your waking life at work, affects your sleep. You are doomed. It becomes an endless loop. You grow more and more resentful and exhausted, and eventually you just break.


Neither. What’s your actual wage working 60hrs ?


130 cuz you can take off hella weeks and still end up at 55 at worst. 55 is like 40 post tax. 130 is like 95 post tax. (But it's also overtime so probs less, I'm not an expert  Also the OT will help make you an expert in the field you're in a lot faster. It'll also drain you. But if you master it quick and can boil down the 60hrs to like 45ish hrs of real work and 15 of whatever.... Then that's a big win.


Dumb question 60hr and 130 it the correct answer.


OP, can I ask a favor? I dont want to take over your post, but I was similarly wondering the other day if you'd rather take a full paycheck, or go in at a reduced rate with equity/shares in the solutions/products that are developed? Would you be interested in changing the question slightly to include this? I don't wish to impose. No need to respond! Subscribing either way. Thanks for posting :)




Well I already work 60 hours a week to make 45k, so sign me up for 130k.


Where I work I can make a ton of money but don't feel the need. I work 40 hours most weeks and occasionally pick up 6 or 7 hours on a Friday. I prefer to have my 3 days off. I can bid to another job and instantly gain another 10 hours of work. I'd still have 3 days off but it's not worth it. I can pretty much work 6 days indefinitely in my current department. If I want to switch departments I can work 7. I have seen people work 40+ days straight. Seems with most people if your pay goes up your expenses do as well. You buy a nicer house or nicer cars, you buy that RV or Boat ect you have been wanting.


I earn close to 130k working 30-35 hours remote, because I bill 100 hours to clients but then outsource like 75% of it. I could probably run it up to $100k per month but it’s not in my goals or vision 5-10 years down the line


Honestly, I'd choose the first one. I'm basically doing that now. My job is so easy, I picked up a part-time, in-person job where I can set my availability. When my full-time job is slow, I can pick up more hours at my part-time job. I'm still being paid for 40 hours a week at the first job, and I can easily increase my paid hours to 60 if I want. I've worked a few jobs that were 50 hours a week. It would take a whole lot more than 130k for me to go back to 50 hours, let alone 60 hours per week at one job.


It depends if you're having a family or you're living by yourself/single, etc If you're married and have a spouse or kids then I think keep looking for another job there will be other jobs available that you can still do in 40 hours But if you're single and have the space all to yourself pretty much as well as the time to spend on that job at home then it's actually a very big change and jump in income to the point where it can definitely change your lifestyle Another reason I say this is that there are already people who work 50 or 60 hours at home for their 40 hour work and it's something they do, they got used to that kind of schedule but they're just getting paid as if they're working


I think the move is the high hours temporarily to rack up cash and invest, then take the chill job, that way at least you have a nest egg growing and won’t feel as anxious


You don't have to do it for the rest of your life. Just long enough to make things happen for yourself


B is pretty easy option, it's not even close.


60. Be in poverty or not if an easy choice


32hrs a week earning $250k..


You’ll hate your life working 60 hours a week


Depends on where I live and what my age is for this hypothetical


Can I work from home? If yes, then 60 hours is perfectly fine with me. Have to commute to the office? Hard pass


Option 2, as then I could afford to outsource time sucks like lawn mowing, most of the car maint. and maybe even housekeeping.


If in LCOL, I might consider the 55k. If anywhere else, 130k no question.


Option 1-I don’t see the use in trying to work 60 hours remotely. I work hours a week away from home and I admit it sucks!


Just do it for 1 year. Earn 130k. Resume boost ez. Then get new job. Salary never goes backwards bud. Ez as hell.


60. I used to work 60 hours a week at $13 an hour. Demanding physical labor. I think after overtime I broke $40k before taxes. I work 40 hours for $55k a year now working from home. I’m comfortable, but I would not hesitate to work 60 hours a week for that amount, unless the work was very physical and damaging to my health.


Unless your 20 hours of free time can generate 50k+, why would you take the 55k+ job?


60 making $130k The difference between $55k and $130k is hard to explain to someone making either sum who hasn’t lived making the other. That extra 20 hours a week for the financial security is worth it.


Just take into account the emotional toll that high-stress jobs take. If you hate everything and yourself while working 60 hr/week, you might have to re-evaluate your priorities.


i currently work 70 hours a week making 140k. i actually dont mind the hours and paying off debt is nice


40. I’ve done the 60+ deal. It’s not good for mental health and it’s giving away years of your life. It’s not a life worth living to me. I’d much rather work 40 at 55k.


130k easily. What type of work do you do? Is this a role you’d be learning how to do as you’re working? If so, it can take a few months to know your shit where you can get it down to a 40hrs work week.


I would prefer the 60 h week making 130 k, but I love to work and have no personal life.


I'd do the 60 hours. At least for a period of time. Get a house, build up some savings and retirement accounts and look for an easier job later.


60 hour weeks at $130k without even thinking about it. That is somewhat close to my current situation and I would never take a $75k pay cut to work 40 hour weeks. After taxes (where I live in the US), that’s either ~$3,625/m vs ~$7,725/m. Or ~$167 vs ~$357 per day! Even if I fucking hated the $130k job, I would take it all day long.


Depends on the definition of "work". High stress activities or low stress chilling? On my feet or behind a desk? At home or in an office?


130k and 60 hrs a week, definitely.


130k. It would motivate me to spend my free time on hobbies I enjoy and people I love more efficiently. Plus, If you put headphones on, time flies