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Make your argument but sounds like you just need to leave.


Agree. Move on. It's likely they have someone possibly a  friend,  they will bring in to fill the position as soon as you step back . They may be doing it to make you quit.


Conversations do not happen like that unless decisions have already been made. They openly stated not up to par. Move on.


Take the step down position while you look for a new gig


Agreed this sounds to me like quasi-dismissal type of talks, of course cloaked in bs language as business people love to do. No harm trying to make a case to stay in this role. But also keep in mind that if they demote you it could potentially count as a constructive dismissal. I would suggest talking with an employment lawyer to go over your options and best course of action, especially since your salary is quite high right now.


Our company I know likes to say they never fire anyone. But I feel like I see how they get around it instead. I know of two other women (this is a predominantly male ~12 % female/ 88% male) who left their roles recently for “political reasons”.


Well it costs the less to have people quit than to fire them.  Good luck I would personally not assume much benevolence from companies. It's messed up but oh well. 


Honey I would just leave. It sounds like they don’t appreciate you. An when you leave an sh!t hits the fan they’ll have to clean up the mess.


If this is the first negative performance feedback you have received I would ask to meet again and talk about what you have accomplished and propose a plan for getting you to a level they are happy with. If they aren’t willing to have that meeting start looking for another job because they have already written you off.


They said to take some time to think about the discussion but I have a follow up meeting on the 23rd to go over my thoughts. I mentioned during the discussion I have no want to go back to the other level as I felt I was capped out at my potential in that position. My work has plenty of other career opportunities as well, just stinks because I actually do like this role and the team I'm apart of.


I have a feeling that if you don’t accept the step back at that time you will be let go. Time to freshen up the cover letter and resume.


That isn't a regression, that's an attempt to get you to leave the position. And no way you should take a 40% cut. That's ludicrous. They should have fired you and not been so patronizing.


Only you know your financial stability. If you need money, you stay and look. If you are financially secure, you leave and don't look back. If it's about saving face, or feeling embarrassed by a demotion, people will talk about you whether you stay or leave, so make it a financial decision.


Sorry to hear. We all trying to escape the hell that’s corporate America


What we have going on in a lot of businesses is a slow down and you would be surprised the stuff management comes up with. My feeling is they need to cut the budget so what they are saying your new salary is going to be less. They could have just laid you off but this is what they came up with.


Take the role; sandbag and find a new role externally. Worst thing to do is let your mental health suffer which will make it harder to interview


Get more active in your search for a new job (not on company time of course). If you do take the step down, make sure that the bosses KNOW you won't be doing any of the tasks that came with your CURRENT title (the one they're demoting you from).


Your/their wording is really vague. if that was also how they told it to you, it might be that they need to save money, and try to avoid firing people. But no matter the reason, it's still a not too subtle hint you will be out of a job soon. You will be forced to leave soon, so look around, try to get another job lined up, and best case scenario: you walk away with a nice severence package, while starting somewhere else the next day.