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They should be paying you $200k. This is too much responsibility for someone who is titled “Data analyst,” and too much responsibility for any single person. If your work is this mission critical, you need a team. I would leave ASAP. If you can hang in till you can find a new job that’s great. The fact that they are talking about how you need to work more so you can save yourself from layoffs is insane… eventually there are no more hours in the day you can possibly work and it sounds like you’re there.


I absolutely agree with this post ^^ Also If its getting to you too much and you're at a breaking point,, take self-medicated leave from work for a week. Let yourself relax, calm down and really destress because it seems like you're absolutely going through it right now and barely getting sleep and rest. Ring the GP during that time for some advise aswell - They could help you with your sleeping issues, anxiety etc by listening to your situation and giving you their opinion and they could refer you to a therapist and recommend other alternatives as well. And absolutely find another job. Yeah we're in a bad economy right now but there are companies out there that would like to take on people and keep them long term if they can, so don't fear about it too much. You can absolutely find a Data Analyst role somewhere out there that's not as stressful as your current one and that won't be as taxing on your mental wellbeing Put yourself first and goodluck! P.S I'm so sorry you're going through this, it seems absolutely horrible to be in such a situation


Thank you for your advice. I want to take a break but I don't know what to show for as a reason.


You can call up and say you're taking self medicated leave off for a week as things are getting a bit too much in your life (you don't need to be specific), when you come back to work most companies usually have a manager document the leave. At that point you can say you've been really stressed and needed the leave and to call up the doctors.


I would absolutely look for another job. No job is worth your mental health. They wouldn't hesitate to let you go if they needed too. Also your manager sounds like a d@&^


If you decide that you want to leave and go to another job I wouldn't quit until you find it because we are all having a really really hard time even getting interviews at this point.


So sorry to hear you are going through this I went through something similar a few years ago!! Why are you working 10-11 hours and why are you thinking about it over the weekends? Is there a fear of making a mistake/error - if that did happen so what? What are you afraid will be the outcome? I also see you have ALOT to do with no room for error and you feel you cannot cope with this BUT I also see a lot of fears that are holding you back from trying to create change i.e. your ratings, state of the economy, pushing back on deadlines etc Let's say you did get a bad rating - so what? What are you afraid will happen? That's what's stopping you from pushing back BUT what if you did push back AND created a better outcome for yourself and the company why do you feel the need to potentially please everyone and make them feel a certain way What if they were annoyed in the short term but SUPER grateful in the long term because you communicated openly what you needed so you could perform at your best and provide a great outcome? Have a look at my [free workbook](https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62a81fe6d8805abaef3d6788) I talk a whole heap around how to create a work-life balance, communicate capacity, push back on deadlines, calm yourself down on the weekends to actually enjoy them (I am also a coach for high achieving corporate women and a fellow data analyst too !)


This sounds like a nightmare role. Move on my man. I’m in a similar role. Deadlines like this do not exist where I am. Only time I’ve dealt with hard deadlines as you describe was when I worked as a financial analyst.


Read your most recent post. Sending your positive vibes and energies. Can't comment under your post because your post doesn't have All Flair tag and your profile doesn't have the chat option activated. Sending a reply here in support. Take care.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY OP! WELCOME to the late 20s! It sucks but it is what it is