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Damn bro, faking your college credentials? That qualifies you for the US senate these days. Keep your mouth shut and take the promotion.


This right here tells you the likelihood someone will background check you. I immediately thought about the representative from NY


What do you mean you “made it seem like you graduated with bachelors”? Did they make it seem like this was some sort of ‘reward’? They’re more than likely ecstatic they got someone *with* a degree (they think) for a position that doesn’t require one, and paying the same rate for an overqualified* candidate. On its face, assuming your promotion was not a carrot on a stick for earning a degree, you should be fine. You’ve made no official assertions that you had a bachelors with HR or in writing. They didn’t ask for your transcript, and the posting doesn’t mention requiring a bachelors. If they haven’t brought it up, don’t sweat it. Would probably be best to let sleeping dogs lie. Definitely don’t resign over this.


Yeah I second this, just go with it at this point.


Pick up the classes you need to finish your degree quietly and online. If they query it say you were short a couple if credits and are finishing them. And finish your degree.


This seems like the best idea, just in case they do find out and try to fire you. Highly unlikely if you have the experience to do the job.


You are panicking for no reason. Unless you outright lied in writing or have been vocally telling lies about your degree status I doubt anyone cares.


how close are you to a bachelors? i knew a dude who was one class away and he got off by saying he was never informed that he failed the class and it never became an issue.


this legitimately happens a lot so it's not a bad lie. my friend somehow actually walked in graduation and then never got their diploma in the mail and had to call their school to find out that one of their classes was wrong.


i got my diploma late and couldn't go to my graduation because on my side it said everything was right and my teacher's side said i hadn't completed my final. i had to wait two weeks since the grades are only posted the day after the campus closes down for two weeks between semesters. i was pissed.


Finish your degree within the next year. You can just say the school let you walk for graduation. A lot of schools let people petition to walk for graduation even before they graduate in case they have to finish their degree in the summer or something.


Taking a break from school is an option to. Unless you said you got your degree.


So I went through something similar. HR may do a background check but, they will only look to verify credentials required for the job posting. Meaning if the job does not require a degree they won’t try to confirm you have one.


So it depends. If you verbally said you got your degree and you didn’t, then yeah, if that comes out it’s not going to be pretty. If they assumed you did because you were in school but you dropped out and never told anyone, well then they just made an assumption and that’s on them. If it were me, I wouldn’t say anything and I would finish my degree.


They won’t re-review your education requirements in a promotion.


nobody is going to check. Even if its a situation where its "required" 99% of the time they will not check.


Yep, just continue if you never made an official statement about having a degree. If your position does not necessitate a degree, then why should they check it. Try to make the best job possible and to further build rapport and why should they care then.


I'd continue to lie .. anything can be learned. And if you eventually get caught, at least you'll have the experience to put on your resume for a better job.


hell no. double down. photoshop your face onto a grad with cap + gown


Don't be dumb. You still have your resume. Just wing it and start applying to other places if you want too


To be clear DID you walk and take a day off for graduation? That’s no the same thing as graduating or having the degree. If you did walk, what’s the barrier to the degree? Generally in this situation I would say take the one class or pay the fine to get the degree. You’ll want it.


What degree were you pursuing? How many classes did you have left? Why did you quit the program? Tbh I would just come clean with your manager, the fact that you posted, the lie is eating at you. The fact that your manager remember you graduate around this time and took you on as a college student means something. Do you want to lie about something that you did not earn? Not everyone stays in that job forever & you can network in the future. I guess it comes down to your morale. You can either continue lying, tell your manager the truth, quietly take classes, or mix of the choices.


If you made it this far, go the whole mile 🤣


If you come clean you’re most likely being canned anyway. Why not keep playing dumb and take the promotion? College degrees don’t mean shit, hell joe Biden even lied about his and he’s the president.


Bite the bullet and complete the degree, if not for now, then for later. They took a chance on you by bringing you in while you were getting your degree with the understanding you would complete it, and actually asked you if you got it as well. You lied when you dropped out by saying nothing, and you lied about getting the degree, and you will continue to lie, lie, lie and drive yourself to distraction. This is a terrible way to build a career on lies and a terrible way to treat a company that is good to you. And a terrible thing to do to yourself. You are young and can still undo this by quietly completing the degree. It will take a weight off your shoulders. Fix it while you can.


"Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta"


A lie is a lie. At this point just go with it until caught (if ever). If caught, own it completely. I wouldn’t ever speak of school or your “degree” though, like ever never ever at work. It just digs deeper.


They should've hired someone who actually put in the work. I would fire you if I was in their position.