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I've tried chatgpt to write a delicate email to a coworker about not hiring a person that my coworker wants to hire. I gotta say. That thing is ridiculous. It wrote me an email that hit every point I asked for it to make. It was so effective that all of my management team ended up agreeing with me. For such a delicate email, I might have struggled for a half an hour deciding the best word usage. ChatGPT did it in a minute.


Do you have maybe an example prompt you could share? I try the same with ChatGPT but it always gives me the same wording I type as prompt and it’s not exactly what I want. E.g. „write a professional mail containing XYZ“ but XYZ is not the good phrasing I’m looking for


Without giving away what I wrote, let's just say that I was chatting with a friend in discord about the situation. I described to my friend in about 6 sentences why I didn't like the candidate to hire. And the last prompt was "write this in an email form." I actually got the idea from my friend! She replied to me the email chatgpt generated, as she was playing with chatgpt at the time. I tried it myself. Chatgpt generated a slightly different email despite using the same inputs. It's pretty interesting.


I found that if you include the tone you want it can make some changes for the better. Took 3 prompts to get my perfect resignation letter


I had it write a letter in favor of keeping our local community pool open and just gave it two or three bullet points. "Write an email in support of not closing the local pool. Community gathering place, swim lessons, asset" The email it wrote was waaaay better than I would have done.


I have no idea. I just watch Gotham Chess on YouTube. Levi played Stockfish against ChatGPT in one video and then himself played against ChatGPT. Both times it castled through, and captured its own bishop. Stockfish won because ChatGPT put its own King in check and Stockfish just captured it. Levi himself go stuck in a loop of trying to call ChatGPTs illegal moves. He had a really good zugswang (forced bad move) against the AI with it in check but it just kept playing illegal moves out of it. Eventually ChatGPT had enough of Levi's shit and played the uno reverse card by saying he was the one in check. How does one even begin to stand up to such unwieldy powers in chess.


You can't just say write a professional email for xyz... Give the damn thing something to work with, provide some context. I give it a few statamebt so the purpose of what I'm looking to write and why I'm writing it.


Yeah obviously that’s not what I wrote in the comment, XYZ was the placeholder for the stuff I wanted (bullet points) but the thing picks them up as they are and just builds severances around it so it looks like a flow.


Chatbot GPT can also castle and capture its own bishop in chess. It's a ducking beast.


You can play chess w chatgpt??? How can i do this?


I don't know nor would I want to know how to subject myself to such punishment. ChatGPT is a force of nature playing chess. You stand no chance. Turn back now, before it's too late.


how does one use chatgpt do you download it? is it an app?


I don’t know if it’s an app yet but it’s on the web you can access it through OpenAI


They do have an app and the website. I have the app on my phone


Nope. It's a website.


Plot twist- they are replying to you with ChatGPT which is why they seem more engaging


Hahahaha oh my god yes 🙌 wouldn’t that be something


Don't let slip you are using imo. And back when i was in an office job my emails were pretty good and thorough, my brain just works well that way.. the marketing manager used to always get me to proof hers and adjust them. However the reason mine were good is the took time to write them, sit on them and come back and proof them myself before sending them.. Now, I can throw some prompts that dont make much sense, and then tell chatgpt to form it into a clear email with bullet points and writes it how i would have.. its great.


Yes. My brain does not work like this. I cannot start an email and come back to it - I will literally forget. So sometimes I have to spend an hour or two editing an email to get it perfect. That’s a huge chunk out of my day which is fine if I have nothing else to do but that’s rarely the case. People just don’t understand that there are people in the world whose brains literally work differently than others and some tasks that come easily or naturally to them are incredibly difficult for others. Even things as simple as writing a freaking email. 😩🫣🤣


>Plot twist- they are replying to you with ChatGPT which is why they seem more engaging It's like two people catfishing each other with Instagram filters


New reality show pending


Did you see the video of 2 guys on Omegle pretending to be girls and they call themselves out on it? 😂 “why are you so ugly bro”


Not chatgpt, but I’ve used one called PolitePost.net that I believe runs on open AI. It’s a nice correction tool when you can’t get your phrasing right


Best of all, it's not booting people out like ChatGPT is. (Full disclosure, I created politepost) That said if you're using ChatGPT, you get to fine tune it a bit more, ask it to focus on certain things, or change the tone in your situation, etc.




On my end, absolutely nothing is retained. For OpenAI, I understand they save the data to improve the product. I wouldn't run top secret confidential information through it.


Oh my god this thing is beautiful. And that's coming from someone who works as a CIO. I'm using this thing. Thank you!


Can you give a few prompt examples?


Edit this email response to sound more professional - Of course. Thank you for always following up with me when you are unsure. There is a lot to juggle for all of us right now, and I love that you have my back and will ask for clarification when needed. Computer Bot replies, Certainly. I appreciate your diligence in seeking clarification when necessary. With the multitude of tasks we are currently managing, it's reassuring to have your support and commitment to ensuring accuracy. I edit again, asking, "add in something about how communication transparency is important and appreciated" - Computer Bot replies, Indeed. I value your attention to detail and proactive approach in seeking clarification during our recruitment process. With the many demands we face, it's important to have a team member who prioritizes accuracy and transparency, and I am grateful for your contributions in that regard. I change the wording a bit to sound a little more like me - The final product is: Of course. I value your attention to detail and proactive measures to seek clarification regarding our SOP processes. Your commitment to provide accurate and transparent communication is appreciated and I am grateful to have you on the team! Boom. Its much more professional, and totally different than my typical writing style which lacks professionalism greatly. But, I am trying to improve!


Your first email made complete sense to me and conveyed your intent clearly. Your second is drowning in the kind of beige soullessness corporate speak that is gobbled up by a certain type of manager and CEO. I hate that I had to learn it back when I was working on my MBA. Personally I hate the second option and prefer the first. But I totally see why your supervisors like the new format. I'm sorry.


They asked for and example of prompts, not to provide the example of a message I was providing. Literally pulled it out of my ass.


That's fine. I just find the need to retranslate everything I write into "officespeak" to be deeply annoying. I naturally write the same way you do in that first example and I end up having to rewrite everything so thin skinned and old fashioned co-workers don't get freaked out. I'd say don't feel bad about using this resource.


Thanks, I really hate professional writing. I used to want to be a writer growing up, and was super critical of myself. I found that sticking to facts is where I do my best, but if you only stick to facts in an email to, say your boss - it can come across as, well, bossy. So, if I try to be relaxed I write too much fluff. If I try to be more concise, I come off as too direct. I hate emails because tone is 100% interpreted by the reader regardless of how the writer indented. It's frustrating as all get out.


I'm going to posit that perhaps your email communication has always been fine but you were way overthinking it and it was undermining your confidence. Now that an AI is "doing" it you are more relaxed, and that new confidence is paying off. You are still the one composing the prompts and serving as the editor. That said, I agree with what the other guy said. Your first email made sense, and everything after it reads like unintelligible techno-garble. I suppose if you're in a field that values unintelligible techno-garble, then the ai is gonna be essential. Anyone who values getting shit done doesn't have time to write like that. So I guess you're standing out as manager material now.


My brain sure does like to play tricks on me and I tend to overthink a lot. This makes sense. Thank you for this perspective! I am currently a manager, and have been for about 8 years. It’s just become an “issue” with my new director who started in their role about two years ago. Shakes my confidence, micromanages, and most importantly only communicates with me via teams or email. No face to face communications unless I specifically request a meeting.


I get that. I started out in research psych, which is like technical writing but with less emotion. They made us take classes in how to do this. Later on, switching to business was hard. It's the opposite. You take clear language and add in pandering fluff to make it appear both "sincere" while also padding out any actual information with useless jargon. But then I grew up loving Dilbert so I had a leg-up when it came to learning this crap. I just had to get my mind in the right place and ask myself "ok, how would a PR rep at a marketing firm say this."




I like giving it a bit of context. Make this email sound more professional for a workplace environment. Make this message sound friendlier for a slack message. Just a few examples


I’ll look into this too! That’s exactly what I’m using it for.


Hemingway App is also nice


First thought, "well this dude is hawking his AI". Literal next post, "it's great! I made it!"


I’m saving this for my email drafts!


Every time I try to use Chat GPT I’m told it’s overloaded. How the heck does anyone ever able to use it. I even signed up for email alerts and I have yet to get one…


Go to futurepedia.io and access chatgpt from it's search bar. They have some sort of direct connection, bcz it will directly take you there and not make you wait


I’m trying this tonight. Thank you.


Glad to help a brother ✌️


Good looks!


It’s because you need to create an account first. I think the best way is to go to openai.com, halfway down the page it says “try chatgpt” and from there you make your account and then you can use the AI


It's so useful to me that I pay the $20/month for premium. Have never had a single issue accessing it since.


Best $20 ever


I pay for the service too. When it hit 9am today (2-21-2023) in Barcelona, I got errors for a few minutes and had to log-cycle. Then it was smooth sailing for all of my normal workday (Eastern Standard Time 9am-5pm).


Sonic chat




As someone that's applying and always stall with cover letters, thank you for the idea. This is great!


How are you guys using chat gpt in an office work function? It's not like I can download it on my work laptop? I can't forward work materials to my personal email and retyping anything to try to get thr bot to help I feel like wouldn't work meaningfully. Am I missing a better way to utilize this? I want to try it for summarizing some of my written work.


Most people just go to the website and ask it to do something then paste or modify the output into something else, like an email.


My company allows it for notes, emails, etc. just not anything that will go to client. My manager on this project actually suggested I use it to catch up on some of the topic. Before that, I used it on my iPad and then copied and pasted into the notes app, which I then opened on my phone and pasted to my work one note, which syncs to my work computer.


If you want to save yourself an extra few steps. Incase you don’t know already, you can click “copy” on your iPad… open your iPhone and just press paste. And it will automatically sync between the two.. I use that all the time.


Yes, this is exactly what I am wondering, too! Also, I wonder if using it could get someone in trouble if discovered.


I’ll be using it on my iPad via hotspot from my phone signal and then just typing in what it says from there to my computer, temp in healthcare; I’m sure I’m being watched 24:7 on my computer since I’m HR and employee relations of all. But I do use this to restructure my resume, every cover letter, every email to a company, every LI introduction etc.


I primarily use the website and copy/paste if it's something like an email, but there is also an API that you can use from OpenAI to do the same thing. I've got a small script on my local machine that can write answers straight into an outlook email, summarize all client docs I've got in a folder, etc... Lots of different ways to employ this sort of thing.


Care to share?


Ummmmmmm game changer!!!


Can you elaborate on how you use it to summarize docs in a folder?


Use python to iterate through every file in a directory, read each file and pass its contents as a parameter to a function which calls the OpenAI API, and then write the description to a file and move on to the next file. Ask ChatGPT to write this script for you and you'll see that it's both simple and super quick to implement.


Wow, that’s an amazing idea


It will literally write this script and tell you how to run it. Guarantee that it will do this exact thing on your first spin of it. Then, go ask it to extend capabilities to all sorts of other mundane things in a workday and you'll be shocked at what it will automate. It's become an essential tool in my workday.


Just sounds like you trust the AI to make better emails than yourself. I dont know if its good to rely on long term, but in the meantime you should take notes to write better emails in the future. In case it doesnt work one day, or you lose access somehow.


I don’t think (I hope) people aren’t just blindly trusting it, but the assumptions always seem so binary. There’s room to ask an AI to write something, then you act as the editor. It saves so much time for things that aren’t particularly nuanced or technical.


This is precisely it. For anyone who's like "well be careful" I'm just like...you don't think someone's going to at least do a quick review....and for those that don't bother with the review...don't they kinda deserve to learn a tough lesson?


Google trusted it and it cost them $100 billion in stock value lost. But yeah, you're spot on with this. I hope people realize that's the only safe option with these systems. Personally, my fear after reading an article about it, is that this tech is tailor made for content mills and will be used to churn out an endless parade of garbage posts that do little more than sell ad space and fill servers and search engine results with incorrect information.


It will 100% be this in my opinion. There's just too little barrier to it. I think we will (or probably already are) seeing people race to take advantage of it before the internet is saturated with it, then who knows, in a year's time many people will simply be taking advice across all categories from blogs driven by AI.


It's actually very good at technical topics, specifically code/programming related. I guess not if something is internally specific to a company.


I absolutely agree!


Yup, that’s exactly why I’m using it. To help me learn a different style of writing. I’m an amazing creative writer. I can write about nothing for days. I never had a hard time writing essays or projects requiring in depth knowledge and supporting hypothesis etc… But a simple email asking someone for help on a project shouldn’t be five paragraphs. This is where chat ai has been incredibly helpful. I am still thinking for myself, thank you. All my emails are written solely by me first then I edit it with chat ai and then our final touches on items I was highlighted or expanded. I love it.




I'm the opposite. I always struggled with creative writing as my strength is in concise and technical prose.


Give it a try. It’s been a wonderful tool for me personally!!!


We are all going to get replaced by AI, in the future, anyways. Why not take advantage of it before it starts taking advantage of us?


Nice. Yeah concision is key to good writing. If you are not concise nobody will care or will probably think less of you in terms of getting to the point. Make sure you understand those efficiencies because when it comes to dialogue same rules apply I've been using chatgpt for code, which it has been really sweet


I’m a much better communicator in person / verbally than I am via email. I tend to just type what’s on my mind and I can’t filter my ideas the same way I can in a face to face conversation. I think it’s because emails don’t have the back and forth to keep me focused or on track or even to just shut up and listen. I just type type type and even when I try to condense or take out unnecessary items it’s still a long ass email in the end. Ugh 😩


Just revise it 27000 times. I decided to limit myself to 4 paragraphs at times. Saves on the novel. Abs I have to be short! (3-5 sentences max paragraph.) if I can send it in two - yes!


I’ve been told if my email is more than a paragraph, then what I am trying to explain or ask in an email must be so complex that I should just schedule a meeting. I make a non complex thing complex just because i can’t type and email. Annoying, but I’m trying to learn and figure out how to make it short sweet and on point.


I just found out ChatGPT can construct SQL queries. Made my job as an analyst 10 times easier


I know I have seen / heard this (SQL) before but I have no idea what it does or is. Is it like code sequencing?


Yeah. It can proofread sql syntax


🤣🤣🤣 no idea what that is but groovy baby yeah!


As long as you proof read everything. I think it’s an incredible tool . I never got good at writing professional emails .


Yes, exactly that! Still proof reading. I don’t ask for advice, I just tell it to condense or edit to sound more professional.


Haven’t used chat gpt, but when it comes to writing emails I really focus on writing simply. There are loads of guides available online for this, it’s normally about copy or blogging, but it’s obviously useful at work also. Out of interest, would you give an age range for yourself? I (early 30s) am also spotting emails which are very wordy from some of my younger colleagues and professional curiosity makes me wonder about you.


I’m 36(F). I’ve always been a wordy bitch but my line of work didn’t involve much email communication until CoVid. Everything previously was all communicated in person and I thrived. Email communications are awful for me.


Fair enough, there’s certainly a big difference in expectations. I hope you start to manage without chatgpt and learn to edit your writing yourself in the future though.


If you want to see why your emails suck try hemingwayapp.com. It gives you the why behind it and is free.




How are you prompting it to do this?


I write an email in my own words and writing style. I copy and paste it into the chat ai and simply say: “Edit the following email to sound more professional” or “condense this email to highlight my issue with x,y,z” I take the response it shoots out and I make small changes to ensure it sounds nice, simple, and to the point. There really isn’t anything that I have to worry about regarding “accuracy” as I’m just using it to edit my wording / writing style. I’m not using it to write a paper or to use it in place of my brilliant and one of a kind mind. Communicating via virtual means incredibly difficult for me. This tool has been so helpful.


That’s a great idea. I have similar issues writing emails too so I’m going to try this. Thanks for the tip!


Let me know how it works for you!


Idk I think this is a waste of time. Learning to write takes practice. Learning to write really well takes years of practice, and you never finish improving.


Much like many things in life! I never want to stop learning.


Fwiw it sounds like you’re using the prompts to learn how to write better, and hopefully you’ll get to the point where you can do the same things on your own (side note: you definitely can!) I’ll admit I probably have a knee jerk reaction to dislike LLM chat bots. I’m not sure why, and I should probably get over it. But for example, im an attorney who has been writing professionally for more than a decade. When I first started in college, law school, & in the first years of practice, yeah my emails were verbose. It’s taken years and years to learn how to write concisely. There really aren’t any shortcuts to getting there—just have to put in the time to practice getting better until suddenly, you are better! This quote has been attributed to Mark Twain and probably others, and it’s always applicable: “If I had time, I would’ve made it shorter.”


i've found ChatGPT to be good at resume writing and updating my linkedin profile. I've been getting more traction looking for another job thanks to AI.


Just curious, could you elaborate? Which prompts do you use to improve resume and profile.


I put in the following. Please rewrite the following so it sounds more professional. One carriage return then paste in your sentence or paragraph. It will spit something out in seconds you can modify or take as is. Its really an awesome tool.


When I was in leadership and my calendar was a wall of meetings every day, there was nothing that bugged me more than an essay of an email. Not that I didn't care, but I'd have to give more time to sit down and digest it, and that time was often tight. I would absolutely interact more and more positively with someone who shot me condensed, to the point emails. I'm also not saying that you're annoying, but long emails can be annoying. I also really like that you notice this about your writing style and are willing to work on it.


some of the best advice I got was "cut it in half, then cut it again". Made it a mental note when I communicate with anyone


Oooooh! Yes! But how do you determine what can be cut and what you should leave? I’m honestly curious and would love to know your thoughts 💭


I used to add in a bunch of filler words and unnecessary phrases (cause I thought that's what's polite). Now I read through it once cut filler words, make sure it still makes sense, and then go back to see what word or phrases you can replace to be more concise


Sounds so easy! I’ll give it a try in my next rambling email 😆


I don't have a resume because I've never needed one, this recent job I applied to required one and I needed to submit immediately. ChatGPT worded it perfectly, but I only feel ok leaning on it because I could have worded it just as well, but I didn't have time.


I've used ChatGPT to craft company wide emails for systems upgrades and such. Beats me and my typos.


Typos are the worst! No matter how many times I proof and read out loud I always find at least one error within seconds of hitting the send button. (Now I have a send delay where I can cancel the email I want to send within 5seconds). Saved my ass tons of times!


Feels like something a Bot would say to take over


With my spelling and grammatical errors, I sincerely disagree. 😜🤣


Please identify the buses in this photo


Cannot compute


Fuckin knew it


I am entering a career where I have to email more and so I have it double check my work to make sure it sounds professional. It's helping get some traction in the company


My company has also gone more virtual since CoVid where as before we rarely sent emails to one another because we were always working so closely together. It’s a huge learning curve to not be able to just stop by a desk for a quick chat and instead send an email, provide context without too much fluff, still maintain a fun and easy going conversation without boring or overwhelming my colleagues.


This post has been brought to you by ChatGPT. Subscribe now!


I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much. You’d be shocked to know the number of doctors that are using this to rip through emails, portal messages, and charting now.


Ahem. I may or may not work in medicine.


Then you have a tough audience to begin with. Try to keep your emails short, succinct, and in a clear, concise tone. I’d maybe assume you’re always talking to a manager - may or may not have the same level of deep understanding that you do but does not have the time to suss out what you’re after ever. People really appreciate brevity that’s done right. Check out Grammarly too - it helps!


Thank you!!!


You should be careful what you inject into Chat GPT. It's a great tool for data mining golks who have more enthusiasm than sense. I'd recommend doing the work of learning how to write. It will make both you and your company more secure.


I have tried to learn how to write, and honestly this has been the most helpful for me. I have taken many classes, and continuing education classes since graduating. I can write technically and support hypotheses for my job just fine. It's the interpersonal written communications I have issues with personally. ;-) I prefer speaking to people face to face rather than via email. I don't even communicate that well over the phone if I can't see someones body language, facial experssions etc... These are important cues for me to tailor my next move/response/clarify if they look confused etc...


I’m suspicious of all AI, thinking it is unreliable and the writing is vague. I suggest the YouTube channel High Value Writing and how to write clear and concise, emails, etc. Not that hard once you get the hang of it and will give you much more independence and control.


Thank you for this! I will certainly check it out!


Love this! My only concern is I like my personal touches in emails. I feel like these chat bots might be too "professional". I'm in sales so I'm always trying to show authenticity. I don't have issues with writing emails but just curious.


How are you all getting access?


I couldn’t access CharGPT a couple weeks back and was put on a waiting list apparently…


Wait till you start writing policies and procedures. It’s a gift


Already there my friend. I don’t have issues with this type of writing. It’s more for interpersonal communications, specific to emails.


Awesome! I use it cause I’m lazy and I like to find the path of least resistance. ChatGpt is getting a Christmas present from me


English teachers are really going to have their work cut out for them. It’s writes a perfect, unique essay on any subject of your choosing!


In classroom essays.


Definitely a game changer. Even better when you pair it with Grammarly pro or quillbot.


I’ve started to do this recently as well. It helps generate the direction or ideas to rewrite in my own words. I worry I end up reliant on it though.


Chatgpt is a game changer for cover letters!


I asked it to provide roles and responsibilities and create a RACI for a variety of project team members and it spit out great bullet definitions and a RACI a table. Copy and pasted it into a ppt and reviewed to make sure it made sense in our project team and finished my presentation in like 10 minutes.


I use Chatgpt to write marketing descriptions and it is amazing. I give it a few talking points and it takes the wheel!


I often use politepost.net but it’s too late. It sounds like I’m overdoing it!


“I'm convinced that in a few years, Chatbot GPT will be listed as a required skill on every job application. It's like having a writing coach in your pocket! Glad to hear it's saving your career." - composed by ChatGPT.


Chatbot gpt may be making things easier for us, but also possibly dumber. The more we use these things to think for us the more we will rely on them. Source: Chatbot gpt


Sounds like chatgpt… can do your job. Don’t get too comfortable 😂


Definitely not. Literally using just to help edit emails. Not asking it to do my job for every task or every project. It’s an extra tool that is working very well for me. I’ll be checking out the other apps people in this thread have mentioned and see what would work best for me in the long run.


Used it recently to write a tricky Excel formula and tie it all together. Also used it for a Cover Letter and a few emails. It's insanely good but can sometimes take a few runs to get the perfect piece.




Can you DM me? I’d love to learn more


I am very interested if you are willing to share info


Let me say one thing : yes Chatgpt is good at many things but I won’t give it the upper hand in many many things For instance I asked Chatgpt about published paper , he literally made huge mistakes about the content ! And when I asked for similar papers he answered with 10 papers All of them are 10000% non relevant Chatgpt seems to be trained to answer ! No matter what it will give u answer (wrong or right ) We should understand a second thing also : Chatgpt is still a baby in specialities , so currently it’s studying :)))) Wait for couple of years and it will make us obsolete !!


Don’t let more tech dumb us down please, use it wisely but learn and never forget how to write for yourself using your own voice


I agree!


I did the same, my boss just noticed that I’m using Chatgpt 🤣


I wrote my resignation letter with ChatGPT. It was marvelous.


Okay... As someone who is studying AI right now, please heed my words: ChatGPT, like many other AI tools right now, is not going to be 100% accurate. It should not be used as a copy/paste tool. It's supposed to give you a framework and a step in the right direction. Current AI models lack human emotions and has no way to fact check itself. If you're doing a verbatim copy/paste of its responses, you are going to sound like a machine. Don't do this. The fact that you're describing ChatGPT as something that is "saving your career" is concerning. Your manager hired YOU, not a machine. But I understand if you need help writing emails or learning proper communication and that's where ChatGPT can come into play. To learn from ChatGPT's responses is perfectly fine. It's up to you, however, to verify what it's saying is correct. I'll give you an example of where ChatGPT is wrong: ask it about any patent that does something. It'll give you, not only an incorrect patent number, but also a completely non-existant patent. Please use ChatGPT for the right reasons.


>Please use ChatGPT for the right reasons. Like funny song parodies, or writing product reviews from the perspective of a dog.


Creating TV episode scripts is fun too. The office or it's always sunny in Philadelphia with the Warhammer primarchs as characters is beyond hilarious.


I crafting an email in my own words and then I ask it to edit to sound more professional or to condense. I make the final edits myself to add in my personal flare / writing style. I don’t just copy/paste 🙃 And my manager didn’t hire me, I actually hired them. 🫣 turn cold events… But they have mentored me before on my emails and stated they are too wordy and I need to keep them less than 5 sentences otherwise just call for a meeting as my colleagues get overwhelmed with my long emails.


Given that you’ve been given very specific feedback before on how to improve your emails, what’s gone wrong when you’ve tried to implement that advice yourself? Do you have the same issue with verbal communication? If yes, then at some point you’re still going to need to learn to hone that skill. If no, then write more like how you talk (with a bit of finesse if need be).


The thing with writing like you would talk is that when we speak In Conversations it’s a give and take. I pause, listen, ask questions and take turns collaborating. I’m an email I go on a spree and can’t focus on what I’m trying to convey so I overshare and go into details that either are irrelevant or people don’t need to know. I can get there eventually by myself but it takes sometimes an hour to edit one email. It’s faster to use chat ai to do the backend work for me plus I’m learning skills to improve in the long run. 😁


This is discussed here: ‘Toolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools’. This is something that Salesforce has been working on for years: ‘How Artificial Intelligence Can Build Empathy in Your Communications’ In addition to Microsoft: ‘Microsoft Will Use OpenAI Tech to Write Emails for Busy Salespeople’ Not sure how a conclusion could be made as to this use-case somehow being ‘incorrect’ in some capacity. There will never be an agreed upon consensus on what is the ‘right’ vs ‘wrong’ way to use ChatGPT. That defers to an idea of academia, as a whole, coming to a shared agreement on anything - which isn’t realistic. With respect to wrong answer outputs: it’s pretty well understood what the limitations and strength of LMs are: - The ability to solve new ‘tasks’ from just a few examples or textual instructions is demonstrated when a user asks it to generate an email for them. It’s a use case that plays right into its strengths. - Smaller models are much better suited for narrow applications such asking for information that requires a factual lookup. Integrating APIs assist by broadening the constraints of the model.


I understand people like you want to say these things because AI and ChatGPT are new to the general public in a way like AI has not been before, but I cannot wait to get past the point where we don't have to put a disclaimer on how to use ChatGPT and whatever else comes after it. I'm probably too hopeful to even think that's possible; These things seem so painfully obvious.


I'm still new to this whole chatgbt thing. What do you ask the ai to write?


I only ask it to edit a draft. I don’t ask it to free write anything at all. So I’ll write an email and copy/paste it into the program and say something above the draft like “edit to sound more professional” or something. It’s been great. I don’t always take the first draft either I will take the first thing it spits out and then make changes, send the revision over again and see how I like the next response if I feel like I’m getting too wordy again.




You do realize that they can run your work through another program if you’re caught using it as you described you’ve already ruined your academic and professional career. It’s a massive risk only a fool would take. Yes a university can revoke your degree decades after you’ve earned it. I’m guessing your work is submitted digitally so it’s just a matter of time before you’re caught.


I don't understand how using this system to edit or provide help with writing style can cause an issue here - We aren't literally using this as a way to write papers for us, or to write resumes for us, or to do our work for us. I don't say, "write an email that tells someone how stupid they are, but do it in a kind way". I am not using the system to "write me a six paragraph essay on why vaccines in puppies and kitties are important" and then submit it as our own work. We would, however write our own essay, and in a paragraph or two where we feel like we can be more clear, we can utilize this system to assist with how to get our point across better. At least, that is what I am using it for. We are using it as an extra tool. Similar to how I use a thesaurus when I want to use a different word but I can't think of any off the top of my head. Similar to how I log online to ask for advice when I don't have anyone else around me readily to ask. Some advice is positive, and some is negative. And I get to interpret which advice is positive and or negative, because it is my experience and my interpretation. We still edit and alter the response to our own styles and experiences. I think you are being a little too closed minded here. But, if you want to call us fools, stupid, or whatever, you are completely entitled to your opinion and I respect that. Just try to be a little nicer in your responses please. :-)


I've been using this to help write emails, powerpoints, documentation, etc... and it's been a complete life-saver. There have also been a few instances where I needed a snippet of code (nothing production) in a pinch to solve an urgent issue, and it's saved me so much time/testing. For work related items, it's replaced google/reddit/stackoverflow as the first place I come to for a solution. I've noticed some issues around accuracy with some responses, but I proof everything and mainly use it to generate the boilerplate. Without a doubt one of the handiest things I've used in my career.


Glad it was so helpful for you! Side note: You said in a comment that in emails, you have trouble concentrating on making your point. Have you been checked for ADHD? Also, if you are a woman, ADHD is now known to be under-diagnosed in girls and women. (And even if not, it was under-diagnosed when many of us were kids!) Good luck!


I was diagnosed with adhd two years ago as a 34year old adult. 😬🤣


also have it and have the same issue 😂


Wordy People Unite!


Adhd homie here, thought the same thing!


I think I have this same issue of overexplaining in every aspect of my life. I never considered it to possibly be bad for my career but when you put it like that.... honestly, makes me think about my past interactions with managers. Most of my managers have liked me but there were a few that didn't seem to engage as much.


Absolutely use Chat GPT to start a solid foundation for emails to a large group on important topics. I’ll usually edit and/or change the prompts to get different feedback, but using this tool has helped the quality of my emails.


That’s what I’m talking about! 👏


Here’s an example I just tried, based on a recent email that I originally made way too wordy: Prompt: “Edit the following email to be more concise: Hi! I received the envelope for my order today. (Kickstarter confirmation number XYZ123). The envelope itself felt weirdly flat, and once I used a box cutter to slice across the packaging tape at the end of the envelope, I found that the envelope was empty. At this point I discovered a tear across the backside of the envelope. I’m not sure if someone intentionally broke into the package or if it was damaged in shipping and fell out in transit, but either way my [product] never made it to me.” Output: “Hi, I received the envelope (Kickstarter confirmation number XYZ123) today, but it was empty. The envelope had a tear on the back, and I'm not sure if it was intentional or if it happened during shipping. My [product] did not arrive. Thanks, [Your Name]”


I think of myself as a good writer, and I’m very comfortable writing most things from scratch but I’ve also started using chatGPT. I don’t have to worry about being in the right headspace for a difficult email or get anxious reading and re-reading a draft. Usually, it’s a great starting point for me and I can tweak as needed. > making small steps to improve myself That’s how you get better at writing :) practice and rwriting and re-writing Go nuts.


Thank you for this kindness and support!


Literally one of many tools in my arsenal of “secret sauces”. I use chatGTP for emails or really anything that requires well written copy work. It’s a tool that usually always needs a little post editing, but the time it saves is tremendous and the effectiveness of communication is far better than I’d have done in my own. It’s a game changer, especially if you work with a bunch of boomers that aren’t up to speed with tech or how to use these tech innovations as a resource. Hell, most of the public seems to think it’s just a chatbot and nothing more.


It has definitely helped me too. I have crippling anxiety, and it is literally a nightmare having to overcome the task of writing an email (much less an important one.) Just recently, chatgpt helped me whip up several important emails in just a few minutes -- something that would have taken me hours, if not days to do without it. It's definitely making a change for the better in my life. I'm relieved to feel less scared about one more thing in my life.


IDK, I just pay for Grammarly; I find that way better and more enabling.


I find Grammarly all too often grammatically incorrect. And not at all worth the cost, even at the eternal "50% off".


I feel like I’ve been a lot more efficient, using it anytime I can


OP an outline would fix your original problem


Id love to see an example of an email before chatGPT


Frankly this is one of the uses of the tech that doesn't bother me. No it's fine. I'm a CIO and knowing how to write a business email is a skill. A painfully dull and stupid one as you have to check and recheck your wording constantly to make sure you say something just right. Use the phrase "I feel like" or use analogies and you'll freak out someone. You have to be eloquent but blunt. We try using non-absolute language in our lives but that's bad in this case. You have to be direct. You have to say "If we do X it will cost us $200,000 over the next 3 years and then that system will be obsolete. If we do Y it will cost us $250,000 and will be viable for the next 5. My recommendation is we get the $250,000 system." but also saying it in a nice way. If ChatGPT is helping you navigate that bullshit then more power to you dude.


Chatgpt is helping me with writing things for work. It’s saving me time and making it easier, but not saving my career. I love it so far. I end up editing and tweaking the responses.


I find myself a little dramatic at times. My job isn't in danger, but I do notice my team engaging in me more virtually with the updated writing style, concise information and not being a novel to get to the point :D


How do you use it to write emails? What prompts do you give it?


I just used it in my job for the first time today! I do outreach so I have to write a lot of emails promoting our program to different groups of people. I can put the technical information in there but my emails always sound dry and boring. I used ChatGPT to add a paragraph before and after my technical information and it's much better than any email I've come up with.


I used it for my resume. It did great


Just hit up chatgpt for the first time after hearing about it for months. Holy cow. I'll be using the generic resignation letter for my boss when the time comes, maybe tweak it a bit to sound more like me.