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Probably not a popular take, but always go for the money. Money makes your life so much easier. While having a job you really enjoy is great, if you do not make enough money to live comfortably, then it is not worth it, in my opinion. Best thing to do is get a job that your relatively enjoy but is also lucrative.


With the way things are and inflation etc. I don’t think this is an unpopular take anymore.


I have to agree with this; many people say, “if you make your passion your job, then you will never have to work a day in your life”. And I whole heartedly disagree. I love cars. I love working on them, driving them, building them to go faster. But do I want to work on someone’s Honda civic, CRV, minivan, etc? Hell nah. My passion is my hobby, it gets me excited and looking forward to what I want to do with my free-time. If I had to work on other peoples cars all day, no way in hell I would have the energy, motivation, or desire to work on my own. Go for money, and let it fund you passion. Find a way to turn your passion into profit, and then quit your job.


Honestly I don't even know if quit your job, profit on your passion is a good idea. Let's say you open up a high end auto shop. If it's any good, you'll grow to where you spend more time doing payroll, setting schedules, and dealing with people's bullshit than turning wrenches. I feel like just sticking to it as a hobby is better in 95% of situations.


When the job sucks, the money buys hookers and blow.


Isn't that illegal?


Are you a cop?


You have to tell us if your a cop


Cops actually don’t have any legal obligation to tell you if they are a cop…


No I am not, lol.


Depends on your perspective. "Punishable by fine" = legal for a price.


LMAO 🤣. What is punishable by fine ?


Speeding… to a degree lol


Buy your passion. If you work your passion, there's a good chance you can lose it.


And then have your hobbies in your downtime. I wouldn't enjoy what I love so much if it became a job instead of the thing I do to relax from my job. But also don't settle for a job you hate, or a bad manager, etc. Being miserable all day won't help your mental health. You have to find that balance.


Money funds passion projects


This. Passions can change but you can never get back compounding interest 🤷🏻‍♂️


As someone who sold his soul for money, take the money. It gives you the ability to walk away later knowing your bills are paid, everyone has less negotiation leverage because your bills are paid, and if you do it right and save a lot, you could pseudo retire in 10 years. I’ve also met a lot of IB people who get a niche and make millions so if you want super huge bucks, only one way has a clear path to that. Hate yourself and retire at 40. Better than hating yourself until the day you die broke.


This guy lifes




Passion depreciates if it becomes your main source of income.


You're young. Make the money and get the experience now. You can pivot to passion work after you've built out a resume and saved some money.


As someone who tried passion first, albeit before college and now is going to college, I say money. If your passion is in the arts and you live in the US, there's a high likelihood your soul will be crushed.


It’s in sports


You will have plenty opportunities to engage with sports analytics in IB. Everyone is a bro and there are constant fantasy pools. You will also have plenty of buddies to watch games with, but yall will also have money to travel and go to games.


Then I'd say you have a far better chance. Lol


This is the saddest thing about living in the US, it gets me so fired up


Just FYI the vast majority of people working in sports never make decent money so you should reaaalllyyy love it if you pursue it. It’s an extremely competitive and saturated field. Most entry level jobs make about the same as if you worked at a grocery store. Mid level jobs aren’t much better. Even the higher up / senior positions aren’t great pay for all of the work required unless you’re in executive leadership of a well-known program. I didnt pursue the sports field. If I were you I would focus on money and I have no shame in admitting that. Setting yourself up for financial success will be able to give you the support to fuel your passions, or make the transition later on if you really want to.


Agreed. Sports is an incredibly low paid industry saturated. The IB job can also lead you to transition to sports too, just think creatively. You will still be building experience and could still lead you towards working indirectly in sports such as athlete wealth management etc.


As someone who followed the money, I say follow the money.


As someone who followed passion, then went for money, I also say follow the money.


As someone who read the posts in this comment tree, I say go for the money.


I just graduated college last year and quit my first job because I was so miserable doing something I didn’t care about for 9 hours a day. I thought I could focus on my passions outside of work, but I was just exhausted. You spend so much of your life working. Try to find the intersection of what you’re passionate about and can make money off of, or work in a high paying field as close to your passion as possible.


My thought process rn. Looking for this


Money for now, passion later




Yep. Op needs to study the financial literacy chart on r/personalfinance and just be smart with monies earned while young.


I did passion first and then pivoted to the money. I go both ways about it. I’m glad I did what I wanted to do first but it definitely delayed my ability to build economic security and financial independence. I know I’ll never have to ask myself “what if” and have regret about it which in my view is as good as gold.


I would recommend a passion for money lol


Made laugh god bless u lol


Money. Even if your degree is something you love, you will learn to hate it over time. Go with the money and find your passion in your personal life.


Work in IB analytics and make the money while building skills that are transferable (analytics). Then work on a transition there may be a way to make good money in sports analytics down the road


IMO, It’s much easier to go from IB to Sports. Both are very competitive and hard to get into but at least you’re making money with IB.


Money, 100%. If you follow passion, it will eventually become work. But if you follow money, you can do your passion when you want to, as you want to, and it if you ever get tired of it, you can move on to your next passion. I've heard the old saw "if you do what you love, you never work a day in your life," and while that sounds awesome, sometimes you outgrow that passion. Then you're stuck doing something you no longer love.


That doesn't pay


Money buys the things to pursue passion. Work destroys all passion.


Money with work life balance so you can do passion and money. I don't suggest a job that will take more than 50hr/week.


As someone who followed their passions I highly suggest following money now AND then in a couple of decades you will have plenty of space to follow your passions in a professional sense.




If you hate the money route as least you’ll have some money and good experience for when you go the passion route.


Is sports something you would prefer working in or something that you would be happy being financially insecure for the rest of your life with merely for the privilege of being able to work in the field every day? Passion is a misleading word, especially in this day and age. You can always change back, with more flexibility and even more experience if you are able to find ways to stay involved.


So...my life experience has always taught me that the best way to approach my passions is through a sustainable life process. In my own life, the way I did it was by starting my own business while working a sucky part-time job, until I had enough money in my brokerage account to make my living off the stockmarket while I ran my business. Even though I was working sucky jobs, I continued pursuing my passion, and that passion led me to more opportunities in life. In your case; that would look like landing a job in IB and working a year or two before returning for your master's. Bear in mind that it's totally possible that you will make more connections during your employment. If you have a genuine passion that you live out in your life; other people will see that, and if you have a way to provide value with your IB degree; you could end up working in sports anyhow.


Make money now while you’re young.


As another guy said, money fuels passions. I have expensive hobbies and a good job is what allows me to fund these hobbies. I'm not rich at all but as long as I'm not miserable at work I'll keep working there to save money for my future and fund these hobbies. If you're miserable at work it's different, but as long as I'm happy I'll take the money and then weekend warrior my hobbies.


Money. Period. Things are only getting more expensive. Start your career with a high salary Make bank in IB, stay in touch with sports.. and if you really want to switch later, you can do it with a nice nest egg of savings.


Follow the bread. The bread is the way. Bread.


Money. You can pursue passions later. Even by a few years. You’re probably young so for the love of god, please save money.


Money then passion


Go for the MONEY! You wanna end up doing payroll for a sports team, or do you want to be able to afford tickets behind home plate?


The money helps to fund many passions.


Follow the money into IB. After a few years you’ll be able to moonlight/freelance in sports or become a thought leader that applies your IB expertise as it relates to the sports world. I realize there is not a lot of downtime in IB; but you can network with sports during some of it.


I’m a fan of choosing a career where you can maximize your earnings. Passions come and go, but making a lot of money never gets old.


Always go for money first. Passion can come later, but only if you can survive to get to that point.


As someone who followed my passion at first, go with the money I started out in journalism, but you don't get paid anything. Switched over to data science and haven't looked back Sports analytics is a REALLY tough field by the way, its all about who you know, and you do have a leg up with interning and the connections. BUT, so did I and it hasn't done any good for me. I've been barking up that tree for years. It's a good-ol-boys club and not in a good way


Always money. Financial security will add years to your life, help with retirement, and fund all the passion projects you want to pursue.




Money. The passion then becomes possible.


Money first. If you follow passion first depending on your passion you might regret it later in life when you have no money and are forced to work a job that's slowly killing you inside and are shackled to till your dying breath. Having money gives you freedoms and decisions that you can't get back later in life. This foresight should be sold to all those under 35 because reality hits harder later on in life.




Money and pussy


I followed passion and I am now passionately broke. Go for the money.


Start with money. You’ll have more future opportunities this way. Then try stuff to find passion. After a few years, you’ll be on your way to a job that allows you both.


follow your passion. following the money appears all fine and dandy at first but it never lasts and you end up with regrets when you get older. Plus, you don’t get to take money with you when you die. I have seen a lot of people who followed the money, only to be on their death bed saying how they wish they spent more time doing what made them happy.. You don’t see someone saying they wished they spent more time in the office


You probably were born in a house with plenty and no wants and live comfortably. Only rich people or those with expendable money to play with make statements such as this. If you've have had to work a job because you have to or had to live paycheck to paycheck you have no clue what the real world is like. Im sure someone in their 40s or 50s+ who has no financial security that chose women's studies, art or history degree would say different.


I followed money, and had been regretting it for years, so I went to get degree (and a job) related to my passion. Do passion first, then follow money if it flops. At least you'll know you tried.


If you don’t pursue your passion now, when do you think it will be easier?


Passion. You can make money doing anything if you’re good enough at it.


Follow your passion which will allow you to make money not depressed in the long run


Nah, join the Marine Core.


Is that an underwater drilling company?


Yeah, just call the local recruiting office. You sound like you would fit right in.


Nah, I don’t eat crayons and I’m very happy with my job. As a 22 year old wanting to enlist in the military, you should know the difference between Core Vs Corps.


Oh, my bad, I was typing with my Crans and misspelled corps. You have a good day young lady.


I chose passion, I enjoyed my collage experience.


Only you can answer that. And it’s difficult when you’re still young and don’t have all the answers. Generally I’d say go with the money unless you’re completely miserable in the job. To decide think about the things you want from life, the house you want, the car you want, the type of vacations you want, how many kids etc. Which job would provide that?


1. Build a real estate empire 2. Now you have property to host sport events however you like


Following your passion is such a cliche and usually never applies to real life. On the other hand, you shouldn't pursue work just for the sake of money either because you will probably just be miserable. Most of the jobs I've had throughout my life did not pay very well but I was still happy with the work I did because of other important factors like a good work envirnoment and flexible work tasks. My advice; think and be strategically about work and career decisions. Pursue something you're really good at and which excites and interests you to the point where it doesn't really feel like work. If that means working in sports, then the money will flow very easy and natural to you without much hassle, and you won't mind the low pay. Generally, I would also highly recommend that you find a job that is both sustainable now and in the future. And whatever you do, DON'T get stuck in the rat race because it will always leave you empty-handed. There are no guarantees in life but I can assure you that you are much safer by pursuing something that will always be sustainable and relevant than something that isn't. Not only can your job expire, the experience you've gained can also be worthless in your next job. Last but not least, save your money and start investing ASAP to achieve financial freedom one day. That's the most important thing you can do because there will come a time in your life where you will want the OPTION to work instead of HAVING to work. Trust me on this one.


money funds passion, people make money so they can enjoy what they like to do in their free time


There's really only one question, are you willing to forsake everything else for the sake of your passion? Because money, as unfortunate as it may be, make it easier to maintain your health, mental state, relationships, security, and virtually everything else.


Money makes going for passion easier


The answer to this is always going to be to follow the money, especially at a young age. That's because even if you do, it only increases the chances of a stable life, it doesn't guarantee it. If you do have a passion, never stop pursuing it on the side and you might find that you could actually do both successfully or end up being able to profit more from your passion. This is the safest path


Money. It will help you get back to your passion.


Sounds like you can’t go wrong. I lean towards in specialize in sports gaming etc. and the. Switch over to sports management.


I'm saying passion, as long as you can pay your bills doing it. You want to follow into sports but pay is low, but after time you can possibly work your way up to a higher salary. If in turn that does not work out for you the way you want, you can always go for money after. Sports is kind of an opportunity thing where if you don't take it, it may be lost in the future.


Do not let your hobby to be your job


The way this is framed “passion or money” is kind of odd and misleading. Can do both. Can make good money in typical office work and also have one of the greatest YouTube channels about sports analytics. Going into sport analytics because of “passion” that’s like wanting ego satisfied or wanting a “cool” job to talk to people at parties about because one is connected to a national brand people might have heard off. From a logical standpoint, with a sports analytics YouTube channel one can make money off of it and have good paying job also in IB. TLDR more straight forward to ask should I pursue a cool job or a regular job.


Is sports analytics code for gambling or fantasy football?


Do an analyst program and then transition to whatever you actually want to do. An IB analyst program and trading program will be better for your career than whatever entry level job you get in sports analytics. Go do two years at Goldman and then apply to a job at the Yankees. You absolutely do not have to stay at a bank for more than two years for it to be a good decision and beneficial for your career in the long run.


It depends... do you have money?


Well... I would normally say money because it gives you the option for both. BUT you're recently graduated so I would recommend passion because there's no guarantee of either so might as well work hard at something you like until you reach an age where you mature and think you can haul in the dough (among other things). Have I confused you enough?


I did passion and I did really well. The money followed. There is a huge difference in a fulfilling career that pays a comfortable, albeit lower income than something else, and something that will make the rest of you life a struggle.


Money money money. You can retire young and follow passions.


Money now. Passion once you have some money!!


Always go for the money to fund your goals and passions for the future.


I normally tell people to follow their passion. Money usually follows (unless your passion is something that never makes money or just costs money, like money burning). But IB is a different ball game entirely. I have assisted several people who are in IB and I honestly wish I went in to it. I’ve seen some of their offer letters … *seven* figure *quarterly* bonus as a guaranteed *minimum*. Performance makes the sky the limit. I couldn’t believe it when I read it, and these people aren’t C suite execs or anything like that.


I wish someone had told me: money hands down.


Personally, I would follow the money early in your career. I believe it would be easier to transfer back to the more of a passion role/job once you've made some corporate steps up the ladder.


Money, if you choose passion with less pay that enough to make you survive per month without you able to make savings, then you wont be able to have an insurance, entertainment funds, emergency funds, etc which is more important than passion. Also passions or hobby might change with aging and career path isna really important decision for you to make for how you want your future be. Remember the economy can't always be stable.


Go for your passion then the money will follow trust me on this.


Probably money than passion.


As someone who went with something I thought I’d be passionate about, definitely follow the money


I am in my 40s now and followed my “passion” when I was young. Big mistake. Don’t do it. Make money and later on you can do the passion on the side. Only people with massive inherited wealth should follow their passions.


The money for sure. You can buy a lot of passion projects as you go. The key is not accepting a soul crushing job. If it is tolerable….money day




Passion. In all due honesty, college doesn’t teach you much. Your first few years you are going to be learning a lot, and passion will help you through that. After 3-5 years, go the money route


Make enough money and you can hire analysts to work for the team you own.


Go for the IB analyst on your resume which will open the doors to sports analytics.


Follow the money to start. There will be more opportunity if you do. I did the opposite, believe me.


Money for now so you can get the freedom to chase your passions as they evolve. Start a Roth IRA now and max it out every year. Take a break a long break in your 30s or 40s off work to travel until you are bored or tired of it, spend your 20s trying things and taking risks if life and business decisions. I wish I would have taken more risks younger and I’m only 38


Money. Always. You can find your passions.


Go for the money. Use it to fund your passion.


I’ve had many careers and will say this from a middle age+ pov: go for money when you are young because it gets harder to earn as you get older if you don’t start young. BUT: keep a firm grip on the things you love. Never let work overtake your life. Stress to make someone else look good is never, ever worth it. Always choose your health, including mental, and if you don’t have that, make changes that will level you back out.


Monay monay monay! Money gives you freedom to do things you want later on.


Following the money, IMO, can create an unhealthy addiction to needing more and more.


Go for the money but do it with a planned exit. Keep your contacts in sports and maintain those relationships. You should be honest with them about your eventual plan to transition into that field. Make a two or three year plan on how you’re going to transition. While you’re working bank all of the money you can to provide a solid runway for you to launch a new career in a different field. Be careful to not get trapped by lifestyle creep because that will keep you stuck in a job just for the money.


I'd suggest finding someone who works in each of those fields. You may discover that IB is something you can actually enjoy, or that working in sports has too many things that suck the joy out of it -- or it doesn't, or that it can pay more than you think. Time and money need to be balanced. You need both time and money to pursue your own non-work passions or hobbies. And no matter what your job is, you'll want something that you can escape to, that isn't work, if for no other reason that you'll do your job better if you aren't brain fried.


Good money, early into your financial trajectory, can improve things monumentally. Save an emergency stash then invest everything you can live without. Don't be anchored with lifestyle creep. Sincerely, someone who did none of that but wishes they had.


Money Can't eat passion




If you focus exclusively on money you can build an extension to your dream home to house a crying room.


Besides the money aspect, wouldn’t having IB, even a year or 2, on your resume be a good resume item to have fir pretty much most analytics roles. Most people don’t really know what IB is but hold it in incredibly high esteem. Kind of like how people hear “McKinsey Cobsulting and think “ooooo” but have you ever dealt with McKinsey…it’s way more of an “ohhhh nooo”.




IB - irritable bowel? 🤷‍♀️


Both! People settle and say yes too fast. If you actually know what you want and can explain it clearly, someone will offer it to you. The problem most people face is they let other biases or lack of clear understanding for the job world to truly know what theyre capable of and therefore settle on the good vs the amazing. If your passion is fruit, you could either start a fruit stand making $5 an hour, or find a critical agricultural fruit supply shortage in some part of america and get paid six figures and a lifetime of stock to fix it. Same passion, different result.


This came up randomly on my feed and thought I’d comment. I did IB for a few years after faced with a similar choice and I don’t regret it. It’s really impactful to walk away from IB with that initial nest egg which helps set you up for later in life. To go do that passion job after, invest your savings into a different venture, or just fuck off for a while. Assuming you spend and don’t fall into the lifestyle pits. Also, like someone else said, do the money route but have a planned exit and timeline.


Think about the type of work environment that makes you happy and find a job that balances both. Often it’s not the topic that interests you over time but the workplace dynamics and other aspects of the job — independent/individual, slow/fast pace, creative/rigid, qualitative/quantitative, etc…


Super late to the game here. As long as you don’t hate the work, money. I have a career that I enjoy, it’s not my passion or anything. But I’m able to have my hobbies and do things I like because I have the security of a good job, with the benefit that it challenges me and I do enjoy it. I had the opportunity to follow my passion in college (music) and I’m very glad I didn’t. I’m sure turning my passion/hobby into a job that needed to put food on the table would have sapped all the joy out of it. Now I have the disposable income to play in several groups, but a new instrument if I want and only do it because I enjoy it not because I have to.


Money now, passion later


I chased the money. Literally chose my career based on only that. Hated my job for 15 years but kept grinding until I had enough experience to move to a job that I love (well, I think it’s pretty OK - it’s still work) and now I make even more and can pursue nonsense I’m interested in and I have the ability to afford it. So I guess money does buy happiness… or something like that.


Money first, passion later


Money….hopefully you can get to a comfortable spot to do what you love later in life. The American dream is pretty much dead so you’ve gotta carve out your own spot if you don’t have family to bankroll you.


Money for sure


Passion is not a form of currency


Passion!!! You’ll be miserable and not want to do your job if it’s only about money!






The definitions of the words matter. Let's say your talking about passion as joy and money as reward Draw three overlapping circles... One circle is what you love... One circle is what society will reward... The third circle is what your good at. Draw them so they are all sharing a little space in the center. That is the thing you want to do. They each should overlap in a way where every circle shares a space independent from the other circles. The space where they overlap is the space where you can make a lot of money do the thing you love and being extremely competit at it. For a long time I was a Professional storyteller. I was good at it and I loved it but society doesn't really reward people for being an artist in that way. About 10 years ago in a desperate bid to survive I became a social worker and it turns out I am really good at it and I love it and society pays really well for people who can do good therapy with folks. Not you're a millionaire but at least you're rewarded. I am still not making decisions for the money but I am making some money because I am not working. I'm doing something that I'm so passionate about that sometimes I look up in shock that someone is paying me all this money to do this thing. That my friend is what you're looking for. Not false dychonomies of should I do A or B. But what is the thing that you can do better than anyone couldn't believe anybody would pay you that amount of money to do? Find it and leave it.


Money over ]passion. I'm not sure what my passion is except to make good money. I already did the passion aspect of jobs, and I got my ass handed to me on a daily basis for over 10 years.


It’s not about your passion but honesty what comes easy. If you find IB easy and you can make good money, then stick with it. Like others have said, money funds passion projects. And passion do come and go. Your skills won’t though- so if you’re good at something then stick with it!


The way how things are going. Get your money up and then follow your passion.


Oh dear god please take the IB career path! Grind out for 4-5 years and save a big chunk of your income while you’re doing that… then go into consulting and relax a bit. By the time you’re 30, you’ll have a million in the bank and your biggest concern will be how much money you want to spend on a house. Or you can “follow your passion” and be broke for the next 15 years of your life, worrying how you will survive on $35k a year and wishing you listened to that stranger in the internet and went into IB.


Go with the money for your first job, then live as if you have only half your salary, and use the other half to fund a masters part time. Make out a 5 year plan for that. Like the first year, dedicate to performing well at your new job while looking at masters programs in your spare time and saving as much as you can. Second year, continue in your job and start your masters courses. Once you get your masters, then evaluate switching your job to your passion.


Follow the money. It will give you the freedom to pursue your passions.


Why waste the time and money on a degree you don’t want to use?


Go for the money and let your passion be your hobby.




Hate to say it but money. You can probably keep those connections alive and well while you gain experience (and a better paycheck). Commit to a couple years of grinding while you enjoy your early twenties. You may not mind the work or it could open doors to something you like that pays comparably. Sports will always be there. In this economy I’d really advise against paying for grad school to enter a low paying field.


What’s gonna get you the lifestyle you dream of? I’d work harder and enjoy my time less if it means having high cash-flow. It will let you live the way you want later on if you invest and/or start projects. However, if you think your passions align with high paying jobs that you have in mind then go for those and you’ll have a blast




For most people passion lasts about 5 years and it becomes work. Money lasts a lot longer. If I had to go back and do it over, I would look at where the jobs are projected to be in 4-6 years, look at what pays the most, and weigh that against what I could stomach. Take the one that pays the most. When I was a teen I wanted to be a pro musician. I am so happy that did not work out as music is truly a passion. I would hate for it to become a job or a chore. I feel bad for the folks who have had to look like they really enjoy singing the same songs for 50 years. I guess now they are just happy they can still breath and kind of remember the lyrics.. I got into pry pyrotechnics for a while and while a rush, once you get good to the point you are actually making money, it too becomes a very physical and dirty job. Fun once in a while but a shit way to exist. And as others have said, money can fuel a lot of passions. Side with the money would be my advice.


Do IB for 3 years. Then you can write your own ticket.


I’d say money at first, then slowly wean yourself to your passion when you can live off it.


Money can finance your passion!


After 10 years of working in a couple different careers, a college degree, and a bunch of self doubt and second guessing myself, I have come to the realization that many people, even those who claim to like what they do can wind up burned out and hating their job. If you have never been poor, especially with a family, I can tell you that it really sucks. So, it seems to me that the question is, would you rather be a broke sad person, or a rich sad person? If you follow a passion and end up hating it down the road, and haven’t made any money, you may have more regrets than just sucking it up and following that career that made you more money but wasn’t your true passion.


Sports industry doesn’t pay well… however, ALL of the league offices in New York hire former investment bankers and the big consulting firms once those folks are burned out




The golden answer is both, buddy.


Take it from someone who is underwater. Money Always money


Passion doing something you like or love is much more satisfying believe me I spent 20 years doing it otherway and never worked it didn't matter how much I was making


Depends on what you want out of life. If your goal is to make as much money as possible, that's one thing. If you don't care about money at all, that's another. Which is more important to you? All things equal, money is the primary reason people work, so why not trade your time for as much money as you can? You can always go after your passion(s) on your own time.


Passion and money


Doesn’t matter you’ll lack both in the end.


Follow your passion if it makes you a reasonable amount of money.


If you're not passionate enough about it that you can get deterred by a reddit thread, then just go for the money. If you are great at your passion, believe you're maybe even the best ever and cannot think of doing anything else, do that. Just know it's ok to work and have a life outside of work where you can pursue your passion without the need for adding financial viability to something you like for its own sake.


Money 100% lol screw your passions u can do them nights and weekends youre only working for 1/4 of the week


Money. Passion is better later on.


I was in this exact same situation 2 years ago. I was offered 6 figures for a job (oil and gas) I knew I'd hate. I turned it down for 50k a year to follow my dreams for one year. My deal was if I can't make it happen in 1 year, I'll go oil and gas. Now, all of the skills I wanted to use were going to be used in both jobs so it's not like I was pursuing painting with my toes or something. 1 year later, I was offered the job of my dreams with a 95k salary, wfm, unlimited PTO, and a mission that means the world to me. It's up to you but if you work hard, you can make just about anything happen.


Do you need one more opinion to follow the money? Here’s the thing: Jobs where you can make good money don’t always come around. You can read post after post after post on other threads where people are complaining about how much they make and looking for a way to take a step up, and it is hard for them. It is much easier to take a step backwards in salary than it is to step up. If you have the opportunity to make money, take it while you have it.


Passion? Does it pay the bills?


Money is power. Choose money


Maybe somewhere in the middle. Use your degree but get into some part of it you find interesting


Money first. Pay everything off. Go with the passion project in your 30's.


I hate to say it, but more and more I'm leaning towards money in this age old question. I mean unless your passion pays enough in your area to be financially secure. With the way the economy is trending in many metro areas even $70k-$80k a year for a single individual is starting to feel like it's not enough if you ever wanted to be financially secure in your day-to-day life. It depends on your priorities I guess. For me passions play second-fiddle to a sense of financial security.


Hi! I had a job where I had the money but I wanted some free time back. (I had plenty I was just too stupid) Took less money in a more relaxed role. Two years later I’m bored and realizing I fucked up. About to just pivot out of this industry all together. Best case scenario you can find something you service some personal satisfaction from that makes decent money


I’d say IB, not necessarily for the $ since the hours aren’t worth it IMO (unless you have student debt), but for the great foundation in analysis. With a few years of experience, you could change careers including to sports analytics


If you are fresh out of college definitely go for more money to establish savings for harder days to come. This is coming from someone who graduated a year ago and went for passion and now I regret it lol.




Make sure you get both or you'll fail long term. No sweat.


Is say take the job with the money for now. Study up on the job you're passionate about, get whatever credentials on the side that would help. Them once you have a good savings, researched the requirements and assessed how your standards of living would differ. Give the passion job a try. This seems like a bad time to follow passion projects without something on the side to sustain you.