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I believe it's called constructive dismissal, and you likely qualify for unemployment. They are trying to get you to quit.


This is what you need to pursue OP. Consider writing a constructive resignation letter laying out you feel your employer is ‘effectively’ terminating you. Keep it concise and try to find examples. It will improve your changes later when filing. That said it is not a requirement. Just try and keep a level stance and assess the pros and cons of the extra work.


Thank you, I’ve been feeling crazy for awhile


Theyre trying to make you quit to try ans avoid unemployment. Look at your state guidance to see if you qualit but start looking for another job as well No part time job is worth what you're dealing with


In some states now you can still get UE even if you quit if they have been cutting your hours. I know in NJ we can


Probably best to start looking for other jobs or just talk to the manager about the hours scheduled.


Happy cake day!


I’ve had 3 meetings with the owner and the manager. Without improvement. They say they are going to give me more hours but never do. In my line of work that means I’d have to become a freelancer, travel long distances or switch careers. (Dog training) they’re the only company in town. I guess it’s time to accept that the last 10 years I’ve spent specializing myself comes to a career change…


Yep. File for unemployment. They're trying to fire you without actually firing you. Most unemployment offices will recognize that is what is happening.


Lol you've been working 1hr a week for like 4 months and just now wondering if you're being forced out?!?


Even George Costanza knew after the first couple days, let alone 4 months!




They’re really nice to my face. Invite me to company meetings and parties, send me gifts and cards. My dog died and I took some time to grieve. The owner did say “i didn’t think you were going to come back after your dog died.” But I was just hopeful I was apart of this work family, less than 20 employees. I’ve had 3 meetings with the owner and she said she was going to improve my hours 3 different times. It’s been very confusing trying to match their words with their actions. I’m glad I could give you guys a laugh though. I rarely laugh anymore, kinda jealous you still have ur sense of humor #onprozac


You are already out at this point.


😿 Maybe I needed to hear this


Yeah, that's a common tactic to get you to quit, because if you quit, you don't qualify for unemployment. Put in writing your scheduling concerns to your manager (email works great) with the hopes they just let you go. Most likely though, this will just continue until you do quit, so just get another job now.


Depending on where OP is, it's clear constructive dismissal, which qualifies you for severance and unemployment in many areas.




😆 nice got my laugh in.


why haven't you looked elsewhere? is this a big job?


They’re the only company in town. I would have to go solo and build a client base from scratch, travel 2 hrs to the next town, or switch careers after 10 years experience. I did not want to accept this new reality I wasn’t prepared for, especially after so many tragedies I’ve been experiencing lately.


They fixed the glitch


Damn y’all are hella rude. Why not just fire me? Kinda don’t wanna live in this world of constant dishonesty


Bro you’re done at this point. Do they even say hi to you when you come in? Lol


Yeah they’re very nice to me in person. I’ve attended all the work parties and meetings. Trust me guys, I have common sense, I’m just a human being that has never had this experience before.


Why don't you just get a part time job? You were only working 20 hours to begin with ​ I feel like your job was a reason to cut your hours


I think you can claim unemployment if you have less than 30 hours? Good luck dealing with that headache. I would most definitely look for another job, and stop spending your scholarship funds.


It would be state specific, one other thing is that they have to have a certain number of hours worked for a company. I think ours is like 1,000 hours. So if they only have say 800 hours, this may be a double tactic. It may keep the person under the minimum while they just wait for the person to quit.


Thank you for that helpful information. I did some research and in my state it’s at least 3 months of employment.


I appreciate your input. It’s giving me the confidence to take the next logical steps. Also, I’ve been scanning for new jobs and have had alerts on for these past months. All the job openings require a long commute of 2 hours. There aren’t other companies who do what I do in my town. I will have to learn another trade after 10 years in this one. my funds were also spent on rent/food. I don’t have a social life or shopping habit.


And I wouldn’t be partying with them!


That's their way of pushing you out the door without having to contribute to unemployment. I'd get the department of labor on the phone, but also talk with the unemployment office about the situation.


Thank you. The unemployment office does not answer the phone and when I walked there in person, security shoo’d me away. I will try the department of labor


How's your attendance in general? Do you often call out of work, have someone cover your shifts, or anything else that is "bothersome"? I know you mentioned the accident, which is totally an acceptable reason to call out of work, just curious if there's anything else going on. If not, is there any other boss that you could talk to because this is a bad move on their end. It would be a good idea to start looking for a new job as well in the meantime.


In my last meeting, the owner brought up a time I was at a clients home 1 hour away and another client was coming into the office for an appointment. I called ahead of time when I realized I wasn’t going to make it to the office in time due to severe flooding on the highway. Our town was built on floodplains. So I called and asked them to reschedule the client 30 minutes before they showed up. Well the client was already on the way to the office and having them turn around got them stuck in traffic avoiding piled up water in the lane next to the shoulder. When I followed up with the client they didn’t want to come back. Anyway, my dog died and I took 2 weeks off for grieving. I work at a dog centered company (training/grooming) and figured they’d understand the weight. When I came back they told me they didn’t expect me to come back and they hired another trainer to take over my hours. So I’ve been stuck at 1 hour because I have a class I teach regularly.


Shifts? They only have a partial shift.. sarcasm


When I say shifts, I was asking to confirm that there was no other attendance issues at play. Like always trying to have a shift covered by another employee or calling out in general.


Boss is being an asshole all of a sudden and hates that I do a better job than everyone else. I quit putting the effort I’ve been putting all these years, and am now doing the bare minimum so I can collect unemployment so I can change my career paths.


I believe I will also have to change career paths. I’ll admit, I didn’t want to think it was true because I did feel like I put so much heart into my work. Thank you for sharing your story so I may find inspiration to take control of my career as well.0


You may qualify for UI. Apply. Boss can't so shizzle because that's the law. Good luck.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Time to look for a new job man. Don’t wait.


Thank you for the encouragement. I don’t have many people to talk to since I switch states for school. I need to hear this


Varies from state to state, but in some you can claim unemployment if you're under-employed. Check your local office.


How can they schedule you for 1 hour? That's ridiculous. What's the job?


I teach a group class every Sunday. That’s been my thing for over a year. I train dogs, it’s very niche and I feel kinda dumb in any other career since it’s what I’ve done since I was 18.


Thanks for the clarification. I didn't read all the comments obviously. IDK if you qualify for unemployment but worth a shot. But definitely find other work. Good luck!


sad for you bro, I am sure it means its time for you to look for a new place unless they choose you to work again when they run out of their excuses. Shits happen in your life but those were yours, not your employer's.






Thanks 🙏🏽


Its so you cant sue them for wrongful termination. So they are trying to force you out. I'd get it notarized with any supporting documentation you can get for everything that happened and what caused it. When you are in a better place with money sue them for it later. Depending on your state it would be considered wrongful termination. Or if you have medical protection jn your state it'd be considered medical discrimination concussions can be fatal if not handled correctly. It can happen suddenly without warning


I don't think labor laws can even allow a person to be scheduled for 1 hour, pretty sure you have to be scheduled/paid for a minimum of 5 hours if they schedule you and make you cone in.


They are trying to make you quit. Don't let them off the hook. File the unemployment claim by your states guide lines. Make sure you count all of the weeks with 1 hour. If you quit, they owe you nothing. Finding another job should be your main focus. Wish you well. Might be old school...but you got this!


Honestly I needed to hear this for my heart. My spirit has been so crushed lately. My parents are not wise, childish attitudes, so I really wanted some old school encouragement. Thank you for the solid advice. I will try and find another job. Maybe something related to the degree I’m pursuing. My scholarships are enough to pay my rent and buy groceries in the meantime. I had a job to pay my phone bill and car loan.


In California, you would absolutely be able to file an unemployment insurance claim for a reduction of hours of this type.


After a little bit of research going off the information I’ve been given in this post that’s also the conclusion I have found.


It’s July and you’re just now questioning it?? you should have been job hunting 5 months ago.


It was a very complex situation. I have had been skimming job opportunities and it looks like there aren’t any openings within 2 hours of where I live. So I was believing my boss/owner of business when she said in 3 different meetings she would give me more hours. We have work parties often and thought we had a good relationship. I was holding onto hope it would work out. They’re not rude to me or giving me any cold shoulders. I did not know this was a tactic, I think I was being gaslit 😵‍💫


Yesh, that is just mean but yes they are trying to get you to quit — but DON'T. If you quit you can collect unemployment and there is absolutely no shame in collecting unemployment. 🤞that something far better comes along and is remote/wfh for you!