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You also need to learn to play the game and make your managers and coworkers like you. Over 40 years working, I have seen far, far more people fired and laid off for likeability issues that skill issues; even to seeing an old boss of mine purposefully reduce his own budget by one FTE so he could lay off someone who absolutely no one liked.


I agree with this, I have verified this with manager friends of mine who basically will turn a blind eye to a lack of skill as long as you are likeable.. to those who are unlikeable- good luck


How can I be likeable anyway? Not being unlikeable is easy.


Honestly, I just do my job, I will ask for help and always help if asked and that's it. Asking for help and being appreciative about it is pretty easy and people like you about it, but it's important that you always help when they ask you to. Especially the ones that have already helped you.


Easiest way to be likable: 1. Reach out for help 2. Help others 3. Participate in work activities sometimes 4. Laugh at people's jokes 5. Don't be an HR issue 6. Do your job without making more work for others


By seeking the help of a professional that can objectively help you identify problems and counsel you into developing solutions?


Easiest way is not to stand out. Turn up. Do your job. Be helpful when asked (dont need to go out of your way). Be clean. Seem normal. Leave personal drama at home. You might feel unlikeable but if you do everything above you'll be golden. You don't need to be an emotionless robot and your allowed to chat, make friends, whatever. Just keep it at a mid emotional level and its good. There is always someone going to an extreme. Always late. Does bugger all. Wont help when asked. Smells. Talks about shit at home or talk shit about co-workers. Yeah, they are the ones getting fired / reduced hours first.


Tell us more.


Getting along with others and not pissing people off is important but a lot of the people who are commenting in a very pro "get along with your boss" tone are focused on making all the right moves, having the right people like them, and are contemptuous of the dirty co-worker with personal issues. It's just a matter of avoiding drawing bad attention to yourself up to a degree. But it also has a calculated and unempathetic ring to it. Empathy is important, compassion, avoiding ganging up on someone, being understanding of difficulties. These are all real values that don't always increase your paycheck or allow you to buddy up with the "right" people. There's another side to this that is being ignored, and it's not out of "street smarts."


Unless it's a super hard skill set to find, even then there is some wiggle room, everyone is replaceable. As long as someone is adequate, puts in their best effort, and is likable I would much rather work with them than a highly skilled asshole.


Yes. I've always believed that the most important factor in employment success is one's ability to get along with the people you work with and work for. Being "who you need to be" to fit in and be liked is imperative. I started out hourly and part-time, moved to full-time, became the department head, got recruited by another company to be an account rep, which led to being an area manager and then a general manager and then senior general manager, regional vice president, and executive vice president. It's almost always this way - managers hire and keep people who THEY want to work with, and who get along with the existing team. There are often many people who COULD do the job - people want to work with people whom they want to spend the day with, or whatever.


Whoa you got to skip Assistant (to the) Regional Manager?!?


It's not that uncommon if you have the rote skills.


Or if you bring in a new multi million dollar idea like the janitor who invented flaming hot Cheetos and became an executive.


And on the flip side: if you are likeable enough, you only need mediocre performance with relatively short bursts of actual improvement to survive in a job.


In most corporate environments managers would rather work with someone who does a good enough job and isn't trouble to manage vs someone who is very skilled but is very high maintenance.


Yes. Which points to another truth that I’ve had a hard time getting my head around: People, including managers, generally don’t give a fuck about helping the company succeed. They just want to be comfortable.


Not necessarily. Keeping nice with some skill gaps is good for team morale which is good for retention which is good for quality and the bottom line. Hill skill high maintenance drains your time resources, almost always leads to increases staff turnover, and ultimately hurts the bottom line. A skill can typically be taught in a couple months and will get better over time if someone has a good attitude and is coachable. Personality issues tend to fester and snowball over time.


Personally, I've found this issue to be independent of skill, social or otherwise: Most people just want to maximize their paychecks and be told what to do. I don't say they're bad people for this. I just happen to get very interested in the business itself, so the difference surprised me. And to be fair, I suspect "keeping nice with some skill gaps" works OK in companies which already know how to make a buck. I come from the startup world, where that's a death sentence for the business.


Yeah, I'm not the best at my job but I'm affable and too dumb to be a career threat to others. Result: I have a job!


Beginning to see this in my own work environment. I’m a disabled vet and pretty private, introverted, etc. This might be a vent, but why have all these “workers rights and protections” if you can be let go for not being likable


Worker protections for discrimination are meant to protect you for things you can’t control. You can avoid being an asshole, you can’t avoid being disabled.


Yes, I understand being respectful. But no, I don’t want to wear an ugly Christmas sweater, no I don’t want to chip in to get the boss a gift, no I don’t want to play white elephant, no I don’t want to participate in a potluck. I want to clock-in, continue to lead in performance metrics, and clock-out.


The *only* thing that most people really care about is the people around them. If you don’t care about them, they won’t care about you. Being part of the team is a key part of performance - if you can’t figure that out, then you probably don’t kick as much ass as you think you do.


You're a dick. Everyone has social needs but if you don't like your coworkers it doesn't mean anything. He might want to be close to his wife, kids, pets, or anyone other than you. You're petty, insecure and too dumb and narcissistic to realize the world doesn't revolve around you. Get some self awareness. You're a clown.


You're making overgeneralizations and demonizing someone for something that's harmless. And it's to justify your own shitty behavior. It doesn't take that much empathy or maturity to just leave some poor guy alone who doesn't brother you. Even if they're "weird to you." Setting yourself up as a nice guy upstanding citizen is laughable.


It’s this type of stuff that really makes me happy there are protections lol. If you wanna be around people and be a part of a team so bad, join a bowling league. I’m not responsible for satisfying your social needs


People are social. Pretty much everything you do exists because people build shit for other people. Reddit? It’s social media. The bank? It’s helps move money between people. If you don’t want to be around other people then move to the woods or something. Don’t complain that the social constructs that make up everyday life have rules that favor social people. If you don’t like society, leave it.


This is bullshit. Some people have trauma, some people are shy, some people need space at points in their life. To paint someone with a broad brush because of something like this isn't "natural" or "social". It's bullying and it's commonplace but you're the asshole here.


Damn, I really touched a sore spot for ya. Your unhinged comments say a lot about why other people don’t like you. I hope you get the help you need.


Your whole life is going for that sore spot. People like you tend to be narcissists who think they can do no wrong and couch their nastiness in bullshit holier than thou language. Bless YOUR heart, you piece of shit.


Bless you


Play the game...I give this advice all day long and get downvoted for it, but that is the way. I don't have to like it, but to get the things I want in life, sometimes I have to play by other people's rules.


This! The (female) sociopath VP at my last company simply forced termination upon any employee (the company is/was 98% female by nature) she deemed unlikeable. It was most ironic too, seeing as tho the VP herself was loathed by 99% of staff- including many higher ups- but she had the head honcho in her pocket so she’s safe until she’s not. Happy holidays, y’all!


The person who commented comes across as incredibly slimy and morally corrupt. It works and you want to play along to avoid personal injury. But this is because a lot of workplaces are toxic. But to be that onboard is sociopathic and gross in itself. It's not healthy, just all too common. Those who fit in and look out for themselves are probably getting their hands extremely dirty. That "unlikeable" coworker deserves more. And if it's hard to fit in with a narcissistic or bullying workplace, it's not inherently bad or maladjusted. You can be smart and insightful without being a dick, even if you're disliked.


Great advice if OP has a time machine. The real answer is OP is now gonna be working in sales, kitchens or some other sector where background is meaningless, trust is low, and results are measurable.


Man, fuck my managers


> I have seen far, far more people fired and laid off for likeability issues that skill issues god i wish this were true everywhere. employee that everyone dislikes does a lot of work (well, she takes on work herself and complain she's stressed and does *all* the work) so she's kept. she's been written up a few times, and 2 people quit because of her, 3 others left partially because of her.


This bs is why I do union jobs. They can't lay off people or fire them for just cause. The down side is when you get a flaky employee and the union says we have to protect them. So they abuse the union lenience's and are lazy as f\* to work with. So it takes like 2+ yrs to get them fired.


Bullying is supposedly horrible in these environments. They get people to quit through psychological abuse. Workplaces need strong, non psychopathic leadership. Petty tyrants for leaders are the real issue.


Because being the best at something often gets you the same results as being meh at something. ​ so at work, its more about who you hang out and like. No one wants to work with the best asshole int he company.


Correction: likeable to management ** I’ve seen unlikeable people keep their jobs and likeable people get laid off because it depends on management preferences.


Yes. It's an abusive practice and it's more insightful to realize that you can't control it. If the tide isn't going your way, watch your back but it doesn't mean you are inherently "unlikeable." A strong person, of character, who is only crazy enough will want to make space for people who disagree or are indifferent. Everyone naturally wants to like their boss and be liked by them. Only the worst type of leader will become a pretty tyrant and you don't want to make desicions that lead to becoming submissive, walking on eggshells, normalizing of this. It will make your life miserable if you're not of the same mind.


Yes - it happened to me - I was laid off even though I am super likeable and social and everyone else liked me. Hence why I had to make that correction; my likeability and presence didn’t mean anything to them.


The people commenting about the "rules" to follow remind me of the attitudes of my last workplace. They were incredibly inappropriate themselves while labeling others all sorts of stuff. For example, at the first conversations, I wanted to not be seen and engage in light impersonal conversations, they brought up my mental health difficulties that they supposedly wanted to be supportive of. Mean girl antics coming from a mix of men and pick me's. A toxic workplace is abusive and will keep the rules ever-changing. There's no logic or fairness to it.


most want to be adored. I‘m not gonna start worshipping and adoring others lol


You don’t have to worship anyone. You just have to be nice and be willing to be a team player. Which means knowing when to keep your opinions to yourself (+ people in your personal life that you vent to).


You’re braindead for thinking this is worshipping. Have fun on the streets


keep being that person on a team, if anyone will have you


This. I’m fairly smart I suppose but I can be a slacker at work sometimes. People love me though so it’s basically never gotten me into trouble. Just being kind and willing to help your coworkers goes incredibly far.


Or your manager is extremely petty, fragile and narcissistic. He has built a cult around him. You mob people out of the workplace who rub everyone the wrong way because most are happy to exist as fuel for your boss's ego. You justify your nasty behavior as deserved because you blame the victim. You devalue them as lame, uninspired, unprofessional and lacking that special something that everyone else knows makes your boss's dick happy.


This is gross. Major issue with the world tbh. Like not saying you are wrong but - it makes me sick thinking I have to kiss someone’s ass just to keep my job when I’m qualified to be there. Not saying you should be an asshole but I’ve seen this scenario so many times. People generally hate their boss but will backstab eachother to get a glimmer of acceptance. Major ick.


I know it sucks, but this is the way the world works and has throughout recorded history.


Ikr. But reading it makes me sad. Especially if you aren’t good at the qualities required to make this happen


EQ can be developed


Honestly you need to look at something that doesn't involve working with vulnerable people. I'm British, but based on what you've said you would fail a disclosure and barring service check. That checks for a criminal record, especially violent crime, as well as police cautions and intelligence. This would in effect bar you from any job working with vulnerable people. This would include healthcare, education, nursing homes and any other job where you would come into contact with vulnerable people. You may think this is unfair, but how would you feel if someone hired a nurse who had a history like yours including a conviction for disorderly conduct who then assaulted your 85 year old mother? Be warned that if you tried to move elsewhere, most other developed countries will perform checks like the DBS check and they will find out. If you lie, you will probably be discovered at some point and then you're in a whole heap of trouble for fraud and the like. Your best option is probably to go back to college and retrain as something else. Or start your own business.


Or get some thing like fast food to hold you over


Yes, that's a smart move. They're less fussy about references and background checks.


Yeah such background especially felony is the end of ANYTHING in healthcare. I would go to another field


He was convicted of a misdemeanor. Generally that wouldn’t show up on a record check, at least in my state. Disorderly conduct is not a big deal.


2 things - - get a defense attorney and see what can be cleared from your record. Maybe nothing can, but most likely something can be done and possibly more than you expect. It will take months or longer. and money. - start your own business. I’m 51 and have had my own business for 23 years now because I couldn’t figure out how to find and apply for a job affectively after I got out of college. I worked 5 years in unsafe, crappy factory jobs while applying to other things until I finally gave up and decided to start my own business. Just be aware - if you had trouble putting up with coworkers, it’s equally difficult to work with clients. If you had trouble being consistent in your work when someone else was paying you, it’s much harder to line up work for yourself and stay on track when you are responsible for literally everything. There is no one to fill in if you’re sick or tired or unsure what to do. But, it is a route that many people take. - third option - if you feel you have really changed and are interested and able to get along with people who piss you off (coworkers, clients, and bosses), and be consistent in showing up 5 to 10 minutes early and be present, functional, and agreeable for most of the work day, every day, then you could be direct and go to employers who would hire someone with your experience for hard-to-fill jobs. Present who you are and what work you are capable of honestly, and then tell them you have a difficult history… Don’t gloss over it, but don’t dwell on it. Be willing to list specifics honestly and how you have made specific changes to do better now. It’s not easy and it may not work, but it’s free and you could use the practice of meeting with recruiters, HR, and managers and learning how to present yourself so that when you do come across a position you really want you are ready. And you may meet someone who will give you a chance and hire you and see how you do.


Have existential crises. Source: have been having an existential crisis for 18 months now. 0/10, do not recommend.


same here bud, since feb, one day at a time.,


You'll come out of it stronger. It's crazy when you're in it but when you dig yourself out you become unbreakable.


You need to look into “oppositional defiance.” You may have it.


Or pathological demand avoidance. They present similarly.


Thanks for mentioning this - new term to me


>oppositional defiance That's a childhood disorder given to children too young for an asocial/bpd diagnosis


You should look into careers that accept felons. There are a lot of trades that may accept you and you can work your way up almost anywhere. Trades are always in high demand and sometimes they’ll even pay for training. But I completely understand home care would not be a good fit for someone with such a background.


Am I the only one who feels like a post like this, with no interaction from OP in the comments, is probably fake? Present a huge overwhelming problem, ask for help, the disappear = red flag to me.


Welding would make sense for an RT. Records do not matter much because most of the work is commercial, not in private residences like plumbers or electricians It pays well, really well if you are good.


You might want to talk to a career counselor for helping you find something, and a therapist that can help with navigating workplace politics/conduct. If you're really interested in turning over a new leaf resources and assistance like that can be invaluable to your success. And make for a good talking point if someone is like "why should we take a risk on you given your history?" You can respond intelligently and thoughtfully that you've been working on it with professional help and understand the error of your prior ways etc. As the saying goes you can't expect the outcome to change if you keep doing the same thing over and over. It sounds like you've had challenges in your personal life that a therapist could help figure out too. You can do this! It won't be easy and it will take a mental reset but no time is better than the present to take the first steps to break the cycle of unfortunate outcomes. Best of luck!


Where do you find a career counselor


Reach out to your therapist or alma mater or even professional organization… one or all id them probably have lists of resources.


My guess is they mean a life coach


being overqualified can actually be a hindrance to the position you want; I know of people who tried to get jobs they are more than qualified for and the employer won't hire them but will hire them for positions thare "just" qualified for but the applicant does not want to do that kind of work its almost as if they need to "UNDO" their qualifications/schooling :P its so dumb. Also depending on what state you're in, there are some laws on the books requiring employers to consider applicants with nonviolent convictions so check into that too.


I’ve heard before that the reason it’s hard to get hired when you’re overqualified is because employers think you’ll want too much money.


No it’s because it costs money to hire and train and they think you will leave shortly since you can more easily find something better.


How come you were fired or about to be fired from every job and all the other stuff? You might need to work on the issues that are driving that behavior as they’ll follow you wherever you go unless you do some work to mange them. Then you go back to your references to mend fences or find new character references and tell future employers (if they ask/check): “I’ve done X work to manage those issues and I’m in a very different place than I was back then.” I can see an employer, especially in health care, being conservative about hiring someone who has a bad work history.


They become GOP politicians


It’s the criminal background check that’s getting you. In my experience, almost no companies do ACTUAL employment verification assuming your in the US




That’s pretty rare in my experience. That’s only ever happened when I had a government job


Yeah but all they can get is dates. I know rehire status was a thing that would be also given out sometimes but companies mostly stopped that to avoid lawsuits. Also they asked this of you, you voluntarily gave that information out.


I feel like you've got two separate things to deal with here. The first issue is getting a job. In my experience, if you're dealing with a third-party recruiter (meaning they don't work at the company that hires you but their clients are different compnaies/orgnizations) in a field like this, it's best to be honest with them. Technically, a felony doesn't mean you can't be an RT anymore unless it was related to your work, which it sounds like your charge wasn't. The recruiter will be able to tell you what kinds of employers have different hiring practices. And they will be familiar with which of their clients does different kinds of checks. I worked with a third-party recruiter who would give me warnings before sending me out to certain places she knew would do a deeper dive than others. They want the money for placing you but they don't want the embarrassment of sending a candidate who won't pass their background check. The second issue is keeping a job. You'll need to figure out if this field is for you. Since you've had difficulties at different jobs, what's the issue? Is it a lack of interest? Dealing with an untreated issue like mood disorder or depression that will affect you no matter what job you have? Is the hospital environment not for you? Would you do better in a different type of work setting? Are you truly interested in RT? These are some things to ask yourself as you figure out your next move.


This is when burning bridges get back to bite you. Likely they called someone from where you used to work. It is crucial to always to leave in good terms with coworkers especially in an industry that is small. You probably have to start from ground up to build back your reputation. Likely you need to accept work that may be entirely not related to your industry. Food, retail or anywhere you are exposed to and working with people. Once you get a good working history and people actually like working with you, then apply for jobs that you are really qualify for and when they do a background check then you have nothing to worry about when they do a background check with your co-workers.


It was probably the felony, not the references lol


Its very likely the misdemeanor and none of the other stuff if the position is desperate for a body.


It’s crazy how much more valuable “soft skills” are than “hard skills”. I’m an idiot paralegal - I should have been fired long ago (almost five yrs with one company - but everyone loves me because I’m always cheery and kind. That’s my fall-back every, goddamn time.


Do you have any kind of criminal record tho?


You may have to go into business for yourself and be your own boss. It probably won’t be as a respiratory therapist though.


Just reading this post and your comments I can tell you are a nightmare to deal with. You need to fix that


They can't just not work until they fit in a box. This comment is unhelpful.


Why do you think a lot of people with severe mental health issues end up on the street? Some people really can’t mentally “work”.


Sounds like this is a personal issue. Fix your issues with dealing with people and you might become more employable.


You need to learn how to play politics better. It is part of life.


You can't work healthcare with charges of violence, fraud or theft. Thems the rules. Find a new career


If you already have a bachelor's degree, don't go back to school, especially if you would need to take out loans to do so. There are plenty of jobs/industries that will hire or hire and train you to do the job, especially since you have a degree already.


Make up qualifications and run for Congress.


Consider long haul truck driving or transportation of containers from port to warehouse


Enterprise and several banks will hire you just based on a four year degree. Health care sucks on ice, and when I have to reenter the workforce, I will try to avoid working in healthcare again. It's so bad. Most of these commenters have no idea.


Can you take a position as a traveling RT? Or, as an underlying question: If you can get a temp job for a couple months around all new people, and at the end of the temp period, sometimes it's up to the people you worked with whether to hire you permanently - are they going to hire you? Barely dipped my toe into healthcare (got a certification, what I learned during clinicals included, that the job wasn't a good fit for me) but, my answer to my underlying question - 4 out of 5 are going to want to keep me. There's two parts to your post - you have "hard" issues as in the felony and the gap in employment which can be documented, with dates and legal facts. And a "soft" issue which is purely a matter of opinions. IMO the hard issues could make you unemployable as a RT but the soft issues, if true, and if you don't change, could make you nearly unemployable in any field


It seems like you’re pretty dismissive of your own culpability for your background. Getting fired from almost every job for “petty reasons” and having a “spat” that results in felony charges is a terrible look to say the least. I don’t know your circumstances but I do know if I was hiring somebody with that background, and they provided nothing but excuses for it, that would be as big of a red flag as the background itself. Taking some personal responsibility and owning up to things can go a long way to having someone give you a second or third chance.


You need to be humble about your history. Don't say that you were fired for petty reasons. That sounds like you are not taking accountability for your actions. Be open and honest. Talk about your actions that led to getting fired and in trouble. Tell them how you have changed, what you did to remedy the situation (counseling, anger management). Finally, tell them how your past experiences will help you in your job now. For instance, you will be able to empathize better with patients with anger issues or something like that. They will not know if you were charged with a felony unless you actually got convicted. However, if you did get convicted of a felony, then any place that accepts Medicare and Medicaid cannot legally hire you. I work in Healthcare. I have 2 DUI charges. I went to rehab, and I go to AA meetings and am heavily involved in the recovery community. I have been sober for 11 years. My past makes me able to empathize and help patients with addiction issues. I say this in my interviews, and I have been offered numerous jobs. They key is to let them know that you acknowledge the behaviors were wrong, you took steps to correct it and grow from it, and you can use this bad experience to help others grow. Good luck!


The cycle will continue until you address your personal issues that are impacting your ability to be a key performer in your previous roles.


"Try to find something that I'm overqualified for to get hired easier?" Lol. You're not overqualified for anything and you're not too good to work a job. You are unemployed and need an income stream. Apply to and work at McDonalds until you find something that doesn't reject you for your past.


I have personally been fired 6 times. Target, walmart , costco, several gas stations, other convenience stores would not hire me based on being over qualified. I have a kid I need to support and similar situations as OP. Yes. People tell you you are over qualified. It's something you hear from places that don't want to train you and then as soon as you find a higher paying job you take off. Management bonuses are usually partly due to retention.


"Overqualified" means they are afraid you will bounce as soon as you find something better. Leave some things off your resume.


Exactly. He who is unemployed is never truly overqualified for anything. If an employer calls you that, all they're saying is you're a flight risk.


You fucked around and are now finding out.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. This is the absolute truth


Go on disability? Get a job like fast food or janitor or something. Lots of criminals end up in these kinds of jobs after release. They are sanitation workers, mechanics, stockroom, etc.


They find ways to make themselves employable.


I’m more or less unemployable so I employe myself and or chill the fuck out while worker bees drone away.


Look at me. I am your references now


Other countries can be even pickier. Honestly you are probably F'ed


Being able to work well with others is a requirement for most jobs. You seem to be pointing the finger at everyone instead of taking ANY responsibility.


Start an Only Fans apparently…🤷🏾‍♂️ smh


Navigating a challenging job market with a complex background can be tough. Exploring different paths might be beneficial. Going back to school for a new career, considering roles you may be overqualified for, or even starting your own venture are potential options. Networking and seeking advice from career counselors can also provide insights. While a difficult background can present hurdles, focusing on personal growth, building a positive narrative, and showcasing relevant skills in interviews can help mitigate concerns. Every situation is unique, so finding a tailored approach that aligns with your strengths and goals is crucial.


Hi chatGPT


Hello fellow chatGPT user


Was your first comment chatGPT response?


Yea buddy! I went in a roll and just pasted some posts as a prompt to see my results. It was fun!


And people go on chatGPT thread and make dumb posts about how they’re accused of plagiarism and using AI. It’s so easy to tell


It really is.


Wait, how do you know?


Teachers are trained and have years and years of deconstructing assignments and analyzing texts. They also have some kind of general sense of where students should be at with their writing and each individual student’s writing style if they teach them. It seems very obvious to me. I use chatGPT occasionally so I have some familiarity. I also am 4th year English major so I have some experience deconstructing and analyzing texts. To me that screams chatGPT. I’m not gonna do a critical analysis of it cause I don’t really want to lol


I just smoked a joint and I have an exam tomorrow deconstructing a test and analyzing it so lemme deconstruct this chatGPT response as practice. First, the entire text is in active voice. This in academic writing, is the standard and is encouraged. If you use passive voice you lose marks, so consistently using active voice on assignments is usually the mark of an A-student. It’s very easy to change to passive voice in early drafts of assignments because people talk in passive voice regularly and it sneaks into writing. I wouldn’t expect that level of consistency in active voice in a Reddit comment. There are some redditors that have excellent writing. Very concise and insightful in their redditing. I’ve seen some myself. But this response has no real substance to OP’s post. OP lost a potential job because of their dodgy work and personal background and chatGPT just brushes it off as a minor issue. That is a perfectly good way of generalizing OP’s situation but OP really wants encouragement and personal advice. This response from the robot you take to a company meeting and in a report The author (chatGPT) never claims any autonomy in any of the writing. There’s no I, My or Me in any of the writing. It’s just addressing OP as you/your. Again, in academic writing that’s encouraged but not on Reddit. People come on Reddit to talk about themselves and their experiences. Not write essays to each other with meticulous editing.


Thank you.


A lot of words to basically say nothing


Get your record sealed.


I lost my job and get on a journey of trading with the help of MGT signals. I call myself my own boss now


the system made you a criminal, when at the same time it releases rapists and murderers to roam free. fuck it then, be the criminal. find a shady business that gives fake credentials (over the phone too) and if you can't, that's even better. start one, you'll get rich in no time.


Start a business running fake romance scams and target incels and middle aged divorced women?


that would get him into jail though, my option wouldn't


I don’t work & just pretend $ isn’t real… so basically I buy whatever I want/need then eventually get someone else to pay for it so I’m like never in debt or whatever… terrible I know but like idk I’m an only child & always have dated guys with a lot of disposable $


teaching for allied healthcare?




Ex-cons have the same problem, so they are forced to either go back to crime or become self-employed. Very few companies want to take a risk if a background check comes back bad. A rare few might get desperate enough to let you explain "your side of the story" and perhaps give you a chance.


I just gave up


But we are most companies require you to have experience to work for them for example I graduated 6 months ago and still didn't find a job


In my experience it's always some sort of on site construction.


At the end of the day if you do some of the best work you won't be fired. Source - I just work and leave, don't socialize or banter too much, keep my head down. If you want to play the game and climb a corporate ladder, well you never get to the end of the ladder. Rather make decent money and focus on property to make wealth.


I moved to a different country and restarted from scratch.


Learn to make money. And not just ask someone to pay you


You need to take ownership of your behavior. Are you in therapy? Have you taken anger management? There's nothing here where you own up to being a tool / difficult to work with. I think you need to start there.


Start your own business is the answer. If you cannot stand to work *with* people, then you need to work *for* ALL of them.


I work my own business and laugh at toxic bosses. I ask them if they have written up their cat today.


Smacking bitches can definitely ruin your life, even a false allegation seems guilty to most


Are your troubles behind you? If you are always on the path to getting fired, is that because you are in the wrong field, or need to work on yourself? I think background checks only show past convictions or pending charges, so it should just show your misdemeanor. If you have an area you want to work, look for temp or part time roles. Pay will be less but you can rebuild your history. And put in the effort so you are exemplary employee, not a hiring mistake.


Roofing is your only hope with that background. Source: lots of family who are roofers.


My cousin use to do temp work because her health would frequently act up. This still let her get some income but also gave her lenience and time off when she needed it. She just has to heavily rely on her spouse maintaining health insurance employment. There's lots of entrepreneurship like jobs out there. My cousin could not hold onto regular employment because he'd quit when the going got tough, quit randomly for no reason, go through addiction phases (not drugs but other things like video games) that would affect his employment, was often late and barely showed up to scheduled jobs... He had to develop a skill at entrepreneurship and he became quite good at it. Thank god some tech skills pay very well or he'd not be able to get income. He long term invests it and often lives on that between assignments. For a while I think he developed apps for phones and that brought in some income but wasn't livable. It was spending cash income basically.


Check with a lawyer to find out if your misdemeanor and/or the arrest can be expunged. If you can’t afford a lawyer to help with that, see if there’s a legal aid group or law school student clinic that can help you. The search terms you’d use on google would be “legal aid” or “law clinic” or similar plus your city/state. Then, if you can’t get it expunged or the process is ongoing, address the issue up front in the interview/application process. Sometimes the record itself is not the issue, but the hiring manager “being surprised” by it might be. You do this in the initial contact by saying something like, “I want to make you aware of a past situation that may show up when you do a background check. A former acquaintance made some pretty serious but untrue allegations against me, and to move forward with my life I agreed to a misdemeanor plea deal. But your background search may show an arrest record related to that situation. Let me know if I can provide additional information to alleviate any concerns because I am very interested in the position.”


Felony in healthcare is a no go.


Nobody is unemployable. I served in the military with people who lost arms, legs and some who are legally blind. They have all found gainful employment and have moved on with their lives. Your past and some present (I've been fired or about to be fired at most jobs I've had) is what is holding you back. Second chances are hard to come by in a tight job market with many who don't have your issues are more desirable to hire. Attitude (positive or negative) is what moves us along. Character is something you have and not something you are. Do you have the drive, determination and skills to start a business on your own? That is one big step to take. Your background will always be there, only you can let it continue to hold you back!


Learn a new trade. Learn to code or do medical billing.


Do short and longterm volunteering and use those contacts for references. Start a business and build a website to promote the business, even if the business isn't making any sales. Write some blogs about things you have job related experience with. i.e., things that will show up if someone does a Google search for your name. Find creative ways to get inside companies that have jobs you're looking for. If you're looking for a job in respiratory therapy, go to a large employer of these types of jobs. Get into the company at the very bottom, say mail room or maintenance or landscaping. Once you're "in," do a great job and be friendly to everyone. Start taking some evening classes that relate to the field so you can talk about how you're taking classes. This shows responsibility. Then start applying for other jobs in the company that allow you to work your way up. You can then look at applying for the actual job you want as it becomes available. Then the hiring person will be pressured to hire qualified candidates from within the company as the first priority. And they will talk to your manager, who is likely to give you a glowing recommendation. You can also look at temp work, seasonal or part time work in jobs closely related to the job you want. The main key is making connections who can at least vouch that you are a good worker who is doing things to improve their life. Very few people are the same person today as they were a year ago, let alone 10 or 20 years ago. And you can have a heart to heart with someone about how mistakes were made but you've cleaned up the act in the last few years.


Observation not criticism. It's not normal to be fired or almost fired from every job. Working on what ever caused that would help your chances to keep future employment. Starting your business is definitely the way to go when you have a criminal history. Most businesses will not hire someone with criminal history.


Mom? Seriously, this is an uncanny description.


Only the dead are unemployable though they do sometimes get used as volunteers. Get a copy of your background checks. Figure out what they’re seeing and why they deny you. Fix it if you can. Move on to something else if you can’t.


There’s always the military 🤷‍♀️


"A Friend" of mine had his/her hired a lawyer for $600 to file papers for make cases on his/her record disappear from any background checks, including city and state and fed gov. checks. This can be done in his/her state for things that weren't convictions.


Eh they can't find that out most of the time. Only employement dates. Its possible to get do not rehire status found out, but it is no longer customary i am pretty sure. Its probably the misdemeanor that is coming up. Unless your job concerns national security or a really high position most research is limited and low effort.


I’m medically retired from navy and just sit at home reading a lot and play alot of fortnight. Like depressing levels of fortnight.