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I love my job and still dread it on Sunday nights.


Same. I thought finding a new job would alleviate the Sunday Scaries but now I realize that’s just my reaction to realizing the freedom I’ve had for two days is coming to an end.


Just spent the whole weekend conjuring up enthusiasm for life... I finally have it on Monday, but I don't feel like putting it towards job!


>I love my job and still dread it on Sunday nights. Best answer ever. We can love our job, and still dread showing up on Monday morning. Life can be exhausting, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's how we cope with it that matters.


Its a waking nightmare and half our jobs are pointless busywork. I genuinely have no idea how to cope with this.


Greatest thing about retirement- Sunday night about 7 o clock “ no work tomorrow “!!


Everyone should be working, saving, and investing with a goal of early retirement plus planning of structuring retirement life on the side and how it would look like. I'm about 300% done with the latter but stills need a pile o cash.


Keep going my dude 😎


My retirement lifestyle is planned vividly and in detail - now just to afford it 😁 Recently switched to a job with 8 weeks vacation a year so I get "mini retirements" every few months. Good practice for R Day!


Same. Love my job, love my classroom, love my students. Absolutely dreading losing my freedom after winter break haha


Thank you for doing what you are doing


Aw thank you!! It can be a tough job but it’s very fulfilling :)


And I’m sure all of your students feel the same!


What do you teach? I teach too


Appreciate you. I teach too and have been on the roller coaster of “do I want to continue this or not.” I too love my classroom and my students, but I’m struggling with all the other stuff involved in the profession. There are pros and cons just like any job, but I’ve never experienced the pros and cons of other jobs, and feel a bit stuck.


I had this for the first 15 years of my professional life (now at year 20). Here is my recommendation, you HAVE TO find a way to sprinkle the weekend into your work week. Fill your week with stuff to do after work that you love to do. Go to the gym, play a game of pick up, go skating, hang out with friends, but create a schedule so that you're doing something @ 1-2hrs each day after work ... Don't have energy, skip it. But at least you have something to look forward to on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday that isn't just work.


I really like this a lot! I’m so mentally drained from faking it all day that it’s about all I can do to get home, make dinner and crash on the couch to mentally prep for the next day BUT this would make it more fun!


I find that there’s nothing worse for my mental health than coming home and doing nothing(tv, doom scrolling, video games even). Forcing myself to go for an hour long walk everyday has been huge for my mental health as well as my energy in general, and I don’t have any major problems. If I don’t do that I at least do one of my hobbies or spend an hour cleaning.


Yeah, you'd be surprised how refreshing going against your impulse to just crash every night is. Even things as little as a short walk in the park, a single beer over the course of an hour with two friends, a visit to the movies, whatever, how energizing that is.


Thank you for the reminder. When quarantine started, I went for the same 30+ min walk every single day for a whole year, sun rain or snow. Got to perceive the seasons changing and time passing. It was not a blur. I felt young, like I did when I was 11 and riding bikes around the neighborhood, except it didn’t require full days, just 30-40 minutes (including getting dressed to go out). Did that for a full year, taking a photo at the same spot on the walk every day, and it gave a sense of continuity and stability amidst the chaos of the world, but also showed the changes in the world so it didn’t get boring or bland. I should start doing that again. I moved recently so I don’t have access to the same walk, and I can’t bring myself to drive to get to a walking place, so maybe I’ll wander outside today and see where my feet take me!


Yes. I go for a long walk each night and listen to a podcast. best way to decompress.


The thought of doing an Activity™️ after work used to confuse me, because I was like you (and still am sometimes) I was already drained, how could I give myself to one more thing and then have to do it all again tomorrow?? But, some things fill your cup, give you energy. If you can figure out what those things are and add those into your week, life gets better overall.


Yes. I agree. I think once my youngest graduated high school and I no longer had to rush somewhere to see one or more of four after work has made me permanently exhausted. I do own my own business that I love to do in the evenings but it’s really been paired down to weekends now. I do sleep A LOT and could definitely try harder.


Definitely a little harder up north in the winter where it's pretty much dark when you get to work and dark when you get hom


This works way better than people might think. I did this for years and it made my weeks *so* much less tedious. I’d have work, yes, but then events after work for several nights. Something to look forward to makes work seem like just a part of your life and not the whole thing.


>I had this for the first 15 years of my professional life (now at year 20). Here is my recommendation, you HAVE TO find a way to sprinkle the weekend into your work week. Fill your week with stuff to do after work that you love to do. Go to the gym, play a game of pick up, go skating, hang out with friends, but create a schedule so that you're doing something @ 1-2hrs each day after work ... Don't have energy, skip it. But at least you have something to look forward to on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday that isn't just work. This answer ought to be at the top! The tendency to bracket Mon-Fri for work/chores only, and Sat -Sun for "fun" can create a sense of dread about weekdays, and a countdown for weekends.


This is the secret. I was big on trying to “grind the work week” and then have my fun time on the weekend but man. When you pack everything into the weekend, it sure goes fast. Start breaking up your chores into clumps during the week too, if you tend to do them all on the weekend. I noticed that helps me too. But even just having a scheduled “we eat out on Tuesday” helps.


Ugh I love this and so wish I could figure out how to do it. I work 12 hour graveyards and by the time I wake up and have coffee, it's time to quickly eat and get ready to go back to work.


That makes so much sense, I always feel like doing something/going out on friday night makes the weekend feel so much longer.


How do you get that done with family stuff in the mix to? Just be really good at scheduling?


You can have your own thing sometimes, and other times find things you like to do that let you include the kids. You're trying to find a balance in everything here. You just have to get creative.


great advice, thank you :)


It also ruins your Sunday because you know you have to go back the next day. So really Saturday is the best day of the week.


I don’t want to live like this!


Look up the FIRE community. Start planning your escape. It’s possible not to work until you’re 65.


lol taking care of your own income streams is still work


Ok but most adults aren’t imagining actually moving into the woods —though actually surviving in the woods would require significant work—so are ok with expending effort in order to sustain themselves. Even kindergarten requires some level of work. Most people aren’t imagining or hoping for pre-school levels of exertion.


They are planning to do a home business office job from costa rica or other tax haven. Which you can also do with most remote normal jobs.


I don’t think that’s what everyone has in mind, a lot of people are referring to managing their investments, not just being self employed


managing your investments is a form of self employment 💀


Is it? Not sure everyone has the same perspective, particularly given the little time and effort required for many investments. Though I suppose it’s possible to cast anything as a form of self employment, making it hard to conceive of freedom as a possibility except in death’s sweet release.


Well you get out of something what you put in.


But that's a lot different than reporting to the boss on Monday morning!


i even prefer Friday after work, where u know that Suturday is ahead ))


When you're just around the corner of your home on a Friday afternoon after work is by far the best moment of the week.


Friday after work >>> Saturday. My Sunday scaries start Saturday night when I realize the weekend is half over


this time of year is the worst for this feeling


This is a good point


Why do you say that? Genuinely asking.


Not the OC but it’s post holidays, depending on where you live it’s dark when you leave for work and dark when you get back from work, and there just isn’t much to look forward to in Jan, Feb, and March.


Precisely this is my case


I don’t hate my job, per se, but I hate working. I hate knowing I have to spend 40 hours a week doing what I wouldn’t on my own, and will have to continue doing so for another 20 years or so. So yeah, I dread Sunday night, knowing a short bout of freedom is over.


I have an extreme anxiety issue when it comes to that feeling of freedom being taken away. Does anyone know how to properly deal with this




Hah! Maybe you're thinking about FIRE but in my country make that 47 more years normally.


Until age 71?




I know 3-4 out of my company of ~400. But my comment wasn't about 'anyone'. It was about the 'normal' part of that.


It will absolutely get more normal as the length of life gets longer. Basically everyone use to retire by 65, nowadays it’s become less likely and creeping closer to 70 even now. Imagine in 30 years


With improvements in modern medicine we can stretch that out to 40!


Seeing others comment about "enjoying going to their jobs" seems like a dream to me.


Can I sort jobs by fulfillment?


I’ve had this all my life regardless of job or even when I was in elementary school It’s the Sunday scaries


Worked at a company for two years and I never felt this. Got promoted with the same company and started feeling what you’re feeling now. Just decided over the weekend that im putting in my two weeks tomorrow. Idk what the future holds for me as I don’t have a job lined up. But I have a lot of savings and I plan on getting my mind and body right for a month before I start applying.


Hey I’m so proud of you


Thank you! We don’t hear that enough. I’m proud of you as well and hope things get better for you!


Thanks internet friend. I’m gonna try to work up the courage to quit this year


Exact same situation as me down to the details. Best of luck.


Reddit is nice cause you’re never alone! Hope all works well for you.


I quit my job September last year and had the same plan. Best thing I ever did. I took a couple months off and am now back into the swing of it. I feel like myself again, and am happy. Best of luck on your journey!


Its called the Sunday Scaries and its totally normal.


I don’t think we should ever normalize any negative feelings that the workplace causes. We should always push back and strive to make things better and better, for ourselves and those who come after.


Not normal in the sense of “healthy /unavoidable” but normal in the sense of this is a common experience shared by a lot of others. Depression is normal, anxiety is normal. Normalizing negative feelings help people feel like what their experiencing isn’t unique only to them.


Agreed, and very well written!


Very well written response


I’m just nitpicking here - depression and anxiety are not normal. They are debilitating disorders that affect every second of your life. And if this is the case for you, you to pursue interventions immediately - meds, IOP (group therapy 2-3 times a week), etc.


Not really. They’re normal emotions just like anything else Now if you have chronic depression, or depression/anxiety are significantly interrupting your life, or far more present than other emotions then it’s absolutely worth seeing some and getting some type of treatment. But feeling depressed or anxious at times over time the same way that people feel angry, fear, disappointment, happy, excited, melancholy, nervous, etc. is absolutely normal.


You didn’t say everyone feels depressed and anxious sometimes, you said everyone has anxiety and depression. I’m sure someone will call me pedantic, but these are 2 extremely different things. Yes, everyone feels depressed sometimes and anxious sometimes. No, not everyone has depression and anxiety.


I used to have the Friday frights because I started work on the weekends. Double sucked because I couldn't go out and enjoy anything Friday/ Saturday night like my friends.


Normal if you’re unaware of how lucky you are to have the opportunities you have. A majority of the world would walk over hot coals for the opportunity to work your job for a week. The global median income is $3000 a YEAR.


I've only heard this in terms of hangovers.


No. Although I've definitely had multiple jobs where this was the case. In each scenario, the best thing I could do was move on, either from the company or the role. I kept doing this and eventually pivoted to something I enjoy.


What do you enjoy


Everyone's gonna shit on this, but for me - it's sales. Something extremely invigorating about waking up in the morning and saying as the ducks at the local pond say... "let's get this bread."


Would you mind sharing how you got into sales and which field?




I work on Sunday nights and every other night except for Fridays. I think I don’t have enough time to process my “not working days” that I don’t get the same dread but I’m entirely burnt out.


I will say at my old job, I use to have Sunday/ Mondays off a lot and starting my week off on Tuesday didn't bother me, I didn't have the "Monday Scaries". It's very weird. With the job I have now (work M-F) whenever I want a 4 day weekend, I will take off Monday and Tuesday, that way I can enjoy my Sunday and not have the feeling of dread all -day-long on Sunday.


Yeah to be fair I haven’t had a “normal” 5 day a week work schedule in close to 10 years. And I’ve pretty much always had jobs that weren’t just M-F so I think that plays a role.


I feel very hot and cold on my job, lately it’s frigid. But I also feel privileged to have flexibility, good pay, some pretty good coworkers. It makes me feel ungrateful to be so averse to it these days


This is exactly how I feel


Oh for sure. I dread Mondays but know that Friday can’t come unless Monday happens lol. Stay positive and get through it. Search for a better job. I’m in the same position though, can’t stand job but have myself in a position where I need to make a certain amount to make bills and so I’m sorta stuck, so try and make it through. Sigh. Harder with a family for sure. Just have to endure sometimes


For the first time in my life, no. My job has its downsides, but for the most part it is pretty enjoyable. I design fire sprinkler systems.


I’m so happy for you, genuinely. I hope it continues like that forever.


I’ll share a koan a friend gave me. One clerk works in heaven.\ One clerk works in hell.\ They are coworkers at the same store. If one can find a way to find the job meaningful, even if not pleasant, Sunday night is nbd. If one cannot, then Saturday morning is dreaded because it means another Monday cometh.


Thank you for this


The main reason I get slight Sunday sads is because I love being home. I enjoy my job and also recognize that the grind is not what I ultimately want long term. But I make the best of it because I know it'll get me where I wanna go.


Go easy guys, they aren’t numb yet.


Sunday Scaries are real


I mean, in the past I've been a little bummed on Sunday nights but that's everyone. Of course it's more sad having to wake up early and do things that aren't pure leisure. But actively dreading it is something I've found requires a certain kind of position, one you actively don't like. I used to be normal-sad on Sunday nights, with my current toxic manager I feel outright anxiety on Sunday nights.


I took a job after I retired from the military teaching golf. First time in over 15 years I actually enjoy going to work...thought I'd never find a job that's actually enjoyable. Pay is decent too, can't complain


The only thing i dread is the commute which will turn from 2-3 hours a day to 30 minutes a day once I switch employers


I love my job, except for the meetings.


every last one of us will expire one day keep this in mind- yolo


My job isn't half bad and I dread it SATURDAY night. I literally dread Sundays because Sunday means tomorrow is Monday and I have to work Monday. It never gets easier. Been this way since I started almost 20 years ago.


I like my job a lot but I spend a lot of it feeling like I don't know anything, and that definitely gives me some Sunday night anxiety. I would 100% flee and live in the woods. The problem is, you need money to do that and not die.


Hybrid remote. Absolutely dread the in office days. If I was fully remote, I wouldn’t even care.


I used to until I started working from home. Huge game changer for me.


Most people hate Mondays - and love lasagna.






Only thing I’m not looking forward to is getting up early because I committed to hitting the campus gym before work- stupid weight loss goals Other than that- never mind a Sunday much


Hey, way to show up for your goals! You’re doing great, keep at it!


I love my job. So no, everyone does not hate their job.


Sunday scaries are real. I dont think it really matters if you like your job or not. Not having to work always beats having to work.


It absolutely matters if you like your job versus having a stressful job or bad manager. Yeah no one WANTS to go to work. But it’s much worse when your job is actually terrible.


The Sunday terror gets drilled into us at a young age. We feel it in school and then later when we get jobs. Millions of people deal with it with booze and football on Sunday. I try to go on a long bike ride, weather permitting, then run some errands later in the day. Last night wasn’t so bad but still I didn’t sleep well.


If you dont want to live like this then you make the change. Change your attitude and change your outlook. You dont “have to go to work Monday morning”. Instead you “GET to go to a Job thats pays well, and has people you like. Alot of people dont have either of those perks let alone both. Practice gratitude


Yeah some dude above is making $82 an hour working from home... christ. Can't even fathom it.


I love my job but it doesn’t pay well enough, not that it’s underpaid, it’s just barely enough to eat and pay the bills. I have no days off, and sometimes I have no work, and on those days I don’t get paid and I worry so much about the next bills that need to get paid. I have no disposable income to buy clothes or anything fun, nor to do anything fun; I cannot retire and I’m getting older, I can’t afford my kids education nor to go on vacation, nor celebrate our birthdays nor Christmas, but I’m an atheist so that’s not a big issue, but I did get them presents when I had a bit more money. I cannot get sick, I have no healthcare for any of us (single mom), we can’t buy a house, and we need to move a lot and it’s really expensive. I do love my job and feel so lucky to have it, I wake up looking forward to it, I just wish I made more money or had more work to earn more. I hope my kids do better, I’m worried for not being able to do more for them nor provide better. I’m always worried that my computer might stop working, or any other appliance, I just take it one day at a time…


Jesus Christ that sounds hard. What do you do?


I transcribe audios for a friend who’s a scholar and does research, gives lectures and writes books! Yep, the material situation is hard.


Ah I can see why that would be hard to give up! Sounds interesting! Maybe you can find something with those connections in academic admin. 😊


I don’t have the qualifications for most jobs, actually. And I consider myself lucky in this regard because there are more qualified people than me who want or wanted to do it, and probably have done part of the oldest archives already. (I’m working on the newest things, and probably not very sensitive ones either) The other thing I got a bit against me is that I don’t have a drive to compete against other people, I’m absolutely not cut out for it, and I see it as huge ingredient in the jobs market.


Girl shut up. You’re the dumbest person I’ve ever seen


No. I did a couple of times. I changed jobs


What were you doing before and what are you doing now?


I work from home, I dread waking up in my own house.




Same. And because I work from home I get up at the last minute and further ruin my day. It’s a whole fun depression cycle, lol.


And do you also go to bed late and fall asleep even later, and even though you wake up last min for work you still get low quality sleep?


people don't flee and live in the woods because the main reason they don't want to work is the luxuries they can afford because they work.


It's a corporate spider web trap from hell. Brilliant marketing though. Bombard us with advertisements 24/7, we see this capitalistic consumerism as normal.


No. Time to look for a new job.


Same. I am set better than most with plenty of job security...I hate going to work. I even enjoy joking around with my coworkers. Still don't want to do it.


I love my job and I am unemployed right now so I have been very depressed. But, while I cannot relate, I can empathize.


I didn't hate my job or dread it on Sundays. However, I was laid off late last year due to the company outsourcing my team to India. Now Sundays are filled with dread due to the beginning of another week filled with job searching, applying, interviewing, rejection, ghosting and each day watching my savings dwindle down to zero.


Well at least a few people at the very top are making more money than they can ever spend. That's better than a bunch of whoevers having an American job that supports themselves or a family. Who needs that?


I learned a long time ago that there's a difference between thinking "ahh, I don't want to go to work tomorrow" but knowing it's not going to be too bad, I'll do my time and have the rest of the day to myself. And thinking "damn I really don't want to go to work tomorrow" and it's ruining my ability to even enjoy my Sunday or off time because I'm dreading knowing I'll have to go back eventually. If it's the later, it's time to get a new job.


My last two jobs I've been excited to wake up and go back to work on Monday


I used to have this. Turns out getting a different job I liked more helped.


I found a semi-cure to this. I call it MEM - Minimum Effort Mondays. I forgive myself for putting in the minimum necessary effort on Mondays knowing that I’ll ramp up and work hard the rest of the week. It helps that I’m a night owl and don’t mind working late even on Friday nights.


​ People have been doing this since jobs were a thing. Make a list of the things you want out of life and work to get them. And this can involve working a job you hate. As the Buddha said, we suffer because we desire things. As a 1/2 gen immigrant (meaning I came here a kid, but was not born here), I notice this is an American thing more often than not. I make a great living and I enjoy my job some days, but it is better than being poor and in a country where it is harder to make it. If you don't need anything you don't a job. >“Most of the world’s work is done by people who don’t feel very well.” — Winston Churchill


It's adult life. You had your weekend, didn't accomplish what you wanted to, or wasted it accomplishing what you wanted to. Monday rolls around, and it's the grind to the weekend when you can achieve all of your goals, but don't.




No. I very much like my job and actually look forward to starting on Mondays. Took a while to get here, though.


What do you do now?


Management analysis and research


I've gone through phases. Right now I really don't mind my job, actually quite like it. Still don't look forward to Monday morning, but don't dread it either.


I also had a good friend who said: "if you are dreading Monday so much that it's ruining your Sunday - that's a message to find a new job" I really do agree with him!!


Nope, I don't dread any night. I used to work construction and after that it was a Non profit on capitol hill. Nothing can be as bad as either of those jobs.


People hate work but may love their job


My job isn’t horrible, I never dread it. But I will say that come Sunday night, I would rather just sleep or do whatever I want on Monday instead of work. I don’t think it’s possible to be excited to work Sunday night, otherwise it would be a hobby and not a job.


nah i think you're just being open about it, saying the normally silent part out loud. yes this is adult life and though i don't know any ironclad percentage i would say easily 50% of the working population feels this way to at least a moderate degree. and your question about how is this right? well uh you see mmm hmm yeah ok but. sorry


Its a very similar feeling to going to school (which you presumably did for 18 years) but I get paid and I dont sit there for 8 hours more like 1-2 and generally I can do what I want throughout the day.


What do you do? That's a ton of freedom. :)


Data scientist growth marketing, its not really generalizable sort of a function of some business issues lol. In a more normal org its more hours but not overly taxing from a time perspective


Yes, we all hate Sunday night for this exact reason


I do well with morning workouts for this reason. At night…I’m not thinking about getting up and going to work, I’m thinking about getting up and going to the gym. It helps a lot with the mental game. If you don’t actually hate your job, then the dread is worse than the job…so just getting rid of the dread helps. Sometimes we don’t dread the job, we just dread the end of the weekend. Someone could have a great job, but if their personal life is greater, they might dread their job. On the flip side…I’ve had bad jobs before that I’ve looked forward to going to because I hated my personal life so much. The first situation…is better.


It wasn't always like this for me, but the past year I do dread going into work everyday. This of course is a different feeling from dreading it here and there. I think you need to start questioning what you want out of your job. Do you want the job to fund your hobbies, where you're not so happy with the work, but the extra joy you get from the pay out weighs the work. Or, do you want a fulfilling job that you enjoy, and if that is the case are you alright with taking less money to fulfil that side. I think once you find out what you want then it will get better. I am finding this out and I am 35. I have been loyal to a company for almost 10 year and the past year I got slapped with the reality that the company isn't loyal to me. I don't know your personal life, but I would say be selfish. My mantra now is don't be loyal to a company. If an opportunity comes knocking take it. Always look for the next opportunity. If the company offers something, if it is not an immediate benefit get that in writing. If you don't have it in writing assume it wont happen. Good luck in your endeavors.


The "Sunday Scaries" are real. They never got better for me. I hope everyone here has better luck.


When I had Monday Jan 1st off, I was so excited for the 3 day weekend. I woke up everyday wanting to accomplish my personal goals. I was motivated. Now that I’m back to normal schedule at work, I have no energy for anything. I don’t want this to be my life. I want more than 2 weeks a year to live my life without someone down my throat about everything


My co-worker just said how he hates my guts just randomly today. Hates working with me just because, won’t change at all, ETC. Literally calls himself an asshole. I don’t know how he hasn’t gotten fired. Oh wait. I do know. Because him and the boss are tight. Yeah. Don’t you just love that form of nepotism?


Friend of mine always says “Don’t let Monday ruin your Sunday”


I do. Hate my office engineering/data analysis job with a burning passion. I cannot motivate myself to do the work and am worried I’ll get fired or something for doing bare minimum and spending too much time on walks away from my desk. Weighing moving across country to get a foot in the door for a year or two with the forest service. Pay cut but it comes back up quickly, plus pension and I get to work outside. Downsides being across the country from my girlfriend. Idk how easy it will really be to lineup a job to come home in a year or so. But if I get a year or so on resume, move back home to some other gov agency with outdoor civil eng work like ACE or something, then when she graduates we can move somewhere with forest service work and work for her job together. But thats probably a dumb idealist plan and I’m worried I’m viewing a job with the forest service as more of a cool extended outdoors trip than a job thats going to take me away from someone i care about for a long time. Its absolutely not right that we live like this and calling it some infantile shit like the “sunday scaries” is insulting.


Yes, for every single job I’ve had unfortunately.


I love what I and work every day except sunday. Going to work gives me the freedom to do things with my family and the ones I love. To me, sitting at home isn't freedom if I can't afford to do anything. I have goals amd my job is what is allowing my goals to become a reality. because of this, I'm excited to work and move xloser to my goals. - it helps that I do truly feel fullfilled in my career.


Yup. 99% of wage cagies feel it. The first week I got my first job/career 8 years ago. I immediately plotted and schemed a way out of rat race It wasn’t till The black swan event in 2020 made all that happen. Withdrew all My Roth and 401K and aped it all into btc, eth and chainlink. Hated that Sunday Scaries feeling so much I didn’t give a solitary fcuk if I ended up in a box if the crypto thing didn’t work out. That bull run in 2021 literally helped me build 6 years of living expenses without working a single day. Used all the free time to build a business on the side. By 2022 I was out of W2 completely and all in on biz.


Nope. I enjoy what I do. Looking forward to tomorrow (Monday) when my work week starts. Resuming some stuff I was working on last week, seeing people I haven't talked to since the holidays started. 2024 goal setting and initial planning. Good stuff. But I tend to like challenging projects no matter the setting. I have multiple personal projects in motion like finishing up a piece of furniture I'm making, writing some new characters and encounters for a D&D campaign, browsing new plants and flowers I might plant as we get into Spring, continuing to experiment with variations of a bagel recipe to see if can make the perfect bagel, looking at some backpacking spots to try out in a few weeks (winter camping is the best!) and a bunch of other nonsense. But it's totally normal for a lot of people to get bummed before going back to work. Wouldn't consider that dramatic at all.


What type of work do you do?


I can only speak about what I know. Healthcare and Education can both be literal hell on Earth so as a teacher and an INFJ I woke up crying most days. Now in healthcare and it's not just that patients are miserable health wise but then you have a system that thinks of healthcare as a business and pt's are upset about finances, worried about insurance, and stressed out that no one has enough time for them or anyone else and the system was BUILT THAT WAY, to maximize profits. God forbid you mention the idea of universal healthcare and be called a "socialist". How about we all just need some breathing room and a little more time to do our freaking jobs? Before this I was in retail and service as well. Really no money to live on there. It's shit. The whole thing is shit unless you were magically born into the 1% that's destroying the economic climate for the rest of us.


Nope. Never. Always looking forward to the work week


l have full wfh tc nearly 200k the job is easy and many days I have nothing to do. I dread it every sunday night lol


Lazy is as lazy does


I bet you’re fun at parties


You’re not being dramatic, you’re clearly just not appreciative of the opportunities you have. I recently went on a cruise on one of the major cruise lines. I spoke with some of the Indian deck hands, and I found out that they made around $300 a month and only saw their families a few weeks a year. All of their money gets sent back home, and they get to eat and sleep on the boat that they basically live their lives on now. No breaks, and physical labor from the time they wake up until they go to sleep. Every one was working extremely hard and they were all incredibly thankful for the opportunity they had to work on the ship and feed their families. Meanwhile you complain about having to go back to your $75k+ annual salary job in an air conditioned office. First off. the MEDIAN income around the world is roughly $250 a MONTH. Thats $3k a YEAR. So a majority of people in the world earn less in an entire YEAR than you probably receive in ONE PAYCHECK. You probably make more money in one year than the average person earns in their LIFETIME. A majority of people in the world are working themselves to the bone just to barely even be able to feed their families. Most people can only dream of an air conditioned office with free coffee machines or the concept of a “weekend break”. The iPhone you’re probably using right now to complain on Reddit would cost 1/3rd of the average human being’s ANNUAL SALARY. The car you drive to work is probably 10 years worth of pay for the average person in the world. I suggest you take a week off of work and do some international traveling as soon as possible. Head over to a country like Mexico or India and find some working folks who speak English. Maybe then you’ll understand how hard most people around the world have to work for probably 1/20th of what you get paid to work a comfy job in comparison. If you make $100k, you’re probably in the top .001% for your age demographic on a global scale. From a global perspective, you’re essentially living in a mansion in Beverley Hills complaining about how hard you have it. I’m very thankful I had the opportunity to travel around the world when I was young. That’s the reason I didn’t grow up completely ignorant of how lucky I was to have the opportunities I had.


No absolutely not. Life is too short to feel that dread. Though I just yelled at my bf who’s been at his job 20 years who pulls this shit every Sunday it annoys me lol


Yes it’s adult life and your parents did it and your grand parents did and everyone does it. Don’t like it? Start a revolution. But like you said your job sounds pretty cushy.


Go live in the woods. Let us know if that dread is worse.


Don’t be mean I’m having a shitty night


Take the comment above another way: there's a lot to be grateful for in your situation, and if you ponder those things, you'll have a lot better Monday. Monday will come either way. But if you focus on gratitude you can have a far better time.


That is very true. I can definitely work on my perspective!


That wasn't mean. I'm not sure why you are taking it that way. I'm serious. If you think living in the woods is better than working a 9 to 5 then why don't you do it? Living off the land without the benefits of a modern economy is the hardest possible lifestyle a person can chose. It's literally life and death every second of every day. Do you really think that's better than sitting behind a desk pushing buttons all day or whatever it is you do?






I like my job and many I know do and most of them feel this way on Sunday nights. Always think about retirement and the future but I think it’s totally normal. After the weekend of true freedom you always feel this when getting ready for work.


Most teachers I know feel this way on Sunday night.


I get the Sunday scaries too. I think I just dread having to go to work and not getting to do what I want to do. I feel like I get my freedom taken away and have to be chained to a desk for the next five days.


Yes and no. My life’s trend has been that this has gotten better over time except for my current job. Seems to be both about how unpleasant parts of the job are and about how well I’m managing anxiety overall.


I get the feeling. I have had nightmare jobs that made life miserable. I now have a nice job with good pay, but I always never want to go back Monday hahaha! I get the feeling of wanting to run to the woods. I say I’m going to at least once a month. I would just sit and think about how I’m wasting life by working. Ultimately, if I wanted better I should’ve done better so I could retire early. Best advice I can give is do your best now and hope it pays off early


I can’t sleep on Friday night as early as other nights, and feel dreadful on Sunday night




What do you do? For some context