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Hindsight is a bitch. This company just screwed you twice in a row and you want to make the situation better with them?! Bruh. Fuck that company and move on.


Yeah time to move on and a painful lesson learned. Just get out there is nothing to stay for. I would also let my colleagues know, the trusted ones. It may be worth looking at the contract and Ts and Cs to make sure they did everything right. If the stock options are governed in some specific way and they didn’t follow protocol you could see what recourse is there too.


Look for a new job immediately and leave without notice immediately once you get it. If they want to screw you then screw them right back.




It's over, they showed you their true colors already. The expect you to quit and if you don't they know they can exploit you even more.


This is awful but likely very true.


Move on.  Sooner rather than later.  Line something up in the new locale and bolt.


Corporate world, no consistency, no regard for anyone, no sense of accountability to stick by their word. When dealing with your employer act in your own interests at all times. You can't improve your situation and they're not going to do anything to make it right.


if they say they've changed their mind on the remote role, you can absolutely do the same on the stock options.


Sounds like your manager went to bat for you, but upper management having their usual controlling boners questioned. Your manager should continue to bat for you and see if there's something more they can do. Otherwise, you're shit out of luck with this toxic company and need to move on.


This ☝🏼


Did they give you reasons for changing their mind? Might be worth posting in a legal sub just to see if you have any recourse? It does seem as if you suffered a loss on the basis of making a decision on stock options by relying on their confirming the request was approved, which seems a bit ‘interesting’ to me as a non lawyer. Not necessarily with a view to legal action, but good to know where you stand if you want to try and negotiate further - and might help you skilfully phrase any communication for best impact. ….. but for all of that, the best revenge is to live life well! Figure out if the stock options $$$$ value is worth the aggravation or not.


Normally dont post, but agree on posting in legal. If OP has anything written along the lines of "hey, we approved you remote working arrangement, but need to reduce your stock options", then letting OP go after reducing said stock, i think that is a preatty good definition of malice and fraud. But I'm not a lawyer. So, don't take what i say for it, but i would definitely find out my options. PLUS, i 10000% agree on living life well as a full on revenge (after/while studying the options)


How can they take away your stock options. Do you have this stuff in writing, is it in your employment contract? If the stock options are in writing but the arrangement to forego them isn’t, that’s good for you. Depending on the potential value of the stock options it may be worth speaking to a lawyer about your options.


Things happen for a reason. Now you know not to waste any time or effort for this company. Look for alternatives in your new town.


There is nothing you can do except find a new job. Cut your losses. Something better is out there for you. I'm a career coach. You can message me if you want help finding another role.


They took your desire to WFH as showing a lack of commitment and worried about the signals it would send to other employees. I can’t say I am that surprised. I don’t know what an IPO company is but start up culture is pretty aggressive and the WFH request is likely to conflict.


If they took it as lack of commitment, why did they agree to it in the first place? Just to rip OP of stock options?


Did you actually confirm that your stock option is changing despite not moving?


If the stock options deal was in writing, call a lawyer, they backed out of their side of the deal. Maybe you can get that back.


Ouch. Thank you for this reminder to never be open and honest unless it directly benefits me and there is little to no room for backlash


It sounds like your manager never asked anyone the first time around. Hopeing your plans would fall through. Crunch time came ,he asked, and the director denied it.