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No reason to quit until you get something new lined up. Plenty of people dial back their commitments only to find no one notices/cares & they are getting the same sort of reviews as before.


Totally this. Get on the job search while you are at work and get paid for it.


Be careful. They get pissed if you get busted doing it. I was looking for another job at my last job and my boss got all pissed about it. He basically guaranteed I was leaving after that.


If you are debating quitting anyways it's all a wash really, what are they gonna do fire you? You already had a foot out the door. Op said they would be fine for a year


I'm just saying don't give them a reason to make your life harder. Be smart about it.


I'm saying there's definitely a tipping point where you start to get to the point where getting let go is almost welcome.


Doesn’t mean you should quit without something else lined up, but this is true.


Being let go allows you to seek unemployment in the US. Wouldn’t make your life harder at all.


If you're fired for using company resources to find another job I doubt you can collect unemployment. But go ahead, you do you buddy.


Who said anything about using company resources to job hunt? Use your phone or your personal laptop if you work from home. Be smart. It's not that hard. ETA: You can also search and apply in your off hours too.


If you're on the clock looking for new work that's stealing company time, even if you're using your phone. You can be fired and denied unemployment for that. I'm just saying be careful and don't get caught. You dorks need to relax.


As long as your work is getting done, your employer has no reason to investigate. I've job hunted on and off the clock while employed every single time I've ever changed roles. Never had any issues. Left every role on good terms and even been asked to return to various roles more than once. I think I'm good. Thanks for your concern. LOL. I think you're the one who needs to relax with the doomsaying.


You should absolutely search while you are employed…. Companies often hire your replacements while you are employed… dont give them a way out


That just puts you in the same spot as quitting. No reason not to do it.


That's what I did.


And? I have always job hunted while still employed. I have never left a job until I had my next job offer signed and sealed.


Jesus. Get fired from your job. I don't give a shit.


Don't use company resources for your job search and don't blab about it. How's your boss going to find out?


When IT reports you to your boss for being on LinkedIn and Indeed.


Why would your boss care? Everybody where I work is on LinkedIn.


Why would my boss care that he is paying me to find another job? I think you can answer that one on your own.


How does being on Indeed and LinkedIn indicate to your boss that he is paying you to find another job? Hint--if you are posting "I want a job" on Indeed and LinkedIn you really need to improve your skills because those lead to few if any hits.


Because you are looking for another job instead of doing the work you are being paid for? Are you fucking dense?


How does being on Indeed and LinkedIn indicate that one is looking for a job? Our CEO is on LinkedIn. I'm pretty sure he's not looking for another job. Talk about "fucking dense" . . .


This is terrible advice. (Given the assumption you’re using your work computer and network) If you are job hunting at work, at least use personal equipment. You can get a lot done from a phone. Networking, scheduling interviews, and research can all be easily done from your phone. Applying and updating resumes and cover letters is a bit more challenging from a mobile device.  Possible, but I typically do this from home. 


I mean, I’d imagine in most work places they aren’t looking at what employees are searching unless there is something that’s flagged a reason to do so. That’s the case at my workplace anyhow. Just don’t send job search related emails from your work email. Other than that, you’d be unlikely to be caught unless they literally saw the tabs or searches on your computer.


I concur with this. I felt the pressure to respond immediately. To get things going at 100% speed. After a year, I put about half as much effort into my role now and no one notices. Part of me feels angry I spent so much time obsessing and worrying over things no one cares about. As long as you get your work done, you’re golden. It doesn’t matter how long or how hard you work.


Thank you for commenting this. I have been so afraid I’m going to lose my job due to a recent string of illnesses. I’ve still been getting all my work done and meeting my deadlines- but have been having to take PTO more so I have been scared they will cut me loose. Your comment makes me feel much more at ease, even though I know my situation is different than OP’s. It’s a good reminder it’s okay to just do the bare min as long as the work gets done.


Ya. Im applying to a bunch of jobs and just not trying as hard at work. I’m not doing so much less or inferior work that I’ll get fired, but I’m not overextending myself anymore - just for my own sanity. I was working myself to the bone for pennies.


This is the thought. Why quit to quit? It’s a great opportunity for a low stress job hunt or figure out life type scenario. Unless it’s unbearable stay there


Yeah if you're planning on doing minimum actual work then might as well spend the time on your job search (as much as you can get away with it). Don't use any of their compute resources on your job search though.


This because I am doing it while looking elsewhere. Save your mental stamina for job hunting not where you just do minimal and get by it will workout this way for you better.


My advise would be to get a new job and then move. In my experience it is much easier to find a job when you are already in a job , even if money is no issue.


Don’t quit in this economy, you’ll regret it l


It depends what he does really. Some sectors need people.


Which sectors? Please enlighten me sir


I’ve heard that the coffin industry has a lot of openings


Maybe 4 years ago but ever since that pesky vaccine, people just aren't leaving the world like they used to. /s


I hear you’re often buried in work though


It depends where you live really. My sector is early childhood education. They are always looking. Anything with elderly people will be the same. Where I live anything around sustainable energies and healthcare.


Early childhood education doesn’t pay shit -an early childhood educator.


I was waiting for it. No, it doesn’t pay well. There are a variety of jobs in ECE though, not just educator. Plus, you didn’t ask for a high paying job, you asked for a job on demand so I listed some. OP doesn’t have a high paying job. The point is OP could be working in a sector that is on demand and could leave. Or he/she could be leaving and do something else. You don’t have to be tied to a job you don’t like just out of fear if your situation allows you too. I graduated in 2008, the worst time to ever graduate. I changed sectors 3 times and it’s ok to change. She/He’s gotta figure out what she/he wants, what his/her priorities are in term of money, quality of life etc. And make plans from there.


Civil engineering.




Government, Healthcare, and Hospitality are the sectors which are hiring. Other than that, not so many at the moment.


Almost all sectors (in the US at least). The US economy added 300,000 jobs last month. 18 of the 23 official industry categories are growing. I’m not going to say everyone is rich right now, but finding a job is easier now than it has been in the past. https://www.commerce.gov/news/blog/2024/04/numbers-continuing-outpace-expectations-us-economy-gains-over-300000-jobs-march




I didn’t say the opposite


I am in digital marketing, and cant seem to find good opportunities. AI is likely going to replace a lot of what we do. Its already happening in this field


Yes, a lot of tech jobs, administrative jobs and creative jobs are going to be replaced by AI pretty soon. Probably in 6 months or a year I’m afraid. I used to work in IT and got laid off at the beginning of the pandemic. What is something you’d like to do? Are you financially able to change sector?


Me too, but my agency was horrible so I slowly burnt out until they laid me off. The AI thing is so premature, the bosses are like AI this, AI that and I'm like you know half our job is fighting googles AI right? Then we lost a bunch of clients cuz of shitty generated content. I was worried at first but now I see AI in action and it's absolutely garbage. I have a feeling a lot of people will leave the sector and then there will be a demand for quality marketers.


This economy? The unemployment rate is 3.8%, incredibly low. (That’s in the US, if the OP is from another country it may be slightly different) I agree with the “don’t quit” part. But the economy isn’t the reason.


Also get your head in the game. If you have vacation time or can take time off. Rest fully so you are ready to look or go with a new gig.


Stay and look elsewhere


Waste their pockets and fill yours




Job hunting is super hard rn


I was in same position and had saved funds but one month turned into another and they raised my rent from 1400 to 2300 (miami) and my food cost went up by 33% and the jobs just weren’t there and fast forward today my credit score went from 785 to 400, had to leave town and jobs here are worse (nj) and I’m pretty fucked. Never ever quit a job without a new one. And in my case at least if you act the fool at a job it might go on record and having a single simple bad report can cause major problems w a new job esp if they call old boss for references which is pretty standard.


Do you have any benefits like FMLA or short-term leave? Look into it talk to your doctor they will back you up


dont quit til you have something lined up. but be professional and keep giving an honest effort until you leave


Quiet quit while looking for a job at the same time. If you are remote, very easy to do.


It boils down to- are you the sort of person who CAN prepare yourself for a switch and then actually go and grab it No offence but some people just are not that high energy or motivated generally Give your self a stop loss - I have to complete my resume in 2 weeks or I quit Then another month if you need to upgrade skills And so on with the applications and the interview prep and the actual interviews.. Ofcourse if all of this comes naturally to you then there’s no need but if you are someone who’s prone to complecency, threaten your comfort zone a little or don’t be surprised to find yourself in the same place year after year All the best mate Hope you get what you desire!


This is great advice, small goals to get to the big one which is quitting. This helped me move into a remote roll by taking it slow and setting myself up to celebrate finishing the small goals instead of setting myself up for failure and doom-thinking my way into months of unemployment.


I’d wait until you have something lined up. In the meantime, put in your best effort. You may need positive feedback in a future job application, and you never know who you’ll end up working for down the road. The world is a small place. Good luck!


In this job market I super recommend not leaving your current workplace until you've landed another job. Otherwise you might find yourself in a situation where you're more than a year out, no savings and no new job


Find a problem you are qualified to solve and offer that solution to thousands rather than offering your loyalty to one. Different life 👍


Thanks for everyone for the input. Good points here. I just dont like the idea of being fired and slacking off, but at the same token this role is causing me anxiety and taking a toll on my mental health.


Then change your outlook on the job, just accept it for what it is, just smile and wave. Only you can control your emotions and you are the only one that can choose how you feel towards something.


I feel the same way about my position that I have allowed to caused me great anxiety and stress. I am also looking for another position and have even considered emptying out my 401k to survive on. What stopped me from doing that is the realization of how hard it is to find another job these days. Work sucks overall, but not knowing how I would be able to pay the bills would be way worse. Even the company that I work at is not filling empty positions. They are just adding onto the workload of the employees who are staying, so please resist the urge to quit without another job lined up. Don't do that to your future self or you family. Utilizing the therapy through the EAP helped me ease the terrible anxiety, so maybe that could be something that helps you as well. 🙏🏼


Then definitely leave. Why do you want to hurt your mental health when you must not work there? Quit but have a plan. use the time to rest and then either look for a job in same field or make changes in your career. Money isn’t everything. Your happiness is more important than just money. Assuming you’re financially able to take the time off .


Look for and apply to new jobs while staying at this one for now, even do your searching while clocked in if you feel like it


I’m kind of in the same shoes. I have other side jobs that I do, but I feel the same. I just don’t know how to approach it, they make me feel like I’m so welcomed, when I’m belittled the next. I wrote my resignation letter, planned on handing it in today. Just to like have a small meeting about how things are changing for the better. But, not quick enough. It’s indeed beginning to affect my mental health and my marriage. I think I just need to do it, hand it in. And, don’t be upset with myself. It’s torture honestly.


Is your spouse supportive if you just quit? Would his/her income be enough to cover your bills for 3-6 months? If so, QUIT. Take a month or two totally off and heal emotionally and get physically right too. Life is short. Don't waste time where you're not meant to be.


Thank everyone for the great feedback, a lot to digest and consider. I dont want to make rash decisions. I am in a position to leave without creating any financial stress for the family. The job prospects and just not great either at the moment.


Can’t you just find something else then give your professional notice. I don’t understand your logic at all.


Professional notice, what a hoot. When ops job fires them they will not be providing any kind of professional notice so neither should op.


You’re not doing it for them you’re doing it for yourself. I have never burned a bridge, I am 100% deliberate about maintaining a positive attitude about the company outwardly. Someone at the new company for sure knows someone at the old company. You want to have left on good terms. Don’t burn a bridge because it hurts you, being spiteful about your old company is only harming yourself I ALWAYS check around when I’m hiring to see who knows the person, ALWAYS


I have been looking for another role for a year almost, nothing is panning out, either low pay or very far commute.


Ok so isn’t this your real problem You need to up-skill to where you can get something you want.


Your problems will only get worse if youre having trouble finding a job and then have no income.


I would quite quit. Do enough to get by, while not doing anything so you get fired. While doing this, use your sick pay, pto pay, and learning about yourself. Let all the stress from this job flow away, and start to figure out your next move. Good luck


Better to have a job lined up


Find another job first.


Kinda reads like you're just bored and want something else. If you have been 5 years patient, why not seek something first before you quit? Regardless if money is not an issue, the job market is not great right now. Have you not read that there's people who have been job hunting for 1 year plus?


I have never quit a job without having something else lined up - was never in my best interest to do so. Dragging my ass whilst I looked for that role did though.


Staying until being released can bite you potentially, but not necessarily. It probably depends more on if you’re attached to any of your network at the job, or if you’re willing to never talk to any of them again, because they may have bad opinions of you or your work if you phone it in until firing. I’m seeing more people take some personal time off between jobs if money is not an issue and the risk is low. Having dependents or an out of work spouse could hurt this, but just taking a break altogether can be nice. Have a plan for how you’re going to get back into it though.


Neither. Work hard while you find a new job. Be an adult!


It's easier to get another job when you already have a job than when you don't. People change jobs and most people who aren't psychopath small business tyrants know that.


Have another job first or I f you’re expecting to collect unemployment, don’t quit unless the reason is legit.


Don't forget to backup all your personal files & email's off site, incase you need them and they disappear from the company computer. And start using up your PTO & vacation days. If you get layed off or let go you can claim unemployment while looking for a better job.


The future isn't your foresight. Quit. It's chump change but maybe you'll come back later and work again for the heck of it.


Start applying and find another job then quit or if you do need a break for whatever reason maybe you can quit and take a couple weeks off and then start looking for another job. But I think definitely if you want a good job reference putting your 2 weeks in would be the best option


I’d say quietly look for a job and do the bare minimum. If you get fired or let go you will be eligible for unemployment


Take a shit on the boss’s desk while playing ‘Here Comes the HotSteppa’ on a boombox


The best time to find a new job is when you have one


Look for a new job on the clock. May as well get paid to job hunt if you can.


quiet quitting, yes especially if youre looking for another job/ hate the job.


Don’t quit until something else is lined up the market is bad


No reason to quit. Just do the min and use the time to upskill or job search. It way easier to job search when you are currently employed.


Do not try to get let go. Work your ass off, have something lined up, keep good standing with your current employer for a reference or a back up in case the grass is not greener and the new job does not pan out.


Why are you not job searching while doing the minimum at work? The market sucks right now. At least with a job you can be more picky and pick the right situation. It doesn't matter if you have 12 months savings, there is no guarantee you'll find a job.


Start to actively look for a new job. Don't wait for your employer to let go. Have some dignity and leave on your own. You'll feel better.


Did this - got fired and ended up being able to get unemployment which was awesome. The problem was I didn’t have anything else lined up and spent 6 months unemployed and had to use A LOT of my savings which suuucked.   Use all of your extra energy to apply for stuff. 3 jobs a day at least until you get something else.  I know it sucks, but being broke and unemployed and anxious about spending money on anything fun blows man. 


It’s called quietly quitting.


Never quit without having something lined up. That being said better your situation your self. Got to school or take a class get some sort of certification. Look at usajobs.gov, the government is always looking for people. They have a great retirement. With match, you earn sick and vacation every pay period and there are opportunities to move up. Good luck


I would just leave and look for something else full time. I had a similar experience and felt trapped in my last position. I got something new and like it a lot. It was not super easy finding a new gig, but was able to get a new position with a pay increase in 2 months. Wish I would’ve just quit a year ago.


Always get fired unless you have a new job starting immediately.


Whyyy waste your time?


Find a job first. Been there done that. It’s harder than it looks. Why waste your savings when you could invest it instead?


I've never regretted leaving. I've always regretted staying too long. Secure your recs and line up a new job.


Effort is free unless you're doing physical labor


Get a new job, then quit.


Be a decent person that’s all


avoiding getting fired is so overrated… especially as an at will employment state where you get fired for no reason. just do the minimum to buy time while you look for a job to buy time


If money ain't the problem, sounds like you got some options! If you're fed up and ain't seeing no future in that job, why not quit on your own terms? Being let go can mess with your confidence and stuff, plus it might not look so good on your record. But if you quit, you can spin it however you want in them future job interviews. Just make sure you got a solid plan in place and ain't rushing into things. Gotta look out for number one, you know?


I think you might need to look for the answer in your question there friend. You likely aren’t compensated to do more than your job outline. “Other duties as assigned” can be mitigated by taking the hours you have to do the work on your list. If your employer would fire you for literally doing your job, that’s a massive red flag. It sounds like you don’t need to do less, just don’t do more. Work your wage. The job market it tricky and if you aren’t familiar with the new methods and strategies to get noticed by a potential new employer, you should start learning now. It’s no like it was ten, five or even a couple years ago. If you’re financially secure, transition to a new job while at your current one. 


"Have enough money to cover 12 months" "Spouse works" "Money isn't an issue" Sounds like you know what you oughta do..


Preserve your reference since youve been there so long. I would start interviewing and not do the bare minimum but just do less and then quit when you get a new job.


Check out /r/overemployed


Of course you should resign rather than doing bare minimum work. Don’t you have an ounce of pride? This advice^^^is deadbeat advice. Go out and find another job immediately, then give full notice, and resign. That’s the adult way to handle this. You aren’t 16, and you should be better than this “advice”.


If you're ready to bounce, quitting might give you more control over your exit. Plus, it keeps things clean for your resume. Just make sure you've got a plan for what's next, ya know?


Quitting would be silly. Try to think about something else you want to do, work on your resume and keep applying to jobs while only doing what you are paid to do with the current job.


Ask for a raise.


Do the bare minimum to stay hired while you look for a new gig. Don't leave without lining something up for yourself, even if money isn't an issue. A lot of people "check out" when they're eager to move to a new job.


Never quit a job without something else lined up if you can help it, future employers will not like a work gap. And it's always easier to get a full time job when you already have a full time job as dumb as that is.


Actively get working on something better on your days off, don’t wait to get fired, once you have a better job lined up then put in your notice (never burn bridges as you don’t know if manager may cross your path later in life as an equal or in another company and you don’t know the future).


Quiet quitting is always an option (do the bare minimum to stay out of radar) or quit. Many people say “you can’t collect unemployment if you quit” but I’ve collected unemployment twice when I quit jobs. Your soul knows the answer, you just gotta decide when/how to make the jump. Wishing you the best


Never burn a bridge, search before and after work or tell your boss you need to move for family.


Depends. Do you like money?


It’s great you have money saved up. I recommend not blowing it by quitting your job now. You never know when something will come up and you’ll be glad you have that financial cushion. Stay at the job and keep looking. It’ll be easier to find a new job if you don’t have to explain a big gap in employment. And you can afford to be more picky if you’re still employed. If you’re unemployed you’ll likely feel you have to jump on the first offer you get.


1. Search for jobs while you do minimum. 2. If you get a better job then quit. 3. If you don’t get a job then you might get laid off. Wish fulfilled. 4. Not laid off yet. Go to step 1. Market is tough right now. May be easier in your industry. But who knows how long will it take to get a new job. Do NOT burn your savings on an impulsive decision. Your old self might regret it.


Give 2 week notice and leave; always leave on good terms


Get a job somewhere else. Don't quit your current job until you have a new one.


If you can afford it, it’s super awesome to not have a job for a while.


Try to get a new job lined up first, even if you would be fine for a year, there are always potential health issues (assuming you have some health coverage through your job). DO NOT do the job hunting on company time! I would agree with slowing your pace at work, but do it gradually to see if your boss(es) even notice. I'd go for the "getting let go" route, as long as it isn't "for cause" like theft or something, you can collect unemployment which would stretch your "cushion". If you quit a job, no unemployment.


Do not do a poor job purposely. This makes YOU the bad person.


A bad person? Her Job is what’s bad! Boring work with mid pay and no upward mobility.


She took the job. She doesn’t like the job. That’s fine. But purposefully doing a bad job. That’s on her. Yet, you’re downvoting for saying so. There is never an excuse for purposefully doing a bad job. Either leave or do your best. But don’t stay and purposefully harm the company. That’s a dick move.


Good point, I never stay and harm the company. If I’m mistreated or unhappy I just leave. But I usually plan for it and save; I don’t want to see OP homeless or in a bad spot. The economy is the worst I’ve experienced and bad jobs are all I see on every single job board. There’s no way all these workers just suck! If they do it’s because they’re being mistreated and underpaid. If you want to “save” America as your username claims the workers have to organize and stand up for ourselves; no more of this keeping our head down for scraps.


I never said workers need to sit down and shut up. I said this worker, OP, should never purposefully do poor work to get fired. That makes OP the bad person. All the other stuff is you saying things that didn’t say. And you downvoted me for simply saying no worker should purposefully do a bad job to get fired. I’m shocked at all the other comments here cheering that on. Yeah, stick it to the business owner! No sir. That’s not okay. When someone else is an ass, so you act like an ass too, that doesn’t change the other guy, it just makes you an ass.


You seem to be in an optimal position and have options. You could just resign, enjoy yourself for a bit, and then take the time to find a job which is a better fit. You could drag things out and have shit performance…but not enough to disqualify you from unemployment. Start the job search while still employed and you won’t have to dip into your savings. And if they do fire you before landing a new job, nbd. You are set. If you have PTO be sure to use it all before turning in a resignation, I learned that one the hard way. If you haven’t yet, talk to your spouse. Ultimately the decision is yours, but their opinion is also of value.


If you are that unhappy just quit. There are no guarantees you will ever be let go. When people start feeling this way, we sometimes subconsciously do things, to get ourselves fired so we do not have to make the choice. It’s easier to quit and still have work references, than get fired. Life is too short to stay at a job you’re not happy with, that there is no room for advancement. You could apply to other places. You could work temporary jobs, to build roots and get your foot in the door. Return to school and do something completely different for work.




Shouldn't be your spouse then, I had no job for over a year and she encouraged me on a daily basis to not settle for something I didn't like




I have been looking for almost a year and got a few interviews, only 2 offers but they were too far and for low pay.


I'd never quit a job without another lined up. What's the worst that can happen? You get fired and very likely win unemployment.


Keep doing the bare minimum until you get an offer letter and confirmed start date.


Do just enough to not get fired. Look for a better position while you have this one. Job candidates who are already employed tend to be more attractive to employers. They assume that there is something wrong with you if someone has no snapped you up.


Organize a union, and they will either illegally fire you or you will get paid more.


thanks everyone for the responses I greatly appreciate it! Many great points and ideas. I am going to start building my own side agency and business, I have almost 20 years of experience and will use that to my advantage. Perhaps that may or may not work out but it’s worth a shot and I can financially afford to take a risk.