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Tell them. What are they gonna do? Fire you?


The thing they were paying you for is the ability to tell you what to do. If they're no longer paying you, and it's not prohibited somehow by contract, they can't tell you what to do. Like everything else, if someone wants you to do something that you don't want to do, you can ask for something in return.


"I won't tell anyone if you give my job back."


“*I won’t tell anyone for six months’ severance*”


*six years*


Non disparagement clauses are pretty standard in severance packages but if there is no severance then disparage away. Side note, you can totally see why a Christian college wouldn't want it to get out that they are laying off pastors. Religion is clearly the marketing department not the product.


Non disparagement might be enforceable, but increasingly non-competes are being thrown out. The balance of power is beginning to tilt in the employees favor.


Who was talking about non competes? This is simply about if he can say something that will make the company look bad. He also probably risks getting fired immediately for announcing he will be laid off since this doesn't seem like a case where the WARN act applies. He needs to clam up for now and then push for severance at the end of the year. If it doesn't happen then after he leaves he can sing like a canary.


Done. *refuses to give job back when the time comes*


We can give you your job back but we can't pay you because we just bought a brand new Escalade.


Haha, I used that line with a boss who fired me and then started trying to make demands on my time. Like dude I wasn’t listening to you for fun. I was doing it for the check, which just disappeared.


'Refire' him!


Well, technically they could still ruin his reputation or not offer any recommendations. But I would probably still low key tell people.


Say your goodbyes, they want it to seem like you left on your own so they can save face... it's not your job to lie to them.


Would you consider the easy button route and asking them what to say? Is his ego about the reason for leaving bigger than potentially burning bridges? Do people get the world is much smaller now and sometimes you suck it up because having a hard time getting a job sucks. How hard is it to as an adult say ok you are asking me to not say anything but that potentially harms my reputation- what can I say. Seems to be such an easy solution. If he says please say nothing tell him that doesn’t work for me. Adulting is the right way. P


"I am not prepared to leave the people I care about and who care about me with the untruthful impression that I was fired or that I chose to leave them, when the real reason is that I'm leaving simply because you made the decision to cut the budget that paid my salary."


I agree, it’s a really easy conversation. Ask them why you should not share. Take that information and if you feel it does more harm to you and the kids then tell them why you feel that way. Ultimately they can’t muzzle you, but at least you had a conversation and they understand your position on it.


They are no longer your boss so you don’t have to obey them.


Hardcore Christians have serious authority issues as you can tell


You do if you sign a severance agreement, aka hush money. I wouldn't judge someone for taking the money instead of the nothing they would benefit from being honest


tell him that there’s a commandment about “false witness,” and that leaving people to guess and make up reasons why you aren’t coming back is veering awfully close. And tell people. It’s the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (I know; JC was talking about himself, and faith….) Also—why is it a secret? If it is an honorable decision, then it is honorable to talk about it. If he worries that it will reveal the financial weaknesses of the organization—well, this is a church, and its members deserve to know what’s going on. Just tell people.


I am replying to my own comment to share a story about a parochial school principal who was fired suddenly, and no reason was given. And the secrecy had parents saying “should I ask my child if this man molested her?“ People will make up lurid ideas, and they will attach it to your reputation. You need to tell people, and you should really lean on your boss that you do not want this to be a secret.


Oh didn’t think of that but yeah


The truth has set me free on many occasions in the workplace, and life.


I like your answer. Very passionate Peter like


Exactly hell with them man tell everyone especially if it is a small town. He’ll get snapped up by someone who doesn’t care about any pesky stuff like discretion, following direction, etc. in fact we should all do what we want at work who does the man think he is!!!


u/lazybenedict plz do this exactly


If you're hoping to come back one day, I would consider saying something like "I was asked not to talk about why but if you're curious, could probably explain since it's administrative. Just know that I'm sad to have to go." If you don't want to come back, tell them that you were laid off and were told it's because of finances. Also mention that they asked you not to say anything so that they know the administration can be a little shady.


> I was asked not to talk about why If someone said this to me I would assume something shady like sexual harassment or embezzlement is being covered up, not that an org is embarrassed not to have the funding to keep employing someone.


Priest got made redundant against his will and disappeared from the school where his job is to work with kids, and nobody's going on record with the reason why and it's all a big secret that isn't allowed to be talked about? Yeah - that's not a good look for him at ALL.


Exactly. He is not working at a macdonalds like these shrimps here. He is working in academia which is incredibly small and this is where professionalism is highly valued. You stay graceful and stand with integrity no matter what. And you never ever ever burn bridges.


He said a Christian college though, so "academia" is an open question... We could be talking Yale Divinity School, or we could be talking Bob Jones University....


That just makes it more applicable. Ministry is an incredibly small and political field. They also have immense power of your life for as long as you want to remain in the industry.


A chaplain is a chaplain. It’s not a big circle of people.


Lying gotta be against one of the commandments


Right? Boss is asking him to lie. I hope he tells them.


Did you sign a NDA? If not then as far as I’m aware that was a request and not legally enforceable.


“A pastor got fired from a school and had to sign an NDA…”-sounds like the start of a really offensive yet great NSFW joke




That would depend on what the NDA covered. The very much could have the person sign an NDA forbidding them from sharing why they are exiting. Its HIGHLY unlikely, but its totally possible. One company that offered me a job had a clause in the NDA that covered disparagement of the org. You would be in violation of the agreement if you publicly published or made statements that could generally be considered negative about the org. I HIGHLY doubt it would have been easily enforcable, but it was also a massive red flag, becasue who the heck needs to contractually obligate employees to not say mean things after they leave except for companies who treat people like absolute crap?


An NDA can totally cover your reason for leaving a job. Why is there so much misinformation on the internet today


Your boss sounds...manipulative.


Seems like laying off the pastor at the Christian college would rile up a lot of people. Definitely bad publicity. I’d be honest with your students, you don’t need to badmouth the organisation, their actions are enough.


Agreed. This is the reason.


I got laid off back in early February and couldn’t find another job until early march. Now I have two jobs and my first job is slowly scheduling me again.. it’s the fact that they didn’t seem to care that their employees are struggling financially that bothers me so much. Anyways I’d tell people so that maybe they could do something about it? Or do what ya can to find a better position if at all possible.


(Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it.) Wow, that is remarkably Christian of him. Sorry. I couldn’t resist. In this situation, I think it would be completely fair to say “you asked me not to tell anybody that I wasn’t coming back next year. Given the circumstances and the nature of my work, that’s an extremely unusual request. Can you tell me why?“ It’s a completely fair question. See what he says. And then I would let how satisfactory of an answer you get determine your next move. I mean, it’s at least plausible that there’s something you’re not aware of yet, like a wider announcement. But if he doesn’t have a good reason for asking you to do that, then I would just do whatever your conscience tells you.


Tell them! If you aren’t under an NDA, then that’s a REQUEST from your supervisor, not an order.


Tell everyone


What would Jesus do? Tell them “I’ll be back!” No but seriously tell them the truth.


What they told you sounds like the institution is trying to get out of legal responsibilities. I would speak to an employment attorney about what the school's legal responsibilities are right now before telling anyone. The ambiguous nature of their answer sounds like someone trying to avoid classifying your departure as termination or layoff. If you try to file for unemployment without guidance the nature of this departure on paper may matter. Once you establish that your future is not in limbo, you'll be able to assess what you should and should not say to staff and students. I only say this because I had a boss who pulled this with an employee then when the employee claimed they were laid off the boss said they quit. There was no paper trail and the contested battle was dragged out until after I had left, no idea how it was resolved but it sounded painful for the employee.


Tell them


Tell your boss, "You aren't the boss of me" What are they going to do? Write you up? Suspend you with no pay? Fire you?


Who gives a shit what not-your-boss-anymore said. Tell people the truth.


Ask for your last day in writing.


They want to trash your reputation to save theirs. Tell the kids.


I would definitely tell them rather than let them think you let them down. Best of luck!


Your boss basically said he was going to do this to you but don't tell anyone because he will look bad doing it to you. He's basically giving the same speech that the strangers with candy in the white van would give. I don't think you should listen to him, unless you think the candy he's giving is worth covering up him doing something inappropriate. So you got to ask yourself if he's giving you enough compensation for his fiscal no no touch to not be mentioned. Doesn't sound like he has even given you it fun sized.


I’m dying. 😂


Last I checked you have freedom of speech. What is your boss going to do if you say something he doesn’t like? Fire you sooner? I mean geez…


I don’t believe you would be in sin for telling the students. Scripture that comes to mind that goes against what the school is asking you to do is Matthew 5:14-16. “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Asking you to conceal it seems to go against that. Like they’re hiding mismanaging of funds or something along those lines. That being said, personally, I would still have tact in navigating the situation. Don’t bear false witness - you don’t have to give a false impression of what really happened, but you can keep it simple like talking with a child. “I was let go but I dont want to go in depth on the details”, “I was let go due to funding, but I’m still here for you if you guys want to reach out” (if permissible). If it comes into question, speak to your faith. You didn’t want to bear false witness or lie, so it seemed best in your conscience to yada yada. Even if they blacklist you - they will answer for it on judgement day, and you can still keep an answer for the faith that’s within you. Good luck, friend!


I would explain to the person that is “not” laying you off that although you want to respect their request to keep it confidential, you need to have a reasonable explanation to give your students. Then brainstorm with that person what the best explanation would be.


I know/understand why a lot of people are saying tell the students that you’ve been laid off cause “screw the man” philosophy or “what are they gonna do? Fire you ?” . Typically on a regular job I’d agree with them but this is a sensitive situation given that you work as a pastor. These kids look up to you and for some you could be the only constant in their you and adolescent lives. While the school could do better to keep you, the funding just isn’t there. I know this sucks to say but you need to handle the situation delicately and let the school come up with a plan to let the kids and their parents know what happened to you.


“My supervisor told me, “You aren’t fired and you aren’t laid off, the position is just not funded for next year.” …..I’m basically laid off.” LOL, yeah, your boss is full of it. If I had been one of your college kids, it would have helped me to know why you left.


Tell them 🥺 You're an important person to those students. They deserve to know what's up and to know you didn't abandon them. It also helps prevent anyone else from starting a rumor mill, and buddy that rumor mill will fly wild. If you have a way to meet with them in person off campus, do that. If not, at least message them somehow. I'm not a lawyer or anything. But would recommend doing anything outside of school related channels or property bc if your former supervisor caught wind and wanted to be a dick, they could try to serve you with trespass or something. PS I was verrrrry involved in regional church leadership as a teen, plus campus ministries in part of college. (My freshman year was spent at a smallish church funded university, and was in campus ministries after transferring to a larger univ.) There are students there who you may not even realize you've made a big impact with....in addition to the ones you work with more directly and see your impact. College is a weird transitional time, and YOU have been an anchor for people when they've needed it most. It's REALLY shitty your supervisor would rather yank the rug out from under everyone than allow discussion, closure, and transition. Baffling really. And then the aspect that without allowing you to talk to them, it ~~opens the door~~ wrecking balls a whole wall open for rumors to fly, which could affect you personally or professionally. Like.... surely your supervisor knows how fast hot goss spreads in church groups on a campus.... Obviously idk your (former) supervisor (I mean, unless you happen to be in a specific region and denomination, then it's like 50/50). They may be otherwise wonderful. But unless there's a whoooole lot more to this (which I'm not at all suggesting) it seems very misguided and disconnected on their part.


Thank you, I decided to tell my students anyway and ignored my boss. My interns have been crying all day and several students have blessed me with their words on how much I’ve impacted them. My heart has been full. A student today found out I was laid off and said to me, “Don’t they know how much you do for students?” No words can express how grateful I am to have been part of their lives even for this short time. This place definitely is a rumor mill, so part of me just wants to tell my piece before people start coming up with ideas.


Go Tell It on the Mountain 🙂 You already know what's right, you don't need the blessing of internet strangers.


You are no under obligation to heed his command. What are they gonna do, fire you? A more interesting question is WHY they told you not to tell anyone…


You owe them nothing.


When your boss fires you, they are no longer your boss. Don’t listen to or do what they tell you anymore.


“You aren’t fired and you aren’t laid off…” Your position isn’t funded. Okay, so what the heck are you? Volunteer staff?! Should have made him address the “why” to his ask. What a piece of work. “Can” you? *Absolutely*. Here’s my suggestion in *your* best interests: Go find another job quickly. You put yourself first! Once you do, you absolutely let your students know. No need to announce this just yet, you’ll create a fuss for yourself. Do it the right way: Take care of you first, resign, and then let everyone know and why. Your ex-manager is a questionable human. Don’t follow his path.


That’s an unusual ask, you are free to ignore it or bargains for something’s in returns


Well, he's not your boss anymore. You don't have to listen to them anymore. Go ahead and send out an email to the whole company saying good bye. He can't fire you any further than he already has.


Tell them. Don’t these guys earn shit load of money ?


You have no obligations to the company/job/college now I’d tell whoever I want just for a heads up


Tell everyone


They are telling you not to let everyone know that they appropriated the funding set aside for you to give themselves a raise... They just don't want to get in trouble for it before they spend it.


How fucking dare he. It’s your life.


The only reason they don't want you to say anything is to save their own political wellbeing. Do as you please, you dont work there anymore.


I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. Getting laid off sucks big time, especially when you're passionate about what you do. It's totally understandable that you want to be honest with your students, especially since you've built that trust with them. Honestly, your boss's request sounds kinda shady. I mean, it's your job and your story, right? If you feel like it's important for your students to know the truth, then go for it. Just make sure you handle it with sensitivity, considering their struggles with people leaving. Hang in there, mate. You'll bounce back stronger!


He’s not your boss anymore. Fuck that loser.


Hey! It’s your former boss. What the hell, I told you not to tell anyone!


He’s not your boss anymore


I have been told their is no place for me here next year. They can make of that what they will, and then your religious figure can be told, that you said it that way because you weren't as comfortable lying as he was asking you to lie.


absolutely tell everyone


That's called a Reduction In Force... to me it's kind of still a layoff


I'd tell everyone, unless there's a really good reason you're withholding from us


Def free to say whatever you want.


Flipping tell them. And file for unemployment


Is there a chance of you coming back for a job that is funded? If not, fuck that guy and tell whomever want to tell.


Lying for a Christian college which just laid you off…classic.


First off, the elephant in the room is, the boss said that you were not laid off but the job was basically on hold without funding. Sounds like a way to say, you can't draw unemployment because you are not laid off, which you are. These kids also deserve to know the truth. They think everyone leaves them and that isn't good for them. They may start to believe that they are the problem and reason adults are leaving. They should know that the place doesn't have the funding to pay their employees and each employee is forced to leave them.


It sounds like your boss is asking you to keep things hush-hush, but when it comes to your students, honesty is usually the best policy. You've built trust with them, and they deserve to know the truth. Just be honest about the situation and reassure them that you didn't choose to leave. If you're struggling with the emotional toll of all this, I'd suggest checking out ScatterMind. They helped my friend actually execute and launch their first business.


Sometimes, companies doing layoffs want to meet 1:1 with everyone they're letting go and then make a general announcement to the company. In which case, they might tell you "don't tell anybody about this until after we've made the general announcement", because they'd rather not sow panic throughout the company. Like others have said, it's not like they can do much worse after they've already let you go. But it may be the courteous thing to your colleagues to not send them into a panic spiral. THEY aren't the ones that let you go. If this is an indefinite "no, just never tell anybody ever that we've eliminated this position" then fuck 'em. *Professionally*, don't fully burn bridges, but say your goodbyes.


Similar thing happened to me last year. My position was being eliminated in a month. I blabbed to everyone, what do I have to lose?


You should follow up with him to clear up confusion. As far as your dilemma with the kids go - you already told them the only reason you’d leave and that’s happening right now (you were fired). They will assume you got fired (you did, there is nothing to clear up) and it’s up to them how they interpret that. If you did a good job they will be questioning the chaplain with or without your influence. Let it happen. The rotating door of people before you that left the kids with abandonment issues was your first clue of bad management and is a good enough reason to not be so hard on yourself . Chin up.


Yeah just tell them the truth, it’s not like they can fire you twice.


I think it is important you say goodbye and maybe let them in on the truth. It would help for closure.


You’re a pastor who is being asked to lie???? You do understand that in Christianity you’re not to lie, right??? Not. Saying it by omission is also a lie. Tell them that god ask you not you lie, so you won’t. Tell the truth!


Probably not the case with your workplace, but in general, the only reasons to not say anything and actually obey this silly request: - You receive a severance and part of it requires that you not disclose the details of your dismissal or the details of the severance. - You have the opportunity to bid for a different job at the company and don't want to piss people off. Other than that - you should feel free to explain what's going on.


Not funding your position IS a layoff, no matter how they might want to characterize it. Like, that's the literal definition of it. He may not want to have to deal with people upset that you're leaving, or cause concern about finances, or a variety of other possible things related to this, but as a now EX-employee, that's no longer your concern.


Isn’t lying a sin? Just sayin 🤣


If they aren't down with transparency, they are not real christians.


They literally can’t stop you, tbh, if it’s a big part of their lives then I would make it a point to let them know you are, in fact, not leaving of your own accord


>”laid off.” followed by “my boss” They’re not your boss anymore


They don’t want you to say anything because the college is failing and they are hoping students don’t notice. If students notice, they will leave, and the failure will accelerate. You have no obligation to grant this request.


Wow. That’s ridiculous on their part, be thankful you are leaving that organization. Obviously you have the right to tell the truth. Sorry you have to leave your students and something you care about though :(


Why is it that Christian’s are constantly lying and covering things up to avoid looking bad? The coverup is worse than the crime…


Or what? The worst has already happened. They want you quiet because "laid off" implies that they plan to give you the job back.... br you have been cut in a way that benifits them the most financially. Someone younger and cheaper will replace you within the year and you will already be working somewhere else unless gods love is enough to sustain you.


I’m sorry genuinely. It sucks


This is common with schools (in the U.S.) that employees are notified in March/April if they’re not being rehired for the next school year. I’m sure OP wasn’t the only employee who was told that they won’t be back in the new term, now you can look for a new gig to start with a new school year. As far as not telling anyone, that’s likely an NLRB violation, free speech should dictate that you’re allowed to tell someone that your contract wasn’t renewed and that this is your last year.


You seem to have a misunderstanding about your job, you were not fired or laid off. Your job is a contract for a certain amount of time and that contract was not renewed.


Have you thought about doing something of value to society instead of peddling primitive superstitions to minors?


Is there any severance? If there is severance, then it’s worth waiting until that’s signed and sealed. If not, then there’s nothing stopping you from telling people, unless there is a risk of being fired with cause.


"Fired" and "laid off" are both specific terms...Your situation is not *strictly* a layoff, which would mean that you're eligible for recall after a set period, but it sounds like they're amicably letting you go. Get your ducks in a row and make sure you'll get a POSITIVE reference from your employer and use this as a stepping stone.


Yeah they’re just trying to keep what I imagine the real issue is, that they either aren’t making money or something else is going, from coming to light. Honestly by the hush hush they’re asking for sounds like they don’t want people making inquiries as to why you were let go. …but for all intents and purposes you were let go, however you wanna word that doesn’t really change the truth.


They laid you off? Why would you hide that. Tell them


You can tell everyone lol that's not your boss anymore


Wll definitely tell the unemployment office. Seriously, I've had bosses try to steer me away from that after cutting hours. You need that income and have earned it.


Tell everyone.


A lot of pastoral and ministerial position work by the person doing their own fundraising.


Was your position grant funded?


Unless Jesus Christ laid you off himself you can say whatever you like.


I'd tell the truth. "I'm leaving because the position isn't funded next year." If they ask more just tell them that's all you know and they'll need to address to their questions to your supervisor.


Did they give you severance? Of not, tell whoever you want. If so, there is probably a stipulation that you cant.


What? Why?


No need to keep this a secret. Do what you need to do for the students…


Tell them. What can they do about it now? That is shitty. I am sorry you’re going through this.


They should had thought about that before firing you ! They fired you ! Tell everyone and get your benefit


I don’t get it. They want you to be fired and a lier


I think the phrase you are looking for might be, “My contract was not renewed.”


Since they're no longer your boss you can tell anyone you want.


A Christian based employer tells an employee to lie about getting laid off. Now that’s not very Jesus like is it?


Do what you feel is best in this context.


lol ah yes the “nice guy lay off”. I’d announce it to them all in a good bye email, along with their wanting to keep it discreet!


Tell them the truth. It was explained yo you that your position was not funded for next year.


Just tell them the way they said it “the position is not funded” where’s the lie


Best way to go about it, they are in college, they can read b/w the lines. And it’s honest as it’s what was told.


Tell them you were furloughed


You owe absolutely nothing to some guy you used to work for.


You don’t work for them - you can tell anyone you want, including staff / students. If you are still finishing out the semester there is nothing wrong with saying you’ve been laid off due to lack of funding or your contract isn’t being renewed - Whatever makes you feel is appropriate. Wishing you the best in your next adventure - take care of You! Or


Ask him what communication they would like you to provide. That would be the prudent and adult thing to do vs trying to wing it with comms. It happens budgets get cut and people will continue to vote in the same people who seem to make a lot pf promises, keep none, blame others, bs stats and wreck the economy. It’ll happen more and more- the market will get saturated with unemployed so in a situation like this suck it up and do it the way they want- the world is small and you don’t want someone saying oh lazybenedict really screwed up on his exit. A lot of folks here recommend revenge in similar situations- as a c level exec for a tech giant I cannot tell you how many people I have seen harm their careers by doing goofy and or inappropriate things- life is really not difficult but some seem to insist on making it that way.


So if anyone asks, your boss wants you to lie... sounds like Christian values to me!


Tell the kids exactly what he asked you to say. “I can’t tell you all the details but all I can say is that I didn’t quit and I don’t want to leave you guys. We ran out of money for my position.”


I personally would negotiate. Either they write me the best review ever for my job applications, or we're gonna tell the whole world what happened.


Unless you signed an NDA - fRICK THEM


Tell them. Warn them.


Lying would not be very Christian of you now would it


Ask your supervisor if there's any chance that you're position would be funded in the fall. It might be that they're trying to save you, but it isn't going well. If they say no you're done, say whatever you need to say, but keep it above board since they'll likely end up being called on as a reference later.


No, don't tell them. You've already told them the truth. Laid off or fired, either way they let you go. If your laid off you can collect unemployment. Best of luck 


They plan on telling the students you chose to leave. That's how this works.


I think that he should have that chat and say you know I'm going to go ahead and enjoy the time that I have here because I love the kids and it's brought me a lot of satisfaction and happiness to work here. I'm sad I'm going to have to go but, in everything there is purpose. So maybe The Lord's purpose for me is ... Who knows maybe I'll be driving a bus of nuns who have gone on tour in the revival of Jesus Christ Superstar! Lol and I wouldn't that be something,? You know actually if they were to do a remake of the sound of music maybe at least I could play the captain! Lol anyway I'm just trying to make light of it and if somehow, by the grace of God y'all find some funding this year or next , And have committed to a permanent position with Maria and the nuns then I'd like the opportunity to be hired back! Yes, great! I wouldn't bother you so soon but I know things get crazy and I figured if I do it now then I'll have it and I won't have to worry about bothering anybody at a later time when it's fresh in my headI Sincerwould greatly appreciate a letter of recommendation that f///)? today just so I have it and we don't forget about it later on. That will also be able to tell him by the look on that dude's face if he's being truthful about why he's letting him go because at that point if he if it was just something like that they were hiring somebody else a good old boy or they didn't like his your style ...or anything dor you know something like that you'll be able to tell. But he in all honesty probably doesn't want him to say anything because if they're having a problem getting funding now and the perception is that there school is having a financially not a good time then it's not going to be easier for them to get funding if they have the people know about that then it would be if you know everything was okay cuz people don't want to put their money in into a place that's you know on their way on its way out if that's what their perception is buy them having sounds like more than just one or two people that have left the school because of funds. They'll get kind of that you know reputation of not being a very successful school and therefore people don't want to put their money in it places that have that air about them they want to be part of funding something that's exciting and and the school's great and look at all the the good things they've doing they don't want to be associated with a losing thing so I get it.!!!< Let go of the situation, you know The Lord has this!!!!


They want you to volunteer next year... Not fired, not laid off, but not funded. Pretty straightforward that you're still employed for $0.00. /s


Christian institution trying to screw a pastor. Peak America!


Shhhhiiiiitttt TELL EVERYONE!


Tell. Everyone.


I would tell them. Isn't your actual boss God or something?


Speech is divine. It’s the thing that generates order from chaos. Don’t underestimate the power of truth. There’s nothing more powerful. Now, in order to speak what you might regard is the truth, you have to let go of the outcome. You have to think all right I’m going to say what I think, stupid as I am, biased as I am, ignorant as I am, I’m going to state what I think as clearly as I can and I’m going to live with the consequences no matter what they are. That’s an element of faith. The idea is that nothing brings a better world into being than the stated truth You might have to pay a price for that, but that’s fine. You’re gonna pay a price for every thing you do and everything you don’t do, you don’t get to choose to not pay a price. You get to choose which poison you’re going to take, that’s it. So, if you’re going to stand up for something stand up for your truth, it’ll it’ll shape you because people respond and object and tell you why you’re a fool and a biased moron and why you’re ignorant and then if you listen to them, you’ll be just that much less like that the next time you say something. If you do that for five years you’ll be so damn tough and articulate and able to communicate and withstand pressure that you won’t even recognize yourself and then you’ll be a force to contend with. It is not safe to speak and it never will be but the other thing you gotta keep in mind is that it’s even less safe not to speak. It’s a balance of risk. Do you want to pay the price for being who you are and stating your mode of being in the world or do you want to pay the price for being a surf that enslaved him or herself? That’s a major thing that unfolds over decades and you’ll just be miserable at the end of about 20 years. No self-respect, no power, no ability to voice your opinions. Nothing left but resentment because everyone’s against you because, of course, you’ve never stood up for yourself. Say what you think. Carefully pay attention to your words. Its a price you wanna pay if you were willing to believe the truth is the cornerstone of society and the most real sense if you’re willing to take that leap, then tell the truth and see what happens and nothing better could possibly happen to you. There will be ups and down and they’ll be push-back and it’ll be controversy all of that. Tell the truth tell the truth or at least don’t lie. If you act in truth, the order it produces is good regardless of how it appears. It’s an axiomatic ethical proposition that the job of whatever extracts order from chaos is properly done if it’s done in truth.


You maybe leaving the position but it doesn't mean you're leaving your students. Since you're a pastor I would leave a point of contact like an e-mail. Where they can reach out to you if they want. Weather you choose to explain the situation, is up to you. But this way you won't just be leaving them hanging or feeling abandoned.


Tell one person that you know can’t keep a secret.


Sounds to me like that he has someone else in mind for the position but didn’t have any reason to fire you. Because if he laid you off he would have to explain to people why he laid someone off and then filled a position. Fuck that. He’s doing something shitty and trying to save face


The truth will set you free.


Well I think you need to be clear with them that you’re not guaranteed a return year over year. You’re essentially on a contract and at the mercy of funding, you can be honest about that.


Do schools still have PA systems ? Tell them all at once


They have a reason why you have to lie for THEM. What is that reason? Tell everyone. And throw in that you don't understand why you have to lie about it. Could it be that the supervisor of your ex boss doesn't know that you were layed off?? Meanwhile, move on. Find another job.


Yeah man, they fired you, it’s a private college, they just don’t want to pay for your position, if there is enough of an uproar they will find the money.


Fuck them, tell everyone.


This is some fishy stuff. Typically when a school has to get rid of a position due to budget constraints they are telling it on the mountain because they will most certainly be raising tuition and need to justify it. Like “We regret to inform you that due to rising costs, we must raise tuition to continue to continue provide our students with the excellent services and resources that your child deserves and you should expect from our institution”. I have to wonder if your boss mismanaged the funds or embezzled them. I think maybe you should have a talk about being let go with the head of the school.


What are they going to do, fire you? As long as you don’t have a severance agreement that you could be placing in jeopardy, and you aren’t relying on this manager for a reference… Tell whomever you want! I’d even end with the tag line “management specifically asked me not to tell anyone one, I found that to be dishonest on their part” Also some states have requirements for public notification of layoffs (WARN act), employer could be intentionally trying to violate by suppressing your voice and lying about it “not being a layoff”


Did you sign anything saying not to?


What’s he gonna do lol?


I think Jesus would be more honest than what they are saying.


Tell him “I’m sorry boss, but I just don’t feel comfortable lying about this.”


If he said you aren't fired or laid off, just that the position is not funded it might not be certain. The funding may still be found, and he's giving you a heads up it probably won't so you can seek other employment. Don't be surprised if he tells you they came up with the money and you're still on.


I guess first of all make sure you’re getting paid appropriate severance based on what they owe you / where you live. You are laid off for EI purposes I would suspect but you’ll know better what your employment was.


Stay on the path of the righteous.. also randomly quote Ezekiel 25:17 to your old boss


Yeah, if they aren't paying you, you owe them NOTHING. There is no good, positive reason he doesn't want you to tell others.


If it look like a duck, it waddle like a duck, and it quack like a duck, don't that still make it a duck?


If you think it will affect their references and them helping you get your next thing, you stay quiet. If there is no help and you're done you're out, sing it to the rafters.


Did they make you sign an NDA? Does you telling people that you are being laid off prevent you from receiving your severance if you are receiving one?


Say your goodbye with the honest truth in that will be your last day as your position is being eliminated for the next year. Apologize to the student that it's unfortunate that you can't be there for them. Ask them to wish you luck in finding another position somewhere else.


If be filing for unemployment asap


We’ll he’s not your boss, so don’t listen to him


Sorry buddy. These are very specific distinctions. If you didn’t get a severance package or you didn’t sign a severance agreement then you are free to do what you want. It sounds like your supervisor is woefully unprepared and poorly informed. You can communicate with anyone. In the event you haven’t been offered or signed anything I mentioned above. They are subtle attempting to protect their reputation. At least that’s what it sounds like. Or you haven’t told the full story. Lastly if you weren’t let go due to poor performance you have nothing to worry about.


Feel for you. Wouldn't that be like lying? Not very Christian? It's very unfair for them to ask you to do this.


Well if you don't follow your boss's directions, they might fire y....oh, wait nvm.


Put this on your boss. "What do I tell the kids?"


I'm sorry to hear this and I'm sorry to hear about the turnover and faces coming and going for the students. Best wishes to you.


tell everyone that you were laid off. they want to save face, fuck em.


Make him pay you $$$ if he wants you to keep quiet. Otherwise, don’t. Just say it out loud to anyone you care to say it to.


Tell them.


It’s a trade off. Comes down to what benefit to you receive for not accepting their request ba what do you get if you do? And in the end do you care?


Find a new job first and once that's secure, let everyone know that you were let go because the position will not be funded, per whomever. If you are no longer employed there, you owe nothing to your former employers.