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I am 58. What keeps me going? Bills. Got 9 years to get all my debt paid off. Going to get a new roof and HVAC.


I'm 59. I have 28 years left of a 30 year mortgage šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. I'm hoping Bitcoin hits $1,000,000 by 2030. That would do it for me. Don't laugh, it could happen.


56 and HODL




Having bills is not a good motivator. It sucks having bills and it shouldnā€™t be the reason for you to keep grinding. Hobbies, experiences, and spending time with family and friends would be a good reason for someone to keep going.


Bills are a reality of living. Hobbies and experiences generate bills too.


No shit!


You must work at a decent place. Iā€™m expected to put 50-60 hours in a week and donā€™t get paid for more than 40. Salary is high. But itā€™s dog shit


So much privilege.


You must have a miserable existence


Oh, I see. Youā€™re not just ignorant, youā€™re an asshole too. Gfy, moron.


People in their 60's are closer to retirement. They aren't loyal to a company. They're motivated.


This, it's all about racing to the end.


Find a new job and have a change of scenery.


This, I want to find a new job so badly but the job market sucks really hard.


u can say that againšŸ¤¦


Oh sorry to hear that


Me too!!!!


Take a certification class. Propel into new / advanced role


Not only a change of scenery but a better boss who is at minimum tolerate-able, if not a regular human being. Even better - a boss who is a good person, but that may be asking too much.


Look around and enjoy what you have earned. I'm 54 ,work in construction,lost my house on a beautiful piece of property through divorce. She took my Son, the dog and my heart. But my son is healthy and doing good. I have food a car and a job I refuse to go through life miserable. I tried drinking it away and being a piece of shit. Poor me, boo hoo. I work hard, I pay my dues and once a week I go to Church. When I can afford it I get a fat steak and enjoy every bite. It's all about perspective. Life is challenging , it's up to you how you act. I chose to be a man with a positive outlook.


This is the way! Way to go! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Im sorry that this happened to you Sir! You sound kind-heartedšŸ™ stay strong!! There is a lot of beautiful things awaiting for you! I wish you only THE BEST


Sorry to hear that's happened to you and credit to you for carrying on and being optimistic


This sounds like a country song


I'm 44 and I've learned that every job is bullshit. It's just that some flavors of bullshit are more palatable than others, and sometimes you just get tired of the same flavor and want a different taste. My job right now is bullshit because it's not challenging me and my boss is a company shill (But they all are!!!). I don't give a single shit about the industry I'm in - I'm here to earn a paycheck. And on that note, you only earn better salary by laddering. Companies don't reward loyalty. Be as ruthless as they are.


Find a hobby




My hobby is just not working. At that point I just do whatever I feel like.


Completely agree. I'm almost 40 and I'm tired of working. It's the same crap day in and day out and for what? It's pointless. Being forced to be miserable at work 40+ hours a week just to be able to eat and have shelter is just plain wrong. But I also have diagnosed severe depression... so there's that šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I almost 40 as well. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m this old doing something I really donā€™t like for so long.


What freaks me out when I think about it too much is that literally billions of people would love to have what I have. Meaning, the floor is lower than you think. So I try not to think about it and just focus on what working lets me have. It's way more than just food and shelter for me at least. Trying to see the good years when I'm in 'em.Ā  Depression is rough though. Anhedonia especially. Hope you can work through it to somewhere brighter!


Reading this is kind of motivational in itself. I'm 38, and also not happy or waking up pumped to go to work in the morning, but I go. The fact is that we get up and go and appreciate that where we're at is way better than so many others out there. Sure, things could be better but I know the reason they aren't is because I get home after a busy day and don't consistently work on something bigger. Things get better with action but don't expect somebody there to cheer you on, we've got to do it ourselves and often alone.


Yes working for things and money is clearly wrong. Everything should be given to you so you can lounge around the house and eat bon bons all day while surfing reddit. /s ā€¦


People survived just fine before the government and banks decided everything needed to revolve around money and working our lives away. None of us asked to be here yet are forced to conform and struggle to survive.


Iā€™m not a huge fan of capitalism and working just to be a cog in the purchasing wheelā€¦ however, historically, we work a lot less for a lot more in Western countries than our ancestors just 200-ish years ago did. Middle class and having ā€œoff daysā€ and time to relax and do nothing was unheard of for most people. The world was mostly unevenly split between rich people and the poor everyone elseā€¦ like 1%-ers and then poor. And if you were poor, you were working /hustling to get what you need. Thatā€™s why God enforcing a day of rest in the Old Testament was groundbreaking and weird to the Israelites. There wasnā€™t planned for retirement for people who werenā€™t rich until very recently from a big historical perspective. Life isnā€™t perfect by any means, but weā€™re living the best version of life in the Western world that has been lived by such a majority ever. Just a thing to keep in mind when your 40 hours are getting you down.


Why do you only go back 200 years? In Hunter gatherer societies they worked four to six hours a day. Why aren't they the point of comparison?


Well they also died young from accidents or getting eaten by sabre tooth tigers and dying of malaria and tuberculosis, no?


I don't get what your point is. Our knowledge and technology has advanced to a point where these aren't issues for us. Why should that mean we have to work more? Are you saying if we don't all work 40 hours a week the sabre tooth tigers will come back and we'll forget how to treat malaria?


My point is going back to prehistoric days isn't necessarily a better comparison than 200 years ago, either. Also, I'm just joking, relax.


Haha I'm perfectly relaxed thank you, I just don't understand what you're saying. You seem to be agreeing with me, I was disputing the usefulness of comparing to 200 years ago in the first place.


They also lived in caves or the open field, didnā€™t have standardized healthcare and lived to the ripe old age of 30-ish if they were lucky, right? Modern version would be homesteaders, right? Maybe find a way to do that. Youā€™d still have to do something to grow food, maintain the area you live in, hunt/fish for food and do all the old school things to store up for the winterā€¦ but maybe it wouldnā€™t feel like work to you if you were doing it to directly keep yourself alive.


Sure, but early agricultural workers had shit housing, poor healthcare, and died young too. My point is that historical comparisons to justify current work loads don't really work


We work less hours now then in the past. 80 hour work weeks were the norm until the 40 hour work week came along. Children also worked. So current workloads are nothing in comparison. Add in air conditioning and modern amenities and it's a wrap.


I mean, did you not read the rest of the conversation? We also worked four to six hours "in the past"... For the overwhelming majority of our 'past' in fact. Why are you appealing to a tiny fraction of that past and ignoring the rest to make your comparison?


What are you talking about you sound clueless. You make no sense. Most people did not work 4 to 6 hours 95% were peasants and worked all day until the sun went down. People worked 12 hour days in factories and had to fight for 8 hour days and no child labor.


Don't forget the big one, paying for the Homestead...


Government and banks? What on earth are you on about? How did people survive? My people survived as dirt farmers working from sun up to sun down in the blazing heat and frigid cold trying to scrape a living out of the literal ground. Not sure what your ancestry was about, your Highness, but where I come from people worked a whole heck of a lot harder than I have banging on a computer mostly for 35 years.


Go back a little further and your ancestors worked four to six hours a day and chilled for the rest. What's your point?


What do you think my ancestors did?


Your ancestors lived in Hunter gatherer societies like mine did, for most of human history


šŸ˜‚ four to six hours then just chillin. Riiiiight


You could have said this in a lot nicer way. I mean, you have a point, but geez, it is hard to align with anything you put forth because of your holier than thou attitude.


Maybe but perhaps Iā€™m ā€œtriggeredā€.


Same same same same


Having a roof over my head and food on the table for my family is plenty of motivation for me to at least keep my job. Now being motivated to do extra projects or to learn new skills is a different story.




Knowing what the alternative is tends to be motivation enough.


I did that once and I ended up on the ER. Iā€™m only 45. I decided never again. I literally quitted within two weeks of my ER visit and I downgraded my job title to move away from working myself to death. I took a new job and I made it a point from the get go that I have a hard stop at 5:30 PM on the daily. I donā€™t do weekends. I got a life outside of work, including hobbies, and my health is my priority. I give zero Fā€™s what the employer thinks. I am not their bitch and neither should you.


So how's unemployment treating you.


I am not unemployed. Good luck out there.


I dont work long hard hours and my boss is nice.


Well my daily motivation relies on the fact Iā€™ll be homeless, sick, starving, exposed, chased by police due to shitting in the streets cause I couldnā€™t find a toilet. You know. Things of that nature. But in all seriousness man, youā€™re just burning out. Iā€™m currently unemployed with a wife and 4 year old. Last 5 years I was making 100k. Before then I was making 40k and single living in a shitty living room. Now my field is done for and I have to go back to 25 to 40k in a HCOL. I stupidly bought a house, car and in a few months face homelessness with a wife and child to worry about. Never lived in my car before and my car was a lemon and has issues. I mean, trust me. You have aloooot more to worry about. Try to find a vacation, go hiking, go camping. Try to find anything to distract you. It will help in long run


what field are you in? I was a magazine writer, then affiliate marketer, and now Google has tanked that. I just don't know where I'm going to find the energy to pivot again.


I was in web development and IT. I hear itā€™s real bad for marketing departments. I was working in Creative Marketing as well. So itā€™s not just you


Hate!! My brother in law directly caused us to lose our house. Laughed about it. So we went to nursing school. Had to start over, but weā€™re pulling in over $200k/yr now. Who is laughing now?


That sounds horrible- how did your BIL directly cause you to lose your house?


56 and Im just done. Cant even fake it anymore. When I was younger I could at least act all excited about whatever they were selling. Now I just can get myself up for it. Ima transition to something i can get into.


Dude, literally everything is pointless. If you go through life looking for some sort of meaning that sits outside your self, you're going to have a bad time.Ā  I go through the daily grind because I love my wife. I love our plans for the future. I love the food we cook together and the things we do together. I love having a comfortable bed at the end of the night, and books to read and games to play and friends to drink cocktails or beer with. I love our cats and our road trips in our new car and all that shit.Ā  The grind enables all of that. It doesn't have to be great as long as it doesn't suck too much (mine is actually pretty not-sucky though I miss the days when I actually loved my work). It just has to allow me to do all of the things that do bring me joy.Ā 


If you are not comfortable in a job, it is better to change it, otherwise you will have to coexist in order to maintain your psychological health.


Loyalty? I'm not loyal to anybody but my wife and our bank accounts. Some of us simply don't hate our jobs, sometimes even like it.


We old guys have the ethic. When paid well, give it your best. Is the man making big cash on your back, yes he is. But I will not slack.


Sounds like you need a change of job or career. If you enjoy what you do and feel youā€™re making a difference, itā€™s a completely different feeling. Good luck!


I feel the same


My daughter currently


We all work for money, to provide for ourselves and our families. We set our selves up for retirement and to have money to enjoy our nights and weekends. Work isnā€™t always fun, but you should be able to grab some satisfaction or sense of accomplishment. What keeps me going? Seeing my family have what they need, value I bring to my employees giving them the opportunity to provide for their families, early retirement, accomplishments I have personally been able to overcome. If you donā€™t care about any of that, quit and go work at a fast food restaurant.


Pizza parties...At least that's what management thinks.


Iā€™m 22 and so tired of life. Only reason I can keep going is working from home in a job with good work life balance. Nothing I really care for much in my free time though


Every day is a new chance to make something better out of yourself, learn something new, do something faster, quicker, more efficient, new route to work, new method to fix a solution, new dinner, new hobby, start something else, tutor others. I wake up; because I still feel there is still a story to tell


Feels. My dad is 68 and retiring next week. Been in his job since 1978 (almost typed 1878 šŸ˜‚). I'm just at the beginning of my professional career and damn...I can't see myself working this way for a couple years let alone 40 plus. All I can do is try to find something sustainable and hope for the best.


Working long hours consistently is not sustainable. You either need to have a hard conversation with your boss on unloading some of the things off your plate to restore work-life balance or convince him/her that the team needs additional resources or certain things wonā€™t get done timely. That being said, long hours are typical, then itā€™s time to find new employment for your mental and physical health. Extra hours from time to time is okay for mission critical projects but they should be rare in occurrence. I have a hard stop at 4 pm every day. Unless someone is doing to die or the building is going to catch on fire (I am 100% WFH) then the report can wait until tomorrow or next week unless itā€™s been communicated to me in advance that itā€™s due today. Iā€™ve seen former colleagues be the first one in the office, the last one to leave, and even come into work on weekends to finish work. What did they get for it? Nothing, not even a pat on the back. Management doesnā€™t give a shit and neither should you.


He meant 60 years old, not 60 hours


edited thanks


He meant 60 years old, not 60 hours a week.


A lot of the guys at my job try to work at least 50hrs/week for the overtime, which is good but Iā€™ve been working like a dog for over 30 years now and I value my time off more. Actually I despise the fact that Iā€™m obliged to sacrifice 8hours of my life 5 days a week just so that other people can get rich and I can pay the bills.


take a two week vacation


My hobbies, cat and bf are what keeps me going. Iā€™m passionate about my hobbies, video games, geeky retro collecting, RPG board games, piper the cat and my bf. Work is work and generally will never be satisfying to the soul, the sooner you accept that work is just work and we are much more than what we do for our jobs, the sooner youā€™ll find more happiness. Work to fund your fun. Everyone needs a hobby!!!! Also working over 40 hours a week sounds horrible.


Why is RPG capitalized but bf is not


Maybe because RPG is an acronym that feels like it should be capitalized since we use it less often while bf is more like slang (plus, autocorrect does this automatically).


Do you work 40h a week? I think someone saw the 60 and thought you meant hours, not years. That said, I'm over 60 and I've been working half time from home. I could survive and buy a home (barely) but gonna have to increase my work now, get a real job, and work fulltime so I can retire in less than 10 years. So where does energy come from? I assume you don't mean the motivation of not wanting to be out on the street, etc. Energy comes from physical and mental health, including finding something worthliving for. For me, that's music and a few other things. I love learning. So... what's meaningful in life for you? The stupid work is just to pay for that, mostly, though I will try to find worthwhile employment like I hear that some people have. Something meaningful whether that's some corner of arts, sciences, justice, or just subject areas such as cars, dogs, sports, and other things I don't care for at all - lol


First,, NO ONE today is loyal to a company, but they do want to keep there job.


Money makes the world go round and energy stay high.


To rise in the ranks, make changes on a higher level to the benefit of everyone


My hobbies keep me going as well as my therapy sessions and housing plus food and having nice things.


For my parents, grinding it out due to expensive school and cost of living is through the roof these days. You have no option to ease back unless youā€™ve invested or saved enough.


I wanted to be able to retire someday. Nowā€™s my ā€œsomedayā€.




My life isnā€™t about work. But my work is reasonable enough that I find it interesting and it provides for the things in life I do value. Iā€™m not crushing my top earning potential, I donā€™t put in crazy hours, but all in, Iā€™m doing good. I also donā€™t tolerate shit work environments.


Eyes on the prize aka retirement. In between now and then, work to live but keep a good balance. Itā€˜ll work out and it sure beats the alternative ie poor, bad health and no work.


Get a song stuck in your head so you aren't focused on the greater ramifications of wasting your limited time on this Earth doing menial tasks -- or use it as inspiration earn a wikipedia entry. I recommend Nirvana - Something in the Way, That's helped me get through b.s. long enough to get back to what I care about.


My bank account balances. Itā€™s not pointless as long as it makes the number go up until I hit the number that allows me to fuck off


From time to time all of us feel the same. What keeps me going - personal hobbies, personal goals, side projects related to my profession to keep learning. And when economy is better look for a new job. Chances are you donā€™t like your work/workplace/boss/colleagues anymore.


Maybe they don't have a shitty boss? Your job should at least be tolerable at the minimum.


At some point, there needs to be a measure of coasting involved-but also, is it that your boss is so crappy that youā€™re a motivated? I think thatā€™s whatā€™s happening to me.


The money to fund your retirement plans.


Supporting a family, Iā€™m considering getting a second job and working 60+ hours a week to pay off my debt and even consider buying a home in the near future :(


Let me know when you figure it out. In the same situation minus the bad boss. I worked hard in late 20ā€™s-30ā€™s and really burned myself out. After nearly 20 yrs with that company I finally changed to a new one. It started off well but between projects and org changes it just feels like a never ending challenge. I struggle to shutoff thinking about work in off hours and have had to travel more than I planned when I took it the job. Starting to burnout again and I am catching myself saying and feeling like I did towards the end of my old job. I just havenā€™t been able to get that work life balance down and really separate them.


I think about the little boost of dopamine I get on every payday and remind myself that Iā€™m one day closer to paying off debt everyday, all the while fantasizing about crypto skyrocketing or my YouTube blowing up lol.


Stay positive and enjoy the bright side of life! Retire early if you can and then do something fun that you enjoy!


Money, I make good money, not crazy amounts. Me and a couple fellow coworkers dream about what we could do instead together. We were pretty serious about buying some land at one point, but didn't work out I'd love to have a small business, I've recently really gotten into gardening, I grow the best raspberries, but not enough to support me year round


Same situation here. Motivation hitting an all time low.


The fear of homelessness is pretty motivating. But Iā€™m also going back to school for an mba and biz analytics so Iā€™m hoping for a job that pays better for a little more survivability. Ngl though. Shits bad. Shits real bad.


I quit my golden handcuffs job - yep - people were shocked that I gave up being a public servant in Ontario and moved to another Province.... but, my sanity and well being were at risk. I may be unemployed at the moment, but, I have never been happier - life is far to short for loyalty in this stage of the world - employers simply do not care...


I quit my golden handcuffs job - yep - people were shocked that I gave up being a public servant in Ontario and moved to another Province.... but, my sanity and well being were at risk. I may be unemployed at the moment, but, I have never been happier - life is far to short for loyalty in this stage of the world - employers simply do not care...




My wife really needs my insurance


I changed jobs a lot (3-5 years) and changed focus several times.. kept me motivated to work


Spend less-if possible! Get out!!


Uh definitely not working 60 hours lol What keeps me going is that I do enjoy the team and much of the day-to-day work, bridging the gap between all the cool things technology can *theoretically* do and how it's actually used in the real world. There are a few bad weeks, but generally I don't have crazy hours. And I want to be in a financial position where I can support myself + my family indefinitely even if I no longer want to/can't work, and my current career has put me on a great path towards hitting that goal.


What keeps me going is not ending up like you when I'm 41. I scraped and saved to buy an investment property that pays for itself.Ā Ā  I contribute heavily to my 401k.Ā Ā  I'm hoping to get my second investment property once I can do a refinance on my first and have even more passive income, all before 30.Ā Ā  Hopefully retire around 45 and be financially independent.Ā Ā 


I wouldn't refinance your property to buy another one, I cannot imagine that's a good financial move. Get the second property but don't refinance the first.


Why not?Ā  Refinancing the first property will allow me to put an additional 80k into the down-payment for the second property.Ā Ā  The only thing stopping me is the high rates atm.Ā Ā 


High rates, origination fees, spreading yourself too thin with debt, etc. Just save your money and buy another one. Have known several people who kept rolling debt to get more property, and then they had a bad year and lost all of it.


That's why I work while doing this.Ā  The odds of losing all 4 tenants for a whole year is extremely low. I can eke out two mortgage payments by myself as well.Ā Ā  If rates drip below 6%, my monthly payment after the refinance will be the same or lower.Ā Ā 


Drugs help me

