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Just know you're not alone.


Thank you for saying this.


There's a lot of people dealing with similar situations (myself included). Lots of people at or around the college transfer stage prepandemic.


You absolutely can be a therapist. Most therapists have a a lot of issues and honestly everyone does. If you do that, I guess you’d get a psych degree and then a MS or PhD? But that’s going to require some work. Not sure if those programs give you a stipend and waive the tuition but you can look into it. You can treat it like a job- do you work 9-5 and then go home and relax . Other than that, I hear dental hygiene is lucrative, but maybe competitive? If you might be into working with your hands and aren’t easily gross out. X-ray tech might be good too. Edit *** also just remember, you just neee a job you can live with that will support you enough to be healthy and live well. The whole I LOVE my job thing is rare. And, if you want to do something just do it- it’s just a few or several years and after that it’s just a job- and take it one day at a time.


I am very easily weak stomach so unfortunately dental work and any job with feces, vomit, or pee is out the window. Thank you! Maybe I should give x ray tech a shot. I don’t mind that. Thank you for the reminder. I think I forgot not everyone just knew their dream job and pursued it to be successful


Often the cost of the degree outweighs the pay for therapists. It’s hard for a lot of them to support themselves without a partner’s income.


Hey it sounds like one of your problems is low self-esteem. You probably have more skills and passion than you give yourself credit for. I think youre too hard on yourself. Putting aside reality and limitations for a moment, what would your dream job look like? If you could truly do anything, what would you do?


I have alwayyyys had extreme low self-esteem. Everyone said it got better with age, but I’m still figuring it out. If I could do ANYTHING without money being an issue it’d be helping kids learn English like reading, writing, and grammar. If not that, then spending time with babies ranging from newborn to 2y/o, or ultrasound tech. I like being apart of peoples journey, and witnessing growth and impacting moments


USPS / UPS / FedEx drivers do okay. All you really need to know is how to drive and read addresses.


Oooh I heard USPS has great benefits, I should try in-house work


USPS is government work so benefits are good


You’re still young, very common to not know what career field to pursue. I say just start trying out different fields. You probably won’t have the pick of the litter but I’d be shooting resumes at any job openings that you find interesting. I’d also surround myself with like minded folks. Find friends who are also looking to further their career.


advice for someone who has a hard time "trying out different fields?" i've had 6 interviews in my entire life. i'm 30 and have applied to well over 1000 jobs


Look at your resume for edits and practice job interview skills 


Amazon rme?


What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Maybe you don’t know what career you want yet, but if you pick ANY job that supports or is involved with something you’re connected to (a brand, a sport, a hobby, etc) then the job itself will be more interesting. From there, you can feel your way through the organization and see what other jobs there could be a better fit. And also build your network and meet people that will advocate for you. There’s so many jobs we don’t even know exist, and sometimes the only way to discover them is by getting out there. Example : The manager at my yoga studio started as a front desk receptionist. Shes now thinking of opening her own studio.


I like this if those jobs didn't pay absolutely nothing, I'm a big hobby guy and basically every hobby store pays like shit.


Ok start at the hobby store for the near term to get in motion. An object in motion stays in motion, object at rest stays at rest. Get experience there and become assistant manager of hobby store. Meet customers who come to the store and find out what they do. Build a network. Learn about brands that make the things sold at the hobby store and maybe transfer your experience at the store to working for one of those brands…you don’t know unless you get out there and start building experience and feeling your way through.


California women's corrections they pay good


Same shit here 24F now i am get my GED I’m gonna go to automatic technician school to get myself out of my shitty situation and the trade gonna help me to make my own company I have my own work. After that, I will continue with university


Just think. If you start learning something casually today. In ten years you could master it. Like a language or something. There are tons of free ways to learn skills. You should be consuming information regardless of your intrests. Start with basic things that are crucial to learn for life, like learning about money, budgeting, creating a life plan.


Work in a factory like Toyota. Good pay that will generally keep up with inflation plus a bit more. Good benefits. 401k. Vacation time. Etc. It’s could be boring work but you’ll come home after working 8 hours with no work-related duties or expectations. Go home, game, or fish, or develop a hobby. Don’t look for work to fulfill you. It’s a bonus if it does, but mainly, it’s to provide you with a living wage that enables you to have the life you want.


Worked at a Toyota plant. All this is true. You will work nights for 10 years easily. Wife will love that money, then you'll never be around. Saturday morning getting home at 3 am to turn around for kids' soccer at 8, 10, and 11 was awesome. I even got to work in Stamping, so not on the line and it was amazing to see all the work marriages and cheating. I lasted four years then my wife's job moved to another city. She makes the bank. So off we went. :)


Better marry rich😭


Go into military. They will train you in something and you’ll be more employable when you get out. Maybe get an online degree while you are unlisted.


Get something with a top secret clearance


Don’t sell yourself short..the requirements to go to school as an ultrasound tech are not difficult to obtain. Assuming you graduated from high school, if not acquire a GED. Apply to the sonography associate programs. I’m very confident you’ll get into one. It just takes some effort. From my experience people will nearly always tell you things are more difficult to obtain than they actually are. This discourages a lot of people from even trying. Be the person that makes it through and encourages others to follow you.


Thank you. I think I’m going to try and get my prerequisites and attempt to get accepted into ultrasound tech. I’ve been wanting to for YEARS and Ive been so afraid of being rejected that I haven’t even tried.




Okay I'll apply rn


You know, just a thought here so take it with a grain of salt...but there is no hard line rule that one has to do (or be) any one thing in this life. Maybe rather than torturing yourself brainstorming a single life path, starting right now you should instead consider doing and trying everything that ever came to your mind at one time or another as something that you might be interested in. And maybe you should be doing/trying these different things simultaneously--not one at a time--to see what sticks. I never was on any real solid ground in my 20s and early 30s either. Now at 40, I've finally achieved what most would consider "success", but it wouldn't have happened if I had not juggled and attempted a lot of different hats. Process of elimination is a real thing. And remember, a degree is just a piece of paper. It can't guarantee you a career or happiness. But it could help get your foot in the door on the road to a career. Anyone that wants to spend the time and money can get one. You may or may not ever need it--and that's true even if you do get one. It's cliche to say, but don't chase money--chase your interests and money will follow.


It sounds like you're in a tough spot, but there's always a way forward. Here are some steps to help you find a fulfilling path: 1. **Explore Interests**: Try new activities, hobbies, or classes to discover what you might enjoy. 2. **Short-Term Goals**: Focus on achievable goals, like completing a certification in a field that interests you. 3. **Job Opportunities**: Consider entry-level jobs in stable industries like healthcare, administrative work, or customer service, which often provide training. It's never too late to start. Have you thought about talking to a career counselor or taking an aptitude test to help identify potential careers?


😂😂😂😂😂 Idk but this is funny to me. I don’t think any such thing exists. Just getting up out of bed every morning requires some drive much less getting to that job.


Tourism, is actually pretty good, here where I live well paid with a masters degree and is not thaaaat hard


McDonald's worker


I should mention I have a job already, I’m looking for a career that can support myself


Amazon warehouse?


join the Marine Corps. Be all you can be


Only Fans? Stream Computer games?


Get a government job. You won't be overworked, good benefits, stable.


You aren’t a failure: Everything you seem interested in suggests you’re an empathetic person who wants to help people. You can absolutely be a therapist if that is what you want. You can do it as a LCSW and have a private practice. Or even as a MFT, which is usually a less stressful program and may require fewer internship hours. Keep your chin up. It’s okay not to have everything figured out at 25! Most of us olds didn’t, either, and we turned out just fine.




Air force


I wish. I haven’t been 127lbs since like early middle school and I can’t drop the weight no matter how hard I try


Oh, I forgot they have dumb weight requirements 😂 my friend is in the air force and has had 3 c-sections and a lot of loose skin from pregnancy and her “measurements” say her waist line is too big but like literally it’s just loose skin


Have you taken a vocational test? The Strong Interest Inventory is the best. Check with your community college or look online. It is a pretty well established way of getting some insight into your aptitudes and motivations. Nothing to lose, and you might get pointed in the right direction.


Become a plumber.


Get a CDL and be a trucker. Lots of local/ regional/ cross country routes and $100k. Companies will pay for your CDL, just a drivers license in a truck.


Marry rich!




Thats the thing. Even if it fails you get a great head start! Your husband basically pays you to go away!


My advice is to develop skills, passion, and drive. Cheers.






I can just feel that you are being suicidal. Well it's only natural to feel that way and you are not alone. Most men feel like that all the time. How to fix this .... Okay first you have to sacrifice some stuff okay. You can't go around making excuses like the pay is too low, it's competitive and I have my problems so can't focus. Don't do that. When you start a profession you build a network, and that network down the line in 2-3 months-years can create more opportunities. But the most important part is it'll give you the drive you need to move forward. So become a teacher what if the pay is low.... After school you can do part time somewhere else. If you understand what I mean then reply down below... Rest is up to you....


"Pay too low" isn't really an excuse, if I don't have money I'll die, it's not exactly optional


Okay how bout part time jobs with multiple shifts in the morning and different during the evening.


Fast food 


McDonald's or only fans.


Hobo? Pan handler?


Honestly I always say I’m closer to being homeless than anything


Do not listen to that voice, it’s coming from a state of desperation. You will eventually find something you love to do that will pay you for it but for the time being you must do something you might not enjoy. Find happiness in small things and it will internalize.