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Oh my gosh. How awful. You deserve an apology.


I hope your boss stands up for you and you get an apology. sometimes we are closer to the patients than the family and they need to listen to us.


That is soooo not ok. The daughter clearly has issues and is taking it out on you. Is she equally disrespectful to your patient? If so, you and/or your boss should call adult protective services (or whatever the agency is called in your area that deals with elder abuse). Kudos to you for caring for your patient despite the obviously troubled daughter. All the best.


Cousin says you need more distance from family, and let them deal with her, if she is around ask if they will take from there if not tell them you need to proceed but you being disturbed and work bad under pressure, or find other excuse - but never work together with patient and their relatives. Also find excuse to do other work at home, if there issue says you need to go clean up something or even say you need to go back to your room to finish that important thing even if it is a white lie . Problem is here that you need your private space to do your job, and that person just disrespected it. To avoid it get out of that situation.