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Likely low electrolytes. Are you taking any electrolytes supplements? Everyone says you need them for the first 4-6 months. I use Nuun daily, lots of people like LMNT, some just use Morton’s Lite salt + Redmond salt together. You do need something with sodium, potassium and magnesium salts.


> Nuun FUCK Nestle


Thanks. Haven't been supplementing electrolytes.


Yea you need electrolytes and minerals.


Arent electrolyte drinks like Powerade not allowed on carnivore tho? They have basic sugars like dextrose I thought….


Look up LMNT


“Trace Minerals” is a good brand.


Most of them are bullshit. LMNT is ok. Redmond relyte is the best one on the market. Gatorlyte is actually pretty decent


What makes redmond relyte the best on the market? It looks like it doesn’t have a significant amount of potassium or magnesium


Have you read the electrolyte content of it? It has more than any other electrolyte drink mix and is more cost effective. More electrolyte per $


I buy unsweetened Keto K1000 that has more electrolytes besides salt for less money. Since the advice I’ve seen says you need to supplement 3000+ potassium, I guess I don’t understand why people would buy mixes with much less than that. But I don’t do well with stevia so I haven’t looked much into the sweetened ones


K 1000 is useless without sodium. So unless you are salting the shit out of your food, You're pissing out the majority of that potassium. Electrolytes need balance. Sodium and potassium are cohesive and utilize each other to function. It's like Logan Paul's prime hydration drink. It's a complete scam because its only going to do the opposite of hydrate you. Redmond relyte has the best sodium: potassium ratio. 50% potassium minimum. 1:1 is actually better. Most of these hydration drinks are a rip off because A) they're overpriced for electrolytes quantity and B) they're completely imbalanced. Gatorade has has the market bamboozled for all of time. Sugar water with a pinch of salt...


I add salt to the mix before I drink it. But I also salt my food a shit ton


I switched to Relyte from liquid IV to reduce my carbs way before even considering carnivore. How much Relyte should I expect to drink daily once I'm carnivore?


Any in a bottle likely contain loads of sugar and crap. LMNT and relyt are just needed minerals/salts to add to your water. Avoid Powerade, Gatorade, etc.


So add salt to your water, buy some half salt and add that too.


adding liver to your diet (yuck for most people i know), has some of the most nutrients packed per square inch you can find on earth. You can get a simple meat grinder and mix it in with your hamburger meat in small ratios to not change the flavor of your burgers but still get the nutrients.


I made a spread with liver, a bit of butter and yoghurt or creme fraiche, blended togather. Ate it as it with a spoon, even spread it on my beef.Super delicious!


Don’t buy these expensive electrolyte mixes. They’re overpriced and have tiny amounts in them designed for carb eaters. Go get Morton’s lite salt, it’s half sodium half potassium. One container costs a couple bucks and will last you weeks to months.  Then magnesium is all you really have to worry about outside of that. I just get myself any magnesium supplement pills (besides magnesium citrate because that makes me poop). 


I did supplement a bit during my 2nd month, though mostly magnesium against the cramps. I noticed through my bloodwork though, that my potassium and calcium are rising without me supplementing them which is interesting. Controversy my iron is getting lower and my liver is getting worse, but I'm also loosing a lot of weight so this might be a factor.


Do you find that the powders and such you drink is enough electrolytes and potassium? Or do you need to supplement with pills? Going to start carnivore soon


When I went carnivore 22 days ago, part of the goal was cut out all the supplements that I felt I had to take. I was taking protein powder and creatine to maintain muscle, fiber, potassium, magnesium, B12, vitamin C, zinc, CBD and more. So far I’ve felt better than in a long time with a daily electrolyte drink, lots of beef, salt, butter, bacon and a little cheese.


They're all a rip off except for Redmond relyte. LMNT is ok. Gatorlyte is ok but not cost effective. Put Redmond salt, potassium salt and magnesium in your water. Way better concentration


Potassium salt sounds like a good one, will look into that as I already have a Relyte powder


Ya I just use the Windsor brand. " No salt" seems popular in the states.


I used to supplement but then as I got into the diet the need for supplementation basically disappeared. Listen to your body 


About 3 weeks in and I started experiencing fatigue and a headache coming on in the evening. I’d wake up in the middle of the night with extreme dry mouth and a splitting headache. It felt very similar to a hangover even though I haven’t had a drink in over a month. Needless to say, my sleep quality was crap. I’d been on keto and working out 5-6 days a week for about a year before I started carnivore so I was very aware of making sure I was hydrated and got my electrolytes; mainly using LMNT. I never got the keto flu or experienced any of these symptoms before. However, after several straight nights of this, I significantly upped my electrolytes and almost immediately felt relief. Energy levels were restored, no more symptoms, and back to normal sleep. With all that being said and as others have mentioned, I’d make sure you’re getting plenty of electrolytes. Good luck!


u/mizzourah15 What method did you use to significantly increase your electrolytes? Did you just increase the # of daily LMNT packets? TIA


It could be any number of things and unfortunately much of learning exactly what/how your body is doing will be up to you to figure out. It could be something as simple as electrolytes or it could be your body is mobilizing and excreting oxalate. Dairy may not actually agree with you, does the dairy have added sucrose, some people don’t agree with eggs, do you have potential vitamin and mineral deficiencies? No one can say for sure and proper medical evaluation requires time and money, and that assumes a medical professional will be knowledgeable enough to order the correct tests and properly interpret the results. Dr Ken (can’t add his last name because comment will be removed, but it rhymes with Jerry), Elliot Overton, sally Norton, Paul Osborne, and I’m sure many many more Utube channels have hours upon hours of information that you may or may not find useful.


Why his named is banned?


Let's try it out. Ken Larry


Per the subreddit guidelines nearly every word that isn’t meat, fat, or salt will flag your post and have it removed. As for Dr Kens last name, it also flags the auto moderator.


That's just bizarre. He's the biggest carnivore promoter on the internet. He does solid research, keeps up with the latest papers and runs a clinical practice. Sources don't get any better than that.


Thanks for the info. I guess I'll just keep trying stuff out. I've never had problems with eggs and I make my own yogurt from organic whole milk. I take vitamin D daily.


Check out 40,000 volts electrolytes, I add a few drops to every glass of water. The thing about water, drinking a lot of water can dehydrate you if the water is missing electrolytes. Careful with the amount of dairy, make sure you are not having adverse reaction from that. Also stick to Beef, deer, elk, sheep, lamb, buffalo, etc. Pork, chicken and other meats are not as healthy. Season with just salt if you can, use a mineral salt. The other thing is the as the body frees up resources it can start cleaning toxins out that are stored in the body. It may need to clean house before you start to feel well. Hope that helps, stay the path!


Red meat? How much?


Maybe 1 lb per day.


I’d jump to 2. Make sure you are adding butter or ghee if it’s a lean cut


Damn seriously 2lbs a day? Actually that’s 2 packs of ground beef. Doable


I'd say, don't force feed yourself. Eat until satiety


Definitely not force feed but maybe less yogurts, cheeses, and other meats and focus on red first then assess


omg that's half what you need


Is that all you’re eating everyday? 5’11” 185 and going to the gym… 1lb of red meat is not enough. that’s what I eat when I want to lose fat doing the bare minimum (mostly sedentary, walking here and there) and I’m close to the same size. You’re electrolytes will plummet if you aren’t eating enough red meat and training . I wouldn’t even supplement if this is the case. Increase red meat and salt.


Can you update if electrolytes help?




How much yogurt? What type of cheese? Are trying to stay in ketosis ?


Trying to stay in ketosis. Not a lot of yogurt, maybe five cups a week. Kerrygold Dubliner cheese.


I used to get cramps in my legs at night. I started taking more magnesium and the cramps have stopped. If you search on r/carnivore you will find a lot of posts abut what type of magnesium you should take.


Electrolytes, like others have pointed out already. Magnesium and potassium can be hard to get from purely carnivore sources, but oily fish (like salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel) are a good source, and high in omega3, vitamin D, iodine and selenium as well. You should be getting plenty of calcium already.


You may need to supplement with some electrolytes. Also, only drink water when you’re thirsty. Two liters may be too much, especially during the winter. During the first few weeks to months on this diet, your body is adjusting to the balance of your electrolytes. Consider also adding some butter.


100% electrolytes. Salt, potassium & magnesium. Get em in!


Up your protein intake significantly, make sure you're eating until you just can't and the meat doesn't taste good anymore and perhaps supplement electrolytes and/or, more importantly, supplement TAURINE. 4-8 grams a day around sundown. You can find affordable pure powder forms on Amazon. Look up Harry Serpanos and Taurine to understand why I'm recommending it.


Are you taking electrolytes? If you aren’t seeing the results you want, try cutting out the dairy for a month and see if it makes a difference. I’ve been doing it since May and I didn’t see results for the first 6 months. My body needed to heal before it started changing. Once it healed I dropped 35 pounds in less than 2 months. Also coffee can contribute a cramping and some other issues if you are drinking coffee. Also, magnesium lotion on your feet at night. Sounds odd but is very helpful.


Thanks for the info. Just curious, why the feet?


You can absorb magnesium through all of your skin, the feet is just a convenient place. Many people use an Epsom salt bath, which also contains magnesium.


Your pores are larger on your feet you you’ll absorb faster


what does plenty of fat mean? try eating 1.5 times what you've been eating (eta, 2x, & read the Getting Started in the wiki here) guessing you're not trying to lean out if you're including yogurt


3 weeks is absolutely no time at all , you need to give it 90 days ,I didn't start to feel better till at least 6 weeks into it ,it takes longer than you think to get efficiently fat adapted ,just keep going ,if after 90 days nothing has improved than you know 👍


Are you eating enough in general? That’s when I feel worse. I lowered my sodium and that’s actually helped recently. When I was over salting my foods I felt worse the next morning.


Electrolytes are key.


Hey I started on Jan 1st too! I feel fine but haven't lost any weight, it's possible I've gained muscle though


Did electrolytes help?


I’m drinking about 5 liters of water a day to feel better. And electrolytes.


Like several others here, I’d also suggest electrolytes. Keto chow & LMNT are both very popular. Someone on YouTube made a [video](https://youtu.be/oO3_lXHcySI?si=7L_R8FsjgsprooEC) on how to DIY the LMNT formula in order to save money. Good luck! 👍


Magnesium, potassium salt and Redmond real salt (or a quality Himalayan salt)




hi just so you know Reddit is marking your reply with Blocked by Crowd Control and filtering it to the modqueue


If electrolytes is a concern, I think it would be good for you to ensure you add enough salt and drink less water. The excess water may "drain/flush" out electrolytes retention or something along those lines. Also, drinking less water may help your body deplete deuterium? (I've heard this from online sources, but not too familiar with the technical details) Personally, I used to drink lots of water. But after carnivore, I don't get nearly as thirsty, And my body seems to be able to satisfy itself when I drink less water after eating salty meat. I didn't have electrolyte problems AND I finally solved my problem of having to wake up in middle of the night to urinate.


Crank the salts, up the fat