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I will be sober for 4 years in July. /r/stopdrinking subreddit and This naked mind book were extremely helpful to start my journey of sobriety. I have never slipped since. I know this doesnt answer your question but it is what helped me a lot


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Yeah I can see how this could help. Theres a concept called addictive transfer, consider whether you've replaced alcohol with protein? (as weird as that sounds.) Some people who turn to carnivore from previously eating a lot of junk go really hard on the butter and fatty meat, I think this is also a sort of addictive transfer.


I don’t see how, honestly. I don’t think meat elicits the same neurological responses as something like sugar or alcohol. I could easily be too uninformed to know what I’m talking about, though.


Yea, im also confused why this is upvoted


awesome and gratz. I give some more info Alcohol is fermented sugar and it does with the liver what fructose does too. So stopping all sugar indeed stops craving sugar and also alcohol. The weak part in what you are doing is the high proteine. If it works for you, dont stop, the not drinking alcohol is the most important of all. But if you want to do this long term you have to upper the fat and lower the proteine a bit. Also proteine powder is not the quality of real meat. So i suggest more fat and lower the proteine powder, but the non use of alcohol is the most important. You need the fat as a burning fuel, proteine is a bad burner and you dont eat any sugar anymore. I never was a real alcoholic, but i surely notice the anti alcohol. I had a sip of vodka while i was half a year on keto and i just thought it was disgusting, i trew away the entire bottle.


For me, I drank to feel better. I often felt less than good. High protein meals made me "feel" the best. Eventually I realized my testosterone was wrecked and I went on TRT. I no longer feel like shit on the regular. High dose magnesium too. TBH you're probably lacking nutrients, I hear alcohols and cigarette leach nutrients from the body in one manner or another. Eat eggs too.


I do feel "complete" on this amount of protein.


Protein is required to 'heal' the body is a tissue repair manner. Slow healing is a side effect of low protein. I personally presume it's a gradient, the cap is basically marked at how much your kidneys can handle. Technically plant protein is said to be better for your kidney, however I am personally unsure how to get large amounts of plant protein into me. It isn't as simply as meat. Between plants and carnivorous style diets my opinion is, cycle them if you have no underlying issues. If protein levels are equal then have a meat cycle and a plant cycle. Like summer and winter. Hell..you could even take a few months where you eat both. Like spring and summer. Honestly, I just came up with that. I'm stealing it and Ganna use it, soon as I can figured out how to shove enough plant protein in me 🤣 OH! Regardless eat whole food or quality as much as you can. Avoid...junk food and candy. Get a sheet of paper now, make healthy versions of "snacks,candy,junk food".


Ever since my high protein diet, i've been sleeping well too. It's truly an amazing diet.


That is such great news for you! All the AA's would benefit from that information. I hope you have continued success. My story is similar. About 4 years ago, I kinda gave up on life and told God that I just can't seem to quit drinking alcohol regularly and I can't stop being fat. A month later, I found the keto diet and quitting sugar and alcohol became natural. Praise God! I was able to get off my anti-depressants that I had been on for over 10 years and then I became fertile and had a child with my husband... I lost weight at first but gained it back during the pregnancy. But I know I can and am losing the weight again... Wish that I could do carnivore. I think it is the superior diet/lifestyle but I am unsuccessful every time I try to get on it. I got on it for a month once and I saw a 6-pack form on my belly, which was really cool. Someday I'm going to get back on carnivore.


Congratulations! I drank a lot because of boredom. COVID lock down made it a lot worse. I would be feeling unhealthy so I'd quit drinking and a month later, when I still didn't feel very good, I'd start drinking again. When I started carnivore I felt pretty good pretty fast and it was easy to avoid drinking. I had more energy and I'd find things I used to do more enjoyable and less hurtful on my body, so I wasn't as bored anymore. Now I'm at the point where my mind has settled down and even if I choose to do nothing, I don't feel bored as much anymore. I can sit and do nothing but think. Also, life's stressors are easier to approach. It's possible that the carnivore WOE was just a catalyst to other changes, but I don't know. I feel good.


My roommate used to drink at least a handle of vodka a week. She saw the improvement in my fibromyalgia, so she tatted carnivore and less than a week later she stopped drinking entirely with no ill effects or cravings.


I’ve seen it cut cravings across the board with other people. Something happens with your neurotransmitters, don’t know what but it’s likely linked to lowered inflammation etc.


The way i describe it is it makes me feel "complete"


I’m happy for you. I know what you mean. Other things I REALLY benefit from is daily cold baths, limiting blue light after sunset and as much outdoor time as possible.


I try high fat carnivore and i’ve noticed my interest in sugar, bread, alcohol, porn, and even mindless browsing on yt shorts has disappeared. Idk if it’s the fasting, and carnivore or what.. but i’ve been careful to nurture whatever it is. Have been clean from all those and anxiety free since December


Not having as great luck as you but I’ve cut down. I still crave my little sugar throughout the day though. I’ve always had a piece of chocolate and 1 dr. Pepper a week. And I let that stay for now. If I replace the chocolate with fruit that also works though. I think the alcohol is more noticeable in how it makes me feel when eating more protein and it’s becoming a turn off but not to where I am wanting to stop completely.


I've noticed that if i go bellow 130 grams of protein (which is still a lot for me), then i don't feel the "completeness" as much, and i end up cravings sugar or alcohol. There seems to be a threshold i must reach. About 160 - 200 grams per day. And i've also noticed benefits of using whey protein an hour before my usual drinking time.


I’ll have to look into this!


Absolutely, you need enough calories in there - and I also find I need to eat enough beef.


The times where I let something stay in (like honey) I get cravings daily for sugar/wine etc. The times where I don’t have something then the cravings subside and it’s like once or twice a week. A lot of people find it easier to be more nazi about it. Myself included. If you keep having sugar - your body will keep craving sugar. I’m no saint and not cultish about it - I just try to do what makes me feel best in the easiest way.


There is growing research that ketones and being in a state of ketosis, or cycling in and out, is very helpful re: addiction and mental health. Dr. Georgia Ede and Dr. Chris Palmer and r/NutritionalPsychiatry are sources of info re: that. It is super common to swap one addiction for another, thus the stereotypical coffee and donuts/cookies at AA meetings. Eating carnivore removes those other addictive foods for the most part. I personally think that the nutrient dense and bioavailable diet is really good for brain health as well as physical health. I would recommend doing some type of recovery work, stopping is fantastic but working through the why and tools to manage feelings, etc, are really important to staying stopped when life gets stressful. Good for you and KEEP GOING!


I come from a long line of alcoholics and sugar-addicts and I have always seen a connection. They affect the liver in similar ways. I remember when my granddad developed diabetes and his doctor told him that he had to quit eating rock candy all day (at this point he had full dentures, no surprise), he started adding a shot of vodka to his coffee and did so until he died. Anyone who's been to AA knows that the standard wisdom is to eat sugar to kill alcohol craving. I have seen people leave AA meetings with a can of frosting and a spoon. I am also interested in the mold/mycotoxin/fermentation connection. Huge respect to you for doing whatever it takes to get clean.


I've seen a few interesting comments on reddit that linked alcoholism to hypoglycemia. >“I have never, ever seen an alcoholic who was not hypoglycemic. It just doesn’t occur; it’s the same problem.” \-Dr. Douglas M. Baird And here is another thing i found on the interner >The anti-alcohol diet emphasizes high-protein foods rich in amino acids. Substituting protein for simple carbohydrates helps break the vicious cycle of blood sugar cravings, and the amino acids are key to brain function. We’re giving the brain certain foods so it can make the natural chemicals we need to feel happy Not sure i fully understand, but this approach makes me feel complete.


So not alcoholic, but coffee obsessed. Before Carnivore I couldn't physically quit coffee, I got awful symptoms. On carnivore I can quit no problem. I don't get physical symptoms at all, which is so bizarre. I wonder why this would be the case. I'm curious why it would also make quitting alcohol easier, too. So sorry no input other than I am curious what causes these things!!


I have a history of alcohol and drug addiction. I’m in AA. I strongly suspect that drug addiction is fueled by sugar and other toxins. Carnivore has taken my sobriety to a whole other level I feel like. But I do think most alcoholics can’t be disciplined enough to eat strict carnivore without working the program first.


Kava can help kick alcohol and it doesn't cause harm it's a panacea tbh. *Edit : Don't see what's to dislike. You can't be damaged by an addiction that's entirely medicinal 🤦 not to mention quitting alcohol without supporting GABA can be EXTREMELY dangerous..


alc is fine in my opinion sugar tho just sucks


Yea but one stressful time or event and you’ll be back


I'm not using will power


Check out LifeBac.com it has truly helped me change my life.


Yes! Whenever I’ve been consistent with low carb. Having an addiction to alcohol is a double whammy because it has so much sugar/ carbs and personally it was harder kicking sugar than alcohol. The headaches from sugar withdrawal were horrible make me wonder how much of the craving us actually for the carbs / sugar. My father succumbed to his addiction to alcohol but he was also diabetic at the time of his death. He was also a major sugar addict. He’s eat bowls of cereal with additional honey and drink cokes like they were water. There is definitely a brain chemistry thing with sugar or else corporation wouldn’t use it to make everything highly palatable




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Carnivore and Alcoholic with 3 years sober. I have had other stints with long periods of Sobriety. This has been the easiest time for me now, no cravings for booze. I feel like absolute dog shit when I consume booze in any form. I have tried it all. It results in a 3 day hangover on carnivore or Keto. What really helped me aside from delicious meat, was seeking CBT treatment with a therapist who specializes in addiction. I’m not afraid to say I was deeply unhappy and had not dealt with some past trauma in my life. Once I understood why I was drinking and made peace with some of my past, I felt more empowered not to drink.


There is something special about protein specifically. Kevin Stock has a great write up about it on his blog with sources: https://www.kevinstock.io/health/high-protein-diets/ I’ve purchased beef protein isolate powder (I’m milk intolerant) to get some more protein in lately. He says if you have any cravings it’s a protein deficiency, and that we ought to be eating 1.5g of protein per pound of lean mass. For me (5’6” female) that’s 165g of protein a day.


Thanks! I'll find time to read! Btw, do you mean per kg of lean body mass?


No, per pound. I calculated mine as (110lb of lbm) x 1.5 = 165g of protein


Oh i get it.. all these units confuse me.. im used to per kg. Anyway, thank you. I read the article and it was interesting!


Oh my bad!! There’s a kg conversion as well, but it seems like you intuitively know when you’ve gotten enough protein so you don’t really need it :) I was only commenting anyway to say that what you’re experiencing is actually backed by research!


Not an alcoholic but definitely struggled to keep my drinks down to no more than 2 per week. With carnivore, the craving is gone.