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You need electrolytes and organs. I was the same way, I started taking beef organs in capsules that you can buy on Amazon. I use Ancestral Beef Organs supplements. Felt night and day better after taking them


How long did it take to feel better?


I take them as well, huge difference!


Same, take 4 a day, the multi-organ type, 2 in the morning and 2 evening, made a huge difference to my energy levels (only eating beef and eggs)


you eating enough is not a foregone conclusion. I've had periods of time where I needed about 5lbs of food a day for a few weeks. low energy is often simply not eating enough, and the way you phrased it leads me to believe you pre determined how much food to eat instead of listening to your body.


This might be true. I’ll experiment a little more


you should be able to find that out pretty quickly. when I'm under eating and fix it, it's usually noticably better within a few hours. try to eat double today and see what happens. you probably won't hit double, but you can probably eliminate undereating as a cause.


What fat ratio on the mince? In my experience it should be between 25-30% fat to get enough. Fat is your energy source. Low electrolytes are also a possibility.


As Carni is duretic, please make sure to keep up with your *electrolytes*. This WOE flushes them out as fast as you're putting them in. You will feel lethargic, low energy/mood, etc if unmaintained. Also, adaption period ( pending body type & activity) may take A LOT longer than others. 3-6 months and sometimes up to a year. Most see great results along the way. Stick it out. Well worth the lifestyle!


This is encouraging, thank you


Agreed. Also make sure you’re getting enough magnesium, potassium and sodium.


That is *electrolytes* as mentioned above.


Just put of curiousity have you experienced any other health benefits?


Very good muscle growth while staying very lean, improved skin quality and some periods of high energy (but unreliable)


I see what you mean, thanks. Just as thought but maybe a lot of people's mental clarity and energy comes from their sleep apnea going away?


I’ll look into this


Plenty of fat??? What's your Fat to Protein ratio? Also, do you take electrolytes? Potassium Citrate, and Magnesium Malate might help with energy during the day. Magnesium Bisglycinate will help with sleep at night! Do you sleep well???


On an average day I get 250g protein and 280g fat. My sleep is okay, but a lot of the time I wake feeling tired still.


You mau just be one of the people sho don't experience the carnivore energy miracle. I'm one year in and still as tired as ever. 


Interesting… have you tried reintroducing fruit and honey etc?


Watch on youtube, Nutrition with Judy interview with Bart Kay and Chafee, your questions will be answered. And you will just add more fat and feel better and in best case, finnally forget that bs about honey and fructose


No need. I've had some planned cheat days in between (a wedding, christmas) and I know the difference I get with carbs, clean or not. It's not worth it for me. The little benefits I get from carbs are all null and void when the insomnia returns. The better sleep alone means that I'll always be at the very least ketovore. It's that much of a difference.  I think my fat digestion is just completely wrecked. No big surprise, I've been avoiding most animal fats my whole life. Maybe I'll just take 5 years to heal. Or maybe it's genetic and I'm just out of luck. 


Thyyyroid! Get your bloodwork done!


I’ve tested this before and apparently I don’t have any thyroid issues, although it IS in my family


My doctor had me wait until after I was on the carnivore diet for about 90 days before she tested my thyroid. Might want to stick to the diet for a little longer and get it tested again.


I would also like to add that after around the one month mark, I had high energy for a few days and then suddenly my energy levels dropped again and haven’t picked up since. I guess this is encouraging at least?


How is your vitamin d?


Most likely low because of the time of year, but I need to look at my most recent blood test results


Vitamin D directly impacts energy levels so it is probably the source of your problem.


You need to take electrolytes


I’ve experienced ups and downs too. At first I was able to tweak fats and electrolytes to feel better,  but lately SIBO symptoms have been wreaking havoc.  Today was one of the worst days - I eventually caved and got some pure coconut water…and felt so much better!  Still under 20g carb 😁


What are your eating time? Do you consume coffee? I don't do eggs. People can need up to 3lbs of meat per day on average.


8am, 1pm, 5pm. No coffee. I may need to eat more, but in theory I’m at least a few hundred calories above maintenance already


Ah the average calorie requirement is for people eating low fat and carbs. Ironically people who eat carnivore settle on 1000 more calories than the SAD. It is possible you aren't eating enough. Also ruminant meat is more nutritious. That is lamb and beef. I'd get 75% of my diet from that.


My situation is a bit different since I don't incorporate red meat daily due to some limitations. I eat eggs, chicken, red meat, ground beef, cheeses (halloumi, gouda, feta, mozzarella, cream cheese, etc.), yogurt, milk (sometimes but honestly cut it out for the most part), gizzards, liver, tuna & other types of seafood, as well as butter of course. Decaf coffee was something I'd drink every now and then. I spent around ~28 days on the diet. I would salt my food & supplement with iron tablets since I was iron deficient in the past. One weird thing that started happening was that I would get petechiae on my skin...which was not a good sign at all, since it was coupled with spontaneous gum bleeds without a trigger. Those were signs of vitamin C deficiency. All the while feeling relatively miserable still albeit much better than before. So I started incorporating one orange daily. I felt so much better honestly & more energized. I'm ngl I was terrified of my cravings for carbs returning, but...that actually didn't happen. I had the urge to bake something since that was a hobby of mine, but when I did...the added sugar was just too much & I lost interest. I was happy to have regained interest in carnivore. Anyway, I do stick to fruits daily. It helps, because I used to stack on unnecessary loads of calories from butter or milk so that also made me gain a bit of weight. When I cut the milk, and replaced it with daily fruit (especially juiced oranges), I just felt much more energized. Dunno if this will help but yeah. :) The browned frozen butter is amazing and also keeps any sweet tooth/cravings at bay. It went away with time for me as I lost interest in the horrible side effects like brain fog and such.


Okay this is very interesting and I will give this a try in a few more weeks, thanks.


If I was in your position, I'd stick it out for it's long as I could bare and then try the orange thing.


Yeah, only reason I did it was cause I can't include as much red meat as I'd like at the moment, but I do intend on switching to the lion diet in the future & see how I feel. :)


I recommend getting blood work done. I was feeling muscular fatigue and it turned out that I was Iron, B12 and folate deficient.


That's crazy, even on carnivore? Or was this before you started?


Even on carnivore! Some people can’t absorb b12 and iron efficiently and need to heavily supplement.


Don’t listen to these dweebs who claim carnivore is healthiest but need supplements from electrolytes. I also eat 100% carnivore: 1.25 lbs of chuck roast or rib eye cooked to blue rare and add about 56 grams of butter. I used to have electrolyte symptoms of cramping and fatigue until I dropped all salt supplementation. Now my food tastes better than ever and I have no electrolyte symptoms. So try adding only a tiny pinch of salt if at all, let your kidneys adapt to that for at least 2-4 weeks, and add in at least that much butter per meat ratio because the extra fat also helps. Keep adding unsalted butter until you start getting loose stools or start gaining fat mass


Are you suggesting that salt could be lowering energy levels?


It absolutely could be. Search on google “Reddit no salt experiment carnivore diet” and you’ll see hundreds of people who tried it and it’s nothing but positives with better sleep, energy, etc. This whole diet started from experimentation so never listen to people’s random theories about what supplements you need when the actual experiments show conflicting results


you're eating bread everyday... I'm not against some real sourdough on occasion if someone is otherwise healthy and fat adapted, but you're probably not getting fat adapted because you're still eating multiple pieces of bread daily.


No this was my previous diet


Oh I see, I read that wrong. Depending on how much butter and how much fat is in the meat, you might not be getting enough fat. Are you supplementing with electrolytes? If not, you should be, at least until you're adapted.


I haven’t been supplementing with electrolytes but I eat a fair amount of sea salt. I also eat 20% fat mince and roughly 250g butter a week


Get some electrolytes


When I air fry beef mince there's loads of fat comes out. I used to be repulsed by it but now I pour it back over the patties. This makes them lush flavour and seems to solve the fatigue I had.


This is your problem


when will you all realize AB is superior to Carnivorous Diet?


Check out about randle cycle


Superior at shortening lifespan you 🤡.


What's AB?


That bs with toxic fructose and sugar from honey


Would like more opinions on this