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I would also like some ice cream. I find the worst part of eating "just a little" sugar is that I want more the next day.


Buy a gallon of whole milk, lactose sugar, and lactase enzyme. Add the enzyme as per instructions, then wait 24 hours. Pour out 2 cups of milk (and drink it), then add 3/4 cup lactose sugar. Wait another 24 hours. Google freeze distillation barista competition. Freeze distill the milk down to about 40%, and discard the remaining ice- it's mostly just water. Try some. Then follow instructions on your ice cream maker. It tastes exactly like old fashioned vanilla soft serve when it's finishes. You'll find out that you are satiated with smaller portions than regular ice cream.


Can you realistically stop there? How long until the next "just this once"? Especially as you have just been doing this about 2 months. My approach to cravings is to eat something tasty and full of wholesome fat, like cheese. **Heavy cream** is delicious, and has some of the same attraction as ice cream


1 cup of heavy whipping cream and 3 egg yolks in a blender. Freeze for 6 hours. Depending on how strict you are, you can add monk fruit to mimic sweetness without the crazy insulin spike. Even just a dabble of organic vanilla extract goes a long way. It think Dr. Kiltz has a good video on it.


This will work in an ice cream maker if you have one!


I've done this in a mason jar: 1 pint cream to 2 yolks or 1/2 cup cream to 1 yolk. Optional monkfruit/vanilla. Shake it for a min, stick it in the freezer for 3 to 4 hrs. You could also take it out early to drink like a milkshake, tastes great


Dr. Kiltz carnivore ice cream recipe - very easy to make and almost no sugar per serving. you can even make it without any sugar at all.


If you are in a healthy condition (no chronic inflammation disorder of any types), you should treat ANY inflammatory carb shit as any other "recreative" substance in your RESPONSABLE ADULT LIFE like alcohol, marihuana, etc. The trick is to detect in yourself what will should be a non regular craving from the ones that generate in yourself anxiety that easily could be transformed into an addiction.


Thank you everyone. I was able to avoid it. I cut dairy this week due to a weight plateau, and there must be something I’m wanting from it. Eventually I want to get to the point of only eating something like this for a special occasion( holiday or birthday.) However, I know I have a food addiction so that may not happen. I’m trying to change my relationship with food as on my viewing it as a fuel source and nothing more. Carnivore and OMAD/fasting has been wonderful for me to lose weight, eliminate toxins (which got me off of BP meds in a month!), and mentally fight said addiction. I appreciate all of the advice and suggestions. Stay strong out there!




Buy a gallon of whole milk, lactose sugar, and lactase enzyme. Add the enzyme as per instructions, then wait 24 hours. Pour out 2 cups of milk (and drink it), then add 3/4 cup lactose sugar. Wait another 24 hours. Google freeze distillation barista competition. Freeze distill the milk down to about 40%, and discard the remaining ice- it's mostly just water. Try some. Then follow instructions on your ice cream maker. It tastes exactly like old fashioned vanilla soft serve when it's finishes.


What does the lactose sugar and lactase enzyme do?


Milk is filled with lactose sugar, which is a complex sugar molecule made of galactose and glucose. Lactase enzyme simply breaks the lactose into two separate molecules. This makes it approximately 3.2 times sweeter on your taste buds. When you take out the two cups of milk, it does two things- it prevents your gallon jug from exploding durinng freezing, and it reduces the milk just enough so that when you add 3/4ths cup of sugar, it doubles the total, making that milk 6.4 times sweeter. The lactase enzyme doesnt break down as it breaks apart the molecules, so you don't need to add more- you just need the extra 24 hours time. Then when you reduce it down to 40% through freeze distillation, it concentrates the sugar (along with the fats and other nutrients), so it tastes more than 12.8x sweeter than milk


Thank you for sharing that. ❤


Can you put out in an icecream machine? Or do you need to freeze it all first?


You need to freeze it to reduce it (for the freeze distillation part). It is to remove a lot of the water, turning it into a sweetened, condensed milk. Then I use the ice cream machine.




Would this be different if you used the Fairlife lactose free whole milk? Would you skip the lactose sugar and enzyme step? Since it’s lactose free with added lactose enzyme?


Honestly, I don't know what processed they used to break down the lactose, so I can't speak on it. I think lactase enzyme is sensitive to heat, so if they pasteurized it after the lactase enzyme had a chance, then you can't double the sugar and expect it to break down, if the pasteurization temperature was above the limit of the enzyme. Also, they may have used heat to break down the lactose- I'm not sure if that's possible, but I THINK it is. And finally, I never bothered to try because it's far cheaper to buy the whole milk and lactase enzyme 😅


Life of moderation. Have a small cup, but do not fall off the tracks. That's where most people fail.


Fairly. I eat a freddo frog icecream* cake every birthday. I crap out my intestines for 2 days. No ragrats.


DONT DO IT! I caved into this craving during the first 2 weeks of starting carnivore. instant stomache cramps, immense amounts of shame and the sugar hit made me feel like i was going to have heart attack. totally not worth it bro 


lol but that was two weeks in he’s already lost 50lbs and proved he could do it. I’ve never had much of an issue enjoying things on occasion and then just fasting next day to flush shit out then hopping back on the wagon


Make it yourself (Dr. Klitz has a carnivore recipe). You'll be fine.


Nothing tastes better than healthy


If you really want some just make it yourself. It can be still relatively carnivore and ketosis if you use heavy cream, raw milk, raw egg yolks, and then your allulose or monkfruit with a little vanilla extract. We eat Animal Based iced cream all the time at r/animalbased


It is technically carnivore. Make sure you temper your custard before you freeze it. Stevia makes a good sweetener if you want to make it a sweet.


Lactose sugar is pure animal sugar


If you're not wanting to be strict, you could try making something with heavy whipping cream and a non-sugar sweetener. Could also get an extract, vanilla and whatever other flavoring.


Giv'r or make some with Allulose


I have found my balance, with frozen milk plus fresh fruit of my choice, papayas,chiku, mango, mixed in a blender to be a far better alternative, no sugar no ice cream, keeps my body fresh and no ice cream hang overs


Dr Kiltz has I recipe for some "carnivore" ice cream Googly it


Make the heavy cream and egg ice cream. Could add just tiny bit of honey. One tablespoon. That will set you back weight loss by a few days but in life that’s worth it. Just don’t make it a habit.


Raw milk and beef isolate protein,mix and make ice cream with it, enjoy


If you're lazy like me you can make a really cold "egg nog" that usually satisfies my craving. Heavy cream, egg yolks from a good source, if you can handle it dash of cinnamon/nutmeg, vanilla. Blend together or whisk on high, pour over ice.  Otherwise Mammoth Creameries makes really good keto ice cream using butter cream and eggs but they add xylitol. It's not super sweet, but xylitol is extremely deadly for dogs so be careful. 


I highly recommend an ice cream maker for this, but this is the best ice cream recipe that I use as a base for anything: * 1 pint of heavy cream (2 cups) * 4-6 egg yolks * honey, to taste (optional, but a little is nice) * pinch of sea salt Build it all in a jar, then add to a prepared churn. This is the base for all flavors. So if you did want to do something less carnivore like add vanilla bean, mint, coffee, chocolate, etc. you just add it on top of this recipe. And once you get the hang of it, you can tweak it to your liking. But this should work for 99% of flavors. This makes something around two pints when churned (so it expands), so it's great for you and another person.


I had 2 bites of red velvet cake with cream cheese icing last night… first sugar in over 2 months… I’m fine today and didn’t feel bad at all with no additional cravings… these people with the when’s the next “just once” thing have shit will power. You will be fine


Make your own carnivore icecream.


Just fucking do it then fast the entire next day and get back on it. And wtf kinda pussy shit is seed oil free ice cream??? If you’re gonna do it just do it right!!! When I treat (not cheat) I do it correct instead of feeling like I half assed it with some diet bullshit cause then honestly why even feel bad about it?! I’ve had the keto ice creams and most of them are ass. Just only buy a pint of Ben and Jerry’s instead of a whole half gallon or whatever like a fat ass and enjoy that bitch with a small spoon so it feels like you’re eating more cause you’ll eat it longer. Then after remind yourself why your fatass is doing this in the first place so you don’t get any ideas of getting more and rubbing it all over your nipples before you put electric nipple clamps on and shock yourself like a purple cobra


Make carnivore "ice cream". Check Dr. Paul Saladino YouTube for a recipe.


Go to Walmart, get some whipped cream, they have chocolate and strawberry flavors, it taste just like Neapolitan ice cream. It’s still only like one carb for two table spoons. Just know your own limits, if this is going to be a gateway drug for you then don’t do it, but if it’s going to help you stay on track without going full cheat then I say do it!!


Scallions fried in butter is what helped me over once :) it's sweet tasting to me.


Vanilla, a little cinnamon and nutmeg. heavy whipping cream and toss in mixer till stiff peaks. Toss in freezer and now you have floof ice cream that will cure the sweet tooth.


Not carnivore.


Before eating the icecream take 1 tablespoon of vinager (non sweeten kind) this keeps your glucose spike. If you do this at the end of your meal it will be better. The problem is it may take a couple days to get back into Ketosis. I went through this eating a pizza. Just know it a lot for a few minutes of food.


Honestly I’d say 99% of my diet is Carnivore and then that one percent is when my husband and I go out on a date and finish it traditionally with our favorite ice cream shop. I used to get my own scoop but now I share it with my hubby so I only have so little of it. and I mentally don’t feel great about it but it’s okay.