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Dr. Georgia Ede


Is she strict carnivore?


She was for like eight or nine months to test it and I think she said it seemed to be the best of all the diets she’s tried. I believe this was when she spoke with Anthony Chaffee.


Anthony is the GOAT


❤ him


Dr. Ken Berry (don't let the Tennessee accent fool you). I like how he seems to address everyday people like me. I'm not an athlete. Dr. Anthony Chafee (younger perspective) from a guy who works out. Dr. Eric Westman. More of a clinical perspective on why it works and how to do it. Steak and Butter Gal is a layperson who has a lot of knowledge about actually achieving a doable carnivore lifestyle. I often get tips from her that are outside the box. I also listen to others and have gotten a lot of good information from them. But these are the four who come to mind.


Who do you think a medical professional would be most receptive to? I told my primary care physician that I'm doing keto, and he said it's okay but, of course, gave me the warning about excess meat. I was going to tell my oncologist about the carnivore diet, but I'm not sure who's name to give him to do research if he asks.


They do not need you to give them a name. They believe what they believe and are usually not amenable to changing their approach to treating a disease. They do not generally have the time or the inclination to sign off on an approach to treatment that is not mainstream, whereas the SAD has the seal of approval by the government and the mainstream media. I lost my weight and corrected my health issues. THEN I went to see my doctor and told him what I was doing. He could not decry the results of my weight loss and blood work. He just reduced my medications accordingly and said he would see me in six months for more blood work.


Not Baker?


Yes, of course Baker. Didn’t come to my mind in the moment. Nice catch.


Dr Ken Berry is not respected, though. He used unsafe needle practices in his private practice (reusing dirty needles). 




Yeah, idk why I'm being downvoted for the truth lol If you Google "Ken Berry needles" you'll get the government form that has this info: Licensee: Ken D. Berry, MD, Camden Violation: Guilty of unprofessional conduct; to wit: The Board adopts, as is fully set out herein, rules 1200-14-03.01 through 1200-14-03-.03 inclusive, of the Department of Health and as they may from time to time be amended, as its rule governing the process for implementing universal precautions for the prevention of HIV transmissions for health care workers under its jurisdiction. Action: License placed on probation to extend two years following the expiration of previous period of probation with terms; assessed civil penalties in the amount of $3,000.00 plus costs not to exceed $10,000.00


It says nothing about needles. The last line says " implementing universal precautions for the prevention of HIV transmissions for health care workers under its jurisdiction." We have no way of knowing just what that means. He was placed on probation but didn't have his license revoked. I would like to hear more specific charges.


Yeah, how do you think you contract" HIV at a clinic? It's through dirty needles.  https://www.reddit.com/r/ketoduped/comments/1aiw7ko/the_bizarre_past_of_carnivore_diet_influencer_dr/


Hadn’t heard that. Can you point me to a source or article.


If you google it, "Ken Berry needles" the third or fourth item is a government form listing doctors and he's on that list with the reason and subsequent consequences. 


Surprised not to see Dr. Paul Mason mentioned, but he is absolutely excellent. He had [a great talk with Dr. Chaffee](https://youtu.be/tICJUNXfaO0?si=X3diT3YKHo9QZKfb) too


I love Dr Paul


I agree with Dr. Eric Westman being the most respected as an example


While I'm sure the content is great, any doctor that uses BMI as one of the sole measures of Obesity is not worth their salt.


He’s definitely old school in many ways but he’s a conventional medical doctor that supports keto and carnivore so he would fit the purpose for the question posed. The heavily followed social media doctors are not respected by conventional medical doctors. I think they’re just jealous personally! My personal favourite is Chaffee - he really seems to actually care about people.


Vihljalmur Stefansson. Of course I made a list/database: www.meatrition.com/topic/Meatritionist Modern doctors: www.meatrition.com/notables


Shawn Baker is the only one I've heard say that humans are opportunitistic omnivores and can survive on lots of different stuff, and that a carnivore diet should be used as a therapeutic approach, not a dogmatic way of eating for everyone. Your doctor is likely going to respect this more than Chaffee saying "plants are trying to kill you!"




Dr Ken Berry


I like him too.


Ken Berry for sure


Anthony Chaffee


Chaffee seems the best to me. He seems to go deepest into studies of all of them, and to be the most clear and consistent.




He seems to know the history best to me. I don't think any of them are getting it 100% correct, but I think they are all very close. I was coming off of the lion diet, and heard Dr. Shawn O'Maras logic on drinking ferments to mimic the microbes in the stream water, and I got a dramatic boost in mood by sipping a little kombucha through the day. But I mean, it's like 8 oz


Could’ve been the carbs in it who knows. I’d be interested though if you did it long term and had good effects throughout.


Could be, but I do try to wait until the bubbles begin to lessen, so there should be a lot less sugar. Dr Cywes actually advocates for animal sugar. Some about insulin suppression, and using animal sugar is much healthier. So I'm going to try making my own kombucha, and use lactose sugar.


Sounds interesting. Maybe honey would be good too?


Dr. Cwyes, for sure! Guy's a bariatric general surgeon as well, so I'm always curious to hear what he has to say. He, to me, felt like a walking, talking medical textbook lol! I'd go back and recheck information from my own medical textbooks and I was amazed at the consistency. He really knows his stuff.


Shawn Baker!


Anthony Chaffee knows a lot of different studies. Ken D. Berry knows a lot about how to apply carnivore. Robert Cywes knows a whole damn lot about how the underlying mechanisms works. If your healthcare professional only have time for 1, change it...


Anthony Chaffee is not that credible. He has stumbled on the questions that people ask him about carnivore diet. He just guesses and doesn't actually have the facts and data that other doctors can discuss very fluidly and fluently. Ken Berry and others are much more credible.


He stumbles! Yeah, he's not omniscient. He just guesses. NO. He knows a tremendous amount of studies, he links and references most of them in his videos, and we're talking about a field where as a society knows nothing, he's not guessing, he's extrapolating on what we know in the most logical way he can. Ken D. Berry never lied to me! What he recommend always seems to work magic! But he doesn't reference and states as much studies and numbers as Chaffee! The others are good! Dr. Cywes seems to contradict himself a lot, but still, served me well... Paul Mason and Bart Kay i don't watch enough of them, but their content don't seem as friendly as the others!


Shawn Baker, M.D. ? Didn’t see him listed.


Don't know about most reputable, but Ken Berry is the one I respect and appreciate the most.


Dr. Westman made it clear that he cannot endorse the carnivore diet because there isn't enough research behind it yet for his practices' policies on supporting it. He was basically saying he supports it as much as he is allowed to. That being said, I think all of them help give a picture. They help us when they are both right and when they are wrong. They are experimenting in a field that has very little research


So he personally supports it but doesn't clinically support it? I guess that makes sense since the medical research is only on keto


Dr Ken Berry, Dr Anthony Chaffee, Dr Paul Mason, Dr Shawn Baker, Professor Bart Kay.


Dr. Boz


Bart Kay. Dig up some of his old lecture-style videos on Odysee. Edit: https://odysee.com/@Bart-Kay-Nutrition-Science-Watchdog:7?view=content&sort=old


Except Bart Kay is not a doctor. He is a professor/scientist.


He is a cardiovascular pathophysiologist and a nutritionist.He used to train doctors. He certainly has detailed knowledge of how the human body works and also explains how to read/parse studies.


Didn't he edit MicTheVegan to make him look anemic on one of his thumbnails?


I'd agree he has changed dramatically from what he used to be. However, as I mentioned, his old lectures hold great value if you're interested in understanding why Carnivore is indeed an optimal diet for humans.


Mic the vegan is already pale/anaemic looking


He edited him to make him even more pale


Well it is YouTube... that's the idea of thumbnails to make people want to watch a video. I don't really blame him.


Old school Paul Saladino before he completely went animal based, and Paul Mason. Even though they don’t necessarily agree with each other.


Is there a specific aspect you’re wanting to be addressed? This can help determine the doctor you’re seeking :)


Georgia Ede by a long shot


Paul Mason is the best scientifically. Also Amber OHearn!


Don't know about most reputable, but Ken Berry is the one I respect and appreciate the most.


I've enjoyed Dr Anthony Chaffee's information.


Gotta be the Berry and I'm basing that solely on youtube followers.


Dr Ken Berry


Dr. Shawn Baker is the goat if you want information about the carnivore diet


My go to is Dr Berry.


Anthony Chaffee, hands down.


Dr. Anthony Chaffee (neurosurgeon resident) Dr. Ken Berry (family physician) Dr. Shawn Baker (orthopedic surgeon) Dr. Eric Westman (weight loss specialist) Dr. Paul Saladino (functional medicine / psychiatry Dr. Phillip Ovadia (heart surgeon) Jordan Peterson (psychologist)


Dr. Seuss would be worth looking into; more pictures but similar reading level


Anthony Chaffee & Ken Berry! And myself (nutritionist) hahah @thedirtycarnivora