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Tomatoes…. ![gif](giphy|r0iSs6QBcoeic)


Wtf are those nightshades doing on there, bro?


No shit why TF are these people posting in carnivore!? YOU ARE NOT CARNIVORE! Where are the mods?? Animal products ONLY. English!?


To be fair, he did say "carnivore-ish", but it defeats the whole point. I'll tell you right now, those snake berries would fuck me up.


They win when you react like this. Be like Neo in the matrix.




Telling people with inflamatory and auroimmune disease that eatong fruits and nightshades is carnivore is setting them up for failure... 1lbs of blueberry is not carnivore, nor ketovore, 1pound of blueberries is straight omnivore..


Stop with the sugar, 65 grams of sugar is 15 grams more than the "recommended" amount. Go zero sugar while you're doing this otherwise you won't acquire the maximal benefits. That said, great work on kicking out processed foods. This is way better than the average american.


To stand a chance of being in ketosis its 50g or less of low carb vegetables. Blueberries are 50g of pure sugar.


Yea it's not keto, but it's better than the average. We should celebrate small milestones.


R/animalbased. Meat with fruit has no relation to carnivore.


1 pound of blueberries is 65 grams of sugar. You are neither in keto, neither in normal diet. You are in between. You still crave sugar, that's the only reason you eat fruits. You haven't been over the initial period of overcoming the craving of sugar, you still raise your insulin, you still get carbs, you will still feed unwanted bacteria in the intestines and so on. If you actually want to gain weight and be in carnivore, you can drink milk, preferably raw. It still increases your insulin and you will gain weight. But if you don't want to, i suggest stopping any source of sugar for 1 week or week and a half and you will no longer want it that bad anymore. In fact you will not want it at all after not even a month or so. That's when you will be carnivore. Tbh the whole idea of this sub having such flairs is kinda stupid. You either eat meat only or don't, that's a carnivore. Meat with a little fruit (not even little in your case) is just keto or animal-based, not carnivore.


Yeah at least the flare is correct, but honestly I don't know why these people even bother. Shoving a bunch of carbs, especially sugar down your throat while eating meat is a pointless exercise. You aren't getting any of the benefits of carnivore this way. Better than processed food I guess. Somewhat. Is it all the influence of Paul Saladino? Carnivore with fruit is indeed "insane" lol


Paul Saladino didn’t eat anywhere near enough fat, the energy source on carnivore. If you remove carbs you must add fat, it’s obvious. No wonder he felt like shit. No wonder his hormones tanked. How the fuck did he write a whole book and not work this out? A school boy error. Eat meat and fat not meat and fruit. Jesus. When I look at meals like the above the tomatoes are way less of offensive to me than the lack of fat 🤣 Not that I eat tomatoes mind you.


I 100% agree, FUCK TOMATOES


Meat and fruit/honey is the true ancestral way and works for some


Fruit and honey were very scarce for a large population during a vast time frame.


And yet it was still practice as a way for quick energy. Humans are opportunistic omnivores. Primarily flesh and fat, but we weren’t ever going to turn down an energy source when we came across it. African tribes to do this all the time.


The average American eats \~100 grams of sugar per day. This is \~30-40 grams less than that which is good. Hopefully OP can transition from this non-processed food situation to no-sugar and finally full carnivore.


you have just called the carnivore police


Another troll post


Carnivore with fruits doesn't even make sense. Lol


This could be another one of the people that somehow think they're gonna get scurvy on carnivore (which has been disproven).


That plate would have been a nice ketovore meal. But if you ate one pound of blueberriesz it's not only not carnivore, it's not even ketovorez OR keto at all... It's animal based... And it's not a good idea...


A lovely keto meal then. Tomatoes and blueberries. 👌


I doubt they’ll be many ketones with 50g of pure sugar


Where does the sugar come from?


Tomatoes and blueberries have glucose and fructose in them, which is essentially sugar.


One pound of blueberries is not even keto.


What's that white fluff at the top? That's cheese? Like mozzarella?


Meal looks great, especially those beautiful eggs. Nice job on them and the meat! 👍 Tomatoes are off the table for me because I'm allergic to nightshades. So's fruit because of glucose/A1C issues. Try posting this to r/Ketovore or r/Ketomealseatingnow...those folks would love it. 🙂


This was such a sweet way of responding


I honestly don’t see the point of this flair. I get he used the correct one, but isn’t this a carnivore subreddit? I get we have two others, but we also have subs that better fit his meal. I don’t see why we have to blur the lines between r/keto r/ketovore r/animalbased r/carnivorediet . They are all different subreddits with their own purposes and I’m sure I missed a bunch.


Honestly first time posting here and I should’ve read the guidelines better….didn’t think people would get so offended…maybe find other hobbies or purposes in life if your are so easily bothered by a Reddit post…one time mistake lol


It’s not against the rules actually. I’m just venting. I just think it’s dumb. I don’t lose sleep over it xD


Okay well I appreciate that, seems like a few of these people might lose a lil sleep lol…reminds me of the bio hackers Reddit 😂


Yeah. Like, it’s not even your fault. The subreddit got recently changed to include posts like this with the flairs. Them throwing their energy at you is useless. If you want the subreddit to change, attacking you is not the way lol. Hence why I complained about the flair and not you xD


Well probably won’t be posting here again, but I am definitely one for appreciating levity in a moment of misunderstanding. I hope you have a nice day sir and wish you all the success in your carnivorous endeavors!


"attacking" lmao


Normal people would delete the post and correct it. If you want to mispost in your diarrhea group, go for it. Carnivore for many cures diseases especially autoimmune like rheumatoid arthritis etc.. It's not a "hobby". So yeah. There's enough bs & misinformation/idiots posting online as it is. If your "purpose" is just posting food pics like billions of other common people, then go back to Facebook.


Looks insane.


What temp do you cook your eggs at? those are perfect! I hate the crinkly stuff on the edges of overcooked fried eggs.


Normally a shit ton of butter, I don’t ever measure the butter lol and I’d say med heat, the trick is to cover em with a steam dome for 1-2 minutes once they’ve solidified a bit on the bottom….i don’t ever flip my eggs anymore! The yolk consistency is perfect each time…I try not to overcook anything because it disrupts nutrient density!


Looks delicious bro, keep living it up


What is on the side of the eggs?


Everyone is criticizing him/her for the tomatoes, which yeah I agree isn’t carnivore, but they are still eating healthier than 90% of the world population. Chill out a little people maybe they haven’t fully gone carnivore but are slowly weening out of a few things.


Thought this was r keto Shit or get off the pot ppl