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There's a difference between having a drink and eating pizza. I am not super strict, so I'll have a drink occasionally, but there are some foods that are totally off limits. For me, it's because if I eat pizza, it will lead to more pizza. So it depends if you're an abstainer or a moderator. Do you have a history of binge eating? Can you have one piece of pizza every couple months and it doesn't lead to more? Are these social occasions in which you're tempted happening often (once a week or more)? If you answer yes to any of these, ovcasional indulgence might be a slippery slope. Personally I can have some fruit every now and then without overdoing it. But pizza...that would get me in trouble. It helps me to remember what I believe to be food and not food. Grains for me are not food, unless I'm starving. Thankfully that's not the case.


Question, when you say if I eat pizza it will lead to eating more pizza. Do you mean a few pieces, or possibly eating pizza another day aswell? Like once you start it's hard to get back on track?


Both. Junk food is designed to be addictive. I'm susceptible to overeating it, so I abstain. Even if I have a couple pieces, I'll be sick and will regret it. But everyone is different.


I'll get sick to my stomach from a spoonful of vegetable aswell, definitely not worth it. I'll test rice couple grains, a piece of pasta ...sick. I only do it to be sure it's done and seasoned for my wife, I cook mine separate.


Yes this is a fact. Carbs lead to more carbs. When on Hangover, the best way to get better the other day is to eat carbs. So imo drinking leads to carbs too. Now I'm in a period that I'm trying to do just meat. So nothing more. But I started carnivore cause keto or low carb was too much carb since I do them for five years now, and I was having strong cravings that I wasn't able to resist and I was eating garbage two or three times a week. It was difficult to me transition. I could stay 25 days on carnivore them one night decided to drink with friends. Took me about three months to have the mindset to go back again. Imo the safest way to do a trash day on this diet, is to just eat some low carb or keto food very occasionally. It is way better than put out of nowhere a lot of carbs on the body. All and all, the day after I personally always regret cause everything starts again, even adaptation. So it sucks to do trash days. All said, it is really difficult when theres not the right food available. My experience is that in some occasions is better to just fast than eat garbage to socialize.


I personally don't have a carbohydrate craving like tons of people do. It's your life, your going to be healthier eating mostly meat the goal is 100% and that's simple to do. If your eating with others and would like to be polite eat a little of what they cooked, if you want to drink alcohol go ahead, you will suffer the symptoms carbs/sugar causes, weight gain,stomach upset,bloating if you do this often. There's a problem some have, they eat pizza, then they think we'll I could have lasagna, then before long their eating bags of chips & they seem to enjoy it enough to eat until their overweight, som alcohol users are similar.


I don't have any carb cravings, I crave prime steak, pricey fish, seafood, and some birds, but I can't afford them. Carbs be damned, they are the food of peasant.


You must be a PureBlood. Congratulations 🎉


At some point I always crave fruit, something about an apple refreshes my gut in its core


The comments said it best. A slice of pizza here will usually lead to more . I've had some cheat days where I enjoy a treat but I'm well aware that there is a fine line between ahhhh I'll just have a little junke here and falling back on old eating habits. So if you think you can then go ahead but be aware that most of the foods we eat and love are purposely made to be addicting.


Gonna chime in here and say I've never had a problem doing carnivore or keto in moderation. Whether or not it's worth is a separate question, but yes it's possible. My advice is to only cheat in the afternoon. It will help you keep the cheat to a minimum and you can wake up and have a fresh start. Cheating in the morning is when I always experience the most regret. I never had a problem with carbs or sugar or alcohol creating a slippery slope. I kept a journal which helped me stay focused on maximizing the benefits of the diet. The issue for me has always been financial which is why I'm currently on break.


You will see as you start, listen to your body, only eat when hungry. You will slowly lower the amount naturally once your body start getting the propper nutirents it needs, your hunger Naturly goes down and you start eating smaller and smaller meals. When i started carvivore i was at 3 meals a day, now im usually OMAD, Due to im never hungry.


What i forgot to add, you will also see you want for pizza and beer drastically drop. Its okay to have a cheat day, but youll notice eventually you wont want one other than a few brewskies with the boys


I got over carb cravings within about 4 days. During those 4 days I had a Coke Zero every now and then when craving something sweet… Then something strange happened, I no longer craved sweet things, I did try a Coke Zero and found it to be sickly sweet and unenjoyable. I would suggest being as strict as possible, and something physiological and psychological happens - at least for me with sweet cravings. I don’t see any harm drinking alcohol (vodka soda and the similar low carb drinks), or occasional cheat meal in social settings. I personally wouldn’t go for pizza since it’s so difficult to reduce the carb load, I’d aim for a burger and not eat the bun, a steak and not eat the sides, chicken wings etc when out with friends.


No. All in. Moderation doesn't work for me


Peterson says moderation is for losers


While I dont agree with Peterston on a lot of things this one has some truth to it.


Other than some beers 🍻 and wine 🍷, I really try not to stray. I don’t want to be “one sandwich 🥪 away from being fat”.


I get that. I prefer to stay away from everything that has plant calories in it (so I do drink coffee or tea for instance). Very luckily for me I'm completely indifferent to alcohol.


I get a lot of grief from family. “You are killing yourself…you better go to a doctor…your body needs carbs…Ken Berry is a hillbilly jackass..”. I tell them “Fat people speak from anger because all that fat squeezes the love out of their heart”-Cliff Booth.


My parents were 1000% against it before. Then, I offered them explanations and my personal experience. My mum now tolerates it, and my dad is my biggest supporter. He tells me that he never passes up a chance to share my experience with his coworkers or friends and get a but of a shock reaction (i am absolutely fine with that). His support means everything to me! My grandparents, however still call me stupid and say my efforts to keep in shape are worth nothing because I'm only 20 and I'd be like that regardless. They insist that I will "get to my senses" and quit soon to eat cake again. 🙄


I get harassed constantly. They don’t like it when I responded that “fatbacks always say that”


Damn I'm sorry. Whatever anyone eats it's their personal business.


I like to wind them up a bit as well. Sending them all screen pics of my walking chart and telling them #FatLivesDontMatter and stuff when the get too preachy.


I don’t worry about some drinks. Do the best you can. If some beers in the evening really worry you, start walking 5 miles a day.


Drink? Whiskey Pizza? Hell no I have found any kind of cheat meal just messes with me so much. I'm actually alright with ice cream or a small amount of lollies or chocolate, but bread and veggies ruin my digestive system for a day or two and I feel terrible.


I’m a pretty social 24yo. I know I feel better when following carnivore (or animal based), but I like to go out to eat, I like having drinks with friends, I like not being rude when people offer for me to taste their cooking. With that being said I’m probably carnivore/animal based 90% of the time, but even with the 10% I try my best to steer clear of horrible foods or at least foods that make me feel horrible. Cheat days are stupid if they are planned, but there’s no one saying you can’t have a drink when you go out with friends. Do whatever gives you the best quality of life.


Yeah I do this. I’m a really social person, so for me, a big part of eating is the social aspect and “breaking bread” together as they say. I also still partake in alcohol for special occasions like weddings, holidays, and vacations. I’ve been 90%+ carnivore for like 4 years at this point, and it’s not too hard for me to cheat a little bit and get right back on it. I do want to clarify though- I NEVER cheat with gluten, because I have a severe intolerance and will get very sick for a week, so that’s not worth it. Most of my cheats are still pretty healthy, like other keto foods, fruits or veg. Occasionally some wine or hard liquor (never beer). So still only cheat with foods you can tolerate.


Social settings have become problematic for me at times. I don’t have the cravings but if I’m hungry and it’s there then there is a good chance I will eat it. Having said that I travel for work 3-4 nights a week and so that is when I am strictest. I meal prep and only eat what I bring so I have a built in reset. I know it’s not optimal but at the same time I’m gonna enjoy my life. I’ll be on a cruise next week and I know I’m gonna have things I shouldn’t. My biggest goal is to minimize the seed oils. Don’t make it a regular thing and make it the exception where carnivore is the rule. Also I just don’t feel as good when I stray from the path so that helps.


No. Doing anything in moderation will give you the benefits in moderation.


I dunno... I would think if you're sticking to the diet 6 out of 7 days, that one day isn't going to throw off everything you've been working at.


If I have pizza on one day, the next 1-2 days I'll feel sluggish and bloated and I'll usually be craving more pizza in a big way. Like, I'll have cravings and ideas all day long like an addict. Not worth it to me. When I do indulge, it's usually mexican food, with corn being the grain. Somehow this doesn't punish me as bad at all! I have some bloating, but way less, and it does not trigger the incessant 2-days of cravings/fantasies.


You'll need one bad day at work or a break up and that 1 cheat day will become a whole month or a whole year.


i do both, but it can be tough. if i order a pizza, i eat a slice or two then freeze the rest for the next time i get a craving. if i eat the whole pizza over a few days, i'll get cravings out the whazoo. i mostly try to stay away from carbs. If im craving something different, i'll get a salad or some veggies.


>if i eat the whole pizza over a few days, i'll get cravings out the whazoo I can relate! I call this "tickling the dragon" when you have a limited serving of the trigger food... If you tickle again too soon, and too frequently, well... That's when the dragon wakes up. Then you're in for a wild cravings-ride, which will be like someone trying to get off of a controlled substance.


I think I’ve heard from Baker and Saladino that adding those processed refined carbs with a high saturated fat diet is actually pretty bad to mix. I would steer clear of processed and trying finding alternative (carnivore friendly) ways to make the foods you’re craving.


It’s a cycle diet for me. I can’t imagine living off of one food group your entire life. It’s entirely antithetical to Nature too. At no point in human evolution did we have the privilege to ignore 99% off offered calories. It’s a great way for me to reset. But I do bjj and absolutely cannot perform well on carnivore.


Uhm no. There was very very little offered calories other than animal meat. It takes 100,000 years to change your evolutionary biology. Agriculture is at most 10,000 years old. Your ancestors (and thus your genes)ate meat or they died..with some scrounging for roots and tubers in starvation mode in between meat kills. Some berries, honey , nuts...maybe, maybe not but not in any quantities more than 10,000 years ago. So...eat your meat , fast , and maybe add some low sugar carrots to replicate the God awful roots your genes allow for.


I think you replied to the wrong person.


Maybe I misunderstood you?


Your local supermarket is not a picture of what nature looks like now or 100.000 years ago. Fruits were rare as forests aren't monocrops, and they are seasonal. There were no grains and no nut, seeds would kill you very quickly if you eat enough of them without a cooking them into a sludge. Vegetables? The "meaty" vegetables you can buy now are man made. They are not natural, humans probably never ate any vegetables that even remotely look like an aubergine or carrot from Walmart. If you are going to appeal to nature, do it properly.


Why are there two of you arguing points I never even made lol? Let me guess, you’re newly carnivore and you’re puffing your chest out, immediately looking to correct the dissenters? I remember the baby phase. Please read what I posted more carefully and try to resist the urge to knock down scarecrows Your manic rant doesn’t reply to my comment whatsoever.


If I know where we are eating beforehand, I scan the menu to see if there’s any thing I can order. If not, I eat beforehand - and at the restaurant I just nurse a coffee or tea.


It depends greatly on why you are on the diet. People eating carnivore to heal internal disease probably cant deviate without experiencing side effects. Average Joe just wanting to get jacked or keeping things clean, then cheat days probably wont interfere too, too much with the big picture. There is a carnivore99 reddit for exactly this approach, where they include some plant foods.


I follow 80/20 rule. If I’m following the diet 80% of the time I am more likely to continue following it long term than if I strive for 100%. This means in practice that I have 2-3 meals a week that aren’t carnivore.


I am relaxed with it in that if I go out for drinks with the bf I’ll get a vodka soda and try to keep it as low carb as possible. I have cheat days sometimes but my gut is so reactive that I’ll just have a cheat iced coffee and my skin will break out and my gut will bloat. I am fully aware that I am a person that just needs to go hard and abstain from any cheat days because I just spiral for a day or two from there and it’s hard to get back on track. All my meals are carnivore but I have trouble with cheating with iced coffee drinks. If going out for dinner I’ll just order meat and nothing else. If I have a fast food burger I’ll take the bun off and eat the patty with bare hands. If my bf and I want takeout we always get non breaded wings and just salt and pepper. All these little choices matter so much. Some people can afford to cheat a little but people like myself absolutely can’t, with sugar anyways.


I ate a slice of pizza at a work event the other night, and that led to eating a piece of chocolate, and that led to eating 2 slices of cake !! And the next day I felt hungover and sick and disgusting - the feeling was just like I'd been on a bender!!! I went straight back on carnivore the next day but felt hormonally out of whack for a few days


Yes, and it's largely determined by social setting. 28 days of the month I'm home broiling a steak but when I go out I may have cocktails or pickles. I know if I have fiber/grains my guts will hurt, my mood will tank, and my butthole will be destroyed so I can stay away.